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广德的竹林面积、蓄积、产量长期以来一直位居安徽前列,即使在全国也占有一定的地位,资源优势比较明显。广德县为世界刚竹属和短穗竹属植物的分布中心,这里既分布有大量的散生型竹子,又生长有少数丛生型竹子,  相似文献   

毛竹是我国重要的用材竹种和笋用竹种,广泛分布于长江流域及以南地区,是山区林农重要的收入来源之一.广德县目前拥有竹林面积78万亩,立竹蓄积量2亿株,均居安徽首位.其中毛竹面积60万亩,立竹蓄积量1.1亿株,年产毛竹1300万根,鲜笋2.5万吨;红壳竹15万亩,紫竹2万亩,黄古竹等特色乡土竹种1万亩,立竹蓄积量9900万株,年产竹材1500万根、鲜笋1.5万吨.到2006年底,全县共有竹加工企业601家,其中千万元以上企业10家,5000万元企业2家,省农业产业化龙头企业2家,市农业产业龙头企业15家,具有自营出口权企业4家,竹业产值11亿元,占全县林业总值的70%.农民人均收人中来自竹产业的收入1580元,占农人均纯收入的36%.广德县竹产业发展已形成自身的特点和优势.随着山区毛竹林面积的不断扩大,毛竹病虫害亦日趋严重,现将竹笋夜蛾的生活习性及其防治技术介绍如下……  相似文献   

天台县林业技术推广站,经过二年多时间的试验研究,在红壳竹的笋用栽培与笋期生长研究上取得了初步成功。试验林中施尿素笋前肥、施尿素笋前肥加施有机肥二种处理的竹笋产量分别达到每亩152公斤和535.5公斤,是一般红壳竹林的1.4倍和4.5倍。  相似文献   

对野生的异竹、黄杆竹、鳗竹、红壳竹、乌哺鸡竹5个竹种进行定点试验,并实施一系列人为改造措施,使野生竹林向专业竹园转化,并获得较好的效益。  相似文献   

本文在对四川竹林资源及竹产业发展现状进行全面分析基础上,提出四川竹林必须按区域自然生态条件和竹林生物学特性,并结合区域竹产品加工企业的分布和规划布局,分类实行竹林定向培育。四川竹林按其培育目标划分为纸浆竹林、笋用竹林、材用竹林及观赏竹林四类,对不同培育目标竹林还进一步探讨了相应的定向培育配套技术措施。  相似文献   

广德县竹资源分布及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广德县竹林面积50万亩,居全省之首,全国第十三位,蓄积量居全国第十位,经济地位和发展战略十分重要。本文从广德竹类资源分布、经济地位、发展概况、经营水平与技术、开发利用前景与对策等方面系统阐述,对广德竹业发展提出指导性建议与对策。  相似文献   

红壳竹笋用林竹鞭的生长结构及其分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对红壳竹不同年龄竹鞭长度、重量、鞭段长度、鞭径、侧芽 (笋芽、壮芽、弱芽、空芽节 )数量及其在不同土层中的分布状况、竹鞭的分岔和延伸方向等进行分析。认为壮龄鞭所占比例最大 ,其次为幼龄鞭 ;壮龄鞭在 10~ 2 0cm土层分布最多 ,幼龄鞭在 0~ 10cm土层分布最多。竹鞭大多数为平行生长。为红壳竹笋用林的土壤管理提供科学依据  相似文献   

广德县位于安徽省东南,地处中亚热带的北缘。境内水热资源充足,生态环境多样,竹类资源比较丰富,全县现有竹林2.7万hm2,竹类植物7属55种(含种下等级),均居安徽省首位。但长期以来,竹子多以材用为主,不少优良笋用竹种不能很好地发掘利用。为物尽其用,现将该县笋用资源简介如下,并对今后的开发利用进行初步探讨。l主要多用竹种及经营现状1.l主要笋用分种资源概况该县笋用竹种约16种,其中分布较广、面积较大、产量较高、经营历史悠久的有9种,其可资利用的资源量及分布概况如表1。表三中均为乡土竹种,其中开发利用价值最高当推毛…  相似文献   

竹笋夜蛾的综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛竹是我国重要的用材竹种和笋用竹种,广泛分布于长江流域及以南地区,是山区林农重要的收入来源之一。广德县目前拥有竹林面积78万亩,立竹蓄积量2亿株,均居安徽首位。其中毛竹面积60万亩,立竹蓄积量1.1亿株,年产毛竹1300万根,鲜  相似文献   

永安市竹林面积4.8万hm^2,竹种资源15属77种,资源十分丰富。通过对永安市竹林资源和竹种资源分布的调查研究,根据其竹林分布特征和竹种资源优势,提出永安市竹类资源开发利用的总体规划,充分利用毛竹要面积优势,培育丰产竹林;依托竹种资源优势,综合利用竹类资源,开发观赏竹,开展竹林旅游,建设科学合理的竹业产业结构。  相似文献   

以低丘退化红壤区植被恢复和生产潜力发挥为目标,对红竹幼林主要结构因子年际变化规律进行定位研究,结果表明:红竹抽鞭发笋能力强,年际立竹量明显,以造林后第2年增加最为显著,达2309株/hm2,第3年成林投产.新竹平均胸径造林后第3年达3.54 cm;地下鞭系多分布于土壤上层20 cm区间,造林后3 a鞭系长度10 m/m2以上,平均鞭径1.75 cm.单位面积林地鞭系侧芽数随造林年限的增加显著增多,造林后第3年较第1年增加119.4%.红竹在低丘退化红壤地生态适应性好,可规模化推广应用.造林母竹标准为2.5~3.5 cm径级的1~2 a生健康立竹,初植密度900~1500株/hm2.  相似文献   

根据广德县2004年森林资源清查结果、2009年森林资源年报数据以及近年来广德县营造林实绩,分析全县森林覆盖率的增长潜力空间,并提出在森林覆盖率难以持续增长的情况下,如何加强本县生态环境建设的思路。  相似文献   

红哺鸡竹是高产、优质的笋用竹种.试验中采取施用无机肥、生物有机肥、种绿肥与不施肥等不同措施,结果是采用A处理(劈山+全锄)和D处理(种绿肥)在发笋数、成竹数及平均胸径、平均竹高相差不大,而B处理(劈山+全锄+化肥)和C处理(劈山+全锄+生物有机肥)的效果明显优于A、D处理,特别是C处理(劈山+全锄+生物有机肥)对发笋数、成竹数及平均胸径、平均竹高等促进效果最好.为红哺鸡竹的丰产培育及绿色栽培提供了依据.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir has been planted in Bavaria for over 100 years. Its high growth potential and good wood quality combined with its silvicultural characteristics have increased interest in the species which can easily be integrated into existing natural ecosystems. In order to be successful in the establishment of Douglas-fir one must select the best provenance (only the so called “green” or viridis coastal type form is suitable for Bavaria), maintain a broad genetic base and carry out proper silviculture. The goal of the study was to check the origin/provenance (coastal or interior type) of older Bavarian Douglas-fir stands, the respective genetic variation of the stands and also the natural regeneration, the collected seed and the plants raised in the nursery. Possible changes in the genetic composition and diversity due to selective processes in the nursery phase were also investigated. Isoenzyme gene markers were used for the study. The majority of the investigated older stands apparently belong to the coastal type Douglas-fir; however, we also found mixed stands and stands solely of the interior (unsuitable) type. Older stands show large variation in their genetic diversity (v gam between 19.9 and 90.1). Some of the stands of unsuitable provenance have natural regeneration and others have been selected as seed collecting stands. Through natural regeneration the genetic structure of the older stands is passed on to the following generation. The same is true for reproductive material collected from such stands. In comparison to seed collected from stands in the USA (from stands selected by the EU for seed collection), seed from Bavarian stands is genetically very heterogeneous in respect to the allele variants and the diversity. No significant changes in the genetic population structure were found in the nursery due to sowing or transplanting. The critical stage for obtaining high quality reproductive material of Douglas-fir is the selection of seed collecting stands and the harvesting procedure. The resulting consequences for seed collection and procurement of suitable reproductive material for Douglas-fir are discussed.  相似文献   

目标经营——介绍一种森林经营方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了德国和奥地利提倡的一种现代森林经营方法——目标经营, 着重阐述了目标经营的特点、方法和判读疏伐的效果。作者认为, 我国应借鉴国外经验, 走集约经营森林的道路。  相似文献   

Farmers in the highlands of Ethiopia often plant Eucalyptus on their farmlands. However, growing Eucalyptus, especially on farm- lands suitable for crop production has become a great concern due to its alleged long-term site effects. Our study was conducted at Koga water- shed, Mecha District, northwestern Ethiopia to investigate whether crop- lands afforested with Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. can be restored for annual crop production after tree harvest. We compared growth and yield of two agricultural crops, barley (Hordeum vulgate L.) and finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.), grown in clear-felled stands of E. camaldulensis and continuously cultivated croplands at twelve paired farmlands under a conventional farming system. Plant height and dry matter production were evaluated as indices of crop growth, while grain weight was evaluated as an index of crop yield. Crop growth and yield measurements averaged over all farmlands differed between land-use types. For both crops, plants grown on clear-felled stands were taller than on croplands. Dry matter production and yield were also significantly greater in crops cultivated on clear-felled stands. Cropland aboveground and belowground dry matter productions were lower by 31.8 and 25.4% for barley and 32.8% and 37% for finger millet, respectively. Clear-felled stands gave an average yield of 2.91 t.ha-1 for barley and 3.27 t.ha-1 for finger millet while cropland gave a yield of 1.97 and 2.31 t.ha-1 for barley and finger millet, respectively. Farmers also responded that farm plots on former eucalypt plantations showed greater crop growth and yield thandid continuously cultivated croplands. Farmers perceived that Eucalyptus plantations improved soil fertility and they preferred clear-felled stands for crop production and wished to plant Eucalyptus on their farmlands. Our results suggest that conversion of agricultural lands to Eucalyptus plantations can increase post-felling yields of cereal crops.  相似文献   

检查法林分生长预测及择伐模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李法胜  于政中 《林业科学》1994,30(6):531-539
检查法是一种适合于异龄林经营的集约作业方法,由于目前试验时间还较短(第1择伐周期1987-1992年),需要对其长期经营效果作出预测。文中提出了一种修正参数预测模型(MPPM)和线性规划方法相结合对于林分进行生长预测和择伐模拟研究的方法。拟合林分直径分布采用了形状灵活的Weibull分布形式,使得这种方法很适合于异龄林分(反J形直径分布)的生长预测(当然也适于同龄林),特别是当径阶株数出现突然变化  相似文献   

2013年河南淅川竹博园从浙江安吉引进24个竹种进行试验栽培。结果显示,初步认定红竹、黄秆乌哺鸡竹、高节竹、美竹等10个竹种能够适合在淅川发展。建议进一步开展试验研究,适地适竹,分类经营,扩大试验栽培面积。  相似文献   

冬季对红哺鸡竹林进行覆盖可提早出笋、延长出笋期及提高出笋产量;采取不同覆盖物及覆盖厚度,产生的效果不同。覆盖稻草+鸭粪对提早出笋、增加笋产量及提高早期笋比例的效果最好。覆盖竹叶在提早出笋上比覆盖稻草、谷壳好,但出笋数、早期笋数少。覆盖厚度30 cm促进出笋效果最好。  相似文献   

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