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The purpose of this study was to assess genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship and population structure among nine Eurasian cattle populations using 58 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The calculated distribution of minor allele frequencies and heterozygosities suggested that the genetic diversity of Bos indicus populations was lower than that of Bos taurus populations. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the main divergence between the Bos taurus and Bos indicus populations, and subsequently between Asian and European populations. By principal components analysis, the Bos taurus and Bos indicus populations were clearly distinguished with PC1 (61.1%); however, six Bos taurus populations clustered loosely and the partial separation between European and Asian groups was observed by PC2 (12.5%). The structure analysis was performed using the STRUCTURE program. Distinct separation between Bos taurus and Bos indicus was shown at K = 2, and that between European and Asian populations at K = 3. At K = 4, 5 and 6, Mongolian population showed an admixture pattern with different ancestry of Asian and European cattle. At K = 7, all Bos taurus populations showed each cluster with little proportion of admixture. In conclusion, 58 SNP markers in this study could sufficiently estimate the genetic diversity, relationship and structure for nine Eurasian cattle populations, especially by analyses of principal components and STRUCTURE.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A population structure study was performed in South African ovine populations using the OvineSNP50 beadchip. Blood samples were obtained from 295 sheep of...  相似文献   


1. The genetic diversity and population structure were studied for eight local chicken breeds, including Anjiyan (AN), Hetian Black (HH), Hetian Ma (HM), Aheqi (AH), Baicheng You (BC), Hejing (HJ), Tashkurghan (TS) and Ruoqiang (RQ), in the Southern Xinjiang region of China, using 20 microsatellite markers.

2. Total 336 alleles were obtained from all chicken breeds, with a mean of 16.8 alleles per locus. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.444 to 0.911, with a mean of 0.729 and almost all of the loci showed significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg standards. The observed and expected heterozygosity of the eight breeds ranged from 0.5 to 0.677 and from 0.656 to 0.774, with the lowest observed in the AN and the highest in BC breed. The average breed genetic diversity was 0.655 for AN and 0.766 for BC chickens.

3. According to the neighbour-joining (NJ) method, three main clusters were identified in the NJ phylogenetic tree with AN and RQ breeds in one clade, HH and HM breeds in the second clade and TS, HJ, AH and BC breeds in the third clade.

4. Based on STRUCTURE analysis, the most likely cluster number of all breeds was K = 4, whereby HH and HM breeds formed one cluster and AH, BC, HJ and TS formed another, and RQ, AN chicken formed their own distinct cluster. These results indicated that HH and HM breeds had similar genetic background, as did the breeds of AH, BC, HJ and TS. RQ, AN breed had unique genetic backgrounds, distinct from the other breeds. Genetic introgression was detected from AN to HH and HM.

5. The results of the current study can be used as baseline genetic information to implement effective conservation programs and to make better use of these local chicken breeds, especially for the AN, RQ and TS breeds.  相似文献   

采用SRAP标记对来自不同国家的49份海雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum)种质资源遗传多样性进行分析,探讨其群体结构及种质间亲缘关系,为海雀稗种质的开发利用奠定基础.结果表明:从100对引物中共筛选出20对扩增稳定、多态性好的SRAP引物,对49份种质进行PCR扩增,共扩增出169条带,其中多态性条带为118条,多态性位点百分率为69.8%.49份海雀稗种质间遗传相似系数为0.52?0.88,平均值为0.67,表明供试海雀稗种质间存在较大遗传差异.采用UPGMA聚类分析、主成分分析、群体结构分析对49份海雀稗种质进行划分,基本都分为2类,且44份材料在3种方法下均表现为较一致的分类,5份材料表现出一定程度的变异,表明此研究结果反映的种质亲缘关系基本稳定,可用于育种应用.  相似文献   

采用SRAP标记对来自不同国家的49份海雀稗(Paspalum vaginatum)种质资源遗传多样性进行分析,探讨其群体结构及种质间亲缘关系,为海雀稗种质的开发利用奠定基础.结果表明:从100对引物中共筛选出20对扩增稳定、多态性好的SRAP引物,对49份种质进行PCR扩增,共扩增出169条带,其中多态性条带为118...  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Genetic variability within and between breeds allows adaptation to a changing environment and consequently prepares producers for the future. Eleven...  相似文献   

Conservation and improvement strategies in farm animals should be based on a combination of genetic and phenotypic characteristics. Genotype data from 30 microsatellites were used to assess the genetic diversity and relationships among five Cuban cattle breeds (Siboney de Cuba, Criollo Cubano, Cebú Cubano, Mambí de Cuba and Taíno de Cuba). All microsatellite markers were highly polymorphic in all the breeds. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.67 ± 0.02 in the Taíno de Cuba breed to 0.75 ± 0.02 in the Mambí de Cuba breed, and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.66 ± 0.03 in the Cebú Cubano breed to 0.73 ± 0.02 in the Siboney de Cuba breed. The genetic differentiation between the breeds was significant (p < 0.01) based on the infinitesimal model (FST). The exact test for Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium within breeds showed a significant deviation in each breed (p < 0.0003) for one or more loci. The genetic distance and structure analysis showed that a significant amount of genetic variation is maintained in the local cattle population and that all breeds studied could be considered genetically distinct. The Siboney de Cuba and Mambí de Cuba breeds seem to be the most genetically related among the studied five breeds.  相似文献   

The Namaqua Afrikaner is an endangered sheep breed indigenous to South Africa, primarily used in smallholder farming systems. Genetic characterization is essential for the breed’s conservation and utilization. In this study, a genetic characterization was performed on 144 Namaqua Afrikaner sheep kept at the Karakul Experimental Station (KES), Carnarvon Experimental Station (CES), and a private farm Welgeluk (WGK) using 22 microsatellite markers. The mean number of alleles observed was low (3.7 for KES, 3.9 for CES, and 4.2 for WGK). Expected heterozygosity values across loci ranged between 46 % for WGK, 48 % for KES, and 55 % for CES, indicating low to moderate genetic variation. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that 89.5 % of the genetic variation was due to differences within populations. The population structure confirmed the differentiation of three clusters with high relationships between the CES and WGK populations. In the population structure comparison with Pedi and South African Mutton Merino sheep, limited hybridization between the Namaqua Afrikaner sheep and both of these breeds was observed. The results of this study will serve as a reference for genetic management and conservation of Namaqua Afrikaner sheep.  相似文献   

To understand molecular genetic characteristics of Korean pigs, the genetic relationships of nine pig breeds including two Korean pigs (Korean native pig and Korean wild pig), three Chinese pigs (Min pig, Xiang pig, and Wuzhishan pig), and four European breeds (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire) were characterized from a 16-microsatellite loci analysis. The mean heterozygosity within breeds ranged from 0.494 to 0.703. Across multiple loci, significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in most pig breeds, except for two Chinese pigs (Min pig and Wuzhishan pig). This deviation was in the direction of heterozygote deficit. Across population loci, 36 of 144 significantly deviated (P < 0.05) from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The mean FST, a measure of genetic divergence among subpopulations, of all loci indicated that 26.1% of total variation could be attributed to the breed difference. Relationship trees based on the Nei's DA genetic distance and scatter diagram from principal component analysis consistently displayed pronounced genetic differentiation among the Korean wild pig, Xiang pig, and Wuzhishan pig. Individual assignment test using a Bayesian method showed 100% success in assigning Korean and Chinese individual pigs into their correct breeds of origin and 100% exclusion success from all alternative reference populations at P < 0.001. These findings indicate that the Korean native pig has been experiencing progressive interbreeding with Western pig breeds after originating from a North China pig breed with a black coat color. Considering the close genetic relationship of Korean pigs to the Western breeds such as Berkshire and Landrace, our findings can be used as valuable genetic information for the preservation and further genetic improvement of the Korean native pig.  相似文献   

通过错配PCR技术检测Mx基因S631N位点的抗性等位基因A和敏感性等位基因G在11个不同鸡种中的分布差异。结果显示,错配PCR-RFLP能准确检测出抗性等位基因A与敏感性等位基因G在不同鸡种内的突变,抗性等位基因A在所有群体内的基因频率平均为0.502,敏感性等位基因G的频率平均为0.498;11个不同鸡种群体Mx基因S631N位点的观察杂合度平均为0.506 7,Shannon信息指数平均为0.562 9。在该位点上,11个鸡种,漳州斗鸡、吐鲁番斗鸡、皖南鸡、文昌鸡、如皋鸡、安卡鸡偏离了Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P<0.05)外,其余5个群体均处Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P>0.05);经Ewens-Watterson中立性检验,该位点在各群体内(除如皋鸡群体外)均属于中立性选择。基于该位点等位基因频率构建的UPGMA聚类图将11个不同鸡种分为3大类,聚类结果反映了11个不同鸡种在Mx基因抗性方面存在的差异和优势。  相似文献   

The distribution of genetic diversity and the genetic relationships among western Mediterranean horse breeds were investigated using microsatellite markers. The examined sample included seven Spanish and three Italian local horse breeds and populations, plus a Spanish Thoroughbred outgroup. The total number of animals examined was 682 (on average 62 animals per breed; range 20–122). The microsatellite marker set analysed provided 128 alleles (10.7 alleles per locus). Within‐breed genetic diversity was always high (>0.70), with breeds contributing about 8% of the total genetic variability. The mean molecular coancestry of the entire population examined was 0.205, Losino being the breed that contributed most. In addition to Nei's standard and Reynolds’ genetic distances, pair‐wise kinship distance and molecular coancestry were estimated. Remarkably similar breed rankings were obtained with all methods. Clustering analysis provided an accurate representation of the current genetic relationships among the breeds. Determining coancestry is useful for analysing genetic diversity distribution between and within breeds and provides a good framework for jointly analysing molecular markers and pedigree information. An integrated analysis was undertaken to obtain information on the population dynamics in western Mediterranean native horse populations, and to better determine conservation priorities.  相似文献   

In Iberia there are 51 officially recognized cattle breeds of which 15 are found in Portugal and 38 in Spain. We present here a comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity and structure of Iberian cattle. Forty of these breeds were genotyped with 19 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers. Asturiana de los Valles displayed the greatest allelic diversity and Mallorquina the least. Unbiased heterozygosity values ranged from 0.596 to 0.787. The network based on Reynolds distances was star-shaped with few pairs of interrelated breeds and a clear cluster of 4 breeds (Alistana/Arouquesa/Marinhoa/Mirandesa). The analysis of the genetic structure of Iberian cattle indicated that the most probable number of population clusters included in the study would be 36. Distance results were supported by the STRUCTURE software indicating a relatively recent origin or possible crossbreeding or both between pairs or small groups of breeds. Five clusters included 2 different breeds (Betizu/Pirenaica, Morucha/Avile?a, Parda de Monta?a/Bruna de los Pirineos, Barros?/Cachena, and Toro de Lidia/Brava de Lide), 3 breeds (Berrenda en Negro, Negra Andaluza, and Mertolenga) were divided in 2 independent clusters each, and 2 breeds were considered admixed (Asturiana de los Valles and Berrenda en Colorado). Individual assignation to breeds was not possible in the 2 admixed breeds and the pair Parda de Monta?a/Bruna de los Pirineos. The relationship between Iberian cattle reflects their geographical origin rather than their morphotypes. Exceptions to this geographic clustering are most probably a consequence of crossbreeding with foreign breeds. The relative genetic isolation within their geographical origin, the consequent genetic drift, the adaptation to specific environment and production systems, and the influence of African and European cattle have contributed to the current genetic status of Iberian cattle, which are grouped according to their geographical origin. The greater degree of admixture observed in some breeds should be taken into account before using molecular markers for genetic assignment of individuals to breeds.  相似文献   

Seven microsatellite markers were used to study genetic diversity of three Egyptian (Egyptian Baladi, Barki and Zaraibi) and two Italian (Maltese and Montefalcone) goat breeds. The microsatellites showed a high polymorphic information content (PIC) of more than 0.5 in most of the locus-breed combinations and indicated that the loci were useful in assessing within- and between-breed variability of domestic goat (Capra hircus). The expected heterozygosity of the breeds varied from 0.670 to 0.792. In the geographically wider distributed Egyptian Baladi breed there were indications for deviations from random breeding. Analysis of genetic distances and population structure grouped the three Egyptian goat breeds together, and separated them from the two Italian breeds. The studied Mediterranean breeds sampled from African and European populations seem to have differentiated from each other with only little genetic exchange between the geographically isolated populations.  相似文献   

Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae), a tick-borne pathogen of cattle, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, and many isolates of A. marginale may occur in a given geographic area. Phylogenetic relationships have been reported for A. marginale isolates from the US using gene and protein sequences of MSP1a and msp4. These studies demonstrated that msp4 sequences, but not MSP1a DNA or protein sequences, provide phylogeographic information and also that MSP1a sequences are highly heterogeneous among A. marginale populations. However, little information is available on the genetic diversity of A. marginale isolates from other regions of the world. The present study was undertaken to examine genetic variation among 10 isolates of A. marginale obtained from infected cattle in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where A. marginale is endemic. Neighbor-joining analysis of msp4 sequences of Brazilian and New World isolates of A. marginale from Argentina, Mexico and the US provided bootstrap support for a Latin American clade. The sequences of the MSP1a repeats of four Brazilian isolates of A. marginale were compared to sequences of Latin American and US isolates. The MSP1a repeated sequences of Latin American isolates of A. marginale had nine repeat forms, alpha-phi, which have not been reported previously in North American isolates of A. marginale. Furthermore, the repeated forms tau, sigma and mu were only present in the Brazilian isolates. The results demonstrated that the genetic heterogeneity observed among isolates of A. marginale is common in endemic areas, independent of the predominant tick vector and is consistent with previous studies in which msp4 provided phylogeographic information about A. marginale isolates, while MSP1a was found not to be a useful marker for phylogeographic characterization of A. marginale isolates.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between body condition score (BCS) and fertility traits in dairy cattle were estimated using bivariate random regression models. BCS was recorded by the Swiss Holstein Association on 22,075 lactating heifers (primiparous cows) from 856 sires. Fertility data during first lactation were extracted for 40,736 cows. The fertility traits were days to first service (DFS), days between first and last insemination (DFLI), calving interval (CI), number of services per conception (NSPC) and conception rate to first insemination (CRFI). A bivariate model was used to estimate genetic correlations between BCS as a longitudinal trait by random regression components, and daughter's fertility at the sire level as a single lactation measurement. Heritability of BCS was 0.17, and heritabilities for fertility traits were low (0.01-0.08). Genetic correlations between BCS and fertility over the lactation varied from: -0.45 to -0.14 for DFS; -0.75 to 0.03 for DFLI; from -0.59 to -0.02 for CI; from -0.47 to 0.33 for NSPC and from 0.08 to 0.82 for CRFI. These results show (genetic) interactions between fat reserves and reproduction along the lactation trajectory of modern dairy cows, which can be useful in genetic selection as well as in management. Maximum genetic gain in fertility from indirect selection on BCS should be based on measurements taken in mid lactation when the genetic variance for BCS is largest, and the genetic correlations between BCS and fertility is strongest.  相似文献   

For the first time, the current study reports the genetic and phenotypic correlations between growth and reproductive traits in Zandi sheep. The data were comprised of 4,309 records of lamb growth traits from 1,378 dams and 273 sires plus 2,588 records of reproductive traits from 577 ewes. These data were extracted from available performance records at Khojir Breeding Station of Zandi sheep in Tehran, Iran, from 1993 to 2008. Correlations were estimated from two animal models in a bivariate analysis using restricted maximum likelihood procedure between lamb growth traits [birth weight (BW), weaning weight at 3 months of age (WW), as well as six-month weight (6 MW)] and ewe reproductive traits [litter size at birth (LSB), litter size at weaning (LSW), total litter weight at birth (TLWB), and total litter weight at weaning (TLWW)]. The genetic correlations between BW and reproductive traits varied from low to high ranges from 0.10 for BW–LSB to 0.86 for BW–TLWB. WW was moderately (0.37) to highly (0.96) correlated with all the reproductive traits. Moreover, the genetic correlations were observed between 6 MW and reproductive traits, varied from 0.19 to 0.95. Relationships between growth and reproductive traits ranged from 0.01 for BW–LSW to 0.28 for BW–TLWB in phenotypic effects. Results indicated that selection to improve WW would have high effect on genetic response in TLWW, and also, these results could be effective for all of the reproductive traits in Zandi sheep.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigated the genetic variations in the coding region of porcine melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) gene in three pig breeds (Min, Yorkshire and Landrace) with black and white coat colors. Six polymorphic sites were found to be significantly associated with coat color. Two blocks were identified in the linkage disequilibrium map, the haplotypes in the first block are nt67/68indelCC and nt67/68indel--, and the haplotypes in the second block are ACCGA and GTTAG. The median-joining network diagram of MC1R haplotypes showed most Min pigs and other Asia domestic breeds own similar haplotypes to ACCGA, while the haplotypes of Europe pig breeds are similar to GTTAG. The phylogenetic analysis of the MC1R CDS further showed Min pigs are close to Laiwu pigs (Shandong, China), which indicated that the black coat color trait of Min pig might be originated and evolved from the black pig breed in Shandong Peninsula of China.  相似文献   

Samples from 717 sheep of 11 Austrian sheep breeds were genotyped for 25 microsatellite loci. Twenty‐one loci showing no deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were used to calculate pairwise genetic distances (Nei's minimum distance and Reynolds’ distance). All breeds could be clearly distinguished through these genetic distances. The shortest genetic distance was found between Alpines Steinschaf (AS) and Waldschaf (WS). Within the so‐called ‘Steinschaf’ group [AS, Montafoner Steinschaf (MS), Krainer Steinschaf (KS) and Tiroler Steinschaf (TS)] the MS adopted an extreme status with the largest distance to the other breeds in the group. This finding resulted in the decision to consider the MS no longer as subpopulation of Alpines Steinschaf but as an independent breed. A correct breed assignment using a Bayesian approach was possible for only 66% of all individuals belonging to Alpines Steinschaf, but for at least 90% of individuals for all other breeds investigated.  相似文献   

Brachiaria is a tropical, warm-season grass native to Africa. It is an extensively cultivated forage in the tropics with proven benefits on livestock productivity. Brachiaria is well-known for high biomass production, animal nutrition, carbon sequestration, biological nitrification inhibition, soil conservation, and adaptation to drought and low fertility soils. However, the use of Brachiaria grass for fodder production in Africa has been little explored largely due to lack of cultivars suitable to different production environments. The exploration and use of natural diversity is fundamental for an efficient Brachiaria breeding program. We analysed genetic diversity and population structure of 112 Ethiopian Brachiaria brizantha accessions using 23 microsatellite markers. A total of 459 alleles were detected with an average polymorphic information content of 0.75 suggesting high discriminating ability of these markers. The molecular variance analysis showed a high contribution (86%) of within-cluster differences to the total variation. Three allelic pools revealed by STRUCTURE analysis in 112 accessions were in agreement with the clustering patterns seen in neighbor-joining tree and principal coordinates analyses. A core collection of 39 B. brizantha accessions was constituted. This study concludes a high genetic diversity of Ethiopian B. brizantha accessions and their importance in Brachiaria breeding programs.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of efficient single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for individual identification and parentage tests in a Japanese Black cattle population. An amplified fragment length polymorphism method was employed to detect informative candidate markers, and yielded 44 SNP markers from 220 primer combinations. 29 unlinked SNPs were finally selected as diagnostic markers. The allelic frequencies for each marker were estimated by using PCR‐RFLP in the Japanese Black population. Based on the frequency data, the estimated identity power of these markers was 2.73 × 10?12. Parentage exclusion probabilities, when both suspected parents' genotypes were known and when only one suspected parent was genotyped, were estimated as 0.96929 and 0.99693, respectively. This panel of SNP markers is theoretically sufficient for individual identification, and would also be a powerful tool for a parentage test in Japanese Black cattle. The markers could contribute to the management of the beef industry in Japan.  相似文献   

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