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The effect of water extracts of leaf and needle litter from different forest trees on the mycelial growth and the germination rate of conidia of Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cke. Litter extracts from various forest trees and stands have distinct effects on mycelial growth and germination rate of conidia of Fomes annosus. The effects depend on concentration of the extract, period of extraction and on date of collecting the litter samples.  相似文献   

Effect of low SO2-concentrations on the activities of some glycosidases in the foliage of clonal forest trees. The aim was to find an early indicator of latent SO2 injuries in a beech and a spruce clone. After exposure to 0.0, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 ppm for several weeks in outdoor fumigation chambers, the activities of β-glucosidase in the beech and β-galactosidase in the spruce clone and β-l,3-glucanase in both species were significantly raised. As the beech clone was very sensitive to SO2, an indication of latent injury could be ascertained only in the 0.05 ppm treatment where the rise of the β-glucosidase activity appeared some days before necroses. Contrary to beech, the spruce clone was tolerant to all SO2-treatments and the enzymatical changes could be used as early indicators of latent injuries.  相似文献   

The effect of vapours from asphaltic bitumen on plants . Asphaltic bitumen vapours escape from hot-mix asphalt plants and are deposited on leaves and shoots. Experiments were initiated to show whether such droplets cause injuries to plants. Results show that only certain sensitive plants develop symptoms, and then only when more than 3 mg of condensate are deposited per 100 cm2 of leaf surface. Injuries caused by bitumen vapours and those caused by coal-tar vapours were closely related. They were both activated by UV-light and the symptoms were similar though milder in the case of bitumen. The differences are mainly due to the widely dissimilar content of aromatic hydrocarbons, the photoactivated agents common to the products.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence-kinetics at two different wavelengths as a rapid and an early detection method of air pollution damage on trees: Ozone effects on beech and poplar . A newly defined light adaption index AP shows the stress influence already before the comparable and known vitality index Rfd and the appearance of visible ozone symptoms on foliage.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the two single populations of root-knot nematodes invading tomato roots,Meloidogyne javanica andM. incognita acrita, in comparison with a mixed population of the two species was investigated to the granular nematicides, Nemacur and Temik. Root-gall indices ofM. incognita acrita were reduced more than ofM. javanica. In addition, root-gall indices of the mixed population and a single population,M. incognita acrita, were the same.  相似文献   

Physiological reactions of spruce (Picea abies) on complex SO2- and drought-induced stress. Part 3. Responses of SO2-stressed spruces to subsequent drought-induced stress. SO2-stressed spruces under drought-stress showed less reduced water content, less increased osmotical potential and less restricted photosynthesis compared to spruces without preceding SO2-stress and thus seemed to be in a better physiological situation. Their ability to retain water (in cut-off twigs) as well as their ability to withstand a quick and strong water-loss in the needle-tissue without cell-damage were reduced. Reasons for the temporarily favourable effect of a pre-going SO2-stress in surviving a drought-stress are discussed.  相似文献   

The glazing of rice kernels with a coating of glucose and talc has a limited effect against infestation by some stored product insects. In the case of long kernel rice the development of te offspring ofTribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum, Sitotroga cereallella andOryzaephilus surinamensis is significantly inhibited. In case of round kernel rice, a protecting effect againstTribolium castaneum, Tribolium confusum andOryzaephilus surinamensis is observable; whereasSitophilus granarius, Sitophilus oryzae andRhizopertha dominica have a greater number of progeny on glazed than on unglazed round kernel rice.  相似文献   

40% lactic acid was sprayed 3 times into each of two bee colonies. The rate of infestation was determined, before beginning the experiment and after each of the applications. The treatments showed a mean percentage reduction in the brood infestation byVarroa of 76,7% in the first colony and 85,2% in the second. These data indicate that it is possible to control the Varroasis by means of lactic acid successfully and without side effects.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on the preference to some types of sugars by worker honey bees, and their effect on bee longevities. Honey syrup was preferred as food by the bees, followed by inverted sugar, common sugar syrup, and molasses. Worker honey bees fed on honey had the longest life-span (13.7 days), while those fed on commercial glucose had the earliest deaths.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Anziehungskraft von Weibchen-Fallen (Dyksche Fallen) und Disparlure-Fallen (0,1 mg) wurde an den Zahlen eingefangener im Freiland vorhandener Männchen vonLymantria monacha 1974–1978 und an den zurückgelegten Distanzen ausgesetzter Männchen zu den Einfangstellen 1975–1978 untersucht. Dabei ergab sich neben der Abhängigkeit der Anziehungskraft der Weibchen von endogenen Faktoren im Vergleich zum synthetischen Duftstoff auch eine wesentlich größere von den Witterungsverhältnissen. Während längerer andauernder warmer Perioden konnten Dyksche Fallen im gleichen Ausmaße Männchen einfangen wie die Disparlure-Fallen: in warmen gewittrigen Nächten konnte der Einfang bei ersteren auch höher liegen. Bei kühler Witterung waren jedoch die Männchenfänge stets zahlreicher bei den Disparlure-Fallen. Dies kommt vor allem dort zum Ausdruck, wo Weibchen und der synthetische Duftstoff miteinander in Konkurrenz standen. Es erwies sich ferner bei der Wahl der Fallenstandorte als wichtig, neben Windrichtung und Bestandesverhältnissen auch das Vorhandensein biophysikalischer Felder zu berücksichtigen. Biophysikalische Felder, d. s. mit der Rute abgrenzbare Reizzonen, wurden von den Männchen bevorzugt beflogen. Die Ermittlung der Anflugdistanzen ergab, daß bei diesen Versuchen Weibchen nicht weiter als 85 m anlockten, der synthetisierte Duftstoff jedoch bis 200 m (weiteste festgesetzte Entfernung) Männchen anzog.
The ability of female moths of Lymantria monacha L. compared with this of synthetic pheromons to attract males in connection with influences of biophysical fields
The attraction of female traps (Dyk'sche traps) and Disparlure traps (0.1 mg) was proved by the numbers of captured males of the surrounding areas and by distances passed by males from the locations of releasing to the traps. The results showed, that attraction of females depended from various endogen factors and compared to this of Disparlure to a bigger extent from weather conditions. It was stated that the females could lure males in same numbers as the synthetisized Pheromon during warm periods, especially in warm nights, when thunderstorms happened. But during cool weather conditions always more males were captured by Disparlure traps. This can be seen particularly in such areas, where females and synthetisized pheromons are in competition with each other. By choicening the site for traps not only the same conditions for air movements and stands have to be taken in consideration. Furthermore it is necessary to find the same biophysical conditions. Biophysical fiels (these are Zones of earth radiations limited by rods) are preferred by swarming males. It has been found by this trial that females lured from distances as far as 85 m and synthetisized Pheromons as far as 200 m. (The limits applied during this investigation have been chosen at random.)

Mit 4 Abbildungen

Vortrag gehalten am Südtiroler Entomologentag in Dietenheim bei Bruneck am 30. September 1978.  相似文献   

Von allen einheimischen Baumarten liegen über die Bewurzelung der Kiefer (Pinus silvestris) die meisten Untersuchungen vor (Liese, 1926;Hilf, 1927;Vater, 1927;Laitakari, 1929;Wagenhoff, 1938). Das Interesse hierbei galt bisher besonders der Wurzelentwicklung auf Sandböden. In jüngster Zeit erfuhren die Erkenntnisse eine wesentliche Vertiefung durch Arbeiten vonEhwald (1948),Köstler (1956),Wagenknecht (1960) undKreutzer (1961). Trotzdem sind die Vorstellungen von der Bewurzelung der Kiefer auf verschiedenen Standorten, ihrer genetischen Veranlagung und ihrem Wachstum noch lückenhaft. Die folgenden Ergebnisse stammen aus Untersuchungen, die im Rahmen eines größeren Forschungsvorhabens über die Wurzeltracht der einheimischen Baumarten, an dem im Münchener Waldbauinstitut gearbeitet wird, erhoben wurden.  相似文献   

Studies on the influence of nutrition on the susceptibility of plants to SO2 . The mineral nutrition of plants is of great importance for their susceptibility to air pollutants. Substrate media with ammonia as nitrogen source, deficiency of potassium and low pH-values reduce the buffer capacity and the cation contents. Buffer capacity and cation contents play important roles for the detoxification of SO2-borne products. Low cation contents and a reduced buffer capacity produce a severe increase of the SO2-effects. Decreased sulfur nutrition results in a considerable delay of the beginning of the SO2-injuries.  相似文献   

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