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膜下滴灌量对甜瓜产量和品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
开展不同滴灌量对甜瓜品质影响的研究,对于新疆等西北干旱地区生产优质甜瓜、节约水资源具有重要意义。膜下不同滴灌处理对甜瓜品质的影响研究结果表明:在新疆的气候条件下,田间持水量70%-80%的处理,甜瓜品质表现较好,8601和新密19可溶性固形物含量达到13.69%和16.75%,维生素C含量分别达到8.05、12.55mg/kg,小区产量也分别高于其他处理。  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown hot pepper was used to investigate the effect of Time-Space deficit irrigation (TSDI), a newly developing irrigation technique based on regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), by measuring plant growth, yield and irrigation water use efficiency. The treatments consisted of factorial combinations of three factors, organized following an orthogonal L9 (3)4 test design with four growing stages. Three irrigation strategies (conventional furrow irrigation with full-water when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity (F), conventional furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (D) and alternate furrow irrigation with 50% of full-water (P)) as the main plot factor were applied to select the optimum irrigation parameter at different stages of crop development, the treatment in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of root system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity during all stages was considered as control (FFFF). Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatment during the growing period of different drought stress patterns application, and therefore decreased in these treatments to a level around 54.68–70.33% of FFFF. Total dry mass was reduced by 1.17–38.66% in TSDI treatments compared to FFFF. However, the root–shoot ratio of FFFF was lower than other treatments and the differences from FFFF and other TSDI treatments were statistically significant. The highest total fresh fruit yield (19.57 T ha−1) was obtained in the FFFF treatment. All deficit irrigations increased the water use efficiency of hot pepper from a minimum of 1.33% to a maximum of 54.49%. At harvest, although there was difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the TSDI treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to FFFF.  相似文献   

为筛选出芹菜种植最佳灌溉量,开展芹菜不同灌溉量试验,为芹菜高产及节水灌溉提供科学依据。试验设置5个处理,分别为:T+5:每667 m2灌溉126 m^3;T+10:每667 m2灌溉132 m^3;T-5:每667 m2灌溉114 m^3;T-10:每667 m^2灌溉108 m^3;对照:每667 m2灌溉120 m^3。试验结果表明,T-5处理在株高、茎粗、叶柄数等植株长势均优于对照,干物质质量较对照增加13.7%;芹菜产量最高,为5669.50 kg,产量、产值较对照提高16.28%;T-5处理在节水5%的情况下,纯收益高于对照16.67%。综上所述,每667 m2灌溉114 m^3高产且节水,是本试验处理中经济效益较好的灌溉处理,适宜指导本地区大棚芹菜微喷灌溉栽培。  相似文献   

灌溉方式和灌水量对梨产量和水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
连续2年对8~9年生黄冠梨树采用不同灌溉方式和灌水量的试验,结果表明,树盘1/2区域交替灌溉较常规灌溉用水量减少2/5,其蒸腾速率显著低于常规灌溉,而水分利用效率显著高于常规灌溉,2者之间的光合速率、产量和单果重不存在显著差异。树盘1/2区域固定灌溉的水分利用效率介于2者之间,但产量和单果重与2者差异显著。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to elucidate the effect of water pillow (WP) irrigation method, a new alternative method to furrow irrigation, on the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of hot pepper in a semi-arid climatic condition. In this research, treatments used were: (i) WP method and its 7-day irrigation interval (WP7), (ii) WP method and its 9-day irrigation interval (WP9), (iii) WP method and its 11-day irrigation interval (WP11) and (iv) furrow irrigation (FI) method and its 5-day irrigation interval (control) were employed. Although the plants were grown under different irrigation methods and interval conditions, there were no statistical differences in yield and biomass of hot pepper plants between FI and WP treatments (P < 0.05). Water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) values significantly increased with the application of WP irrigation method (P < 0.05). The highest WUE and IWUE values obtained from WP11 treatment in both years. As a result, we conclude that WP method is a way to save water and increase the yield in semi-arid areas where climatic conditions require repeated irrigation in the hot pepper production area.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to compare two water-saving practices, deficit irrigation (DI) and partial rootzone drying (PRD), and examine how they affected soil water distribution, water use, growth and yield of greenhouse grown hot pepper compared to commercial irrigation (CI). Control (CI) in which irrigation water was applied to both sides of the system when soil water content was lower by 80% of field capacity; deficit irrigation (DI50, DI75) in which 50% and 75% irrigation water of CI supplied to both sides of the root system; 1PRD with half of the root system exposed to soil drying and other half kept well-watered with 50% irrigation water of CI, and 2PRD with 50% irrigation water of CI supplied, half to fixed side of the root system. The results showed mean soil volumetric water content of DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD were lower by 21.06%, 28.32%, 24.48% and 34.76%, respectively than that of CI after starting the experiment. Water consumption showed some significant effect of irrigation treatments during the growing period of drought stress application, and therefore decreased in DI75, DI50, 1PRD and 2PRD to a level around 75% and 50% of CI. All the DI and PRD treatments resulted in a reduction of total dry mass of 7.29–44.10%, shoot biomass of 24.97–47.72% compared to CI, but an increase in the root–shoot ratio of 12.50–35.42% compared to the control and with significant differences between 2PRD, 1PRD, DI50 and CI. The yield of 1PRD was significantly reduced by 23.98% compared to CI (19,566 kg hm−2) over a period of 109 days after transplanting. However, the 1PRD treatment had 17.21% and 24.54% additional yield over the DI50 and 2PRD treatments and had 52.05% higher irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) than CI treatment. At harvest, although there was a significant difference recorded as single fruit weight and single fruit volume were reduced under the DI and PRD treatments, total soluble solids concentration of fruit harvested under the water-deficit treatments were higher compared to CI. Stomatal conductance measured in fresh leaf was the lowest under 1PRD treatment relative to CI and other treatments. The low stomatal conductance of fresh-leaf issue observed in the work supported the root signaling mechanism reported earlier in plants having undergone partial root drying cycles.  相似文献   

不同氮磷钾配比滴灌对灰枣产量与品质的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以5 a生灰枣为试材,在滴灌条件下设置不同水肥处理,研究氮磷钾施肥配比对灰枣产量与品质的影响。结果表明:在施肥设计水平范围内,土壤中适量增施氮、磷肥能提高灰枣果实单果质量和产量;增施钾肥可提高枣果中还原糖和维生素C的含量,增施氮肥则可提高蛋白质的含量;土壤中氮、磷、钾肥过高会降低枣果中矿质铁的含量;增施磷肥提高矿质钙的含量,却降低矿质镁的含量;增施钾肥则提高矿质锌、锰的含量,降低矿质铜的含量。1 hm2在滴灌水量为5 250 m3的条件下,以产量为目标,氮、磷、钾施肥量414.9、280.2、33.6 kg为最佳施肥配比。  相似文献   

痕量灌溉条件下不同施肥量对甜椒产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索痕量灌溉条件下甜椒适宜的施肥量,以甜椒‘京甜3号’为试验材料,研究春季日光温室栽培条件下,痕量灌溉条件下不同施肥量对甜椒生长、产量和品质的影响。试验结果表明,常规施肥量下降25%处理产量最高,与常规施肥量和施肥量0处理相比,产量分别增加8%和27%;与常规施肥量相比,Vc含量提高8%,硝酸盐含量降低43%,品质有所提高。综合产量和品质指标,在该试验条件下,认为常规施肥量下降25%,即每次施肥112.5kg/hm2能够获得甜椒高产优质。  相似文献   

以3 a生分根盆栽嘎拉苹果为试材,研究了不同根域交替灌溉不同水量对树体生长和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,灌水量调控了苹果新梢二次生长的发生、生长时间和速率,每一根域每次灌水量为500 mL时,仅4/4根域灌水处理的新梢出现二次生长;灌水量为750 mL时,2/4、3/4和4/4根域灌水处理的新梢均出现二次生长;灌水量为1 000 mL时,1/4、2/4、3/4和4/4处理的新梢均有二次生长,其二次生长随着灌水根域的增多而时间提早,生长速率加快。每一根域灌水量相同时,植株主干、枝条、叶片、根系和总生物量随灌水根域增多而提高,750 mL与1 000mL根域灌水处理差异不显著。植株的水分利用效率随灌水根域的增多而降低。从确保树体正常生长和提高树体水分利用效率综合分析,2/4根域每次灌水750 mL为最佳灌溉方案。  相似文献   

以京茄1号为试材,研究了春季日光温室栽培条件下痕量灌溉管不同埋深对茄子灌溉量、耗水量、产量及品质的影响。结果表明:痕量灌溉管不同埋设深度均能够促进茄子植株生长,提高茄子产量,以痕量灌溉管埋深10 cm处理产量最高,比对照表面覆土处理增产14.7%。随着痕量灌溉管埋深的增加,灌溉量和耗水量降低,但水分生产效率则以埋深10 cm处理最高,达到23.5%。综合考虑各种因素,痕量灌溉管埋深10 cm处理茄子产量最高,耗水量相对较少,水分生产效率最高,是本试验条件下日光温室春茬茄子较适宜的灌溉管埋设深度。  相似文献   

Three levels of partial rootzone drying (PRD) were evaluated and compared with conventional irrigation, in terms of gas exchange, water relations, growth, yield, fruit quality, and water use efficiency in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) saladette-type plants growing in pots with volcanic material and drip irrigation. There were four treatments, a control, in which available water (AW) in the whole root system was allowed to fall to 90%; PRD90-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 90% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%; PRD70-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 70% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%; PRD50-30, in which on one side of the divided root AW was allowed to fall to 50% and on the other side it was allowed to fall to 30%. When each treatment reached the desired AW level they were then irrigated. At the same time, when on one side AW reached values ≤30% irrigation was shifted to the other side. Results showed a significant decrease of leaf water potential up to 14% in PRD plants compared with control. Shoot dry weight and leaf area decreased in relation to substrate available water in PRD plants. Stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were lower, up to 31 and 18%, respectively, in plants with PRD compared with control. However, CO2 assimilation rate was similar among treatments which along with the reduction of transpiration in PRD plants, increased instantaneous water use efficiency by 28, 25, and 33% in PRD90-30, PRD70-30, and PRD50-30 treatments, respectively, compared to control. Yield, number of fruits and fruit total soluble solids content were similar among treatments. An increase of 25% in fruit titratable acidity was reached in PRD50-30. Fruit firmness increased up to 31% in PRD treatments. PRD treatments allowed a water irrigation saving up to 46%.  相似文献   

The effects of partial root-zone drying (PRD), as compared to deficit irrigation (DI) and full irrigation (FI), on strawberry (cv. Honeoye) berry yield, yield components and irrigation water use efficiency (WUEI) were investigated in a field lysimeter under an automatic rain-out shelter. The irrigation treatments were imposed from the beginning of flowering to the end of fruit maturity. In FI the whole root zone was irrigated every second day to field capacity viz. volumetric soil water content (θ) of 20%; while in DI and PRD 60% water of FI was irrigated to either the whole or one-half of the root system, respectively, at each irrigation event. In PRD, irrigation was shifted from one side to the other side of the plants when θ of the drying side had decreased to 8–11%. Compared to FI plants, leaf water potential was significantly lower in DI and PRD plants in 3 out of 10 measurement occasions, while stomatal conductance was similar among the three treatments. Leaf area, fresh berry yield (FY), individual berry fresh weight, berry water content, and berry dry weight (DW) were significantly lower in DI and PRD plants than those of FI plants; whereas the total number of berry per plant was similar among treatments. Compared with FI, the DI and PRD treatments saved 40% of irrigation water, and this led to a 28 and 50% increase of WUEI based on berry FY and DW, respectively, for both DI and PRD. Conclusively, under the conditions of this study PRD had no advantage compared to DI in terms of berry yield and WUEI. DI and PRD similarly decreased berry yield and yield components and thus cannot be recommended under similar conditions.  相似文献   

探究不同种类叶面肥对番茄植株生长势、产量、品质、商品率以及经济效益等方面的影响,为设施番茄叶面追肥提供参考依据.以番茄品种西润2007为试材,在番茄生长发育期叶面喷施5种不同叶面肥.结果表明,叶面肥均能显著促进番茄植株的生长发育,美盖美可以显著提高番茄产量,磷酸二氢钾不仅能提高番茄结果盛期和结果后期的商品率,同时也可以...  相似文献   

以嘎拉/M26/平邑甜茶为试材,探讨有机物料发酵物对连作苹果园果实品质及土壤微生物的影响,为防治苹果连作障碍提供依据。结果表明:有机物料发酵物处理后果实单果重和单株产量分别增加57.8%、386.5%;果皮中花青苷、类胡萝卜素含量分别增加386.3%、91.7%,叶绿素含量减少58.6%;总糖含量和糖酸比分别增加48.1%、193.1%,苹果酸含量、果实硬度分别降低49.3%、20.3%,差异均达显著性水平;重茬果实中含有7种特征香气,分别为乙酸己酯、乙酸丁酯、乙酸-2-甲基丁酯、乙酸戊酯、2-甲基丁酸己酯、己醛和(E)-2-己烯醛,有机物料发酵产物使连作园果实增加了2-甲基丁酸丁酯、丙酸己酯、丁酸丁酯和丙酸丁酯4种酯类特征香气,减少了(E)-2-己烯醛1种醛类特征香气,处理后果实含有10种特征香气,且酯类香气物质含量均高于重茬果实。处理后土壤中细菌数量增加,而真菌数量减少。  相似文献   

A tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop was grown in four greenhouses during the dry season 2005/06 in Central Thailand. Sidewalls and roof vents of two greenhouses were covered with nets and these greenhouses were mechanically ventilated when air temperature exceeded 30 °C (NET). The other two greenhouses were covered with polyethylene film and equipped with a fan and pad cooling system (EVAP). Overall mean air temperature was significantly reduced by 2.6 and 3.2 °C (day) and 1.2 and 2.3 °C (night) in EVAP as compared to NET and outside air, respectively. Temperature maxima in EVAP averaged about 4 °C lower than in NET and outside. The relative humidity was around 20 and 30% (day) and 10 and 15% (night) higher in EVAP than in NET or outside, respectively. Vapour pressure deficit averaged 0.25 kPa in EVAP, 1.03 kPa in NET and 1.48 kPa outside. The crop water-consumption was significantly lower in EVAP (1.2) than in NET (1.8 L plant−1 day−1), which is ascribed to reduced transpiration in EVAP. Total fruit yield was similar in NET (6.4 kg plant−1) and EVAP (6.3 kg plant−1). The quantity of undersized (mostly parthenocarpic) and blossom-end rot (BER)-affected fruits was reduced in EVAP. However, the proportion of marketable yield was significantly higher in NET (4.5 kg plant−1) than in EVAP (3.8 kg plant−1), owing largely to an increased incidence of fruit cracking (FC) in EVAP. Higher FC but lower BER incidence coincided with higher fresh weight and Ca concentration in the fruits in EVAP. It is concluded that in regions with high atmospheric relative humidity evaporative cooling without technical modifications allowing dehumidification will not improve protected tomato production.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of three drip irrigation methods (i.e. conventional drip irrigation (CDI), both sides of the root-zone irrigated with full watering, alternate drip irrigation (ADI), both sides of the root-zone irrigated alternatively with half of the full watering, and fixed drip irrigation (FDI), only one side of the root-zone irrigated with half of the full watering) on growth, physiology, root hydraulic conductance and water use of young apple tree under different nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) fertilization (i.e. CK (no fertilization), N1 (0.2 g N/kg), N2 (0.4 g N/kg), P1 (0.2 g P2O5/kg) and P2 (0.4 g P2O5/kg)). Results show that compared to CDI, ADI and FDI reduced mean root dry mass, daily transpiration, root hydraulic conductance (Kr), leaf photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of young apple tree by 6.9 and 27.7, 29.3 and 45.0, 6.8 and 37.9, 2.5 and 4.8, 32.6 and 33.0, 22.1 and 22.3%, but increased leaf water use efficiency (WUE) by 31.3 and 29.8%, respectively when they saved irrigation water by 50%. Compared to the CK, N or P fertilization significantly increased Kr, and Kr was increased with the increased N or P fertilization level. There were parabolic correlations between Kr and root dry mass, daily transpiration and stomatal conductance. Our results indicate that ADI reduced transpiration rate significantly, but it did not reduce photosynthesis rate and Kr significantly, thus alternate drip irrigation improved WUE and the regulation ability of water balance in plants.  相似文献   

The citriculture in Brazil, as well as in other important regions in the world, is based on very few mandarin cultivars. This fact leads to a short harvest period and higher prices for off-season fruit. The ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is among the earliest ripening mandarin cultivars, and it is considered to be tolerant to citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.) and to citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). Despite having regular fruit quality under hot climate conditions, the early fruit maturation and absence of seeds of ‘Okitsu’ fruits are well suited for the local market in the summer (December through March), when the availability of citrus fruits for fresh consumption is limited. Yet, only a few studies have been conducted in Brazil on rootstocks for ‘Okitsu’. Consequently, a field trial was carried out in Bebedouro, São Paulo State, to evaluate the horticultural performance of ‘Okitsu’ Satsuma mandarin budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin ‘Changsha’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) × Poncirus trifoliata ‘English Small’; the hybrid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) × ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf.) ‘Rubidoux’, ‘FCAV’ and ‘Flying Dragon’ (P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the mandarins ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ (C. reticulata Blanco) and ‘Sunki’ (Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the Rangpur limes (C. limonia Osbeck) ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’; ‘Carrizo’ citrange (Citrus sinensis × P. trifoliata), ‘Swingle’ citrumelo (P. trifoliata × C. paradisi), and ‘Orlando’ tangelo (C. paradisi × Citrus tangerina cv. ‘Dancy’). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 6 m × 3 m spacing, in a randomized block design. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three different rootstock pairs with similar effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Okitsu’ mandarin. The ‘Flying Dragon’ trifoliate had a unique effect over the ‘Okitsu’ trees performance, inducing lower canopy volume and higher yield efficiency and fruit quality, and might be suitable for high-density plantings. The ‘Cravo Limeira’ and ‘Cravo FCAV’ Rangpur limes induced early-ripening of fruits, with low fruit quality. ‘Sun Chu Sha Kat’ and ‘Sunki’ mandarins and the ‘Orlando’ tangelo conferred lower yield efficiency and less content of soluble solids for the latter rootstock.  相似文献   

Water scarcity in the Mediterranean basin in addition to the extension of irrigated lands is one of the main factors limiting agricultural development. The need for supplementary irrigation of the Chemlali olive cultivar (Olea europaea L.) during summer and autumn periods was investigated. Leaf water content, gas exchange parameters, fruit development and yield in rain-fed and in irrigated plants have been monitored in 12-year-old olive trees grown under environmental conditions in semi arid regions characterized by high temperatures and high light intensity. Trees were subjected to three irrigation treatments, T0, T1 and T2 corresponding respectively to 0, 33 and 66% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) by a drip irrigation system. The water deficit during the summer (from June to August) led to the decrease of soil moisture, leaf water content and gas exchange parameters. Irrigated trees showed the same slow activity in the three summer months as the rain-fed trees. For all treatments, net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were markedly decreased by environmental conditions (high air temperature and high light intensity) during the summer period. At the partial active growth phase of the Chemlali olive cultivar (September–November), a significant re-increase in all parameters was observed. However, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of control plants (T0) were, respectively, 57 and 40% lower than those of plants conducted under milder water contribution (T1). The decrease of physiological activity in irrigated plants during hot and dry (summer time) and cold (winter) seasons was a clear evidence that water supply during such periods will be without a great benefit for photosynthetic activity, and thus growth, if applied under critical conditions inducing the rest phase of the plant. The non-statistically significant slight differences as well in photosynthetic performances activities (Pn, Gs and E rates), as in olive production between the two irrigated treatments will not cover the expenses of water loss when applying irrigation at 66% of ETc especially in arid region characterized by scant and irregular rainfall. On the light of these results, we can conclude that the irrigation of this species during the vegetative growth phase (in spring and autumn), and stopping it during the olive rest phase (in summer and winter) could be recommended at least under the experimental conditions of this study; and that the contribution of 600 mm of water per year (33% of ETc) can respond to the needs of the Chemlali olive cultivar in a semi arid region without impairing photosynthetic activity and olive production.  相似文献   

为探究宁夏南部山区自然降水条件下露地青花菜的最佳补灌灌溉方案,采用大田田间对比试验,设置5个补灌水平,在宁夏原州区冷凉蔬菜基地开展补灌水平对土壤水分分布、青花菜产量、品质、水分利用效率的试验研究.结果表明,青花菜全生育期自然降雨主要集中在7月份,且占全生育期降雨量的78.49%,此月份无需补灌即可满足生育后期对水分的需...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological and morphological response of carnation plants to different levels of irrigation and to evaluate regulated deficit irrigation as a possible technique for saving water through the application of controlled drought stress. Carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus L. cultivar, were pot-grown in an unheated greenhouse and submitted to two experiments. In the first experiment, the plants were exposed to three irrigation treatments: (control); 70% of the control (moderate deficit irrigation, MDI) and 35% of the control (severe deficit irrigation, SDI). In the second experiment, the plants were submitted to a control treatment, deficit irrigation (DI, 50% of the control) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). After 15 weeks, MDI plants showed a slightly reduced total dry weight, plant height and leaf area, while SDI had clearly reduced all the plant size parameters. RDI plants had similar leaf area and total dry weight to the control treatment during the blooming phase. MDI did not affect the number of flowers and no great differences in the colour parameters were observed. RDI plants had higher flower dry weight, while plant quality was affected by the SDI (lower number of shoots and flowers, lower relative chlorophyll content). Leaf osmotic potential decreased with deficit irrigation, but more markedly in SDI, which induced higher values of leaf pressure. Stomatal conductance (gs) decreased in drought conditions more than the photosynthetic rate (Pn). Osmotic adjustment of 0.3 MPa accompanied by decreases in elasticity in response to drought resulted in turgor less at lower leaf water potentials and prevented turgor loss during drought periods.  相似文献   

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