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本研究旨在探讨TAFA趋化素样家族成员1(TAFA1)基因多态性与郏县红牛生长的关联性。试验共采集了79头郏县红牛成年母牛的血样并提取基因组DNA,利用直接测序法对TAFA1基因上的错义突变SNP rs137516577进行基因型分型,并与郏县红牛体高、体长、胸围、腰角宽、坐骨端宽、尻长、十字部高、荐高、胸深、胸宽、体重等11个生长和体尺性状进行关联分析。同时根据“Animal Omics Datebase”数据库对TAFA1基因的组织表达情况进行分析。结果发现该SNP与体长、腰角宽、坐骨端宽、尻长和体重等性状显著相关(P<0.05),且GC型个体体长、腰角宽、坐骨端宽、尻长和体重均显著高于GG型(P<0.05)。TAFA1基因在牛大脑组织中表达量最高。结果表明,TAFA1基因上错义突变SNP rs137516577与郏县红牛生长性状相关,可作为郏县红牛生长性状的分子标记。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify a predictor to forecast superovulation response on the basis of associations between superovulation performance and gene polymorphism. The PCR-RFLP method was applied to detect two reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of G59752C and T81637C (rs41614030) located in introns 3 and 4 of the bovine progesterone receptor (PGR) gene in 171 Chinese Holstein cows treated for superovulation and evaluate its associations with superovulation traits. In polymorphic locus 81637, all cows without superovulation response were g.81637TC and g.81637TT genotypes. Association analysis showed that these two SNPs had significant effects on the total number of ova (TNO) (p<0.05), and the T81637C polymorphism was significantly associated with the number of transferable embryos (p<0.05). In addition, significant additive effects (p<0.05) on TNO were detected in the polymorphisms of G59752C and T81637C. These results showed for the first time that the G59752C and T81637C polymorphisms in PGR gene were associated with superovulation traits and indicated that PGR gene can be used as a predictor for superovulation in Chinese Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Our previous cDNA microarray study showed that the growth hormone (GH) gene may involve in the duck egg formation process. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between GH genotypes of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and reproductive traits of Tsaiya ducks. Primer pairs for the coding region in the GH were designed based on the duck genomic sequence. Polymorphisms were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single strand polymorphism (SSCP) and were verified by DNA sequencing. Nineteen SNPs were identified in the duck GH gene, of which three coding SNPs (C3169T, C3700T and C5058G) were genotyped to investigate the associations with reproductive traits. The results showed that each SNP was associated with at least one duck fertility-related trait (p < 0.05). Haplotypes constructed on these three SNPs were associated with fertility rate (FR) and maximum duration of fertility (MDF) (p < 0.05). In particular, diplotype H1H1 was dominant for FR and MDF. This suggested that GH gene polymorphisms are associated with duck fertility-related traits. The SNPs in this gene may be used as potential markers for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine and examine the distribution of major frequency MHC II+ cells in the oviduct and vagina of cows during the oestrous and dioestrus phases. Right oviduct (ampulla, isthmus) and vaginal samples taken from a total of twenty seven multiparous cows were used. Tissue samples were processed to obtain both cryostat and paraffin sections. Sections were stained immunocytochemically using StreptABC method using a specific monoclonal antibody to MHC II+ cell population. Intra-epithelial and subepithelial areas along with lamina propria, muscularis mucosae and serosa of both ampulla and isthmus and intra-epithelial/subepithelial areas and mucosae of vagina were examined for the presence of MHC II+ cells. The density of immune positive cells was determined using a subjective scoring system. MHC II+ cells were demonstrated in all areas examined in both oestrus and dioestrus. In oestrus, the density of MHC II+ cells decreased in subepithelial areas (in between the epithelial cells and the basal membrane) of isthmus, whereas the density of immune positive cells was increased in muscularis mucosae of isthmus ( P  < 0.05), lamina propria and muscularis mucosae of ampulla ( P  < 0.05) as well as in the mucosae of vagina ( P  ≤ 0.005). This study indicates that the density of MHC II+ cells observed in the oviduct and vagina increases in the majority of areas examined due to the effect of oestrogen.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) plays an important role in muscle growth and it might be used as a marker for the growth traits selection strategies in farm animals. The objectives of this study were to detect polymorphisms in exon 10 of IGF2 and to determine associations between these polymorphisms and growth traits in Egyptian water buffalo. PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods were used to detect any prospective polymorphism. A novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), C287A, was detected. It was a non-synonymous mutation and led to replacement of glutamine (Q) amino acid (aa) by histidine (H) aa. Three different SSCP patterns were observed: AA, AC, and CC, with frequencies of 0.540, 0.325, and 0.135, respectively. Association analyses revealed that the AA individuals had a higher average daily gain (ADG) than other individuals (CC and AC) from birth to 9 months of age. We conclude that the AA genotype in C287A SNP in the exon 10 of the IGF2 gene is associated with the ADG during the age from birth to 9 months and could be used as a potential genetic marker for selection of growth traits in Egyptian buffalo.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Gene and genotype frequencies of alleles, identified by PCR/RFLP technology, at leucine 127/valine127 (L/V) and C/D loci of the growth hormone gene of Ayrshire, Holstein and Jersey breeds were determined. The frequency of the V allele at the L/V mutation locus was 0.29, 0.09 and 0.24 for the Ayrshire, Holstein and Jersey breeds, respectively. The frequencies of the D allele at the C/D mutation locus were 0.00, 0.13 and 0.30 for the three breeds, respectively. Different growth hormone genotypes of Holstein AI bulls were compared for their estimated transmitting abilities (ETA) of milk, fat and protein yields using the samples of unrelated bulls and samples of the top, medium and bottom groups of ETA. The L/V locus was significantly (p < 0.05) associated with fat and protein ETAs of the selected groups and approached significance (p = 0.06) for milk ETA, with the V allele being more frequent in the top than in the bottom group of bulls. The C/D polymorphic locus was significantly (p = 0.02) associated with differences among the top, middle and bottom groups of bulls for milk ETA, but not significantly (p > 0.05) associated with fat and protein ETAs. The results suggest a possible association of growth hormone gene polymorphism with milk production traits in Holstein bulls. However, the results were not conclusive due to the small sample size and low frequencies of the V and D alleles. Much larger sample sizes are needed to obtain a reasonable number of VV and DD genotypes for a critical comparison. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Zusammenhang genetischer Varianten des Rinderwachstumshormons mit Milchleistungsmerkmalen bei Holstein Rindern Gene und Genotyp Frequenzen von Allelen, identifiziert mittels PCR/RFLP Technik, an Leucin(127) /Valin(127) (L/V) und C/D Loci des Wachtumshormon Genes wurden bei Ayrshire, Holstein und Jerseys bestimmt. Die H?ufigkeiten des V Alleles waren 0.29, 0.09 und 0.24, jene des D Alleles 0, 0.13, und 0.30 bei den drei Rassen. Der Vergleich verschiedener Genotypen bei Holstein KB Stieren hinsichtlich gesch?tzter Nachkommenüberlegenheit (ETA) für Milch, Fett und Protein Mengen umfa?te Stiere mit hohen, mittleren und niedrigen ETA. Der L/V Locus zeigte statistisch signifikanten Einflu? bei Fettund ProteinETA und p = 0.06 bei Milch, wobei das V Allel in der Spitzengruppe h?ufiger als bei neidrigen war. Der C/D Locus war signifikant (p<0.02) mit Unterschieden hinsichtlich Milch, nicht aber mit jenen hinsichtlich Fett und Protein assoziiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf Zusammenh?nge, jedoch beintr?chtigt geringe Zahl der Tiere und niedrige H?ufigkeit der V und D Allele allgemeine und bindende Schlu?folgerungen.  相似文献   


Antibody titers raised for vaccinations against avian influenza (AI) and Newcastle disease (ND) were higher in Chinese Beijing-You (BJY) than in White Leghorn (WL) (P<0.001), but there was no breed difference in titers for sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Genotyping by PCR-SSCP identified seven haplotypes in WL and 17 in BJY. After sequencing PCR products (35 and 85, respectively), 43 (WL) and 47 (BJY) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found in the 264 bp of exon 2. In WL chickens, significant associations were found with antibody responses to AI (two SNPs), ND (six SNPs), and SRBC (one SNP), while in BJY there was association with responses to ND (two SNPs) and SRBC (two SNPs), but none with AI. These results indicate that the genomic region bearing exon 2 of the major histocompatibility complex B-F gene has significant effects on antibody responses to SRBC and vaccination against AI and ND. Different SNPs affected antibody titers for each of the antigens and they differed between these very distinct breeds.  相似文献   

For genotyping of feline major histocompatibility complex (FLA) class II DRB, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method using group-specific primers was tried. Sixty-six DRB genes were classified into 8 groups according to differences in the first 5' amino acid sequences. The group-specific primers were designed as forward ones, which were specific for 5' base sequences of genes in each group. Three to 7 appropriate restricted enzymes were selected by computer analysis for RFLP typing of the genes divided into each group. In 6 out of 9 cats, the results of DRB typed by direct sequence method agreed with results of the PCR-RFLP method using group-specific primers. In the other 3 cats, the number of genes amplified by group-specific primers was I or 2 more than those detected by direct sequence method. The direct sequence method in 9 cats identified 5 new FLA-DRB genes. The PCR-RFLP method using group-specific primers could divide 66 genes into 37 genes and 10 subgroups from the RFLP pattern. One to 6 genes in each cat, and a total of 203 genes and subgroups were detected in 68 domestic cats. The genes detected might be biased to the subgroup G1-1a (28.8%), DRB*0501 (10.3%), G1-2a (9.4%) and G6b (7.4%). The PCR-RFLP method using group-specific primers may be useful in typing FLA class II DRB.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The objectives of this study were to identify polymorphisms in the lactoferrin gene among three Egyptian goat breeds (Barki, Zaraibi, and Damascus) and to...  相似文献   

采用PCR-SSCP技术分析了IGF-Ⅰ基因的5’UTR、外显子4在松辽黑猪群体中的遗传多态性。结果在所扩增的IGF-Ⅰ基因的5’UTR中的2个目的片段均未发现PCR-SSCP遗传多态;在第4外显子中发现PCR-SSCP多态,有2种等位基因A和B,有3种基因型AA型、AB型、BB型。对多态片段的测序分析表明:在IGF-Ⅰ基因第4外显子中存在有1碱基A→G突变。适合性卡方检验表明,该位点的不同基因型频率处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡。用最小二乘法分析IGF-Ⅰ基因第4外显子不同基因型与松辽黑猪生长和胴体性状的相关性,发现IGF-Ⅰ不同基因型对断奶后日增重有显著影响,AA型显著高于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01)。AA型猪的瘦肉率显著低于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01),而AA型猪的平均背膘厚显著高于AB型和BB型(P&lt;0.01),对其他性状的影响差异不显著。结果表明,松辽黑猪IGF-Ⅰ基因应是影响生长和胴体性状的一个主效基因或与影响这些性状的主效基因紧密连锁。  相似文献   

Hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controls the activity of hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis and plays a key role in the reproductive performance of animals. In this study, five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely g.991T > C, g.1041T > C g.3424T > C, g.3462C > A and g.3463Inde A, were detected in the GnRH gene of 162 water buffaloes by Sanger sequencing. Each SNP was associated with more than two sperm quality traits of ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, post-thaw sperm motility and sperm abnormality. g.3424T > C and g.3462C > A were related to these four traits and had a remarkable effect on ejaculate volume. The three other SNPs were related to sperm concentration, post-thaw sperm motility and sperm abnormality. Moreover, six haplotypes (H1: TCCAI, H2: CTTC-, H3: TCCCI, H4: CTTA-, H5: CCTA- and H6: CTCC-) composed of five SNPs comprising seven different combined genotypes were generated by linkage disequilibrium analysis. Statistics followed by one-way ANOVA indicated that water buffaloes with the haplotype combination H1H1 had the highest genotypic frequency, and those with the H4H4 haplotype combination had the highest ejaculate volume. The sperm concentration of those with haplotype combination H1H5 was higher than that of the other genotypes. In summary, our study showed a remarkable association between the SNPs of GnRH and sperm quality traits of Chinese water buffalo.  相似文献   

旨在分析多巴胺受体4基因(dopamine receptor 4,DRD4)多态性与鸡繁殖性状的关系。对DRD4基因共设计3对引物,筛选出7个多态位点,对瑶山鸡母系60个个体进行了与繁殖性状的关联分析。结果表明:DRD4基因5365(C→T)、5747(C→T)对开产日龄存在显著影响(P0.05);5546(G→A)对首次就巢日龄、首次就巢持续时间和300日龄就巢次数存在显著影响(P0.05)。结果提示:DRD4基因5365(C→T)、5747(C→T)可作为开产日龄辅助选择标记;DRD4基因5546(G→A)可作为首次就巢日龄、首次就巢持续时间和300日龄就巢次数辅助选择标记。  相似文献   

1. Enhancing bone strength to solve leg disorders in poultry has become an important goal in broiler production. Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7), a member of the BMP family, represents an attractive therapeutic target for bone regeneration in humans and plays critical roles in skeletal development.

2. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between BMP7 gene expression, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and growth traits in chickens. Here, a SNP (c.1995T>C) in the chicken (Gallus gallus) BMP7 gene was identified, that was associated with growth and carcass traits.

3. Genotyping revealed that the T allele occurred more frequently in breeds with high growth rates, whereas the C allele was predominant in those with low growth rates. The expression level of BMP7 in the thigh bone of birds with the TT genotype was significantly higher than in those with the CC genotype at 21, 42 and 91 d of age.

4. These findings suggest that selecting the birds with the TT genotype of SNP c.1995T>C could improve bone growth, could reduce leg disorders in fast-growing birds. The SNP c.1995T>C may serve as a selective marker for improving bone growth and increasing the consistency of body weights in poultry breeding.  相似文献   


Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein acid-labile subunit (IGFALS) encodes a protein which binds to IGF1 and IGFBP-3 to regulate the growth, differentiation, and other physiological processes. The aim of this study was the identification of allelic polymorphisms of the IGFALS gene using the PCR-RFLP technique and evaluation of their association with growth traits. For this end, 120 blood samples were randomly collected from each breed. Following amplification of an 1113-bp fragment of exon 1 and a part of intron 1 of the IGFLAS gene, genotyping was conducted by three restriction enzymes including HinfI, MscI, and PvuII. The results showed that only one allele was observed in IGFALS-PvuII site, while in IGFLAS-MscI site, three AA, AB, and BB genotypes with the frequencies of 17.5%, 32%, and 50.5% and 11%, 37.5%, and 51.5% were observed in Makouei and Ghezel sheep breeds, respectively. Additionally, in the IGFLAS-HinfI site, two AB and BB genotypes with the frequency of 34.2% and 65.8% were observed in Makouei sheep and AA, AB, and BB genotypes with the frequency of 9%, 21%, and 70% were observed in Ghezel sheep. So that, Makouei sheep with AB genotype had more chest girth (CG) compared with other genotypes. Furthermore, a significant association was observed between the genotypes of IGFLAS-HinfI with birth weight (BW) in Ghezel and BW, weaning weight (BW3), and CG in Makouei sheep. Haplotype analysis revealed an association between paternal haplotypes and BW in both Ghezel and Makouei breeds. So that, AAB and ABB haplotypes showed more BW than others in Makouei and Ghezel sheep, respectively.


四川4个地方山羊品种(群体)MHC-DRB3外显子2的多态性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用TaqⅠ、PstⅠ和HaeⅢ限制性内切酶对四川4个地方山羊品种(群体)GoLA-DRB3基因第二外显子的特异性扩增产物进行消化。结果表明:山羊GoLADRB3第二外显子多态性极丰富,在122,154,168,220,241位点的碱基且为多碱基突变;X2适合性检验表明金堂黑山羊和富顺黑山羊GoLADRB3基因的第二外显子第122位点的碱基突变未达到HardyWeinberg平衡状态;4个山羊品种(群体)在第241位点的碱基突变均已达到HardyWeinberg平衡状态;金堂黑山羊、成都麻羊和乐至黑山羊在HaeⅢ酶切位点均未达到HardyWeinberg平衡状态。  相似文献   

Serum samples from 248 adult dairy goats from 13 flocks with lowered fertility farmed in the Rio de Janeiro region of Brazil were examined for Leptospira antibodies by MAT with 24 serovars, cut off 100. A questionnaire was completed for each herd. Antibodies were detected in 20.8% of these goats, mainly to serovar Hardjo. Risk factors associated with seroprevalence to leptospirosis were the frequency of professional veterinary supervision (OR = 2.35), climate (OR = 2.63) and grazing for more than 2h a day. Flock factors as size, type of milking and offering of food supplementation, as well as the location and topography, the type of animal housing or the presence of silos did not significantly affect seroprevalence. We suggest that a successful control program for goat leptospirosis should include a complete investigation of herd management practices, which could influence in the occurrence of the infection.  相似文献   

选用134头西门塔尔牛为试验材料,采用PCR-RFLP的方法对PPP1CB基因的第一内含子进行检测,利用SPSS软件对该基因内含子1的多态性与肉质性状进行相关性分析。分析结果表明:PPP1CB基因的第一内含子第14 434bp碱基处存在C/T基因突变,该基因多态性与屠宰率呈显著相关,对其他性状的影响差异不显著。本文首次揭示了PPP1CB基因与牛肉质性状的相关性,为西门塔尔牛利用该基因的多态性进行分子育种提供了试验依据。  相似文献   

Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are in the mitochondrial inner membrane and belong to the transporter family. The biological function of UCPs is regulating discharge of proton gradient generated by the respiratory chain. As a result, the production of ATP is diminished, and dissipative heat is yielded. The present study was designed to investigate the association of UCP gene with chicken growth and body composition traits. The ninth generation of the broiler lines divergently selected for abdominal fat was used as a research population. Primers for UCP gene were designed from chicken genomic sequence. A single-nucleotide polymorphism, in the exon3 (T1316C) of UCP gene was detected by the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. The UCP polymorphism was associated with muscle and fatness traits, such as pectoralis minor weight and abdominal fat weight. The results indicated that UCP gene could be a candidate locus or linked to a major gene which affects muscle and fatness traits in chicken.  相似文献   

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