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藏柏、墨西哥柏引种造林试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
试验结果表明 :藏柏和墨西哥柏 6年生时树高平均生长量达 0 .77~ 0 .8m,胸径年平均生长量达 0 .83~ 0 .95cm,方差分析的结果表明 :藏柏 6年生的树高生长量分别比对照马尾松和柏木大 35%和 55% ,胸径大 35%和 56% ,墨西哥柏的树高则比对照大 2 9%和 4 8% ,胸径大 2 0 %和39%。  相似文献   

施肥对10个墨西哥柏种源幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对温室条件下的10个墨西哥柏种源幼苗进行施肥试验,并测定了其苗高、地径、叶片叶绿素含量和叶片N、P、K浓度。试验设3个处理水平:正常温室养护管理,为对照(CK);施用复合肥N、P、K质量比为1∶1∶1,总养分≥45%(T1);施用复合肥N、P、K质量比为4∶1∶1,总养分≥48%(T2);施用尿素(N 46%)(T3)。结果表明,10个墨西哥柏种源对不同施肥处理的吸收效率各不相同;施肥能显著促进墨西哥柏苗木的生长,不同施肥比例对生长指标的影响各不相同,其中T2>T3>T1;T1、T2处理水平很好的促进了叶绿素的积累,其中T1>T2,而T3对墨西哥柏叶绿素影响不显著;处理T2下的10个种源叶片N、P、K元素浓度与CK差异最显著,其次是T1、T3。  相似文献   

在昆明立地条件较差的宜林荒山上造林,定植塘内施基肥,间接地改善了土壤肥力条件,促进了树木生长。施肥与不施肥相比。银荆树平均每年高生长增加102.2cm,径生长增加0.6cm;墨西哥柏平均每年高生长增加29.3cm,径生长增加0.32cm,定植塘内施基肥的增效以施复合肥最好。最佳施用量每塘100g,250.5kg/hm2。肥效排列顺序为:进口复合肥>处理垃圾肥>羊厩肥>桐油枯。  相似文献   

中山柏是江苏省植物研究所二十世纪五十年代初从印度引进的墨西哥柏群系中选育出的一个优良无性系。我市经过十几年的引种栽培试验,结果认为:中山柏适应性广,速生性能特别好,适宜于丘岗山地的石灰石,炭质页岩,紫色页岩地区造林,也是理想的城乡四旁绿化树种。  相似文献   

经试验证实,前期用温室育苗,后期移入适合的营养土容器内培育袋苗,和进行叶面追肥能在半年内育成墨西哥柏壮苗出圃。营养土以80%红壤土,19%火土,1%复合肥配制最好;叶面肥以喷施宝效果最佳,叶面宝、植宝素次之。  相似文献   

Merbau is widely used for indoor finishing, outdoor constructions, and furniture. However, it has a disadvantage in some applications in that part of its extractives is water-soluble and can be readily leached out to stain adjacent materials. This study examined whether heat treatment could overcome the above-mentioned problem. Effects of the treatment temperature and time on water-soluble extractives and color changes of merbau heartwood were studied. CIELAB ΔL *, Δa *b *, and ΔE * parameters and absorbance spectra were used to evaluate color change and water-soluble extractive solutions, respectively. The results show that heat treatment is an efficient technique to overcome the problem caused by water-soluble extractives of merbau heartwood. Surface color of the treated samples tends to become darker and color of the extractive solution becomes fading to transparent when the treatment temperature and time increased. The absorbance of UV light decreases in intensity and the dominant absorption peak appears around 350 nm when the treatment temperature and time increase. The optimized parameters of treatment temperature and time are 170 °C and 4 h. Modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity of the heat treated samples under the optimized parameters decrease by 29.6 and 12.9 %, respectively, compared with those of the untreated samples.  相似文献   

墨西哥柏实生种子园营建及其优树子代测定的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过种子园与子代测定相结合的方式,在位于滇中的石林林场建立了含102个优树(家系)的墨西哥柏实生种子园,从中探讨了墨西哥柏实生种子园的营建途径。对该种子园的52个墨西哥柏自由授粉优树子代测定的结果表明,墨西哥柏速生,10年生树高、胸径、材积、冠幅的年均生长量分别为1.04 m、1.43 cm、0.009 6m3和0.22 m。生长性状和结实性状家系间的差异达显著水平。树高、胸径、材积、冠幅、结实量的家系遗传力分别为0.76、0.66、0.68、0.74和0.65,单株遗传力分别为0.27、0.16、0.18、0.23和0.16,其生长性状和结实性状呈显著的负相关。从该种子园中评选出了9个优良家系,22个优良单株,其材积遗传增益平均为13.47%和25.2%。此外,还揭示了墨西哥柏10年生期间的生长规律。  相似文献   

墨西哥柏幼苗生长和光合生理对氮沉降的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取2年生墨西哥柏幼苗为试验对象,以NH4NO3为外加氮源,通过模拟氮沉降试验,研究其生长和光合生理对氮增加的响应.结果表明:幼苗在高氮水平处理下其生长不断受到抑制,而在中氮水平处理下,幼苗生长不断得到促进.随着施氮浓度增加,墨西哥柏幼苗的根质量和根长均降低,表明氮处理抑制根的生长,分配到根部分的生物量下降.幼苗的净光合速率呈现出随氮处理浓度增加而先增加后降低的趋势,即中氮组的净光合速率最高,而高氮组开始逐渐下降.幼苗的水分利用效率变化趋势与净光合速率一致.幼苗叶片光合色素含量随氮处理水平增加而增加.说明短期内中氮水平对幼苗生长和光合作用影响最显著,而高氮水平对幼苗光合色素影响最显著.  相似文献   

在实践基础上,总结提出了中山柏全光照自动喷雾双层基质扦插育苗技术,包括全光照弥雾装置、全光照自动喷雾设施及设备、双层基质配置、插条选择和插穗制作、插穗处理、扦插方法、扦插后管理、幼苗越冬管理等方面,与传统扦插方法相比,本方法扦插成活率可提高20%,当年抽梢率提高60%,可给传统扦插繁殖困难树种的育苗提供参考。  相似文献   

The reactivity of previously prepared antiserum against agatharesinol, a norlignan, was determined by competitive inhibition–ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) using several natural compounds that are representative of plant extractives as competitive inhibitors. The antiserum strongly reacted with some norlignans (i.e., agatharesinol, hinokiresinol, and metasequirin C), each of which has a common chemical-structural unit. This result suggests that the antiserum recognizes the specific chemical-structural unit composing those norlignans. Moreover, differences in the reactivities of the antiserum with agatharesinol derivatives and synthetic chalcones propose the trans-3-p-hydroxyphenyl-1-phenylpropene structural unit as the major antigenic determinant for the antiserum.Part of this paper was presented at the 45th Lignin Symposium, Matsuyama, October 2000 and the 51th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tokyo, April 2001  相似文献   

The variation in extractives content in sapwood and heartwood was investigated among 12 trees in each of four commercial plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in central Portugal. The study was carried out at the 15% height level and extractions used successively dichloromethane, ethanol and water. At all sites, heartwood had significantly more extractives than sapwood, on average 3.8 and 2.4%, respectively. Most extractives consisted of ethanol soluble material (on average 52% of total extractives). Among the sites, there was a statistically significant difference in the content of extractives but the most important source of variation was the within-tree variation between sapwood and heartwood. Differences in the content of extractives were also observed among trees. A strong relation between extractives content and heartwood proportion was found. The potential loss of pulp yield and problems associated with accumulation of extractives are directly related to the heartwood proportion in the eucalypt stems. Forest management should take into account heartwood development and selection for minimising heartwood extractives.  相似文献   

抗旱保水剂在墨西哥柏工程造林上的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干热河谷石灰岩地区的立地条件差,导致造林成活率低,使用白金子抗旱保水剂结合ABT生根粉、地膜覆盖技术应用于墨西哥柏工程造林,检测结果:(1)显著地提高了造林成活率,达99%,比对照试验地提高了21%-27%;(2)植株生长迅速,长势旺盛,平均高生长达116cm,比对照试验地提高17.5cm,与定植时高度相比,平均增高41cm,地径增粗0.3cm。对比效果明显。该项技术适宜在同类地区的林业工程造林中推广应用。  相似文献   

在云南省开远市浑水塘试验地设置了35个20 m×20 m的标准地,对标准地内4 a生的主要造林树种墨西哥柏及4个供选伴生树种(羽叶山黄麻、新银合欢、直干桉、赤桉)地径、树高、胸径、冠幅分别进行测量,选择平均木,对平均木生物量、生长量进行测定.经数据分析后认为,新银合欢生长速度慢于墨西哥柏且枝少叶疏,适宜作为墨西哥柏的伴生树种,羽叶山黄麻冠幅虽大,但枝叶稀疏,可作为墨西哥柏的次适宜伴生树种.  相似文献   

在呈贡劣质山地对墨西哥柏、银荆树植树造林进行了不同整地方式、植塘规格、种植密度、抚育方式的试验。结果:撩壕整地和水平台地的保存率及幼树生长量优于块状整地,且在阴坡深草地段尤为显著。3种植塘规格(60cm×60cm×60cm,50cm×50cm×50cm,40cm×40cm×40cm)对墨西哥柏的保存率和高、径生长差异不显著,对银荆差异极显著,大塘优于小塘。3种种植密度(1.5m×1.5m,1.5m×2m,2m×2m),对幼林期的高、径生长及冠幅大小无显著影响,在30°以上的陡坡,台地抚育优于菱形、扇形、块状抚育,与对照比较,4种抚育方式与之差异极显著。  相似文献   

Summary Basic density and extractives content, of the sapwood and outer heartwood respectively, were compared for a fast-and a slow-grown tree in five, 40 year old, coppice clumps of each of six eucalypt species. Rate of growth did not appreciably influence extracted wood density, although outer heartwood extractives levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the larger stems. The juvenile core, as defined by radial variation in basic density, occupied a similar proportion of the tree diameter in the fast-and slow-grown trees, suggesting that sampling was effected in tissues of similar maturity in both tree groups.Helpful discussions with Dr. W. A. Heather, a co-worker, and Dr. W. E. Hillis, Visiting Fellow of this Department, are gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

A Cupressus lusitanica spacing experiment located at Rongai,Northern Tanzania was assessed at the age of 19 years. The experimentwas planted at square spacings of 1.13 m, 1.46 m, 1.88 m, 2.43m, and 3.14 m. Other than pruning to 1.8–2.0 m at theage of 3 years and routine weeding, the experiment did not receiveany other treatment. Assessment was made of survival, branchdiameter, height, basal area, volume production, heartwood content,basic density and wood strength. Height, basal area, merchantablevolume, basic density, heartwood content, modulus of elasticity,modulus of rupture and compression parallel to grain were notsignificantly affected by spacing. All other variables weresignificantly affected. Mortality decreased with increasingspacing while branch diameter and breast height diameter increased.Total volume decreased with increased spacing. The implicationsof these results on future management of C. lusitanica in Tanzaniaare discussed.  相似文献   

Stem volume equations were fitted for Cupressus lusitanica in Gergeda Forest, Ethiopia using six different established equation forms. A total of 260 trees were measured for their diameter at breast height (D), total height (H?)and stem volume using destructive sampling methods. The data set was randomly divided into equal size for equation development and equation validation. Five fit statistics comprising of the fit index, root mean square error, bias (ē?), absolute mean deviation and coefficient of variation were used to evaluate the performance of each equation. Among the different equations, the Schumacher and Hall function of the form V = b1Db2Hb3 (model 5), which estimates volume (V?) using diameter at breast height and total height as predicting variables, performed best and was then fitted to the combined data set for prediction of volume over-bark of C. lusitanica in Gergeda Forest. Overall, volume equations with two independent variables (D and H?) performed better than those with only one variable (D). The equations developed in this study can provide forest managers with accurate estimations of stem volumes for C. lusitanica in Gergeda Forest.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia,Cupressus lusitanica and Juniperus procera are important tree species.The incidence of the cypress aphid,Cinara cupressi,which has not been reported before on the exotic Cupressus lusitanica is becoming catastrophic.The appearance of the insect was reported for the first time in 2003 in Ethiopia.However,information is scarce on the status of this species in northeast Amhara state.The objectives of this study were to assess the extent of damage,abundance and status of the cypress aphid on C.lusitanica and J.procera in the protected and cultivated forests of South Wollo,Ethiopia.Results reveal that tree compositions of the three study areas differed.The dominant tree species were C.lucitanica(15–80%),Olea europaea(5–90%)and J.procera(14–70%).The cypress aphid showed significantly higher levels of infestation on C.lusitanica(35–90%)than on J.procera(1–16%).Moreover,there was higher C.lusitanica mortality(40–93%).In contrast,there was low infestation(1–16%)on J.procera and no mortality.The results reveal that the cypress aphid causes enormous losses of C.lusitanica.Therefore,it is recommended that insect surveillance be strengthened and the introduction bioagents be considered and integrated with other insecticides to minimize the degree of C.lusitanica infestation and loss.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):113-122
This study compared models for estimating carbon sequestered aboveground in Cupressus lusitanica plantation stands at Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources, Ethiopia. Relationships of carbon storage with tree component and stand age were also investigated. Thirty trees of three different ages (5, 12 and 24 years), comprising 10 trees from each stand, were sampled in order to generate dry biomass and carbon data from tree components. Five linear and non-linear biomass and carbon models were compared and evaluated for estimation of overall aboveground carbon, carbon by age groups, and carbon by diameter at breast height (DBH) classes using performance indicator statistics. Among the models compared, a carbon model described by Y = b 0 D 2 H + ? (p-value < 0.001), where D = DBH (in cm), H = total height of the tree (in m), ? = error, and b 0 is a parameter, was found to be the best model for estimation of carbon sequestered aboveground in C. lusitanica plantation stands of the study area. The study also indicated the overall superiority of carbon models over biomass models in estimation of aboveground carbon of C. lusitanica. It was concluded that, for the range of DBH utilised in the current study, the carbon model described can be a useful tool in estimation of carbon storage of C. lusitanica plantations in the study area and other related sites.  相似文献   

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