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Summary The optimum protein levels were determined for growing and finishing pigs in a tropical environment. There were statistically significant differences in daily live-weight gain and feed conversion efficiency between pigs fed a diet containing 16 per cent crude protein and those receiving 18 per cent crude protein. No differences in response were found to diets containing 12 and 13 per cent crude protein. Feed conversion efficiency improved with increased dietary levels of crude protein. Castrate male pigs grew significantly faster than female pigs.
Sumario Se determinaron los niveles optimos de proteina para el crecimiento y el acabado de cerdos en un ambiente tropical. Hubieron diferencias que estadísticamente tuvieron significado, en las ganancias de peso diario y en la eficiencia para la conversión de alimentos entre cerdos alimentados con una dieta conteniendo 16 por ciento de proteina cruda y cerdos que recibían 18 por ciento de proteina cruda. No se encontró ninguna differencia en la respuesta de animales alimentados con dietas conteniendo 12 y 13 por ciento de proteina cruda. La eficiencia en la conversión de alimentos mejoró conforme se aumentaban los niveles de proteina cruda de la dieta. Los cerdos machos castrados tuvieron un crecimiento que fué signíficativamente mas rápido que el de las cerdas.

Résumé Les quantités optimales de protéine brute ont été déterminées pour la croissance et l’engraissement des porcs en milieu tropical. Il y avait des différences statistiquement significatives dans les gains journaliers de poids et les indices de consommation, entre des porcs recevant un régime à 16 p. 100 de protéine brute et d’autres recevant un régime à 18 p. 100. Aucune différence ne fut observée lors de la comparaison des régimes à 12 et 13 p. 100. Les indices de consommation s’amélioraient avec l’accroissement des rations en protéine brute. Les males castrés avaient une croissance significativement plus rapide que les femelles. Niveles optimos de proteina cruda para el crecimiento y acabado de cerdos en un ambiente tropical.

The hormonal and nutritional modulation of hepatic arginase activity (HARG) was characterized in growing cattle in two studies. In the first study, 20 steers (initial weight, 182 ± 2 kg) were assigned in equal numbers to either Synovex-S (SYN) (ear implant), recombinant bovine somatotropin (Somavubove; SbV; 0.1 mg/kg intramuscularly daily), SYN + SbV, or nothing (control). Steers were individually fed, for 56 d, a concentrate (80% diet dry matter [DM]) and silage (20% diet DM) diet providing 20 g of crude protein (CP) and 252 kcal metabolizable energy (ME) per kg body weight0.75. On Day 57, samples of liver were obtained at slaughter and subsequently assayed for HARG by the incubation of a tissue homogenate for 2 hr with 250 mM arginine, with and without Mn2+ and heat activation, and the measurement of the resulting urea. HARG was uniformly increased by divalent cation (Mn2+) and heating. SYN had no effect on HARG, whereas SbV treatment resulted in an overall 34% decrease in HARG. Plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) was decreased by SbV but not consistently affected by SYN. In the second study, 16 steers (avg. initial weight, 284 ± 5 kg) were initially fed a concentrate basal diet consisting of 11% CP and 1.96 Mcal ME for 21 d. Steers were then assigned to one of four dietary treatments (6.4 kg DM/hr per day) in a factorial arrangement of high and low CP (8 and 14%) and two levels of energy (1.96 and 2.67 Meal ME/kg of diet DM) for 210 d and slaughtered. HARG and PUN were higher in steers fed 14% CP but were lower at each level of CP fed at the higher level of ME. The data suggest that hormonal repartitioning compounds and diet composition may modulate nitrogen metabolism by affecting the activity of arginase in the liver as well as by affecting the total content of arginase in association with changes in organ size.  相似文献   

In an effort to determine whether tropical adaptation influences circulating concentrations of the growth-related hormone IGF-I, 3-breed diallel matings were conducted using temperate Bos taurus (Angus), tropical Bos indicus (Brahman), and tropical Bos taurus (Romosinuano). Purebred Angus, Braham, and Romosinuano and crossbred Angus-Braham, Angus-Romosinuano, and Braham-Romosinuano heifers and steers were evaluated in 2 separate calf crops from 2003 and 2004. Blood samples were obtained from 10 heifers of each breed group (n = 90) for each year at weaning and on d 0 and 84 of postweaning trials. Samples were also taken from 10 steers of each breed group (n = 90) at weaning and on d 0 and 60 of individual finishing phase feeding trials for each year. Concentrations of IGF-I were determined by RIA. Analyses included effects of sire breed, dam breed, year of record, the age of the dam of the calf in years, and interactions. Age of calf in days was investigated as a linear and quadratic covariate. Separate analyses were conducted for steers and heifers. The direct effect of Angus was to reduce (P < 0.03) heifer concentrations of IGF-I at d 84 and in the repeated measures analysis. In the repeated measures analysis, the direct effect of Romosinuano was to increase concentrations of IGF-I (P = 0.01). Relative to the temperate Bos taurus breed, plasma concentrations of IGF-I were numerically greater in male and female tropically adapted breed groups.  相似文献   

选择40头体重接近(400.8±32.1)kg的周岁西杂肉牛随机分为4个试验组,饲喂从5.27 MJ/kg到5.90 MJ/kg增重净能的4组精补料,经过150 d育肥试验全部屠宰测定,探讨4组增重净能精补料饲喂杂交肉牛的育肥性能和成本。结果表明,饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg和5.69 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛总增重、净肉增重、料重比和料肉比均优于饲喂增重净能5.27 MJ/kg和5.48 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛;饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg和5.69 MJ/kg精补料的杂交肉牛单位增重成本比增重净能5.27 MJ/kg和5.48 MJ/kg的平均降低11.71%,单位净肉增重成本平均降低17.33%;饲喂增重净能5.90 MJ/kg精补料的各项试验指标最好,饲喂增重净能5.27 MJ/kg精补料的最差(P0.05,P0.01)。由此结论,高增重净能的精补料明显提高杂交肉牛育肥和产肉性能、改善总增重和净肉增重的饲料效率和成本。  相似文献   

The effect of feeding different levels of cassava foliage (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) and/or Stylosanthes guianensis foliage on the growth and digestibility was studied using twenty eight 6-month-old crossbred growing cattle (50% local Yellow cattle and 50% Sindhi) (both Bos indicus) weighing on average 114 kg at start. All animals were fed a basal diet consisting of urea treated rice straw (URTRS) fed ad libitum, 0.87 kg concentrate and 0.22 kg molasses on dry matter (DM) basis. The treatments were four supplements: soybean meal, cassava foliage, stylosanthes foliage or a mix of stylosanthes foliage and cassava foliage all giving the same nitrogen intake. The consumption of tannins and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) were significantly higher in groups fed a mixture of foliages compared with only cassava foliage, respectively. There were 30% and 19%, respectively, higher live weight gain in the group fed a mixture of foliages as compared to the groups fed only cassava or stylosanthes. The factors of low organic matter and high level of HCN in the diet when feeding only cassava foliage might explain the negative effects on intake, neutral detergent fibre digestibility and nitrogen retention, and resulted in lower growth rates.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate alkaline hydrogen peroxide-treated wheat straw (AHPWS) in cattle growing (Exp. 1) and finishing (Exp. 2) diets. In Exp. 1, 162 crossbred steers (257 kg) were fed 66% roughage diets in an 84-d growth trial to compare AHPWS to corn silage (CS) and to evaluate different supplemental CP sources and levels. A completely randomized design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Factors were roughage source (CS, a 1:1 mixture of CS:AHPWS [MIX] and AHPWS) and CP treatment (13 and 11% CP with supplemental CP provided by soybean meal [13-SBM] and [11-SBM] and 11% CP with a combination of urea, corn gluten meal, and fish meal [UGF]). Lasalocid was fed at the rate of 200 mg per steer daily. Steers fed AHPWS had decreased (P less than .01) DMI compared with steers fed MIX and CS. This may be due to increased dietary Na from residual Na in AHPWS. With each incremental increase in AHPWS, ADG and gain/feed decreased (P less than .01). Dry matter intakes (kg/d), ADG (kg), and gain/feed for CS, MIX, and AHPWS were 8.0, 1.56, and .19; 8.2, 1.33, and .16; and 7.5, 1.08, and .14, respectively. Decreased performance by steers fed AHPWS may be due, in part, to a negative interaction between the lasalocid and dietary minerals. There were no differences in performance due to CP supplementation. In Exp. 2, AHPWS was compared to alfalfa hay (AH) and CS at 10 and 20% of dietary DM (2 x 3 factorial) in a 127-d finishing trial with 108 crossbred steers (341 kg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of wheat-based thin stillage as a water source for cattle. In Trial 1, 20 large-framed steers were fed a basal diet based primarily on barley grain and barley silage, with ad libitum access to water or thin stillage at one of three DM concentrations (2, 4, and 6.7%) in a completely randomized design. The trial consisted of a 70-d growing period and a finishing phase. In Trial 2, total-tract nutrient digestibility coefficients of the basal diet and water treatments fed in the growing period were determined in a randomized complete block design using 12 medium-framed steers. The results showed that when only DMI from the basal diet was considered, there was a linear reduction (P<.01) in DMI and a linear improvement (P<.01) in the gain:feed ratio with no effect on daily gain as thin stillage DM concentration increased. No differences were detected in DMI or efficiency of gain when total DMI (basal diet and thin stillage) was considered. Carcass traits indicated a trend toward increased (P<.06) carcass fat with increasing thin stillage DM concentration. Results of Trial 2 indicated a linear improvement (P<.05) in apparent digestibility of DM, CP, NDF, and energy of the total diet (basal diet and thin stillage) as thin stillage DM concentration increased. We concluded that supplementing growing and finishing cattle with thin stillage reduced the amount of the basal diet required for gain and improved nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

Nine experiments on the effect upon bodyweight change of subcutaneous ear implantation of 36 mg zeranol in 605 Bos indicus crossbred cattle were conducted. Bullocks aged 3 to 4 years, steers aged 18 months and entire heifers aged 18 to 30 months were used over the period January to August, 1980. They were grazed on 6 commercial farms in tropical northern Australia. Seven of the experiments examined the results of single implantation after the initial 60 to 97 days. Growth rates of untreated cattle in the January to May period ranged from 0.43 kg/day over 97 days in heifers to 1.07 kg/day in bullocks. Bodyweight gains attributed to zeranol ranged from 1.8 kg (4.3% increase) over 97 days in heifers (NS) to 22.3 kg (28.9% increase) over 90 days in 18 month-old steers (P < 0.01). The significant bodyweight responses to zeranol treatment in all 5 experiments involving older 3-to 4-year-old bullocks have not been previously reported. Hot dressed weights of the zeranol-treated bullocks were significantly heavier than the untreated controls and dressing percentages were similar. Increases in bodyweight attributable to implantation with zeranol yielded 50 to 54% saleable carcase weight. Single-, repeat-, and non-implanted treatments were compared over 186 days from January to August. Both zeranol treatments significantly out-performed the controls (P < 0.05), and the repeat-implanted bullocks gained 9.2 kg more than the single-implanted bullocks (P<0.10) in spite of bodyweight tosses recorded in the 3 treatments over the final 105 days. In 2 experiments bullocks implanted once in January/February were weighed in August to monitor compensatory bodyweight changes after April/May. The cattle retained 72.4% and 92.6% of the original bodyweight advantage attributed to zeranol treatment, depending upon whether they lost or gained in bodyweight respectively during the April/May to August period. The commercial relevance of these results is discussed and suggestions are made for further work.  相似文献   

选择48头体重相近([192.90±26.38)kg]的8~10月龄西门塔尔杂交肉牛随机分为4个试验组,通过添加大豆油饲喂按等同梯度从5.94 MJ/kg递增到6.57 MJ/kg增重净能的等同蛋白质和必需氨基酸的精补料,探讨4组高增重净能的精补料饲喂杂交肉牛的育肥性能和成本。150 d育肥试验的结果表明,饲喂6.36 MJ/kg增重净能精补料3和5.94 MJ/kg精补料1的杂交肉牛全期日增重分别为1.26 kg和1.19 kg,精料重比分别为2.95和3.16,增重耗精料成本占摄入成本分别为79.53%和84.51%(P<0.05、P<0.01),显著差异来自精补料增重净能的二元曲线效应;饲喂6.57 MJ/kg增重净能精补料4和6.15 MJ/kg精补料2的杂交肉牛全期育肥性能在数据上优于精补料1和低于精补料3(P>0.05)。由此结论,在饲喂黄贮玉米秸秆条件下,6.36 MJ/kg增重净能的精补料3明显提高杂交肉牛育肥性能、饲料效率和育肥利润空间;过高增重净能的精补料4没有表现出最佳育肥效果。  相似文献   

对16-18月龄的4头西杂一代公牛和4头湘西黄牛公牛进行160天的育肥,西杂一代公牛日增重817.48g,屠宰率54.2%,净肉率43.4%;湘西黄牛日增重487.57g,屠宰率46.9%,净肉率36.8%。西杂一代公牛比湘西黄牛公牛日增重提高67.7%,屠宰率和净肉率分别提高7.3和6.6个百分点。  相似文献   

The time budgets and daily milk yield of Jersey and Friesland cows and their crosses were compared in a pasture-based system by recording the time spent grazing, drinking, lying, standing and walking in four seasons of the year (cool-dry, hot-dry, hot-wet and post-rainy). Observations were made from 0800 to 1400 hours on seven cows per breed. Seven observers monitored the cows at 10-min intervals for 6?h using stop watches. Time spent standing was higher (P??0.05) across the genotypes in the hot-wet season. In the cool-dry season, differences in time spent grazing (P??0.05) in the same season. The Jersey cows spent the longest time walking (P?相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted to determine the true ileal digestible Trp (tidTrp) requirement of growing and finishing pigs fed diets (as-fed basis) containing 0.87% (Exp. 3), 0.70% (Exp. 4), 0.61% (Exp. 5), and 0.52% (Exp. 1 and 2) tidLys during the early-grower, late-grower, early-finisher, and late-finisher periods, respectively. Treatments were replicated with three or four replications, with three or four pigs per replicate pen. Treatment differences were considered significant at P = 0.10. Experiment 1 was conducted with 27 pigs (initial and final BW of 78.3 +/- 0.5 and 109.8 +/- 1.9 kg) to validate whether a corn-feather meal (FM) tidTrp-deficient (0.07%) diet, when supplemented with 0.07% crystalline l-Trp, would result in growth performance and carcass traits similar to a conventional corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) diet. Pigs fed the corn-FM diet without Trp supplementation had decreased growth performance and carcass traits, and increased plasma urea N (PUN) concentration. Supplementing the corn-FM diet with Trp resulted in greater ADG and G:F than pigs fed the positive control C-SBM diet. Pigs fed the corn-FM diet had similar carcass traits as pigs fed the C-SBM diet, but loin muscle area was decreased and fat thickness was increased. In Exp. 2, 60 pigs (initial and final BW of 74.6 +/- 0.50 and 104.5 +/- 1.64 kg) were used to estimate the tidTrp requirement of finishing pigs. The levels of tidTrp used in Exp. 2 were 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12, or 0.14% (as-fed basis). Response variables were growth performance, PUN concentrations, and carcass traits and quality. For Exp. 2, the average of the estimates calculated by broken-line regression was 0.104% tidTrp. In Exp. 3, 4, and 5, barrows (n = 60, 60, or 80, respectively) were allotted to five dietary treatments supplemented with crystalline l-Trp at increments of 0.02%. The basal diets contained 0.13, 0.09, and 0.07% tidTrp (as-fed basis) in Exp. 3, 4, and 5, and initial BW of the pigs in these experiments were 30.9 +/- 0.7, 51.3 +/- 1.1, and 69.4 +/- 3.0 kg, respectively. The response variable was PUN, and the basal diet used in Exp. 3 and 4 contained corn, SBM, and Canadian field peas. The tidTrp requirements were estimated to be 0.167% for pigs weighing 30.9 kg, 0.134% for pigs weighing 51.3 kg, and 0.096% for pigs weighing 69.4 kg. Based on our data and a summary of the cited literature, we suggest the following total Trp and tidTrp requirement estimates (as-fed basis): 30-kg pigs, 0.21 and 0.18%; 50-kg pigs, 0.17 and 0.14%; 70-kg pigs, 0.13 and 0.11%; and in 90-kg pigs, 0.13 and 0.11%.  相似文献   

The limiting amino acids in growing cattle   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Reliable predictions of metabolizable energy (ME) from digestible energy (DE) are necessary to prescribe nutrient requirements of beef cattle accurately. A previously developed database that included 87 treatment means from 23 respiration calorimetry studies has been updated to evaluate the efficiency of converting DE to ME by adding 47 treatment means from 11 additional studies. Diets were fed to growing-finishing cattle under individual feeding conditions. A citation-adjusted linear regression equation was developed where dietary ME concentration (Mcal/kg of dry matter [DM]) was the dependent variable and dietary DE concentration (Mcal/kg) was the independent variable: ME = 1.0001 × DE – 0.3926; r2 = 0.99, root mean square prediction error [RMSPE] = 0.04, and P < 0.01 for the intercept and slope. The slope did not differ from unity (95% CI = 0.936 to 1.065); therefore, the intercept (95% CI = −0.567 to −0.218) defines the value of ME predicted from DE. For practical use, we recommend ME = DE – 0.39. Based on the relationship between DE and ME, we calculated the citation-adjusted loss of methane, which yielded a value of 0.2433 Mcal/kg of dry matter intake (DMI; SE = 0.0134). This value was also adjusted for the effects of DMI above maintenance, yielding a citation-adjusted relationship: CH4, Mcal/kg = 0.3344 – 0.05639 × multiple of maintenance; r2 = 0.536, RMSPE = 0.0245, and P < 0.01 for the intercept and slope. Both the 0.2433 value and the result of the intake-adjusted equation can be multiplied by DMI to yield an estimate of methane production. These two approaches were evaluated using a second, independent database comprising 129 data points from 29 published studies. Four equations in the literature that used DMI or intake energy to predict methane production also were evaluated with the second database. The mean bias was substantially greater for the two new equations, but slope bias was substantially less than noted for the other DMI-based equations. Our results suggest that ME for growing and finishing cattle can be predicted from DE across a wide range of diets, cattle types, and intake levels by simply subtracting a constant from DE. Mean bias associated with our two new methane emission equations suggests that further research is needed to determine whether coefficients to predict methane from DMI could be developed for specific diet types, levels of DMI relative to body weight, or other variables that affect the emission of methane.  相似文献   

Two metabolism trials were conducted to evaluate the influence of therapeutic antibiotic supplementation on characteristics of digestion of growing and finishing diets. Treatments consisted of a basal diet supplemented with: no antibiotics, 350 mg chlortetracycline and 350 mg sulfamethazine and 700 mg chlortetracycline and 700 mg sulfamethazine. In trial 1, treatment effects were evaluated in a replicated 3 X 3 Latin-square design experiment involving six crossbred steers (462 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. The basal diet contained (dry matter basis) 16.1% alfalfa hay, 72% steam flaked corn, 3.3% molasses, 5.8% fat, .96% urea, .79% limestone, .50% trace mineral salt, 33 mg/kg lasalocid, 2,200 IU/kg vitamin A and .44% chromic oxide. Dry matter intake was limited to 1.4% of body weight. In trial 2, treatment effects were evaluated in a 3 X 3 Latin-square design experiment involving three steers (399 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proximal duodenum. The basal diet contained (dry matter basis) 10.1% sudangrass hay, 34.9% alfalfa hay, 43.9% steam flaked corn, 6.1% molasses, 4.0% fat, .46% urea, .49% trace mineral salt, 33 mg/kg lasalocid and 2,200 IU/kg vitamin A. Dry matter intake was limited to 1.65% of body weight. Antibiotic supplementation did not influence microbial efficiency, passage of microbial and feed N to the small intestine, or either ruminal or total tract digestion of organic matter and acid detergent fiber in either growing or finishing diets (P greater than .20).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Susceptible Ankole (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) and crossbred Ankole x Jersey (B. taurus) and Ankole x Sahiwal (B. indicus) cattle derived from a farm in Rwanda with no recent history of theileriosis, were infected withTheileria parva stocks from Rwanda either by feeding infectedRhipicephalus appendiculatus ticks on the ears, inoculation of tick derived stabilate or natural exposure to tick challenge. The Ankole cattle originated from local stock born and bred in East Coast fever (ECF) endemic areas of Rwanda. Disease, followed by spontaneous recovery, was observed in 49 of the 72 Ankole cattle after infection withT. parva (68%); the other 23 animals (32%) died of ECF. In contrast 21 of the 33 infected crossbred cattle (64%) died of ECF. It is concluded that the partialTheileria tolerance of the Ankole is, to a great extent, genetic. The basis of this partial tolerance seems to be their ability to limit the explosive multiplication of macroschizonts during the acute phase of the disease.
Resumen Se infectó ganado Ankole susceptible (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) y ganado cruzado Ankole x Jersey (Bos taurus) y Ankole x Sahiwal (Bos indicus) proveniente de una finca en Rwanda sin historia reciente de theileriosis, conTheileria parva procedente de Rwanda, mediante la adhesión en la oreja deRhipicephalus appendiculatus infectado, inoculación de estabilados derivados de garrapatas, o exposición natural a la enfermedad a través del vector. El ganado Ankole era originario de un área endémica de theileriosis en Rwanda. Se observó la enfermedad seguida de recuperación, en 49 de 72 animales Ankole infectados conT. parva (68%); los otros 23 animales murieron (32%). En contraste, 21 de los 33 animales cruzados infectados (64%), murieron. Se concluye, que la tolerancia parcial del ganado Ankole es de origen genético. Las bases de ésta tolerancia genética, parece debida a la habilidad para limitar en cierto modo la multiplicación explosiva de macroesquizontes, durante la fase aguda de la enfermedad.

Résumé On a infecté du bétail sensible, de race Ankolé (Sanga:Bos indicus/Bos taurus) et des croisés Ankolé x Jersey (B. taurus) et Ankolé x Sahiwal (B. indicus), provenant d'une ferme au Rwanda sans cas récents de theilériose, avec des souches deTheileria parva du Rwanda, par l'application de tiques (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) infectées sur les oreilles, par inoculation de stabilat de tiques infectées ou par l'exposition à un challenge naturel de tiques. La souche d'Ankolé était originaire du cheptel local Rwandais, né et élevé dans les régions où la theilériose est endémique. La maladie suivie par la guérison spontanée fut observée dans 49 des 72 Ankolés (68%), les autres 23 animaux (32%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Par contre 21 des 33 croisées infectées (64%) ont succombé à la theilériose. Nous concluons que la tolérance partielle des Ankolés contre la theilériose, est génétique. La base de cette tolérance semble être leur capacité de limiter la multiplication explosive des macroschizonts pendant la phase aigu de la maladie.

本试验研究不同饲喂次数对育肥猪生长性能的影响。试验结果表明,生长肥育母猪(平均初始体重60kg)日饲喂2次较为合理。  相似文献   

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