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滴灌频率和定额对枸杞园土壤水热分布及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为构建合理的沙质土壤枸杞园滴灌技术体系,以大果枸杞新品种‘宁杞8号’为试验材料,在滴灌条件下开展不同灌水频率和定额大田试验,研究灌水下限和灌水量对枸杞园土壤水热分布及‘宁杞8号’生长的影响。结果表明:在整个枸杞生育期,'宁杞8号'最大耗水时期为6月中下旬,高频灌水处理的土壤水分变化保持在一个较稳定的范围;土壤水分、气温及枸杞生育阶段对土壤温度影响明显,表层土壤温度变化(10cm以上)受空气温度影响显著,7月以后气温对土壤温度的影响逐渐减弱,20cm以下土层基本不受气温影响,而且高频灌水处理能使土壤温度保持在一个相对稳定的范围。因此,沙土地‘宁杞8号’枸杞品种最佳灌水下限宜控制在田间最大持水量的85%,全生育期最佳灌水次数为103次,灌水总量为4817.25m3/hm^2,此条件下产量为6332.1kg/hm^2,且单果质量、果实纵横径、2cm以上等级率均优于其他处理。  相似文献   

The effects of root damage associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi on water relations, biomass accumulation, mineral nutrition and vulnerability to water deficit were investigated in pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), red oak (Quercus rubra) and holm oak (Quercus ilex) saplings over two years. Comparison was made with sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa), a susceptible species to infection by P. cinnamomi, and with a resistant hybrid chestnut (Castanea crenata × C. sativa). Trees were inoculated in 1998 and were subjected to water shortage in 1999. All inoculated sweet chestnuts died before the application of water shortage. Hybrid chestnut, pedunculate oak and red oak displayed low root susceptibility to P. cinnamomi. In these species, water relations, aerial growth and mineral nutrition were slightly affected by inoculation. By contrast, holm oak was the most susceptible oak species to P. cinnamomi as inoculated well‐watered trees displayed the highest root loss (67%) and a 10% mortality. Root loss was associated with a decrease in predawn leaf water potential, a 61% reduction in stomatal conductance, a 55% reduction in aerial biomass, a decrease in leaf carbon isotope discrimination and reduced leaf N and P contents in comparison with controls. In hybrid chestnut and pedunculate oak, water shortage resulted in a similar decrease of predawn leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and aerial biomass in inoculated and non‐inoculated trees. In red and holm oaks, soil volumetric water content of inoculated trees subjected to water shortage remained high. The effects observed in those trees were similar to those of inoculated well‐watered trees and were probably the result of root infection only.  相似文献   

源库关系变化对果树产量及果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
果树经济产量和果实品质的形成实质上依赖于其源库互作关系,而源库关系的发生受光照、温度等环境因素的影响。因此,了解源库关系变化及环境因子对果树经济价值的影响具有重要意义。但是,目前关于果树源库关系变化及环境因子对果树产量及果实品质的影响问题尚缺乏系统的评述。文中基于源库概念和国内外有关果树源库关系的研究现状,综述了源库关系研究的主要途径、果树源库关系变化与环境因子跟果树产量和果实品质的关系,并对今后的研究方向提出了5条建议。  相似文献   

果实品质形成机制及其套袋对果实品质影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在参阅大量文献的基础上,简单介绍了果树套袋栽培概况,果实内在品质形成的机理;综述了套袋对果实贮藏品质,外观品质,内在品质的影响;最后,对果实套袋中存在的问题和前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Lopez G  Girona J  Marsal J 《Tree physiology》2007,27(11):1619-1626
Effect of water stress during stage III of peach fruit development on winter root starch concentration (RSC) and subsequent reproductive development was studied. Two irrigation treatments were applied in two consecutive seasons (2003-2004): full irrigation (FI) and no irrigation during stage III of fruit development until visible leaf wilting (LWI), which occurred when midday stem water potential reached -1.80 MPa. Three fruit thinning intensities were applied within each irrigation treatment. The year 2005 was a recovery year in which all trees received full irrigation and commercial fruit thinning. Water deficit and high fruit loads in the previous season significantly reduced the concentration of winter RSC. Fruit set and fruit growth from full bloom to 30 days after full bloom (30 DAFB) increased with increasing winter RSC before other factors, such as inter-fruit competition and availability of carbon from current photosynthesis, came into play. Consequently, severe water stress reduced the total number of fruits and fruit dry mass growth 30 DAFB. However, during the recovery year and after fruit thinning, fruit loads were similar between irrigation treatments and yield capacity remained unaffected. Peach fruit production recovered quickly from the deleterious effects of two consecutive years of water stress because of a combination of two factors: (1) reduced initial fruit set that was still adequate to achieve a commercial crop; and (2) the low sensitivity of fruit growth 30 DAFB to winter RSC.  相似文献   

The interaction between copper and phosphorus was studied in a pot experiment involving a factorial combination of three levels of copper and three levels of phosphorus applied to maritime pine seedlings growing in podzolic sand.Biomass measurement showed that a single copper fertilization could be toxic to the plant and that better growth was obtained with a combination of both phosphorus and copper fertilization. Copper toxicity was shown to be dependent on phosphorus levels in the plant, and better growth was obtained with an appropriate balance between phosphorus and copper concentrations. A reciprocal inhibition between phosphorus and copper uptake was assumed to explain this pattern.  相似文献   

通过大田对比试验研究了红地球葡萄不同浓度硼和不同处理时期对葡萄产量和品质的影响。结果表明:花中期(50%花朵开放)喷施0.2%的硼有利于提高葡萄的产量和品质,与对照(CK)不喷硼相比,坐果率、单粒重、穗重、单株产量和可溶性固性物含量分别增长了132.47%、24.23%、38.71%、38.71%和30.69%。可滴定酸含量降低了40.82%,均达到极显著水平,且穗形紧凑。可将此方法作为高寒冷凉区设施红地球葡萄增产提质的参考值。  相似文献   

【目的】了解不同品种蓝莓树体对矿质元素的吸收规律及差异,并为细化蓝莓施肥管理措施提供参考。【方法】以兔眼蓝莓品种‘巨蓝’和‘灿烂’及南高丛蓝莓品种‘薄雾’和‘奥尼尔’为试材,果实发育期间定期采取果实附近的叶片,应用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪测定并分析了叶片大量矿质元素磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)、镁(Mg)及微量矿质元素铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、硼(B)、锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)含量动态及其相关性。【结果】4月22日—7月21日,4个品种叶片K和Cu含量整体呈下降趋势,Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn和B含量整体呈上升趋势,但‘巨蓝’的Ca、Fe、Mn含量在7月21日未出现上升;‘灿烂’‘薄雾’和‘奥尼尔’P含量均在7月21日出现明显回升,而‘巨蓝’P含量持续下降;Zn含量除‘薄雾’变幅较小外,其他3个品种Zn含量呈现"下降—回升"的变化趋势。相关性分析结果表明,K含量与B含量间呈显著负相关,而Ca含量与P、Mg、Fe、Mn、B含量间,P含量与Mg含量间,Mg含量与Fe、Zn、B、Mn含量间,Fe含量与Mn、B含量间,以及Mn含量与B含量间均呈显著正相关。【结论】除‘巨蓝’Mg含量相对不足外,4个品...  相似文献   

该试验比较了不同类型的苹果果实袋的透光率、透气度和表面吸水率,调查了不同类型的苹果果实袋对袋内温湿度以及果实品质的影响。结果表明:外层袋外黄内黑、内层红蜡纸的双层纸袋具有一定的遮光性,且透气度和表面吸水率较低,套此类袋的果实果个和可溶性固形物含量比不套袋的降低较少,且果面光洁、果点较小,着色好。  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to study the site variables controlling teak yield (Tectona grandis Linn.fil.) and to establish guidelines for the selection of high productivity sites in Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo. Depending on stand age, soil and region, between 70 and 90% of the variation in tree growth (site index, SI) could be explained by the supply of nitrogen, the root-available soil depth and precipitation. Diagnostic foliar analysis for a broad range of elements was carried out in all plantations with the exception of Nigeria. This showed that in 20% of the stands, various deficiency symptoms occur, and in an additional 40%, hidden demand of at least one nutrient is apparent. According to the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), the most deficient nutrients besides N are Ca and P, while in 45% of all stands there is a relative Al excess. Recommendations for the evaluation and classification of site quality and the number of trees sampled for foliar analysis are given.  相似文献   

Spann TM  Beede RH  Dejong TM 《Tree physiology》2007,27(8):1189-1196
Effects of rootstock, shoot carbohydrate status, crop load and crown position on the number of preformed leaf primordia in the dormant terminal and lateral buds of mature and immature 'Kerman' pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) trees were investigated to determine if rootstock vigor is associated with greater shoot preformation. There was no significant variation in preformation related to the factors studied, suggesting strong genetic control of preformation in 'Kerman' pistachio. The growth differences observed among trees on different rootstocks were associated with greater stimulation of neoformed growth in trees on the more vigorous rootstocks. However, most annual extension growth in mature tree crowns was preformed, contrasting with the relatively high rate of neoformation found in young tree crowns. Large amounts of neoformed growth in young trees may allow the trees to become established quickly and secure resources, whereas predominantly preformed growth in mature trees may allow for continued crown expansion without outgrowing available resources. We hypothesized that the stimulation of neoformed growth by the more vigorous rootstocks is associated with greater resource uptake or transport, or both. Understanding the source of variation in shoot extension growth on different rootstocks has important implications for orchard management practices.  相似文献   

日光温室红地球葡萄分别施用绿能牌、绿丰牌和冠菌牌3种氨基酸活性液肥后,对比分析了不同肥料对葡萄土壤微生物种群数量、土壤肥力、产量和品质的影响。结果表明:绿能牌氨基酸活性液肥处理后土壤有益微生物亚硝化细菌、硝化细菌、乳酸菌、纤维素分解细菌和放线菌的数量,土壤有机质含量,葡萄果实单粒重、可溶性固形物含量、Vc含量和产量最高,分别为1.30×104个/g干土样、1.70×104个/g干土样、9.10×104个/g干土样、6.10×104个/g干土样、27.00×104个/g干土样、49.90g/kg、18.06g、18.79%、148.08μg/g和33065.92kg/hm2,土壤有害微生物反硝化细菌、霉菌,果实可滴定酸含量最低,分别为13.00×104个/g干土样、0.03×104个/g干土样和0.29%,且果实色泽为深红。在日光温室红地球葡萄栽培中可施用氨基酸来提质增产。  相似文献   

菌肥对大铃铛枣产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大铃铛枣施用菌肥,与对照相比,施14ml/L、20ml/L、40ml/L菌肥的单株产量比对照提高了26.74%~33.61%,施20ml/L和40ml/L菌肥的大枣比施化肥的大枣单株产量分别提高了4.0%和4.51%。14ml/L、20ml/L、40ml/L不同浓度菌肥处理的产投比为2.41、4.80、5.87,而施用化肥的产投比为2.48;菌肥改善了大铃铛枣的品质:14ml/L、20ml/L、40ml/L的菌肥提高了果实总糖、Vc的含量,降低了有机酸和丙二醛的含量。同施用化肥相比,果实总糖增加了0.66%~16.99%,Vc提高了32.9%~56.6%,有机酸含量降低了3.6%~17.86%,丙二醛减少了14.3%~57.1%;同对照相比,总糖增加了5.32%~22.40%,Vc提高了16.5%~37.3%;有机酸降低了5.8%~19.77%,丙二醛减少了5.3%~52.6%。菌肥提高了果实的糖酸比。  相似文献   

Girdling effects on fruitlet abscission, leaf chlorophyll, chlorophyll a fluorescence and carbohydrate concentration in various flowering and vegetative shoots were studied during natural fruit drop in two Citrus cultivars. Irrespective of shoot type, girdling delayed fruitlet abscission, but only fruitlets borne on leafy shoots had increased final fruit set. Chlorophyll a fluorescence analysis revealed differences in quantum yield efficiency of photosystem II of light adapted leaves (Phi(PSII)) among shoot types and in response to girdling. In young leaves of vegetative shoots, girdling decreased Phi(PSII), whereas Phi(PSII) increased from Day 30 after girdling in young leaves of leafy flowering shoots; however, Phi(PSII) did not change in mature leaves during fruit set in either control or girdled trees. Girdling altered leaf carbohydrate concentrations and the photosynthetic performance of the various shoot types. Our results indicate that, in Citrus, several carbohydrate-based regulatory mechanisms of photosynthesis coexist during carbohydrate accumulation brought about by girdling. It is concluded that the delay in fruitlet abscission and the increase in Phi(PSII )observed in girdled leafy flowering shoots are the mechanisms underlying the enhancement of fruit set after girdling.  相似文献   

Jacobs  Douglass F.  Rose  Robin  Haase  Diane L.  Morgan  Paul D. 《New Forests》2003,26(3):263-277
This experiment evaluated the influence of manure, peat, and vermiculite incorporated at low and high rates (0.0118 and 0.0236 m3/m2) and under two soil moisture regimes on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedling (1+0 for 1+1) xylem water potential (xylem), whole-plant growth, root architectural development, and subsequent field performance under fertilized and non-fertilized conditions. Trends in soil moisture retention were observed (high manure > high peat > control) but there were no differences in xylem. Root length in the wetter soil moisture experiment was initially (three months) greatest for seedlings in high vermiculite and least in high manure but there were no differences among treatments at lifting (eight months). Mean height was greatest for seedlings grown in vermiculite and peat (wetter nursery experiment) after two field seasons. Field fertilization (35 g/seedling) with controlled-release fertilizer in the planting hole stimulated height growth initially, but decreased height and diameter growth during the second growing season. Dramatic improvements associated with the use of nursery soil amendments were not realized, but the failure to identify negative effects, a potential reduction in disease incidence, and improvement of nursery soil physical and chemical properties may justify their use.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) during the pre-harvest period (kernel-filling stage) on water relations, leaf development and crop yield in mature almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb cv. Cartagenera) trees during a 2-year field experiment. Trees were either irrigated at full-crop evapotranspiration (ETc=100%) (well-irrigated control treatment) or subjected to an RDI treatment that consisted of full irrigation for the full season, except from early June to early August (kernel-filling stage), when 20% ETc was applied. The severity of water stress was characterized by measurements of soil water content, predawn leaf water potential (Psipd) and relative water content (RWC). Stomatal conductance (gs), net CO2 assimilation rate (A), transpiration rate (E), leaf abscission, leaf expansion rate and crop yield were also measured. In both years, Psipd and RWC of well-irrigated trees were maintained above -1.0 MPa and 92%, respectively, whereas the corresponding values for trees in the RDI treatment were -2.37 MPa and 82%. Long-term water stress led to a progressive decline in gs, A and E, with significant reductions after 21 days in the RDI treatment. At the time of maximum stress (48 days after commencement of RDI), A, gs and E were 64, 67 and 56% lower than control values, respectively. High correlations between A, E and gs were observed. Plant water status recovered within 15 days after the resumption of irrigation and was associated with recovery of soil water content. A relatively rapid and complete recovery of A and gs was also observed, although the recovery was slower than for Psipd and RWC. Severe water stress during the kernel-filling stage resulted in premature defoliation (caused by increased leaf abscission) and a reduction in leaf growth rate, which decreased tree leaf area. Although kernel yield was correlated with leaf water potential, RDI caused a nonsignificant 7% reduction in kernel yield and had no effect on kernel size. The RDI treatment also improved water-use efficiency because about 30% less irrigation water was applied in the RDI treatment than in the control treatment. We conclude that high-cropping almonds can be successfully grown in semiarid regions in an RDI regime provided that Psipd is maintained above a threshold value of -2 MPa.  相似文献   

In August 1990, a 2-ha plantation was established in an area where rainfall (about 515 mm year(-1)) was insufficient to meet evaporative demand. On nine occasions between September 1991 and April 1993, pressure-volume curves were constructed for irrigated and rainfed Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus Labill. and E. nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden trees. During the experiment, rainfed trees experienced six periods when predawn water potential was significantly lower than that of irrigated trees. In early spring of 1991 and 1992, osmotic potentials at full turgor and turgor loss point in the irrigated E. nitens were significantly lower than at other times of the year, probably because of winter hardening. Water stress reduced osmotic potential and increased bulk elastic modulus in E. nitens, whereas the reverse occurred in E. globulus. However, treatment differences with respect to changes in osmotic and elastic properties were commonly overshadowed by interspecific differences. These were most apparent at the end of the sixth period of water stress when osmotic potentials at full and zero turgor were significantly higher and bulk elastic modulus and relative water content at turgor loss point were significantly lower in E. globulus than in E. nitens. We conclude that the drought-tolerance responses of E. globulus make it a more suitable species than E. nitens for establishment on sites where moderate water stress is experienced.  相似文献   

Miller BD  Timmer VR 《Tree physiology》1994,14(12):1327-1338
To test effects of fertilization on late-season growth and nutrient content of container-grown red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.), seedlings were subjected to a factorial combination of two fertilization regimes (exponentially increasing concentrations providing 25 (1N) and 75 (3N) mg N seedling(-1), respectively) and two irrigation regimes (well-watered and water-stressed) followed by drought-hardening or nonhardening. The fertilization treatments gave rise to steady-state nutrition in the seedlings during the prehardening phase. The 3N treatment increased macronutrient uptake significantly more than dry matter production, particularly in the roots, giving rise to what has been called luxury consumption of nutrients, or nutrient loading. Nutrient loading was higher in well-watered seedlings than in water-stressed seedlings. Among well-watered seedlings, relative growth rate of nutrient-loaded seedlings was more sensitive to drought during the hardening phase than that of nonloaded seedlings. However, when watering was resumed at the end of the hardening treatment, the relative growth rate of the nutrient-loaded seedlings (421%) exceeded that of the nonloaded seedlings (213%). Nitrogen accumulation was also higher in nutrient-loaded seedlings than in nonloaded seedlings during the post-hardening phase.  相似文献   

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