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Effect of different concentrations of putrescine on post-harvest life of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruit, cultivar Selva at 5 °C was studied. Fruits were immerged in 0.3, 0.5, 1 and 2 mM putrescine as well as distilled water (control) for 5 min, then transferred into the fridge (5 °C) together with untreated fruits (dry treatment). The rate of weight loss, ethylene production, flesh firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and pH of fruits were determined 5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage. Flesh firmness, appearance, color change and taste of fruits were also determined in the same intervals using a taste panel. Storage life of the strawberry fruits was significantly increased by the use of putrescine, so that the untreated and control fruits had 6 and 8 days storage life, respectively, while the immerged fruits in 1 and 2 mM putrescine were still suitable to be exposed in the market 12 and 14 days after the beginning of storage, respectively. No significant weight losses were observed in treated fruits compared to controls and dry treatment at all determination times. Ethylene production was decreased significantly by the use of putrescine. Untreated fruits (dry treatment) had the highest rate of ethylene production and the lowest rate was occurred in 2 mM putrescine treatment at all determination times (5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage). The use of putrescine also prevented the softening of fruit flesh during the storage and kept their firmness, so that, the 2 mM putrescine treatment caused the highest fruit firmness at all determination times. Distilled water treatment (control) had the lowest fruit firmness 5 and 9 days after storage, while this occurred for the dry treatment 13 days after storage. Soluble solids content, pH and titratable acidity of the fruits were not significantly affected by the use of putrescine, but the highest and lowest rate of titratable acidity were related to the 2 mM putrescine and dry treatment, respectively, at the three determination times. Overall, the quality of fruits was improved by the use of 2 mM putrescine in terms of properties evaluated by the taste panel.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D, the key enzyme involved in membrane phospholipid catabolism, was localized in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruits during development using immunohistochemical techniques. Typical structural features such as the nucleus, cell wall, plasma membrane, mitochondria and vacuole were noticeable in cells of young strawberry fruits. Cytoplasmic structural features were less pronounced in fully grown and turning red fruits, except cell wall, which was considerably enlarged. Also, extensive microvesiculation from the plasma membrane was noticeable in ripening fruits. The number of visible gold particles indicative of phospholipase D increased during development. Phospholipase D was found to be associated with membranous structures and vacuole. Interestingly, gold-particles could also be observed in the cell wall space in ripening fruits suggesting that cytosolic contents may have leaked into the cell wall space as a result of membrane deterioration and loss of compartmentalization. The role of phospholipase D during development and ripening of strawberry, a non-climacteric fruit, is discussed.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, cold-stored plants (summer planting system) are used as the main strawberry planting material (plant establishing period July–August). However, recently fresh plants (winter planting system) have also started being used for strawberry production (plant establishing period October–November). As the plantations originated from cold-stored or fresh plants differ in plant growth and yield, some differences in fruit quality have also been expected; therefore, the objective of the current study was to compare fruit quality of plants originated from different propagation material. Cold-stored plants were well developed before the beginning of the spring harvest, while fresh plants continued growth concomitantly with fruiting. The harvesting period of cold-stored plants lasted 4–6 weeks (second week of April–second half of May). Fresh plants produced fewer and larger fruits than cold-stored plants, but for a longer harvest period, which lasted throughout all summer. Differences in soluble solids and dry matter content between the fruits from cold-stored and fresh plants were observed in the first three sampling dates in both years of the experiment. In some sampling dates, significant differences in anthocyanin, titratable acidity and ascorbic acid content, were observed between fruits of plants originated from different propagation material.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in strawberry to establish a relationship between shading, mineral nutrient of leaves and fruits with albinism incidence. Plants grown under shade produced albino fruits in higher proportion than those grown in open fields. Similarly, plants under shade produced smaller sized fruits and have lower fruit yield. Among cultivars, Etna had highest incidence of albinism (49.6%) and Sweet Charlie the lowest (14.4%). Dry matter content (%), concentration of five major nutrients, viz. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and N:Ca and K:Ca nutrient ratios did not differ significantly in the leaves of plants producing normal or albino fruits. However, in contrast, the concentration of K was notably higher (1.97 mg g−1 fresh tissue weight) and that of Ca was lower (0.098 mg g−1 fresh tissue weight) in albino fruits than normal ones. Consequently, the ratios of N:Ca (11.34) and K:Ca (20.08) were higher in albino fruits than normal ones. Cultivars also differed widely in respect to dry matter (%), mineral content and nutrient ratios. Thus, it appears that lower light intensity favours the development of albinism in strawberry, and it seems that calcium is not the basic cause of albinism, but increased vigour associated with overuse of N and K might be positively associated with it.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in ‘Chandler’ strawberry to determine if pre-harvest foliar application of Ca, B or their combination influences physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality or not. For this, treatments consisted of (i) five sprays of calcium as CaCl2 (first spray was performed at the petal fall stage and later at 7 days interval), (ii) three sprays of boron as boric acid (first spray at the beginning of flowering and later at 15 day interval), (iii) combination of (i) and (ii), and (iv) plants sprayed with water served as the control. Results indicated that fruit harvested from plants, which were sprayed either with Ca or Ca + B had significantly lesser incidence of albinism (6.7 and 6.5%), and grey mould (1.3 and 1.2%) than those harvested from plants sprayed either with B alone or in control. Although, B alone could not influence the incidence of albinism and grey mould, but it reduced fruit malformation (3.4 and 3.1%) significantly. Further, Ca, B or their combination had not influenced the individual berry weight, but marketable fruit yield differed significantly. The lowest marketable fruit yield (149.3 g/plant) was recorded in plants under control, and the highest (179.2 g/plant) in plants sprayed with Ca + B. Similarly, such fruit were firmer; had lower TSS, higher acidity and ascorbic acid content at harvest than those in control. Similarly, such fruit after 5 days storage were firmer and brighter, and have significantly lower TSS (7.9 and 7.8%); higher ascorbic acid content (43.7 and 45.0 mg/100 g pulp) and acidity (1.08 and 1.07%) than those in control or those receiving B alone. Incidence of grey mould was significantly lesser in fruit, which received Ca (2.2%) or Ca + B (1.9%) than those, which received either B (8.1%) alone or those in control (8.4%). Our studies indicated that pre-harvest foliar application of Ca + B is quite useful for reducing the incidence of disorders and getting higher marketable yield in ‘Chandler’ strawberry.  相似文献   

Alpine strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) was grown in hydroponics with the nutrient film technique, in order to evaluate the effects of four buffer concentrations (1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.2 mS cm−1) and two cultural cycles (summer-spring versus autumn-spring) in terms of growth, yield and fruit quality (dry and optical residues, sugars, acids, antioxidants, mineral composition). The longer summer-spring cycle gave a correspondingly higher yield than the autumn-spring one. The 1.3 mS cm−1 nutrient solution was the most effective in terms of overall and spring production. However, the autumn and winter yields were not affected by the buffer EC. Fruit quality did not change with the cultural cycle, but the berries harvested in the spring had higher vitamin C and sucrose content and lower nitrate content compared with berries picked up in the winter. Fruit quality was also improved when the nutrient solution concentration increased. From the productive point of view, the cultural cycle choice should be made considering that 71% of the yield of the more productive summer-spring cycle derived from the spring harvest. Moreover, as regards the nutrient solution strength, 1.3 mS cm−1 EC should be preferred during the spring season, whereas the 2.2 mS cm−1 EC proved to be best in the winter in terms of fruit quality.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to observe the effects of foliar application of gibberellic acid on vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and various disorders in ‘Chandler’ strawberry. GA3 (75 ppm) was applied to the strawberry plants either during mid-November (at fruit bud differentiation stage), or mid-February (pre-flowering stage) or at both times. Fruit under control were sprayed with tap water only. Observations were recorded on vegetative attributes like crown height, crown spread, petiole length, leaf number, leaf area; flowering and fruit set, fruit size; production of albino, malformed and button berries, total yield and marketable fruit yield and quality parameters, like juice content, TSS, ascorbic acid contents, acidity etc. Results indicated that GA3 (75 ppm) spray either during mid-November or mid-February or at both times has favourably influenced all vegetative attributes of ‘Chandler’ strawberry over control. Similarly, fruit set was increased, and production of malformed and button berries was reduced, but albinism remained unaffected. Although individual berry weight was reduced slightly, but fruit number, total as well as marketable yield was increased tremendously over control with no adverse effect on fruit quality parameters. In all, spraying GA3 both during mid-November and mid-February was much more effective in achieving the desirable results than single application of GA3 either during mid-November or mid-February.  相似文献   

Flowering is an important step in crop production. Under flower-inducing conditions, biochemical or physiological changes can be recognized. Changes in carbohydrates have an important role in flower development in plants; however, carbohydrate changes during flower bud differentiation in strawberry have not been thoroughly investigated. In this study, runner plants potted in 18 cm diameter pots and grown under non-inducing conditions (28 ± 3/22 ± 3 °C day/night; 16 h day length). When the plants were established, half of the plants then were put under inducing conditions (23 ± 3/13 ± 3 °C day/night; 8 h day length). After the induction period of 21 short-day cycles, plants were brought to non-inductive conditions again. In order to evaluate the carbohydrate changes during flower differentiation, shoot tips, leaves and roots were sampled from four replicated plants collected weekly for the period of 7 weeks. Sucrose, glucose and fructose contents were determined by HPLC, and starch by the anthrone method. The results obtained indicated that the most abundant soluble sugar in all organs tested was sucrose. Sucrose in the shoot tips of induced plants at 42, 56 and 70 days after the start of the short-day treatment were significantly higher than corresponding time in non-induced plants. However, the glucose, fructose and starch contents in shoot tips, leaves and roots of non-induced plants in most sampling dates were greater than those of induced plants. In other words, the shoot tips (bud) of induced plants acted as strong ‘utilizing sink’ and preferentially metabolized carbohydrates rather than storing them. It seems that non-structural carbohydrate contents in shoot tips, leaves and roots of strawberry may have an important role in flower-bud differentiation.  相似文献   

The effects of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization relative to the beginning of a 4-week floral-inducing short-day (SD) period have been studied in ‘Korona’ strawberry plants under controlled environment conditions. Groups of low fertility plants were fertilized with 100 ml of calcium nitrate solution for 3 days a week for a period of 3 weeks starting at various times before and at the beginning of the SD period, as well as at different times during the SD period. All plants, including SD and long day (LD) control plants, received a weekly fertilization with a low concentration complete fertilizer solution throughout the experiment. Leaf area, fresh and dry matter increments of leaves, crowns and roots, as well as leaf chlorophyll concentration (SPAD values) were monitored during the experimental period. A general enhancement of growth took place at all times of N fertilization. This was paralleled by an increase in leaf chlorophyll concentration, indicating that the control plants were in a mild state of N deficiency. When N fertilization was started 2 weeks before beginning of the SD period, flowering was delayed by 7 days, and this was gradually changed to an advancement of 8 days when the same treatment was started 3 weeks after the first SD. The amount of flowering was generally increased by N fertilization although the effect varied greatly with the time of N application. The greatest flowering enhancement occurred when N fertilization started 1 week after the first SD when the number of flowering crowns and the number of inflorescences per plant were more than doubled compared with the SD control, while fertilization 2 weeks before SD had no significant effect on these parameters. Importantly, the total number of crowns per plant was not affected by N fertilization at any time, indicating that enhancement of flowering was not due to an increase in potential inflorescence sites. No flowering took place in the control plants in LD. Possible physiological mechanisms involved and practical applications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in ‘Chandler’ strawberry with the aim to optimize planting time and mulching material under the semi-arid region of north Indian plains. Three planting times viz., mid-September, mid-October and mid-November and three mulch materials viz., black polyethylene (50 μm), clear polyethylene (50 μm) and paddy straw (10 cm thickness) were tried with three replications in a split plot design. Mid-September planting favoured plant growth, enhanced flowering (77.3 days), which resulted in production of significantly larger fruit (13.0 g) and higher yield (174.4 g/plant) with fruit having higher TSS (9.23%), acidity (1.22%) and ascorbic acid content (44.1 mg/100 g of pulp) with lesser incidence of albinism (9.6%) and botrytis rot (8.1%) than other plantings. Plants mulched with black polyethylene have significantly better growth, and they flowered (80.2 days) and fruited early (29.2 days), and produced larger fruit (12.6 g) and higher yield (172.4 g/plant), with slightly higher incidence of albinism (20.1%), but with lower incidence of botrytis rot (7.3%) than those mulched either with clear polyethylene or paddy straw. Planting time × mulching interaction has significantly influenced plant growth; flowering and fruiting; fruit yield and quality, and albinism and botrytis rot. Plants have best growth parameters like, plant height (11.2 cm), crown spread (24.1 cm) and leaf area (87.9 cm2), they took lesser days to flowering (73.7 days) and fruiting (31.3 days), produced larger fruit (13.7 g) and higher yield (191.3 g/plant) with fruit having higher TSS (9.41%), acidity (1.17%) and higher ascorbic acid content (46.4 mg/100 g pulp) with a slightly higher incidence of albinism (10.3%), but comparatively lower incidence of botrytis rot (5.2%) when planted during mid-September and mulched with black polyethylene than other plantings and mulched either with clear polyethylene or paddy straw. These studies indicated that strawberry could be planted in mid-September with black polyethylene mulch under semi-arid regions of India for early fruiting, and higher yield of better quality fruits.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of foliar application of vermicompost leachates on growth, yield and quality of strawberry (Cv. Chandler). For this, three leachates collected from vermicomposting of cow dung (FCD), vegetable waste (FVW) and mixture of cow dung and vegetable waste in 1:2 ratio (FCVW) were used at 2 ml l−1 at monthly interval (total five sprays) in strawberry. The results indicated that foliar application of vermicompost leachates improved leaf area (10.1–18.9%), dry matter of plant (13.9–27.2%) and fruit yield (9.8–13.9%) significantly over control (water spray only). Foliar application of FCVW reduced albinism (from 12.1 to 5.7%), fruit malformation (11.2–8.5%) and grey mould (5.1–2.6%) thus improving marketable fruit yield (26.5% higher) with firmer fruits of better quality. The foliar application of FCD and FVW also improved these parameters and resulted in to higher marketable fruit yield (12.6 and 17.8% higher, respectively) compared to control. The study confirmed that leachates derived from composting processes have potential use as foliar fertilization for strawberry.  相似文献   


The establishment of the optimum plant population has been shown to be one of the most crucial determinants of the marketable yield of bulbous crops. This study was conducted to determine the best plant arrangements for maximum yields and maximum bulb quality in rainfed garlic (Allium sativum L.) grown under Mediterranean conditions. The effects of row width and plant spacing on the yield and quality of the two cvs. Morado de Pedroneras and Germidour, were investigated on Córdoba, Spain, in Vertisol Chromoxerert soil. In 1987–1988, a wet growing season, higher yields and higher bulb quality were obtained than in 1988–1989; cv. Germidour yielded more per unit of land area of higher quality bulbs during both seasons. Narrow row width and/or narrow plant spacing resulted in higher values of dry matter, LAI, LAD, CGR and yield, whereas wide row spacing and/or wide plant spacing resulted in higher ware-sized bulb yield. LAD was closely related to yield (r2 = 0.96**) and total dry matter (r2 = 0.90**). Mean leaf surface was affected by plant density and climatic conditions and showed a high positive relationship (r2 = 0.90**) with the percentage of Extra grade of bulbs (>50 mm). As a result of this study, a row width of 45–60 cm with plant spacing of 12–16 cm is recommended for cv. Germidour and 45 × 16 cm for cv. Morado, to maximize the proportion of high-quality yield under Mediterranean rainfed cropping systems.  相似文献   

The plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were grown in the presence of NaCl and/or CdCl2 and were sprayed with 5 μM of 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) at 15 days after transplanting (DAT) and were sampled at 30 DAT and at the end of experiment. The plants exposed to NaCl and/or CdCl2 exhibited a significant decline in growth, the level of pigment parameters, green pod yield and pod protein. However, the follow up treatment with EBL detoxified the stress generated by NaCl and/or CdCl2 and significantly improved the above parameters. The NaCl and/or CdCl2 increased electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation and plant Cd2+ content, and decreased the membrane stability index (MSI) and relative water content. However, the EBL treatment in absence of the stress improved the MSI and relative water content and minimized plant Cd2+ content but could not influence electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation. The antioxidative enzymes and the level of proline exhibited a significant increase in response to EBL as well as to NaCl and/or CdCl2 stress.  相似文献   

Current experiment was laid out in order to compare different kinds of organic manure and chemical fertilizer application in growing spinach under the open-field conditions in two successive seasons. Matador type spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) was cultivated organically and conventionally and spinach growth, yield, vitamin C and nitrate concentrations were checked throughout two successive seasons (autumn and winter). Commercial chemical fertilizer was used as conventional application, and chicken manure (CM), farmyard manure (FM) and blood meal (BM) were used as organic manure applications as a single and as mixtures at different quantities by aiming to receive 150 kg N ha−1 for each, totally 19 applications. In general, autumn season gave the better results in terms of spinach growth, yield and resulted in lower nitrate concentration, whereas the vitamin C concentration was found to be higher in winter season. Reasonable applications to be recommended should be as follows with regard to the seasons; 3.5 ton ha−1 CM and 0.6 ton ha−1 BM + 0.85 ton ha−1 CM + 4.0 ton ha−1 FM for spinach growth; 3.5 ton ha−1 CM and 5.0 FM + 1.2 CM + 0.4 BM applications for spinach yield; 5.0 ton ha−1 FM + 2.5 ton ha−1 CM and 15.0 ton ha−1 FM for vitamin C and nitrate concentration in the autumn and the winter season, respectively. In conclusion, FM and CM can be used effectively in growing organic spinach especially in the autumn season and can be transferred successfully into an asset.  相似文献   

Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees (Acanthaceae), commonly known as Kalmegh is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines for a number of ailments related to digestion, hepatoprotection, hypoglycemic, and as anti-bacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vermicidal and antiacene. Ten accessions of A. paniculata from different sources were screened to assess the yield and its components besides andrographolides on three harvesting dates viz. 70, 100, 130 days after plantation corresponding to calendar months of September, October and November. The results revealed its successful growth in the subtropical region of Jammu, with last week of October ideal for obtaining maximum dry herbage (931.3 kg/ha) and total andrographolide yield (61.83 kg/ha), respectively. On the basis of leaf/stem ratio the relative estimates of total andrographolide is higher in October (46%) than September (15%) or November (39%). Accession Acc.1 and Acc.9 have been identified as the best sources for obtaining higher drug yield.  相似文献   

A tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop was grown in four greenhouses during the dry season 2005/06 in Central Thailand. Sidewalls and roof vents of two greenhouses were covered with nets and these greenhouses were mechanically ventilated when air temperature exceeded 30 °C (NET). The other two greenhouses were covered with polyethylene film and equipped with a fan and pad cooling system (EVAP). Overall mean air temperature was significantly reduced by 2.6 and 3.2 °C (day) and 1.2 and 2.3 °C (night) in EVAP as compared to NET and outside air, respectively. Temperature maxima in EVAP averaged about 4 °C lower than in NET and outside. The relative humidity was around 20 and 30% (day) and 10 and 15% (night) higher in EVAP than in NET or outside, respectively. Vapour pressure deficit averaged 0.25 kPa in EVAP, 1.03 kPa in NET and 1.48 kPa outside. The crop water-consumption was significantly lower in EVAP (1.2) than in NET (1.8 L plant−1 day−1), which is ascribed to reduced transpiration in EVAP. Total fruit yield was similar in NET (6.4 kg plant−1) and EVAP (6.3 kg plant−1). The quantity of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) and blossom-end rot (BER)-affected fruits was reduced in EVAP. However, the proportion of marketable yield was significantly higher in NET (4.5 kg plant−1) than in EVAP (3.8 kg plant−1), owing largely to an increased incidence of fruit cracking (FC) in EVAP. Higher FC but lower BER incidence coincided with higher fresh weight and Ca concentration in the fruits in EVAP. It is concluded that in regions with high atmospheric relative humidity evaporative cooling without technical modifications allowing dehumidification will not improve protected tomato production.  相似文献   

The adaptation to drought stress of two African nightshade species, Solanum villosum and S. sarrachoides was investigated in pot and field experiments between 2000 and 2002. Two genotypes of S. villosum (landrace and commercial) and one accession of S. sarrachoides were grown under droughted, moderate stress and well-watered conditions. Leaf expansion, stem elongation and transpiration began to decline early in the drying cycle with fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) thresholds of 0.46–0.64. Osmotic adjustment (OA) of both species was in the range of 0.16–0.19 MPa and could not maintain positive turgor below water potentials of −1.80 to −2.04 MPa. The responses evaluated were similar in the three genotypes suggesting similar strategies of adaptation to drought stress. Under field conditions, the S. sarrachoides accession showed a higher leaf area than the S. villosum commercial genotype. It is concluded that the three African nightshade genotypes have limited OA capacity and adapt to drought mainly by regulating transpiration. This was achieved by reduction of leaf area. In general, it is necessary to maintain FTSW above 0.5–0.6 to prevent decline in leaf expansion, stem elongation, and transpiration.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this study was to propose saffron as a sustainable substitute crop with high added value in some Moroccan agricultural areas with low and erratic rainfalls, for their socio-economical development. The quality of the saffron spice has to be evaluated prior to recommendation for commercial production. For this purpose, saffron was grown in experimental plots for the first time in eleven different experimental zones with a disparity of altitudes, soils and climates. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify the most important saffron components crocins, picrocrocin, and safranal which are respectively responsible for its colour, taste and odour. The respective average values, in % dry matter, across all sites altogether are 29.01 ± 5.6; 14.04 ± 7.1 and 0.22 ± 0.11. The statistical analysis shows that crocins are stable under each specific environment tested (p > 5%) for 3 years of study. Meanwhile, there was a large variability in safranal content for the same period (p < 0.05). This suggests that post-harvest processing of saffron produced under different environments may need to be improved. Analysis of environmental impact on saffron quality showed that just the altitude affects crocins (R2 = 0.84, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

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