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马铃薯是人们生活中的一种常用蔬菜,其营养极为丰富,据测定,每500克鲜马铃薯蛋白质8.4克、脂肪3.1克、碳水化合物70克、粗纤维6.2克、钙48毫克、铁4毫克、胡萝卜素0.04毫克、硫胺素0.44毫克、核黄素0.13毫克、尼克酸1.8毫克。马铃薯既是一种常用蔬菜,而且又是饲喂奶牛的一种极好的优质多汁块茎类饲料。尤其是在夏季高温季节,由于奶牛怕热不怕冷,当外界气温高于28℃时,就会出现热应激反应,从而导致泌乳奶牛食欲低,采食量少,膘下跌,泌乳量和体质下降等。为减轻高温热应激对奶牛泌乳量的影响,我…  相似文献   

Forty female goats in the third parity were randomly divided into four similar groups. The experiment was started 20 days before mating and lasted until the end of the suckling period for 60 days and weaning their kids. The first group were fed diet without supplementation and kept as control while in the second, third and fourth groups, each doe was fed diets with rumen protected choline (RPC) at the rate of 10, 20 and 40 g/day, respectively. Results showed that number of doe kidding twins and triplets and litter weight of kids born per group increased with increasing the level of RPC in the diet of goats and viability rate of born kids during the suckling period improved due to RPC supplementation in the diets of their mothers. Duration of estrous, days from weaning to estrous, days from kidding to estrous and kidding interval decreased significantly, while conception rate increased due to adding RPC. Milk choline concentrations and total choline secretion though milk were progressively increased significantly with increasing the level of RPC supplementation. Live body weight and daily body gain of their suckling male and female kids at weaning increased significantly with increasing RPC levels in the diets of their mothers.  相似文献   

选11月龄、健康、体重相近的中卫山羊育成母羊24只,随机分为3组,分别饲喂不同能量水平和精粗比的日粮,通过梯度饲养试验与屠宰试验结合的方法,研究日粮能量水平与精粗比对其增重与产肉性能的影响。结果表明:试验羊增重、日增重、屠宰率、净肉率、眼肌面积等产肉性能指标随日粮能量水平的增加而提高。  相似文献   

日粮中添加蛋氨酸锌对蛋鸡高温季节产蛋性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱国生 《饲料广角》2003,(10):37-38
蛋氨酸锌是由蛋氨酸同金属元素锌经一定的加工工艺螫合而成。蛋氨酸锌是一种新型饲料添加剂,它能改善动物的生长性能,增强免疫功能与抗应激能力,还可调节食欲,减少微量元素对环境的污染,可以部分代替抗生素的作用。因此,国内近年来对蛋氨酸锌用作畜禽饲料添加剂的资料已有不少报道。笔者为了进一步验证蛋氨酸锌在夏季高温季节对产蛋鸡产蛋性能的影响,从而为当地养鸡专业户推广应用提供依据,于2000年6~7月间,在本市明水镇对专业户饲养的产蛋鸡进行了添加饲喂对比试验,并取得了一定的效果,现总结如下。  相似文献   

研究日粮添加过瘤胃胆碱(RPC)对喀斯特山区奶牛泌乳性能及其延续效应的影响。以10头喀斯特山区泌乳盛期奶牛为试验动物,进行自身对照试验设计。试验按照对照期、正试期(试验Ⅰ期、试验Ⅱ期)、延续效应期(试验Ⅲ期)连续进行,每期12 d。其中,正试期RPC每头奶牛的添加水平为40 g/d;试验Ⅲ期停喂RPC以观察其是否可对奶产量产生延续效应。结果表明,对照期、试验Ⅰ期、试验Ⅱ期、试验Ⅲ期奶牛干物质采食量差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验Ⅰ期奶产量显著高于其他3期(25.5∶27.7∶26.5∶24.8 kg/d,P<0.05);正试期(试验Ⅰ期、试验Ⅱ期)奶产量显著高于对照期、延续效应期(25.5∶27.2∶24.8 kg/d,P<0.05);当停喂RPC后,延续效应期奶产量即下降至对照期水平(25.5∶24.8 kg/d,P>0.05)。奶成分不受日粮添加RPC的影响(P>0.05),乳脂、乳固型物含量数值上较对照期有所增加。由此可见,日粮添加RPC有利于提高喀斯特山区奶牛泌乳性能,但未对奶产量表现出延续效应,生产实践中需持续添加。  相似文献   

Twenty-four purebred Boer (Capra hircus hircus) and 12 male kids of 1/2 Boer breeding (initial BW 21 +/- .5 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design to study the effects of increasing level of whole cottonseed (WCS) on ADG, serum urea N, plasma gossypol, live grades, and intake of DM, CP, NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, ether extract, and free gossypol. A subgroup of 16 purebred goats was used to determine digestibility using a 5-d total fecal collection. Goats were blocked by BW and then assigned at random to one of four diets containing 0, 8, 16, or 24% WCS. All diets contained 71% chopped orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) hay and 29% concentrate; WCS replaced corn and soybean meal to maintain calculated TDN and CP concentrations at 68 and 15% of DM, respectively. Concentrations of NDF in diet DM were 52.4, 55.9, 59.3, and 62.1% with increasing WCS, and the Ca:P ratio was maintained at 2:0. Goats were given ad libitum access to feed and water. Over the 90-d performance phase, DMI (P < .05), CP intake (P < .02), and ADG (P < .01) decreased linearly with increasing WCS in the diet, whereas ether extract (EE) intake increased in a cubic fashion (P < .01). Gain:feed decreased linearly (P < .02) with increasing level of WCS. Addition of WCS resulted in linear decreases in apparent digestibility coefficients of DM (P < .02) and NDF (P < .05), a linear increase in total plasma gossypol (P < .01), and a quadratic increase in serum urea N (P < .04). Apparent digestibility of CP was not affected by WCS level. At the 16 and 24% WCS levels, EE constituted 4.2 and 4.8% of total DMI, respectively. Adding WCS to diets for growing goats had detrimental effects on animal performance, and, based on the possible negative effects of dietary EE and NDF rather than gossypol, economics should dictate whether to use WCS in feeding programs.  相似文献   

1. The present study was conducted to determine if detrimental effects of high temperature on broiler performance could be overcome by short-term fasting and to examine the effect of food withdrawal on the responses of two commercial strains (S1 and S2). 2. An experimental design was used with three feeding groups and two strains. Birds in the control (C) group were fed ad libitum during the experimental period (0 to 6 weeks), while feed was withdrawn in the other groups between 10:00 and 16:00 h during weeks 5 and 6 (F1) or week 6 (F2), respectively. After standard brooding for the first 3 weeks temperature and humidity varied according to outside climate between 4 and 6 weeks of age. 3. Feeding strategy significantly affected body weight at week 6 (BW6) and daily weight gain during week 6 (DWG5-6). F2 gave the best results in BW6 and DWG5-6. Strain effect was significant on DWG4-5 and DWG5-6; S1 had higher DWG4-5 and S2 gained more at the last stage. S1C broilers had greater BW6 than S2C but the S2 strain gave a better response to short-term fasting compared with S1 and this resulted in significant strain by feeding interaction effect on BW6 and DWG5-6. 4. It was shown that short-term fasting was an effective method for controlling rectal temperature (RT) of broilers at 5 and 6 weeks of age. 5. Total food consumption (FCO-6), food conversion ratio (FCRO-6), mortality, and carcase characteristics were not affected by short-term fasting in the experimental conditions. 6. In conclusion, it can be recommended that broiler producers may practise 6 h of fasting during the hot period of the day without any adverse effect on slaughter weight and FCR when the birds are close to the average slaughter weight and a heat wave is expected. Strain differences in RT measurements also indicate the importance of choosing strains to be used in hot and warm climate conditions with attention to the thermoregulation ability of broilers.  相似文献   

Summary Periodic sprinkling of water on growing and finishing pig for 2 minutes at the approximate rate of 50 ml per pig significantly improved their average daily gain and feed conversion. There was little change in feed intake. Sprinkling every 45 minutes gave better results than sprinkling every 90 minutes. If the sprinklers were operated when the temperature was above 25°C, in the growing stage and above 21° in the finishing stage performance was better than it was if they were operated only above 29 and 25°C.
Sumario Asperiones periodicas de dos minutos en cantidades aproximadas de 50 ml por animal en el período de levante y ceba, mejoró significativemente el promedio de ganancia diaria y la conversión de alimentos. No hubo cambios apreciables en la ingestión de los mismos. Las aspersiones con intervalos de 45 minutos, dieron mejor resultado que las efectuadas cada 90 minutos. Cuando los rociadores funcionaron en temperatureas por encima de los 25°C en el período de levante y por encima de 21°C en período de ceba, el desarrollo fue mejor que cuando funcionaron solamente en temperaturas por encima de 29° y 25°C.

Résumé Des porcs périodiquement douchés pendant deux minutes avec 50 1. d'eau ont répondu de fa?on significative tant en ce qui concerne le gain journalier de poids que l'utilisation de la nourriture, alors que peu de changements ont été notés dans la quantité de nourritur absorbée. L'affusion d'eau toutes les 45 minutes donne des résultats supérieurs à celle obtenue lorsque l'intervalle entre deux douches est porté à 90 minutes. Les aspersions pratiquées lorsque la température ambiante se situe au dessus de 25° pendant la croissance des animaux et au dessus de 21° lor de leur finition donent de meilleurs résultats que si elles ont respectivement lieu au-dessus de 25 et 29°C.

The purpose of this study was to investigate, if different Ca concentrations in diets have an influence on bone mineral metabolism in growing goats and sheep. Twelve growing goats and sheep were divided into two groups. The two control groups received 6.1 g calcium/day (nG) and 6.7 g calcium/day (nS) for goat and sheep respectively. The other two groups were fed 17.7 g calcium/day (hG) and 18.5 g calcium/day (hS). Blood samples were taken 2, 4, 5 and 6 weeks after the start of the experiment. In serum Ca and vitamin D were determined and bone metabolism was measured using crosslinked carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP), crosslaps, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin (OC). Bone mineral density (BMD) was quantified using quantitative computed tomography. Bone resorption marker (ICTP) concentrations were significantly different between both groups control sheep/control goat and hS/hG, but no significant differences were evident in the different feeding groups within one species. OC concentrations showed a similar course to ICTP. The goats had significantly higher concentrations compared with sheep. The 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (VITD) concentrations in both hCa groups were significantly lower than in the control groups. BMD increased in the hCa groups compared with the control groups with the time, but significant differences were only evident in sheep in week 2. The hCa diet did not induce differences between the groups within one species for all bone markers. The control Ca diet seems to improve the active Ca absorption via VITD whereas the hCa diet leads to a higher amount of Ca apparently digested. Higher BMD was only observed in group hS compared with nS.  相似文献   

The efficacy of eight combinations of fluorogestone acetate (FGA, 20 or 40 mg as intravaginal device during 11 days), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG, 300 or 500 UI injected 48 hr before FGA removal) and prostaglandin F (cloprostenol, 0 or 50 μg injected 48 hr before FGA removal) aiming at induction and synchronization of oestrus and ovulation was evaluated during the anoestrus season in spring and during the breeding season in autumn in adult Beni Arouss goats. Oestrous behaviour was recorded between 12 and 60 hr after FGA removal. Blood samplings allowing to assess onset of the pre‐ovulatory LH surge and increase of progesterone as sign of an active corpus luteum were performed, respectively, between 20 and 60 hr and 3, 5, 8 and 15 days after FGA removal. No season‐related differences (spring vs. autumn) were observed for oestrous response (95% vs. 93%), pre‐ovulatory LH surge (94% vs. 84%) and luteal response after 3–8 and 11–15 days post‐treatment (respectively 92% vs. 66% and 92% vs. 98%). The onset of oestrus (21 [13–53] vs. 32 [12–54] hr) and LH surge (26 [20–60] vs. 38 [22–60] hr) occurred significantly later in autumn. FGA (40 vs. 20 mg) in autumn significantly delayed the onset of oestrus (36 [16–54] vs. 23 [12–47] hr) and LH surge (44 [26–58] vs. 33 [22–60] hr). Significant treatment‐related differences were recorded for onset of LH surge (earliest for 20 mg FGA, 300 IU eCG, 50 μg PGF) and onset of luteal phase (latest for 40 mg FGA, 300 IU eCG, 50 μg PGF). In conclusion, the hormone combinations tested appeared equally effective in terms of oestrous and ovulation rates. Season has influenced significantly the onset of oestrus and LH surge, and the high dose regimen of FGA delayed the ovarian response in autumn.  相似文献   

During summer season, increase in the environmental temperature in the subtropical regions of Pakistan is negatively affecting the performance of dairy animals. The study objective was to determine the effect of ambient management (90 days) on productive and physiological performance of lactating Sahiwal cows during hot dry summer season. Fifteen lactating cows during the early lactation stage, having similar parity (3), daily milk production (6.2 l), were randomly allocated to three treatments, 5 cows each, i.e., (1) kept under roof shade only, (2) provision of fans along with roof shade, and (3) provision of roof shade, fans, and sprinklers designated as S, SF, and SFS, respectively. The fans were of 360-rpm capacity and showers were on for 40 min after every 90-min interval from 9:00 to 21:00 h. THI values were 81.1?±?0.7, 80.5?±?0.7, and 77.7?±?0.4 under S, SF, and SFS treatments, respectively. Cows were milked twice daily. Respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) data were collected at 14:00 h on daily basis. The daily milk production was significantly higher in cows under SF (7.9?±?1 kg) followed by SFS (6.9?±?1.2 kg) and S (6.1?±?0.9 kg) treatments. The mean RT (101.0?±?0.04 °F) was significantly lower in cows under SFS than that on SF and S treatments and similarly mean RR was also lower (21.2 breaths/min) in cows under SFS followed by SF and S treatments. It is concluded that milk production and physiological performance in Sahiwal cows can be improved by fan-assisted ventilation during hot dry summer in subtropical regions.  相似文献   


Relationship of scrotal bifurcation or splitness with breeding soundness traits was investigated in 15 Beetal bucks (17–20 months of age and 48.72?±?1.57 kg mean BW). Breeding soundness traits of conjoined/unsplit (n?=?6) scrotal bucks was compared with split (n?=?9) scrotal bucks having lengthwise >?1 in. bifurcation. Two consecutive semen ejaculations per buck were collected at monthly interval during summer season (April to June 2018) using intact buck as teaser and sexual behavior was simultaneously recorded. Scrotal morphometry parameters, i.e., scrotal circumference, scrotal volume, scrotal skin thickness, testis length, width, and thickness were also recorded. Bucks with split scrotum had relatively more scrotal dimensions (scrotal circumference (P?<?0.01), scrotal volume (P?<?0.01), testis length (P?<?0.01)) than conjoined scrotal bucks. Among various semen attributes, semen volume of first ejaculate (P?<?0.01), second ejaculate (P?<?0.05), mean semen volume (P?<?0.01), total sperm count of first ejaculate, and mean sperm count of both ejaculates were more (P?<?0.01) in split scrotal bucks. However, scrotal bifurcation had no influence on sexual behavior of bucks. It is concluded that Beetal bucks with split scrotum had relatively better breeding efficiency traits than conjoined scrotal bucks.


不同施氮水平对玉米生长季土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
吕佩毓  柴强  李广 《草业科学》2011,28(11):1919-1923
为了探索不同氮肥用量对玉米(Zea mays)农田土壤呼吸速率的影响,采用EGM 4密闭式土壤呼吸测量系统,对甘肃省武威凉州灌区不同施氮水平下的玉米农田土壤呼吸速率进行研究。结果表明,玉米农田土壤呼吸速率的日变化为单峰曲线,其最小值和最大值分别出现在06:00和14:00左右,日变化随温度升高而增加。同时,玉米农田土壤呼吸速率(均以CO2的排放量计算)也具有较明显的季节变化,最大值为8.92 μmol/(m2·s),出现在7月,最小值为1.12 μmol/(m2·s),出现在5月,生育期变化顺序为抽雄期>大喇叭口期>拔节期>灌浆期>成熟期>苗期。土壤呼吸速率随施氮水平升高而升高,施氮450 kg/hm2(N450)排放CO2均值为5.72 μmol/(m2·s);300 kg/hm2(N300)为5.34 μmol/(m2·s);不施氮肥(N0)为4.90 μmol/(m2·s),其中N450比N300和N0分别增加了7.12%和16.73%,N300比N0增加了8.98%,不同施氮水平下玉米土壤呼吸速率的差异主要发生在生长盛期。  相似文献   

The effect of washing frequency on the physiological responses and performance of buffalo calves was studied in hot summer. Thirty Nili-Ravi calves aged 4–6 months were divided into three uniform groups of ten. The calves of group A, B and C were washed two (9 a.m. and 3 p.m.), three (8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m.) and four (8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.) times in a day, respectively. They were washed with water for 5 min at a stretch. The mean linear body measurements, body weight, dry matter intake through concentrate, green fodder and physiological responses, i.e. rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate before and after washing under different daily washing frequency were recorded fortnightly. The average daily gain was also calculated. The mean total dry matter intake was increased with the increase frequency of washing. The maximum mean daily body weight gain was recorded in group C followed by group B and A. There were statistically significant (P < 0.05) differences between the three washing groups. Calves were more comfortable with increase number of washing in a day in hot summer. The rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate also varied significantly (P < 0.05) between the three experiment groups. It can be concluded that daily four times washing in hot summer had more beneficial effects over three and two times washing of young Nili-Ravi buffalo calves to decrease rectal temperature, pulse rate and respiration rate and to increase average feed utilization and daily gain under tropical climate.  相似文献   

宋代军  黄嫚秋 《饲料工业》2007,28(23):37-39
试验用含魔芋粉0%、2%、3%、4%的饲粮饲喂12日龄的樱桃谷杂交肉鸭SM3,探讨魔芋粉作为一种饲料原料的饲用价值。结果表明:用含魔芋粉的日粮饲喂肉鸭,对肉鸭的日增重、耗料量和增重饲料成本没有明显影响(P>0.05),但对鸭的总增重和经济效益有一定影响。在本试验中,添加2%的魔芋粉使肉鸭的总增重增加,经济效益最好。  相似文献   

Feed scarcity during hot summer months is one of the major predisposing factors for low reproductive efficiency of livestock reared in hot semiarid environment. A study was conducted to assess the effect of concentrate supplementation during summer months on growth, reproductive performance, and blood metabolites in Malpura ewes. Twenty adult Malpura ewes were used in the present study. The ewes were divided into two groups viz, group 1 (n?=?10; control) and group 2 (n?=?10; concentrate supplementation). The study was conducted for a period of 35 days covering two estrus cycles. In the first cycle, only PGF was given to all ewes, while in second cycle, all ewes were synchronized for estrus using progesterone-impregnated intravaginal sponges and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. The animals were allowed for grazing for 8–10 h per day. Apart from grazing, group 2 ewes were supplemented with concentrate mixture at 1.5 % of body weight. Concentrate supplementation had significant influence on body weight, ADG, estrus percentage, estrus duration, onset of estrus, ovulation response, plasma glucose, total protein, and urea. The present study reveals that ewes supplemented with concentrate mixture at 1.5 % of body weights during summer season significantly influenced the growth and reproductive performance of Malpura ewes. Further, the study signifies the importance of providing additional feed supplementation to ewes kept grazing under the conditions of a hot, semiarid environment to improve their reproductive efficiency.  相似文献   


An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of replacing soybean meal with soya waste at different levels on intake, digestibility and growth in goats. Eighteen male goat kids with initial body weight (BW) of 13.0 kg were distributed equally to three dietary groups. They were fed Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and concentrate mixture, and each goat was assigned to an individual pen. Soybean meal in the concentrate mixture was replaced with soya waste at 0% (T1), 50% (T2) and 100% (T3) levels in respective dietary groups. These diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Results showed that animals fed T3 diet exhibited higher Napier grass intake than those fed T1 or T2 diet. There was no influence on total intakes of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), metabolic BW, per cent BW and metabolisable energy by the dietary groups. However, there was an increasing trend on intake and digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) with increasing levels of soya waste in the diets. Animals fed T3 diet showed higher intake and digestibility of NDF than those fed T1 diet. There was no influence of the dietary groups on digestibilities of DM, OM and CP. Similarly, there was no effect of them on the final BW, total BW gain, daily BW gain, feed conversion ratio and feed cost. Soya waste can replace 100% soybean meal in diets for growing goats, because no change was observed in nutrient intake, digestibility and growth performance; inclusion of soya waste enhanced the intake and digestibility of NDF.


Acacia etbaica Schweinf. and Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn. are among the common woody browse plants that naturally grow in many arid and semi-arid rangelands in sub Saharan Africa. An experiment was conducted to compare the voluntary dry matter intake, body weight gain, nitrogen balance, carcass composition and sensory attributes of goats supplemented with different levels of A. etbaica and D. cinerea fruits. Average initial body weight of the goats was 20.4 kg (± 0.8SE) and received one of the following fruit supplementation regimes for 120 days (on body weight basis, n = 4 goats per group): (1) Control, no supplement; (2) 0.5% of A. etbaica; (3) 0.5% of D. cinerea; (4) 1.0% of A. etbaica; (5) 1.0% of D. cinerea; (6) 1.5% of A. etbaica; (7) 1.5% of D. cinerea. All groups were allowed to graze/browse during the day. Compared to A. etbaica, D. cinerea fruits contained higher amounts of crude protein (182 vs 135 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (11 vs 8.4 MJ/kg DM), and in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficient (0.7 vs 0.6). The concentrations of acid detergent fiber (ADF), sulphuric acid solubulized lignin, and tannin (soluble and condensed) were lower (P < 0.05) in D. cinerea than in A. etbaica fruits. A. etbaica fruits, however, contained higher amounts of Na, K, Fe, and Zn concentrations than D. cinerea fruits. Dry matter intake was markedly higher in supplemented groups than in the control group without supplement. Similarly, body weight gain in the control group was negative and lower (P < 0.05) than any of the supplemented groups. During the course of the experimental period (120 days) the group placed in the 1.5% D. cinerea fruit diet gained 2.6 kg whereas the control group lost 2.0 kg. Thus, the difference between these two groups was 4.6 kg, which suggests about 22.5% increment of the goats' initial body weight. N retention was negative for the control group and varied little among the remaining treatment groups. Dressing percent increased with increased level of either type of fruit supplement, the highest (51.8%) being achieved at the 1.5% D. cinerea level. There was no difference in bone tissue across treatment groups. D. cinerea fruit intake also resulted in juicy/watery flavor and tender carcass. D. cinerea fruits appeared to have no adverse effects when included at the highest level (1.5%) and could be collected and stored as dry season supplement to smallholder goats. This study shows that poor farmers can increase goat performance substantially through supplement feeding with wild fruits. Areas in Ethiopia originally set aside for provision of ecological services and biodiversity protection can also be used for wild fruit production and feeding of small stock. The effect of increasing D. cinerea fruits above the 1.5% body weight level should be a focus of future investigation. Further work on deactivation mechanism of tannins is required for A. etbaica fruits included at levels higher than 1.0%.  相似文献   

为了解生长季牦牛粪斑覆盖对高寒草甸生态系统温室气体排放的影响, 于2012年6月25日-9月24日基于添加牛粪处理定位试验, 利用静态箱-气相色谱法对高寒草甸生态系统N2O、CH4和CO2通量进行测定。结果表明, 粪斑覆盖对其生态系统N2O、CH4和CO2排放具有刺激效应, 其发生在粪斑覆盖的1―50 d, 且3类温室气体峰值出现时间各异;粪斑覆盖导致的系统温室气体排放潜势较无牛粪覆盖增加了39.2%, 其N2O、CH4和CO2的累积排放量分别为0.095、0.412、2 064 g CO2·m-2, 全球变暖潜势为2 102 g CO2·m-2。因此, 高寒草地牦牛粪斑是重要的温室气体来源之一, 在估测生态系统对气候变化的贡献中不可忽视。  相似文献   

木薯渣不同补饲方式对山羊生产性能的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨木薯渣(CR)不同补饲方式对山羊生产性能的影响,选用平均体重(24.8±1.9)kg的江西地方山羊(羯羊)36只,随机分成4个处理,每个处理3个重复,每个重复3头羊。处理Ⅰ组为仅喂基础粗饲料木薯干草(CH)但不补饲CR的对照组,处理Ⅱ组、处理Ⅲ组与处理Ⅳ组为在饲喂CH基础上以不同方式按初始体重均重的每千克代谢体重30g(按干物质计,合333g)给每头羊补给CR的试验组。处理Ⅱ组在给羊只投给CH前3h一次性补给,处理Ⅲ组在投给CH后2h一次性补给,处理Ⅳ组将处理Ⅲ组的CR分3次等量(每次每头111g)补给。试验结果为:处理Ⅱ组的平均日采食木薯干草(CH)、平均日增重(ADG)以及料重比(F/G)与不补饲CR的处理Ⅰ组不显著(P>0.05)。处理Ⅲ组的ADG较处理Ⅰ组和处理Ⅱ组显著增加,F/G则显著降低(P<0.05)。处理Ⅳ组的ADG较处理Ⅲ组的又有显著增加(P<0.05),而F/G显著降低(P<0.05)。本研究表明,CR作为能量添补饲料,用于山羊CH基础粗饲料补饲时,可以通过改变补饲方式与增加饲喂次数,来调控CR的瘤胃降解速率,使之与CH的相似,使得能氮能够同步利用,从而提高动物的生产性能。  相似文献   

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