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Of the various client groups with interests in irrigation system performance, farmers are probably the least often considered. This is, at least in part, attributable to the profound difficulty encountered in attempting to obtain reliable measurements of performance at farm level in most systems. Yet irrigation systems should be seen as a service to farmers, whose perspective on the utility of the supply is an important component of performance monitoring. Direct measurement at field level is generally not feasible and an alternative approach is proposed utilising fuzzy set theory. The procedure can be seen as a rapid appraisal technique which is also applicable to performance assessment in informal farmer-managed systems. The usefulness of the approach lies in its ability to gather data in imprecise linguistic terms from individual farmers and to aggregate them rationally and objectively.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of irrigation systems is a key issue in the field of irrigation system management. This paper presents a Ratio of Similar Priority (RSP) method for irrigation systems performance evaluation. The time series data from the Shi-jin Irrigation District in northern China is used to test the method. The results show that this RSP method can be used to identify the main temporal changes of irrigation system performance. It offers clear and quantified results in terms of irrigation system performance evaluation.  相似文献   

针对畦灌系统运行管理水平和灌水质量较低的问题,该文应用稳健设计的基本理论,结合地面灌溉SRFR模拟模型,评价了畦田的灌水质量,模拟了单宽流量和入渗参数对灌水质量的影响,分析了灌水质量对各因素的敏感性。结果表明,对某一固定的畦田,单宽流量并非越大越好,单宽流量在4~7 L/(s·m)时,畦灌可以获得较高的灌水效率和灌水均匀度。灌水均匀度对入渗参数的敏感程度要大于灌水效率,灌水质量对入渗指数的敏感性大于入渗系数,增加单宽流量能够降低灌水质量对入渗参数的敏感程度。对灌水质量影响较大的因素依次为单宽流量、入渗指数  相似文献   

There are several different parameters that can be measured and used to describe the performance of water delivery service; flow rate, volume, duration, pressure, and frequency. The proper one(s) to consider depends on the project conditions and objectives. The overall performance of an irrigation water delivery system can be broken down into two components; the delivery schedule and operations. The performance of the delivery schedule can be evaluated by looking at the ratio of intended to required water (volume, rate, duration, etc.) and the performance of operations by the ratio of actual to intended water. The overall performance is expressed by the product of these two ratios; the actual divided by the required water. Statistical relations are provided to express equity, adequacy and reliability from measurement of these ratios.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the usefulness and limitations of using the concept of Relative Water Supply (RWS) for evaluating the performance of irrigation systems, with special reference to systems irrigating rice. It then describes and demonstrates the use of a modification of RWS called Cumulative Relative Water Supply (CRWS), which can be used in conjunction with RWS. The advantage of CRWS is that it provides a measure of the cumulated RWS throughout a season, both in absolute terms at any given time, and in terms of the overall seasonal trend. It allows comparison of performance of an irrigation system or subsystem both to the target, and to other systems or subsystems. It can therefore be used both as an analytical tool by researchers, and as an operational tool by managers. The use of CRWS in conjunction with RWS is illustrated with examples from Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

The non-uniformity of soils, weather, fields, cropping pattern and canal systems in most surface irrigation schemes makes irrigation water management complex, but optimum performance is important particularly in irrigation schemes with limited water supply. This paper focuses on the performance of irrigation water management during the area and water allocation with a case study of an irrigation scheme in the semi-arid region of India. Often the irrigation managers or authorities of these heterogeneous irrigation schemes also need to deal with different allocation rules. The allocation plans and the corresponding water delivery schedules during the allocation process were estimated with the help of a simulation–optimisation model for different allocation rules based on cropping distributions (free and fixed), water distributions (free and fixed-area proportionate), irrigation depth (full, fixed depth and variable depth irrigation) and irrigation interval (from 14 to 35 days). The performance measures of productivity (in terms of net benefits and area irrigated), equity (in water distribution), adequacy and excess were assessed for these different allocation plans and schedules. These were further compared with the performance measures of the existing rule (fixed depth irrigation at a fixed interval). The analysis revealed that these performance measures are in some cases complimentary and in other cases conflicting with each other. Therefore, it would be appropriate for the irrigation managers to understand fully the nature of the variation in performance measures for different allocation rules prior to deciding the allocation plans for the irrigation scheme.  相似文献   

为了解决太阳能喷灌系统应用中无法对喷头水力性能进行有效预测的问题,以光照强度为影响因素,太阳能喷灌系统泵出口流量、泵出口压力、喷洒射程、水量分布及系统灌溉均匀性系数为评价指标,通过在夏季典型天气25~36℃下的系统水力性能试验,寻找不同光照强度下系统喷洒水力性能的变化规律,获得系统最佳工作状态下所需光照强度.试验结果表明:随着光照强度的增大,系统流量及泵出口压力均增大,泵的流量和压力随光照强度的变化规律基本符合指数分布规律.当光照强度大于900.0 W/m2时,系统流量、泵出口压力、射程及水量分布基本保持不变.获得了平均光照强度与均匀性系数函数关系,当光照强度大于900.0 W/m2时,系统喷灌均匀系数大于88%.当光照强度为200.0~600.0 W/m2时,系统喷灌均匀系数为76%~82%.太阳能喷灌系统在光照强度大于200.0 W/m2时可正常工作.该研究为改善太阳能喷灌系统水力性能,促进太阳能喷灌系统在实际工程中的推广应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

This paper accepts that assessing the performance of irrigated agriculture is difficult because being multi-dimensional it requires a multi-disciplinary approach. Public irrigation schemes may have a number of often competing objectives and are assessed by interest groups with differing values and perspectives. A wide range of performance indicators are thus required. Some of these and the complex inter-relationships that may exist in the system are illustrated.  相似文献   

Irrigation systems aim to meet multiple objectives and performance must therefore be assessed using quantifiable measures for each. It therefore becomes an extremely difficult task to capture the valuation of all of them simultaneously and to mentally process the trade-offs between them in order to arrive at an overall impression of system performance. There is a need for a methodology which provides a systematic approach to comparing and combining the components of overall performance.Multi-Attribute Utility Theory offers an attractive approach to assessing performance of irrigation systems in the form of a utility function which reflects the strength of preferences and trade-offs between individual performance criteria. The method is described and demonstrated on the basis of a case study of irrigation in Sudan.  相似文献   

Based on a simulation model reflecting physical and economic conditions typically found in rice irrigation systems in Asia, the irrigation performance implications of alternative water distribution rules for dry season irrigation are evaluated under varying degrees of water shortage. The rules examined reflect differing water distribution strategies designed either to maximize conveyance efficiency, economic efficiency, or equity; or to achieve a balance between efficiency and equity objectives. Irrigation performance is evaluated using several efficiency measures reflecting the physical, agronomic and economic productivity of water, and one measure of equity. Economic efficiency and equity among farmers within the portion of the irrigation system that is on in any given season are shown to be complementary, and not competing objectives. Economic efficiency and equity among all farmers within the command area of the irrigation system are largely complementary strategies at the lower levels of water shortage, but with increasing shortage, significant tradeoffs develop between these objectives. An operational rule for water distribution under a goal of maximizing economic efficiency is developed, and the data requirements for its implementation are shown to be modest. Under the model's assumed conditions of dry season rice production dependent solely on surface irrigation for water, the distribution strategy designed to maximize conveyance efficiency results in only modestly lower levels of economic efficiency and equity than could be achieved by the strategy designed to maximize economic efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework irrigation managers can use in assessing performance of irrigation, and recommends a specific set of indicators for measuring performance that the authors believe are practical, useful, and generally applicable. Although the primary focus is on the management of canal systems for agricultural production, the paper also discusses indicators that can be used for assessing longer term performance, including physical, economic and social sustainability. Finally, the paper highlights the crucial importance of strategic, as well as operational management performance, and the necessity of having an incentive system that encourages managers to improve performance.  相似文献   

Customary evaluations of irrigation performance based upon crop yield per unit area do not reflect an adequate assessment of performance in water scarce environments such as Pakistan. Yield per unit water is a complementary and sometimes more appropriate measure. This note illustrates the different evaluations based upon yields of irrigated wheat and rice in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Field evaluation of surface irrigation systems play a fundamental role to determine the efficiency of the system as it is being used and to identify management practices and system configurations that can be implemented to improve the irrigation efficiency. This study evaluated the performance of an ‘improved’ traditional small-scale irrigation practice at Adada, a representative small-scale irrigation practice in Dire Dawa Administrative Council, Eastern Ethiopia. In order to determine numerical values of performance measures, certain parameters were measured/observed before, during and after an irrigation event while farmers are performing their normal irrigation practice. These parameters include: irrigated crop, irrigation method, stream size, cutoff time, soil moisture deficiency, and field size, shape and spacing. The results showed that the irrigation water applied to a farmer's plot during an irrigation event/turn was generally higher than the required depth to be applied per event. Since the irrigation method used was end-dyked, the major cause of water loss was due to deep percolation. The deep percolation loss was 32% in sorghum, 57% in maize, and 70% in tomato and potato fields. The type of irrigation system used, the ridged irrigation practice and the poor irrigation scheduling in the study sites were the main problems identified in the management and operations of the schemes. The following corrective measures are recommended to improve the system: (1) farmers should regulate the depth of irrigation water they apply according to the type of crop and its growth stage, change the field irrigation system and/or configuration especially for shallow rooted row crops, to furrow system, (2) guidance and support to farmers in developing and introduction of appropriate irrigation scheduling, and (3) future development interventions towards improvement of traditional irrigation practices should also focus in improving the on farm irrigation systems in addition to improving physical infrastructure of the scheme.  相似文献   

This paper discusses paddy irrigation development in Malaysia in relation to real-time systems management and the role of performance assessment in such a system. The Muda Irrigation Scheme real-time management system is given as an illustration. This system has shown that, with performance assessment, managers are more prepared and able to respond quickly to issues faced in the day to day systems operations. In this system, demand-supply matching can be made faster and with improved utilisation of effective rainfall and uncontrolled flows. Opportunities for saving uncontrolled flows in the paddy fields can be identified in time. With dryseeding method, the system has been successful in sustaining production in severe water shortage situations. Into the 90s and beyond, no major infrastructure investments in irrigation systems are expected. Irrigation managers must be committed towards excellence in performance. This can be achieved through improved real-time performance assessment. Some aspects of performance assessment that could be improved are in its roles in meeting cropping intensity targets, accurate demand-supply matching, meeting water savings target and in alerting managers to potential crisis situations. Carefully designed and installed, performance assessment can also improve organisational and staff management.  相似文献   

A survey of irrigation performance assessment as conducted in California was performed. Emphasis was placed on the actual procedures employed by the State's major water providers and irrigation districts. Survey results covered the development of innovative irrigation performance assessment parameters as well as the methodologies used to evaluate these parameters. All aspects of California's irrigation infrastructure were considered, from the management of major hydraulic structures, through water delivery, and on-farm consideration. Environmental performance assessment methodologies were also examined.  相似文献   

农业专家系统及其在灌溉管理中的研究应用现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文阐述了农业专家系统的研究现状及其在灌溉管理中的应用,并就其在节水农业专家系统研究中的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

A crucial, yet little understood, element in the economic studies of irrigation is the role played by companies who manage the supply of water. Many of these companies are publicly managed as they have the potential to act as monopolists. Possibly as a consequence of their ownership structure, analysts have questioned the economic viability and management of these firms. The case is made that many of these companies do not run profitably, that they rely on government subsidies to survive, that they do not spend enough on maintenance and that they run down their capital base. The purpose in this paper is to specify the measures that allow analysts to examine the financial viability of a publicly owned irrigation management companies and to apply these to a scheme in Vietnam. Of concern and contention in any irrigation scheme is the price that a company should charge for water in order to recover costs in the short-run. It was found that the company under investigation could not operate without subsidies and did run down their assets. It was found that a great disparity exists between what the consumers were charged for water and what the company received for supplying it. To ensure the sustainability of the Irrigation Management Companies in long term, they may have to increase the water fee by 3.75 times the current rate set by the provincial government (US$ 20 per ha).  相似文献   

Drawing on a study of two irrigation systems in Hebei Province, this paper documents the impacts of rural economic and organization reforms on irrigation system performance. In the two systems, prior to development of irrigation, farmers consumed all their grain within the household. However, at present both districts are selling grain, with annual output of 11.9 tons/hectare in Bayi and 8.5 tons/hectare in Nanyao. However, due to the use of groundwater in Bayi, output per unit of water is 1.5 kg/m3 in Bayi and 1.3 kg/m3 in Nanyao. In Bayi, farmers have augmented declining surface water supplies with groundwater and purchased water – using funds from sideline enterprises – and have increased output. In contrast, in Nanyao both income and grain output increases have reached a plateau. Nanyao, with its weak resource base, will probably need to develop additional income sources to be able to improve water management in order to reach the next plateau of productivity.  相似文献   

灌溉用压力调节器性能试验与受力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
严海军  姚培培  王敏 《排灌机械》2010,28(6):548-552
为了研究灌溉系统压力调节器的工作特性与结构参数的关系,对7种内置弹簧式规格的低流量压力调节器进行了调压特性试验,对压力调节器的弹簧参数与出口预置压力的关系以及内部运动部件的受力情况进行了分析.结果表明,压力调节器的出口预置压力越低,调压性能越优良,测得的临界工作压力与出口预置压力之差随着出口预置压力的增大而增大,并非常数0.034 MPa;随着出口预置压力的上升,内置弹簧丝直径越粗,弹簧自由长度越短,其弹簧刚度系数越大;压力调节器调节组件所受的初始弹簧力和最大弹簧力与出口预置压力存在近似的线性关系,而且在向压力调节器进口端运动的过程中,调节组件所受的弹簧力占其出口所受水压作用力从57.9%逐渐增大至66.5%,而密封圈摩擦力和橡胶膜片变形力之和占出口所受水压作用力则从39.9%下降至31.3%.  相似文献   

水泵启动时间对灌溉水力旋流器性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘竹青  郭聪  严海军 《排灌机械》2011,29(6):492-496
为解决在水泵启动阶段圆锥型水力旋流器过滤性能较差的问题,利用变频控制技术,以DN50圆锥型灌溉用水力旋流器为研究对象,对含沙质量分数分别为0.451%,0.266%和0.124%的3种水沙混合液分别进行了5,15,30,60和90 s的5种启动时间,15,30,90和120 s的4种启动时间以及15,306,0和90 s的4种启动时间的水沙分离性能试验研究.试验结果表明:水泵启动时间越短,大粒径颗粒的分离效果变差,而启动时间越长,小粒径颗粒的分离效果变差;启动过程中水力旋流器的总分离效率及分级性能随时间均呈现先差后好最后趋于稳定的规律;在相同启动时间的同一时刻下,分级性能随颗粒粒径的增大呈现有规律的波动性变化,0.2mm以上粒径级沙粒的分离效果最好.结合总分离效率规律,推荐DN50圆锥型水力旋流器在工作流量为15 m3/h时的水泵最佳启动时间为30 s.  相似文献   

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