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棉隆与淡紫拟青霉联合防治番茄根结线虫病的效果评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为明确土壤熏蒸与生防微生物对番茄根结线虫病的联合作用效果,采用移栽前棉隆熏蒸处理后穴施淡紫拟青霉Paecilomyces lilacinus YES-2-14生防菌剂的方法在温室大棚开展了联合防治试验。结果表明,棉隆用量为35 g/m~2时,24周拉秧时线虫数量减少90%以上,防效达到85.5%;移栽时穴施浓度10~7~10~8CFU/g的淡紫拟青霉菌剂,24周拉秧时防效为44.4%~59.6%;而当线虫初始密度达到674头/100 g土时,单一菌剂防效只有12.5%,但番茄长势和产量显著提高。棉隆熏蒸后再联合施用淡紫拟青霉菌剂,2个月和5个月时防效比单一棉隆处理分别提高14.1%和21.8%,比单一菌剂处理提高14.3倍和4.1倍,产量较对照、棉隆熏蒸和单一菌剂处理分别提高22.1%、9.5%和2.4%,且该处理地块线虫数量始终最低,与对照差异显著,而淡紫拟青霉数量则高于单一淡紫拟青霉菌剂处理。表明棉隆和淡紫拟青霉菌剂联合使用不仅能显著降低线虫数量,有效防治番茄根结线虫病,还能够促进植株生长并提高产量。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The combination of 1,3‐dichloropropene (1,3‐D) and dazomet (DZ) offers a potential alternative to methyl bromide (MB) for soil disinfection. MB is scheduled to be withdrawn from routine use by 2015 in developing countries. Combination treatments of 1,3‐D + DZ were evaluated in a laboratory study and in two commercial cucumber fields. RESULTS: Laboratory studies found that nearly all of the tested combinations of 1,3‐D and DZ displayed positive synergistic activity on root‐knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), two major soilborne fungi (Fusarium spp. and Phytophthora spp.) and the seeds of two major weed species (Digitaria sanguinalis and Abutilon theophrasti). Field trials revealed that the combination of 1,3‐D and DZ (at 10 + 25 g m?2) successfully suppressed Meloidogyne spp. root galling, sharply reduced Fusarium spp. and Phytophthora spp. and maintained high cucumber yields. The combination treatment of 1,3‐D + DZ was more effective than 1,3‐D or DZ alone and provided results similar to methyl bromide with respect to pest control, plant mortality, plant height, yield and income. All of the treatments were significantly better than the non‐treated control. CONCLUSION: The results indicate that the tested combination of 1,3‐D and DZ offers an efficient alternative to methyl bromide for cucumber production. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f.lycopersici (Sacc.) Snyder & Hansen, was observed on tomatoes under glass in the Netherlands for the first time in 1968 and spread widely in the following years. Experiments showed that soil infestation could be reduced by sterilization with steam, methyl bromide and chloropicrin, provided the treatments were applied with great care. Disinfection of the glasshouse structures with formaldehyde killed deposited dry macroconidia but gaseous methyl bromide and chloropicrin and sprays of systemic fungicides, which are usually effective againstFusarium spp., did not.Samenvatting In 1968 werd voor het eerst op enkele bedrijven in NederlandFusarium verwelkingsziekte in tomaat waargenomen. De ziekte verspreidde zich snel in het volgende jaar.Goede ontsmetting van een zandige grond blijkt mogelijk door nauwkeurige toediening van veel stoom (verbruik van 10 1 stookolie per m2), van chloorpicrine (60 ml/m2) en van methylbromide (100 g/m2) (zie Tabel 1).Door beregening en bij het verwijderen van dode planten, waarop de schimmel sporuleert, worden veel conidiën afgezet op verwarmingsbuizen en kasvoeter. Per strekkende meter verwarmingsbuis werden 30.000 macroconidia gevonden. Ontsmetting hiervan met formaline gaf goede resultaten, maar met de systemische fungiciden uit de benzimidazol-groep niet (Tabel 2). De kasopstanden bleken niet ontsmet te worden door het methylbromide of chloorpicrine gas boven het plastiek bij de in de praktijk gebruikelijke grondontsmetting met deze middelen.Voor een goede bestrijding van de schimmel is een grote bedrijfshygiëne vereist en dienen alle voor de produktie benodigde hulpmiddelen ontsmet te worden. In potgrond en zaaizaad is het pathogeen tot nu toe niet gevonden.  相似文献   

Biological control of soil-borne pathogens has been the aim of the Biological Control Laboratory in Hódmezövásárhely since 1982. In Hungarian glasshouses (this means areas both under glass and plastic foil cover), the growing medium is still the natural soil or mixtures based on soil. This is the reason why soil-borne pathogens, such as species of Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Pythium, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia and Alternaria, cause increasing problems, especially at sites where there has been intensive continuous cropping for many years. Soil steaming is very expensive, while methyl bromide and other soil disinfectants are harmful for the environment and especially for the soil microflora. All this favours the introduction of biological control against soil-borne plant diseases. After laboratory tests, experiments have been carried out over a 9-year period, with good results, on several Trichoderma species and strains in relation to practically all glasshouse crops (capsicum, lettuce, tomato, ornamentals, etc.) and in some field crops also. Since 1986, experiments have been done with Finnish-originated strains of Streptomyces griseoviridis, then with the preparation Mycostop which was developed from this actinomycete. These were carried out on ornamentals, on vegetables and on some cereals. The preparation was especially effective against Fusarium spp. but also against other pathogens.  相似文献   

The effect of injection of different dosages of dichloropropane-dichloropropene (DD) mixture at 15-cm depth combined with different dosages of dazomet distributed on the surface of the soil on densities ofRotylenchus uniformis was investigated in a field experiment on sandy soil. The treatments were given at the end of October 1970. The water content of the soil was at field capacity and the temperature about 10°C. Distributing 5 g or 10 g dazomet per m2 on the surface of plots treated with 10 ml DD mixture per m2 (mortality 82%) had the same effects as repeating the DD treatment once or twice, respectively. A better horizontal distribution of the DD mixture would probably have made distributing 5 g dazomet per m2 on the surface of soil in which a DD treatment killed 80% of the nematodes in the top 20 cm, equivalent to adding two similar DD treatments.To kill a certain percentage of the eggs ofR. uniformis in the soil, twice as high a dosage of DD mixture was necessary as to kill the same percentage of juveniles and adults. Eggs and active nematodes were equally sensitive to dazomet.Samenvatting De uitwerking op dichtheden vanRotylenchus uniformis van verschillende doses dichloorpropaan-dichloorpropeen(DD)mengsel, op 15 cm diepte in de grond gebracht, gecombineerd met verschillende doses dazomet, die op de oppervlakte van de grond werden gestrooid, werd onderzocht op een proefveld op zandgrond. De behandelingen werden eind oktober 1970 uitgevoerd bij een bodemtemperatuur van ongeveer 10°C (Tabel 1). Het watergehalte van de grond was ongeveer op veldcapaciteit door regenval voor de behandelingen. De werking van de verschillende behandelingen op de aaltjes in de bovenste 20 cm van de grond is weergegeven in de Tabel 2 en 3 en Fig. 2 en 3, die van enkele behandelingen op verschillende diepten in de grond in Tabel 4 en 5 en Fig. 6. Strooien van 5 g en 10 g dazomet per m2 op de oppervlakte van veldjes, die tevens behandeld waren met 10 ml DD mengsel per m2 (sterfte van de aaltjes 82%) had hetzelfde effect als wanneer deze behandeling met DD éénmaal resp. tweemaal herhaald zou zijn. Bij een betere horizontale verdeling van het DD-mengsel in de grond zou een behandeling met dit nematicide, die 80% van de aaltjes in de bovenste 20 cm van de grond doodde, gecombineerd met strooien van 5 g dazomet per m2 op de oppervlakte waarschijnlijk gelijkwaardig zijn geweest aan drie behandelingen met DD-mengsel, die telkens 80% van de bij de behandeling nog aanwezige aaltjes doodden.Volgens berekeningen naar aanleiding van Fig. 7 is voor het doden van een bepaald percentage van de eieren vanR. uniformis tweemaal zoveel DD-mengsel nodig als voor het doden van hetzelfde percentage jonge en volwassen dieren. Alle stadia van het aaltje waren even gevoelig voor dazomet.  相似文献   

真空情况下,利用溴甲烷、环氧乙烷杀虫、灭菌是一种安全、快速、有效的技术措施。为了使此技术广泛应用到农林种子、苗木、卫生防疫以及文史资料诸方面杀虫灭菌,试制成功一台容积工立方米的PCV-1000程序控制真空熏蒸机,并进一步进行溴甲烷、环氧乙烷杀虫灭菌效果及其熏蒸后残余毒气处理方法的研究。溴甲烷75—90克/立方米处理2小时,环氧乙烷90—120克/立方米处理3小时,可杀死各种形式的包装内的谷斑皮蠹和花斑皮蠹幼虫,赤拟谷盗和锈扁谷盗成虫以及玉米象和绿豆象各虫态等害虫。环氧乙烷灭菌能力较强,对动物炭疽菌、4001芽孢杆菌500克/立方米处理5小时或300克/立方米处理12小时,灭菌效果100%。溴甲烷和环氧乙烷混合使用对棉花枯萎病菌效果良好,对棉籽发芽率影响不大。熏蒸后残余毒气处理,用5%氢氧化钠酒精液吸收溴甲烷,破坏率可达96%以上。环氧乙烷用自来水淋洗法,水合分解率可达98%以上。  相似文献   

Highest inorganic bromine residues (30 ppm) were found when soil was fumigated with liquid methyl bromide (MB) introduced by conventional means into evaporating dishes. With preheated (vaporized) MB or injection of MB/chloropicrin (CP) mixtures, bromide concentrations were reduced by 50%. They were uniform throughout the soil (0 to 60 cm) except after MB/CP injection, when larger residues were found in the 30-60 cm layer. Leaching with 2000 mp3/ha (20 cm) of water always reduced bromide content to 7.5 and 10 ppm at the 0-30 and 30-60 cm depth, respectively. Organic amendments to soils substantially increased bromide levels up to 118 ppm, most of which was found in the upper soil layers; two teachings with 2000 mp3 /ha water were required to return the soils to their normal state.Sclerotium rolfsii andFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi cultures buried in soil were eliminated from the upper 30 cm with MB applied either conventionally or preheated. At 50 cm, 500 kg/ha of the preheated gas was superior to 1000 kg/ha of the cold gas. All MB fumigations suppressed carnation flower yields compared with CP alone but were superior to no treatment. After leaching, MB-fumigated soils yielded the highest number of flowers.  相似文献   

为明确土壤熏蒸联合生物菌肥对根结线虫及土壤微生态的影响,采用低剂量棉隆熏蒸处理后沟施YB-04菌肥的方法在日光大棚进行黄瓜根结线虫病的防治试验。结果显示,棉隆熏蒸联合YB-04菌肥沟施处理土壤中的根结线虫数和黄瓜植株根系的根结指数均比单独使用棉隆或YB-04菌肥的处理及对照显著降低,黄瓜移栽后90 d时线虫减退率为89.1%,根结指数为0.5,防治效果达87.8%。棉隆熏蒸联合YB-04菌肥沟施处理也具有显著的促生作用,黄瓜的产量、株高、鲜重以及有效叶数均比对照显著提高了46.4%、18.8%、63.0%和17.7%。另外,棉隆单独熏蒸处理土壤中的细菌和真菌数量、细菌/真菌比值及土壤酶活性均较对照显著降低,而棉隆熏蒸联合YB-04菌肥沟施处理土壤中的细菌数量、细菌/真菌比值及土壤酶活性均较棉隆单独熏蒸处理显著增加,其中,细菌数量及细菌/真菌比值分别达28.4×106CFU/g和201.2,蔗糖酶活性达86.0 mg·g~(-1)·24 h~(-1)。表明低剂量棉隆熏蒸联合YB-04菌肥沟施可以安全高效地防治黄瓜根结线虫病。  相似文献   

生物熏蒸用于治理蔬菜根结线虫病的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
将甘蓝(Brassica oleracea)、芥菜(B.juncea)和雪里蕻(B.junceavar.multiceps)的叶及芥菜疙瘩(B.napifor-mis)的块根组织以3.5 kg/m2的量分别施入密封于棉纱缸中的严重感染根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的土壤中,在25℃和32℃下熏蒸6 d后对活体线虫的测定结果表明,在25℃下用上述4种材料熏蒸后活体线虫数量分别比对照减少80%、85%、87%和91%。32℃下的熏蒸效果明显优于25℃下的熏蒸效果,各处理土壤中均未发现活体线虫,而无处理对照土壤中的活体线虫数量为1 540条/kg土壤。对各类添加物增效作用的调查结果表明,添加麦麸的增效作用最明显。田间试验结果表明,植物材料单独或与添加物混合使用对根结线虫病的防效均显著高于太阳能和土壤还原消毒法的防效。其中芥菜添加麦麸在开花期和盛果期的防效分别为65.2%和66.0%,与对照药剂98%棉隆可湿性粉剂的防效无显著差异;各植物材料熏蒸效果大小依次为芥菜>雪里蕻>芥菜疙瘩>甘蓝。  相似文献   

棉隆对辣椒疫霉病的防效及对土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确不同剂量棉隆对辣椒疫霉的防效及对土壤微生物群落的影响,在温室大棚条件下采用密封熏蒸法测定了不同剂量(300、450、600和750 kg/hm2)棉隆土壤熏蒸对土壤疫霉病菌的抑制率及田间防效,并采用Biolog法研究了其对土壤微生物功能多样性的影响。结果表明,不同剂量棉隆在熏蒸后揭膜当天(0)、80、140 d对辣椒疫霉病菌的抑制率分别为86.84%~100%、75.26%~96.37%和73.24%~95.46%;且80、140 d时对辣椒疫霉病的防效分别为77.19%~96.49%和70.00%~93.33%;在棉隆熏蒸揭膜当天各剂量处理下微生物对碳源的利用(用平均每孔颜色变化率表示)以及微生物多样性指数中的丰富度指数、均匀度指数及Mc Intosh指数均显著低于对照,而Simpson指数显著高于对照,随着试验时间的延长,各剂量对其影响逐渐减小,但高剂量尤其是750kg/hm2处理在140 d时仍与对照差异显著。表明棉隆剂量越高对辣椒疫霉病的防效越显著,对微生物活性影响越大,高剂量处理能明显抑制土壤微生物的活性,降低土壤微生物的多样性。  相似文献   

Methyl iodide was evaluated as a soil fumigant as a potential replacement for the widely used soil fumigant methyl bromide. In container trials, methyl iodide was significantly more effective than methyl bromide against the plant parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, Heterodera schachtii and Tylenchulus semipenetrans and the plant pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani. In small field plots, soil populations of root-knot nematodes were no longer detected after methyl iodide fumigation at an application rate of 112 kg ha-1. However, after growing a susceptible lima bean host for two months, substantial root-knot galling occurred, while Rhizobium nodulation was absent. At 168 kg ha-1 of methyl iodide, root-knot galling was reduced to less than 1%, and no Pythium propagules were recovered on selective detection media. These efficacy data support the conclusion that methyl iodide is a likely candidate for replacing methyl bromide as a soil fumigant. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

The application of a granular formulation of sodium azide (Smite 8G), to pine nursery beds at rates of 0, 22.4, 67.2 and 134.5 kg active ingredient ha?1 under water seal or plastic seal, was compared over a 1-year period with methyl bromide, applied at a rate of 650 kg ha?1, to determine the effects of soil bacterial populations, soil enzymic activities, development of mycorrhizal roots, weed population and incidence of root diseases. Bacterial populations at 24 days after treatment had increased in proportion to the amount of sodium azide added; however, highest numbers of bacteria were recorded from the methyl bromide-treated plot. At the last sampling date no significant differences were observed in bacterial populations among treatments. Neither sodium azide nor methyl bromide caused permanent changes in soil enzymic activities or adversely affected mycorrhizal root development on pine seedlings. Sodium azide at 134.5 kg ha?1 and methyl bromide both significantly decreased the number of Cyperus spp. plants in plots; however, the number of pine seedlings exhibiting a root disease was highest in plots receiving these treatments.  相似文献   

Soil solarization is not broadly adopted as a soil deinfestation method mainly because of its long duration (4–6 weeks). We present evidence showing that the duration of solarization can be reduced to nearly half using impermeable plastics and/or low doses of methyl bromide, while still ensuring effective control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. Chlamydospores of a pathogenic isolate of F. o. cucumerinum, formed in sterile soil, were inserted into nylon mesh envelopes and incorporated into the soil prior to treatment at 20‐ and 30‐cm soil depths. Soil treatments included untreated control, soil solarization with polyethylene or impermeable plastics (LMG), and soil solarization with polyethylene or impermeable plastics plus 20 g m?2 methyl bromide. According to the effects on artificial inocula of F. o. cucumerinum checked at weekly intervals for 4 weeks, soil solarization with impermeable plastics was most effective in destroying pathogen populations even two weeks after soil covering.  相似文献   

为明确完全不透性膜(totally impermeable film,TIF)对熏蒸剂在田间应用时散发和残留的影响,采用静态散发箱技术测定了TIF与聚乙烯膜(polythene film,PE)对氯化苦、1,3-二氯丙烯(1,3-dichloropropene,1,3-D)和棉隆施用后所产生的异硫氰酸甲酯(methyl isothiocyanate,MITC)大气散发的控制效果,并应用气相色谱法检测了揭膜后3种熏蒸剂在土壤中的残留情况。结果表明,在20 g/m~2(棉隆为15 g/m~2)剂量下,氯化苦、1,3-D及MITC透过PE的累积散发率为施用量的6.42%、7.37%和22.27%,透过TIF的累积散发率为施用量的0、0.65%和2.05%,表明TIF极大地降低了熏蒸剂向大气的散发量,可有效控制熏蒸剂向大气扩散。揭膜后氯化苦及1,3-D在各处理土壤中的残留量均低于0.30 mg/kg,说明TIF没有增加土壤中氯化苦和1,3-D的残留量;但MITC(15 g/m~2)在TIF下10~20 cm土壤中的残留量在3.28~3.41 mg/kg之间,高于在PE下的残留量(0.46~0.47 mg/kg),表明TIF能提高MITC在土壤中的持效浓度。  相似文献   

A study was conducted in two greenhouses with a history of Fusarium crown and root rot (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.radicis-lycopersici, Forl) and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica andM. incognita). During the 2005–06 growing season, the effectiveness of soil disinfestation by solarization in combination with low doses of metham-sodium (500, 750, 1000 and 1250l ha−1) or dazomet (400 g ha−1), was tested against soilborne pathogens and nematodes in an attempt to find a suitable alternative to methyl bromide, which is soon to be phased out. Solarization alone was not effective in the greenhouse with a high incidence ofForl. In the greenhouse with a low level ofForl, all the treatments tested reduced disease incidence, and were therefore considered to be applicable for soil disinfestation. In addition, root-knot nematode density decreased with all the treatments tested in both of the greenhouses.  相似文献   

The effect of a granular formulation of sodium azide, applied annually to pine nursery beds at rates of 0, 67.2, and 134.5 kg a. i. ha?1 under water seal or plastic seal, on soil fungal populations was determined over a 3-year period. Populations of fungi in the soil decreased following application of the sodium azide each year; the greatest decrease occurred at the highest rate of application. Populations of fungi in soil treated with the azide generally remained lower than in the controls throughout each of the 3 years; however, the population disparity between treated and control plots decreased in magnitude with each succeeding year. Populations of Trichoderma spp., in plots treated with 134.5 kg sodium azide ha?1, increased 2 weeks after treatment each year, and the population peaks increased in magnitude each year. In addition the effect of sodium azide (technical grade > 99%) at concentrations of 0, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg ml?1 in potato dextrose agar and blackstrap molasses agar media was determined in vitro for 14 isolates of Trichoderma harzianum. Growth and sporulation differed among the isolates and between the two media tested. Generally, the azide temporarily inhibited growth of the fungi, but the majority of the isolates were able to grow on either medium containing 50 μg sodium azide ml?1, although sporulation was more profuse on the molasses than on the potato dextrose agar medium.  相似文献   

Trichoderma harzianum was applied to cucumber and pepper seedlings as a peat-bran preparation incorporated into the propagative mixture in a commercial production nursery. On marketing day (after 18 and 30 days for cucumber and pepper, respectively), significant increases of 23.8% and 17.2% in seedling height, 96.1% and 50% in leaf area, and 24.7% and 28.6% in plant dry weight were observed in cucumber and pepper seedlings, respectively, as compared to their non-treated counterparts.Trichoderma-treated seedlings were much more developed and vigorous and had higher chlorophyll contents. No significant differences were found in N, P or K content between treatments. Cucumber seedlings were then transplanted to a commercial greenhouse and analyzed over two successive growth cycles following soil fumigation with methyl bromide (500 kg/ha). Results revealed theTrichoderma-treated plants to be more resistant to damping-off disease. During the first cycle, immediately after soil fumigation, no damping-off was observed with either treatment, except in border beds where 4% of the non-treated plants died, as compared to no damping-off in theTrichoderma-treated plants. During the second growing cycle however, significant reductions in damping-off of 67% and 52% were obtained in middle and border beds, respectively, as compared to the non-treated controls.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to determine the effects ofTrichoderma spp. combined with label and sublabel rates of metam sodium on survival ofRhizoctonia solani in soil. Soils were infested with wheat bran preparations ofTrichoderma hamatum Tri-4,T. harzianum Th-58,T. virens Gl-3, andT. viride Ts-1-R3. Soil was also infested with sterile beet seeds that were colonized withR. solani. Beet seeds were later recovered, plated onto water agar plus antibiotics, and the growth ofR. solani was recorded. Preliminary experiments showed thatT. hamatum andT. virens reduced survival and saprophytic activity ofR. solani when the biocontrol fungi were incorporated into soil at 1.5% (w:w) or greater. Based on these data, biocontrol fungi in subsequent experiments were incorporated into soil at 2%. Metam sodium at label rate killed all biocontrol fungi andR. solani. At 1:2 and 1:5 dilutions, metam sodium reduced survival ofR. solani and allTrichoderma spp. When biocontrol fungi plus the label rate of metam sodium and 1:5, 1:10, 1:50 or 1:100 dilutions of the label rate were tested together, there were no interactions between any biocontrol agent and the fumigant with respect to colony diameter, reflecting that allTrichoderma isolates tested reacted similarly to increasing concentrations of metam sodium. At the label rate of metam sodium, allTrichoderma spp. significantly reduced colony diameter, but not growth rate, ofR. solani from beet seed. For the levels of metam sodium tested in combination withTrichoderma, it does not appear feasible to use a reduced rate of metam sodium to controlR. solani. However, the combination ofTrichoderma with metam sodium does reduce growth ofR. solani in comparison with that provided by metam sodium at the label rate. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Feb. 11, 2004.  相似文献   

Saprophytic Fusarium strains, isolated from Fusarium-suppressive soils, have been tested in pot and glasshouse experiments in order to reduce soil colonization by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi. The highest amount of antagonist inoculum tested (200 g m-2) showed the best results in controlling carnation wilt. The antagonistic Fusarium strains showed good efficacy when applied by dipping rooted cuttings in conidial suspensions of the antagonists or by mixing inoculated wheat kernels or perlite + wheat bran with the soil. The effectiveness of the antagonistic Fusarium strains in reducing incidence of F.o. f.sp. dianthi was improved by combining chemical (benomyl, 20 g m-2) with biological measures.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness and profitability of the Mi-resistance gene in tomato in suppressing populations of Meloidogyne javanica in a plastic-house with a natural infestation of the nematode. Experiments were also conducted to test for virulence and durability of the resistance. Monika (Mi-gene resistant) and Durinta (susceptible) tomato cultivars were cropped for three consecutive seasons in non-fumigated or in soil fumigated with methyl bromide at 75 g m–2 and at a cost of 2.44 euros m–2. Nematode densities were determined at the beginning and end of each crop. Yield was assessed in eight plants per plot weekly for 6 weeks. The Pf/Pi values were 0.28 and 21.6 after three crops of resistant or susceptible cultivars, respectively. Growth of resistant as opposed to susceptible tomato cultivars in non-fumigated soil increased profits by 30,000 euros ha–1. The resistant Monika in non-fumigated soil yielded similarly (P > 0.05) to the susceptible Durinta in methyl bromide fumigated soil but the resistant tomato provided a benefit of 8800 euros ha–1 over the susceptible one because of the cost of fumigation. Selection for virulence did not occur, although the nematode population subjected to the resistant cultivar for three consecutive seasons produced four times more eggs than the population on the susceptible one. Such a difference was also shown when the resistant cultivar was subjected to high continuous inoculum pressure for 14 weeks. The Mi-resistance gene can be an effective and economic alternative to methyl bromide in plastic-houses infested with root-knot nematodes, but should be used in an integrated management context to preserve its durability and prevent the selection of virulent populations due to variability in isolate reproduction and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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