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Whitehead D  Gower ST 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):925-929
Measurements of the photosynthetic response to midsummer irradiance were made for 11 species representing the dominant trees, understory shrubs, herbaceous plants and moss species in an old black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) boreal forest ecosystem. Maximum rates of photosynthesis per unit foliage area at saturating irradiance, A(max), were highest for aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), reaching 16 micromol m(-2) s(-1). For tamarack (Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Kock) and P. mariana, Amax was only 2.6 and 1.8 micromol m(-2) s(-1), respectively. Values of A(max) for understory shrubs and herbaceous plants were clustered between 9 and 11 micromol m(-2) s(-1), whereas A(max) of feather moss (Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt.) reached only 1.9 micromol m(-2) s(-1). No corrections were made for differences in shoot structure, but values of photosynthetic light-use efficiency were similar for most species (70-80 mmol CO2 mol(-1)); however, they were much lower for L. laricina and P. mariana (15 mmol CO2 mol(-1)) and much higher for P. schreberi (102 m;mol CO2 mol(-1)). There was a linear relationship between Amax and foliage nitrogen concentration on an area basis for the broad-leaved species in the canopy and understory, but the data for P. mariana, L. laricina and P. schreberi fell well below this line. We conclude that it is not possible to scale photosynthesis from leaves to the canopy in this ecosystem based on a single relationship between photosynthetic rate and foliage nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

Liu  Guancheng  Yan  Guoyong  Chang  Mengyu  Huang  Binbin  Sun  Xingyu  Han  Shijie  Xing  Yajuan  Wang  Qinggui 《European Journal of Forest Research》2021,140(5):1113-1126

In recent decades, global warming and nitrogen (N) deposition have been increasing obviously, which have led to some strong responses in terrestrial ecosystems, especially the carbon (C) cycle. The boreal forest occupies an important position in the global C cycle with its huge C storage. However, the impact of global change such as N deposition on boreal forest ecosystem C cycle has been not very clear. In order to solve this problem, the field experiment of N addition in a boreal forest has been built in the Greater Khingan Mountains of Northeast China since 2011. Four N addition gradients (0, 25, 50, 75 kg N ha?1 year?1) were set up to study the response of above- and belowground C pool to N addition. The results showed that the total forest C sequestration of low-, medium- and high-N treatments was 104.4?±?5.9, 20.2?±?2.7 and 5.3?±?0.4 g C/g N, respectively. Aboveground trees were the largest C pool, followed by soil, roots and floor C pool. Low-N increased the input of C by promoting photosynthesis. Trees of Larix gmelini increased the investment in the belowground root system and increased the belowground C pool. High-N reduced the inter-annual litter biomass and decreased litter C:N that accelerated the decomposition of litter, resulting in a reduction in the floor C pool. Low-N increased total soil respiration, while medium- and high-N inhibited heterotrophic respiration and then increased soil C sequestration. The estimation of forest C pool provides valuable data for improving the C dynamic characteristics of boreal forest ecosystem and is of great significance for us to understand the impact of climate change on the global C cycle.


Postfire tree species compositions are predicted to be the same prior to fire according to the direct regeneration hypothesis (DRH). We studied 94 upland boreal forest stands between 5 and 18 years after fire in Ontario, Canada. Postfire species-specific regeneration density was positively related to prefire stand basal area for Pinus banksiana, Populus spp., Betula papyrifera and Picea mariana, but not for Picea glauca and Abies balsamea. In addition, seedling density of Populus spp., B. papyrifera, P. mariana, P. glauca and A. balsamea were positively affected by build up index and, except Populus spp., their density increased with age of burn. To facilitate testing the DRH, we introduced a term called compositional difference (CD) that is the difference in a species relative percentage between the postfire and prefire stand. The testable null hypothesis is CD = 0 for a given species. CD was not different from 0 for P. banksiana, was 19.8% for Populus spp., 10.4% for B. papyrifera, −17.9% for P. mariana, −14.6% for P. glauca, and −14.9% for A. balsamea, indicating fire increases broadleaves at the expenses of mid- and late-successional coniferous species. Compositional increases of Populus spp. and B. papyrifera in postfire stands occurred mostly where these species were a minor component prior to fire. In conclusion, the DRH was supported by the specific positive relationships between postfire regeneration densities and prefire basal area for P. banksiana, Populus spp., B. papyrifera and P. mariana. However, if the DRH is used for predicting postfire composition, P. banksiana is the only species that had the same composition between postfire and prefire stands. Nevertheless, CD for P. banksiana was negatively related to its prefire composition. Similarly, CD for other species was negatively related to their prefire compositions with varying effects of build up index and age of burn. Our results suggest, if fire occurrences increase with global change, the boreal landscape will be more dominated by hardwoods and mixtures of conifers and hardwoods.  相似文献   

Hari P  Mäkelä A 《Tree physiology》2003,23(3):145-155
To detect seasonal changes in photosynthetic rate in the field, a set of 18,000 photosynthetic measurements made between April and October on three shoots of Scots pine growing near the northern timberline was studied. The measurements were analyzed in the framework of an optimal stomatal control model of photosynthesis, in which irradiance (photosynthetically active radiation, I), air humidity and ambient temperature are driving variables. All driving variables were monitored concomitantly with gas exchange measurements throughout the growing season. The model has nine parameters, of which six were assumed to be constant over the growing season and were fixed based on previous information. The three variable parameters were the initial slope (alpha) and saturation value (gamma) of the light-response curve of carboxylation efficiency in the intercellular cavity, and the cost of transpiration (lambda), in carbon units, regulating the degree of stomatal opening. These parameters could not be estimated independently, nor could their values be satisfactorily found by standard nonlinear regression techniques. A Monte Carlo based simulation procedure was devised to analyze the best-fit parameters and their mutual correlations near the minimum of the residual sum of squares. This was accomplished by replacing the saturation value of the light-response curve with a linearity parameter that determined the shape of the curve. In the best fit solutions, only alpha and lambda varied from day to day, whereas the shape of the curve was constant (i.e., gamma was proportional to alpha). Both alpha and lambda showed consistent patterns from spring to autumn, but the seasonal variation was considerably greater for alpha than for lambda. The optimal stomatal control model with the seven fixed and two daily parameter values gave a good overall fit for photosynthetic rate over the season (PEV > 95%).  相似文献   

The growing stock more than doubled from 1.6 to 3.4 million m3 between 1912 and 2005 in forests on an area of 387 km2 in southern Finland. The stock expansion continued for 93 years noting interim results, which were available for 1959, 1982, 1994 and 1999. Forested area in the region hardly changed. Carbon sequestration was mainly a result of a long-term recovery from forest degradation, a legacy of land use in the 18th and 19th centuries. Tree demography responded to management change especially of mature stands: Average tree size and stocking density of stands increased. On average the expanding biomass stock sequestered 18 tons C annually per km2 (18 g C per m2). In comparison, the emissions of fossil carbon in the region were estimated at 12 tons C per km2 (12 g C per m2) on average. However, fossil CO2 emissions exceeded biomass sequestration in recent decades. The powerful and persistent expansion of the carbon stock was an unintended co-benefit of forestry, which was motivated by the intention to improve timber yield. On the more negative side the change in management introduced clear-cuts, and a loss of diverse elements of the pre-industrial biota.  相似文献   

Little is known about how past forest management in Sweden influenced the quantity and quality of large woody debris (LWD) in streams. The present study provides information of the long-term dynamics of LWD in a reach of a boreal stream intersecting a managed forest. Dendrochronological methods were used to reconstruct mortality years of the pieces of LWD and the general history of fire and cuttings of the surrounding riparian forest. Today, spruce dominates among the living trees, whereas the LWD is dominated by birch in the forest and by pine in the stream. Fire frequency prior to active fire suppression was similar to values reported from boreal forests. Pine trees were more abundant in the riparian forest before selective logging operations and active fire suppression began in the 1800s. Many of the pieces of LWD found in the stream today died more than 200 years ago and derived from a cohort of pines that generated in the early 1600s. Pine LWD in stream channels is highly resistant to decomposition and can reside for more than 300 years. A substantial amount of the LWD found today in managed forest streams in boreal Sweden most likely derives from the time before extensive human influence and is likely to decrease further in the future. Management of riparian forests to ascertain future supply of long-lived LWD in streams should target to increase the proportion of pine trees.  相似文献   


In this study, 236 regeneration areas (mostly clear-cuts) in southern Norway were selected by random stratified selection: 118 of the study units were cut before and 118 after the introduction of forest certification in 1998. The degree of compliance with biodiversity measures established in the prevailing certification standard (ISO 14001 and the Norwegian standard “Living Forests”) was compared in a field study, and the differences were analysed. In some aspects, a clear difference could be seen, most clearly in an increasing number of green retention trees and an increasing mean width of buffer-strips left along rivers, bogs and lakes in the postcertification units compared with the precertification units. Even though there was a significant increase in the mean number of retention trees, as much as 21% of the postcertification regeneration areas still did not have sufficient retention trees to comply with the certification standard and 41% had either too few retention trees or too few spruce trees according to the standard. Concerning the management of small swamp forests, and the damage done to terrain and prelogging coarse dead wood by off-road transport, little improvement was seen. The discussion examines whether it is probable that the changes seen are a result of forest certification in Norway.  相似文献   

  • ? The aim of this work was to analyze how the forest structure affects the risk of wind damage at the landscape level in a boreal forest.
  • ? This was done by employing: (i) Monte Carlo simulation technique for generating landscapes with different age class distributions, proportions of open areas (gaps), and tree species composition; and (ii) a mechanistic wind damage model, HWIND, for predicting the critical wind speeds at downwind stand edges of open areas (gaps) for risk consideration. The level of risk of wind damage observed at the landscape level was significantly affected by the presence of gaps and old stands. Even a slight increase in the proportion of gap areas or older stands had a significant impact on the total length of edges at risk. As a comparison, variation in species composition (Scots pine and/or Norway spruce) had much smaller impact on the risk of damage.
  • ? In conclusion, the effects of forest structure on the risk of wind damage should especially be considered by forest managers in day-to-day forest planning in order to reduce the risk of wind damage both at the stand and landscape level.
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    The branch bag method was used to monitor photosynthesis and transpiration of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and hazelnut (Corylus cornuta Marsh.) over a 42-day midsummer period in 1996, as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS). During the same period, daytime measurements of stomatal conductance (g(s)) and leaf water potential (Psi(leaf)) were made on these species, and sap flow was monitored in aspen stems by the heat pulse method. Weather conditions during the study period were similar to the long-term average. Despite moist soils, both species showed an inverse relationship between daytime g(s) and vapor pressure deficit (D) when D was > 0.5 kPa. Daytime Psi(leaf) was below -2 MPa in aspen and near -1.5 MPa in hazelnut, except on rainy days. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that stomatal responses are constrained by hydraulic resistance from root to leaf, and by the need to maintain Psi(leaf) above a minimum threshold value. Reductions in g(s) on sunny afternoons with elevated ambient D (maximum 2.3 kPa) were associated with a significant decrease in photosynthetic rates. However, day-to-day variation in mean carbon assimilation rate was small in both species, and appeared to be governed more by solar radiation than D. These results may be generally applicable to healthy aspen stands under normal midsummer conditions in the southern boreal forest. However, strong reductions in carbon uptake may be expected at the more extreme values of D (> 4 kPa) that occur during periods of regional drought, even if soil water is not locally limiting.  相似文献   

    Fire history and stand structure was examined in twelve virgin forest stands situated within forest reserves in northern Sweden. The selected stands represented fire refuges as well as different successional stages after fire. Six of the stands were dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.), three were dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and three were dominated by hairy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) or aspen (Populus tremula L.). In 3 of the southernmost stands, the average fire interval was 34 to 65 years during the late 1600s to late 1800s, but since 1888 no fires had occurred in any of the stands. The absence of fire disturbance since 1888 is probably caused by the fire suppression in the overall landscape. The standing volume of living trees ranged between 87 and 511 m3 ha−1 while the volume of dead trees, including both snags and logs, ranged between 27 and 201 m3 ha−1. The volume of dead trees constituted ca. 30% of the total stem volume. In the conifer dominated stands, there was a statistically significant relationship between total stem volume, including both living and dead trees, and site productivity. A comparison between the amount of dead and living trees indicated substantial changes in tree species composition in several stands. It is suggested that data on the amount of dead trees, especially logs, and its distribution over decay classes could be used to examine the continuity of certain tree species. All stands had a multi-sized tree diameter distribution, which in most cases was similar to a reversed J-shaped distribution. In general spruce was numerous in the seedling cohort and in small diameter classes, indicating that its proportion in the stands was stable, or was increasing at the expense of pioneer tree species such as pine, aspen and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.). The most numerous species in the seedling cohort, rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.), was almost totally missing in the tree layer, indicating a high browsing pressure preventing rowan seedlings from growing into trees. The general increase of spruce and the sparse regeneration of pioneer species, in the stands previously affected by fire, are discussed in relation to natural disturbance regimes, biological diversity and nature conservation policies. It is proposed that reintroduction of fire disturbance is a necessity for future management plans of forest reserves. Other management practices to increase species diversity within forest reserves are also discussed.  相似文献   

    In forests worldwide, ~10?40% of bird and mammal species require cavities for nesting or roosting. Although knowledge of tree cavity availability and dynamics has increased during past decades, there is a striking lack of studies from boreal Europe. We studied the density and characteristics of cavities and cavity-bearing trees in three categories of forest in a north-Swedish landscape: clearcuts with tree retention, managed old (>100 years) forest, and unmanaged old forest. Unmanaged old forests had significantly higher mean density of cavities (2.4?±?2.2(SD)?ha?1) than managed old forest (1.1?±?2.1?ha?1). On clearcuts the mean cavity density was 0.4?±?2.3?ha?1. Eurasian aspen (Populus tremula) had a higher probability of containing excavated cavities than other tree species. There was a greater variety of entrance hole shapes and a higher proportion of cavities with larger entrances in old forest than on clearcuts. Although studies of breeding success will be necessary to more accurately assess the impact of forest management on cavity-nesting birds, our results show reduced cavity densities in managed forest. To ensure future provision of cavities, managers should retain existing cavity-bearing trees as well as trees suitable for cavity formation, particularly aspen and dead trees.  相似文献   

    Exotic species possess abilities to harm the ecosystems they invade. This study assesses the density, frequency and cover of exotic plants in roadside right-of-ways, logged areas and wildfire sites within mixedwood sections of the southern boreal forest of Saskatchewan. A total of 23 exotic species were observed including nine species of Gramineae, seven species of Leguminosae and five species of Compositae. Average density of exotic species in areas recently disturbed by timber harvesting or wildfire was 0.2 stems m−2 with a frequency of 72%. Exotic species adapted for wind dispersal were best represented including common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), perennial sow thistle (Sonchus arvensis) and annual hawksbeard (Crepis tectorum). Only two exotic species, T. officinale and Canada bluegrass (Poa compressa), were observed in mature forest; both occurred with a frequency of 13% and an average density of 0.002 stems m−2. A total of 22 exotic species was found in the right-of-ways quadrats with an average density of 117 stems m−2 and a frequency of 94%. The most frequently observed exotic species in the roadside right-of-way areas were T. officinale, alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum), S. arvensis, creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra) and smooth brome grass (Bromus inermis). These species are either common agricultural weeds or were part of the original seed mixture used to establish a plant cover in the roadside right-of-ways.  相似文献   

    The effects of experimental site preparation treatments on soil respiration were studied in a boreal mixedwood forest. The treatments were: (1) intact forest (uncut); (2) clearcut without site preparation (cut); (3) clearcut followed by mixing of organic matter with mineral horizons (mixed); and (4) plots from which all organic matter was removed (screefed). Soil respiration was measured as carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution from surface soil once a month from June to October, 1994 in the field using infra-red gas analyzer (IRGA). In addition, soil temperature and moisture content were determined once a month during the 1994 growing season and soil organic matter content was determined once in July 1994. Mixed plots had the highest soil respiration rates (0.86 to 0.98 g m−2 h−1), followed by the clearcut (0.68 to 0.84 g m−2 h−1) and uncut plots (0.56 to 0.82 g m−2 h−1), with screefed plots having the lowest respiration rates (0.24 to 0.52 g m−2 h−1) from June to September. Soil respiration of the cut plots was not significantly different from that of the uncut control. The site preparation treatments reduced soil moisture and soil organic matter contents significantly. Changes in soil temperature within treatment at 0, 5 and 10 cm depths and between the treatments were not significant. Observed soil respiration patterns were attributed to changes in soil moisture and organic matter content associated with the various treatments. A laboratory incubation experiment elucidated the effects of organic matter, soil moisture, and temperature on soil respiration rates. Site preparation treatments in boreal mixedwood forests affect soil respiration by modifying the moisture and organic matter content of the soil.  相似文献   

    The relationship between photosynthesis and accumulated cold degree days (CDD) over the late growing season was examined at the shoot, ecosystem and landscape scales in a boreal cutover in eastern Canada predominated by black spruce (Picea mariana Mill. BSP), lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) and sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia L.). We calculated CDD as the sum of minimum daily temperatures below a 5 degrees C threshold. Light-saturated photosynthesis at the shoot level (A(max)) of black spruce and V. angustifolium decreased steadily with increasing CDD once temperatures below the CDD threshold value became frequent in mid-September, whereas K. angustifolia showed a more irregular pattern. Tissue acclimation played an important role in the decrease in A(max) as the season progressed, but only V. angustifolium showed decreasing foliar nitrogen concentrations. Based on eddy covariance flux tower data, maximum daily gross primary productivity (GPP(max)-tower) at the ecosystem level was more strongly related to CDD (r(2) = 0.59) than was maximum daily net ecosystem exchange (r(2) = 0.32). The GPP(max) was likely influenced by both tissue acclimation and the direct effects of changing temperatures and irradiances on physiological rates. Mean daily GPP, calculated for consecutive 8-day periods for a 25 km(2) area around the tower by the MODIS MOD17A2 Collection 4 satellite algorithm (GPP- MODIS), decreased more rapidly with increasing CDD than did GPP(max)-tower. Although GPP-MODIS was closely correlated with mean daily GPP from the tower (GPP(daily)-tower, r(2) = 0.95) over the late growing season, the former was about twice as high. Although MODIS estimates of air temperature closely tracked the ground data, the maximum light-use efficiency parameter used by the MODIS algorithm was much higher than that indicated by the tower measurements. There was a 3% decline in GPP(max)-tower with an increase of 10 CDD, corresponding to the percent decline in branch-level A(max) of black spruce and V. angustifolium.  相似文献   

    Narrowing the uncertainties in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics during decomposition of coarse woody debris (CWD) can significantly improve our understanding of forest ecosystem functioning. We examined C, N and pH dynamics in the least studied CWD component—tree bark in a 66-year-long decomposition chronosequence. The relative C concentration decreased by ca. 32% in pine bark, increased by ca. 18% in birch bark and remained stable in spruce and aspen bark. Nitrogen increased in bark of all tree species. In conifer bark, it increased along with epixylic succession. Over 45 years, the relative C/N ratio in bark decreased by 63 and 45% for coniferous and deciduous species, respectively. Bark pH did not change. Due to bark fragmentation, the total C and N amounts in bark of individual logs of aspen, birch, pine and spruce decreased at average rates of 0.03, 0.02, 0.26 and 0.05 year?1, and 0.02, 0.02, 0.03 and 0.03 year?1, respectively. At the forest stand level, the total amounts of C and N in log bark were 853 and 21 kg ha?1 or 11.2 and 45.5% of the C and N amounts stored in downed logs and ca. 2.3–3.8 and 2.2–2.4%, respectively, of total C and N amounts stored in forest litter. In boreal forests, decomposing log bark may act as a long-term source of N for wood-inhabiting communities.  相似文献   

    Despite the spatial significance of Canada's boreal forest, there is very little known about CH4 and N2O emissions from non-peatlands within it. The primary objective of this project was to study the atmosphere–soil exchange of CH4 and N2O at three sites in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan. In the summers of 2006 and 2007, CH4 and N2O emissions were measured along transects in three different mature forest stands (aspen, black spruce and jack pine) using a sealed chamber method. At the aspen site, the gross rates of mineralization and nitrification, and the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O emissions, were also measured using the 15N isotope dilution technique. Results indicated that the jack pine and black spruce sites were slight sinks of CH4 (−0.123 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1and −0.017 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 respectively in 2006 and −0.095 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1and 0.045 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 respectively in 2007), whereas the aspen site was a net source (4.40 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 in 2006 and 19.60 g CH4–C m−2 yr−1 in 2007). The high CH4 emissions at the aspen site occurred at depressions that were water-filled due to above-average precipitation levels in 2005–2007. All three sites had very low cumulative N2O emissions, ranging from −0.002 to 0.014 g N2O–N m−2 yr−1 in both years. The 15N results indicated that N cycling at the aspen site was very conservative, allowing little N to escape the system as N2O; the emissions that did occur were due primarily to a nitrification-related process.  相似文献   

    Vegetation and birds were inventoried on the same plot before and after a severe windstorm in 1999 disturbed a mature black spruce (Picea mariana)–jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forest in northern Minnesota. Following the storm, another plot was established in an adjacent portion of the forest that was salvage-logged. Birds were inventoried on both plots through 2002. The original unsalvaged plot was prescribed-burned in 2004, but vegetation was surveyed through 2003, and through 2005 on the salvaged plot. We examined the effects of wind disturbance by comparing the pre-storm bird and vegetation communities with those developing afterwards through 2002 and 2003, respectively, and the effects of salvage logging by comparing vegetation and the bird community on the unsalvaged plot with those in the salvaged area. Wind reduced the canopy of the forest by over 90% with a temporary increase in the shrub layer, mostly resulting from tip-ups. Several plant species, including jack pine and beaked hazel (Corylus americana), appeared temporarily in the ground layer (<1 m height), but did not persist through 2003. Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) root sprouts were abundant in 2001, but decreased dramatically by 2003. Delayed mortality of tipped trees resulted in reduction of the shrub layer to pre-storm levels, and release of advanced regeneration black spruce and balsam fir (Abies balsamea). Bird species using the forest changed from dominance by canopy-foraging species to ground-brush foraging species, with an overall increase in bird diversity. Salvage logging resulted in significant reduction in coarse woody debris, and successful recruitment of jack pine seedlings. Quaking aspen sprouts were nearly 30 times more abundant in the salvage-logged area compared to the unsalvaged control. Ruderal species, especially red raspberry (Rubus ideaus), fringed bindweed (Polygonum cilinode), and several sedges (Carex spp.), were significantly more abundant after salvage logging. The bird community, on the other hand, was greatly diminished by salvage logging, with a reduction in diversity, density, and overall richness of species.  相似文献   

    Given the rise in commercialization of edible forest mushrooms in Eastern Canada, it is advantageous to understand the fruiting patterns of fungal species. The aim of this study is to understand the phenology of edible species within the mixed boreal forest. Weekly surveys were conducted in 481 quadrats during the mushroom growing season over three consecutive years (2005–2007). The initial fruiting dates, as well as the duration of fruiting, were examined relative to year and stand type. Species phenology was also considered in relation to soil temperature and moisture on temporal (interannual) and spatial scales (across sampling quadrats).  相似文献   

    Timo Pukkala 《林业研究》2018,29(2):261-272
    Forest management in several boreal countries is strongly focused on conifers because they are more productive,the technical quality of their stems is better,and their wood fibers are longer as compared to broadleaves.Favoring conifers in forest management leads to simple forest structures with low resilience and diversity.Such forests are risky in the face of climate change and fluctuating timber prices.Climate change increases the vitality of many forest pests and pathogens such as Heterobasidion spp.and Ips typographus L.which attack mainly spruce.Wind damages are also increasing because of a shorter period of frozen soil to provide a firm anchorage against storms.Wind-thrown trees serve as starting points for bark beetle outbreaks.Increasing the proportion of broadleaved species might alleviate some of these problems.This study predicts the long-term(150 years) consequences of current conifer-oriented forest management in two forest areas,and compared this management with silvicultural strategies that promote mixed forests and broadleaved species.The results show that,in the absence of damages,conifer-oriented forestry would lead to 5–10% higher timber yields and carbon sequestration.The somewhat lower carbon sequestration of broadleaved forests was counteracted by their higher albedo(reflectance).Mixed and broadleafforests were better providers of recreational amenities.Species diversity was much higher in mixed stand and broadleaf-oriented silviculture at stand and forest levels.The analysis indicates that conifer-oriented forest management produces rather small and uncertain economic benefits at a high cost in resilience and diversity.  相似文献   

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