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Two experiments were conducted to quantify the impact on forage use and performance of varying supplementation frequency of cattle consuming forage diets across a range of frequencies. In both experiments, a common supplement was used that contained a relatively high concentration of CP (43%) and was fed at the following frequencies: 1) 2 d/wk; 2) 3 d/wk; 3) 5 d/wk; and 4) 7 d/wk. In Exp. 1, 120 Hereford x Angus cows (BW = 537 kg) grazing winter tallgrass-prairie range were supplemented at the various frequencies from December 7 until calving (average calving date = 3/7/99). All treatments provided the same quantity of supplement on a weekly basis (12.74 kg, as-fed) but divided the amount delivered on a given day equally among the number of supplementation events for that treatment. Less BW was lost from December 7 through calving (linear effect, P = 0.02) as frequency of supplementation increased, but the magnitude of difference in weight change was relatively small. Body condition responded similarly through early February (linear effect, P = 0.02), although treatment effects were not as distinct at calving (cubic effect, P = 0.11). In Exp. 2, 16 ruminally fistulated Hereford x Angus steers (BW = 257 kg) were blocked by weight and assigned to one of the four frequencies of supplementation. Steers were offered tallgrass prairie hay (73.5% NDF, 4.8% CP) ad libitum and were supplemented at a rate (relative to BW) similar to that of the cows in Exp. 1. Increasing frequency of supplementation increased (linear effect, P < or = 0.02) forage OM intake, OM and NDF digestion, and digestible OM intake. However, the most prominent differences in forage OM intake tended (cubic effect, P = 0.07) to occur with the two extreme frequencies of supplementation. In conclusion, forage use was improved with an increased frequency of supplementation, but the impact on performance is not likely to be large unless extreme differences in frequency occur.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to compare soybean meal/sorghum grain (SBM/SG), alfalfa hay or dehydrated alfalfa pellets (DEHY) as supplemental protein sources for beef cattle grazing dormant range forage. In Exp. 1 (35-d digestion study), 16 ruminally cannulated steers were stratified by weight (average BW 259 kg) and assigned randomly within stratification to: 1) control, no supplement; 2) SBM/SG (25% CP) fed at .48% BW; 3) alfalfa hay (17% CP) fed at .70% BW; or 4) DEHY (17.4% CP) fed at .67% BW. Steers receiving protein supplements displayed at least a twofold increase in forage intake (P less than .10). In addition, steers supplemented with DEHY consumed approximately 15% more forage (P less than .10) than SBM/SG- or alfalfa hay-supplemented steers. Digestible DM intake (kg/d), however, was similar between alfalfa hay- and DEHY-supplemented steers and 20% greater (P less than .10) than for SBM/SG-supplemented steers. In Exp. 2, 82 mature, nonlactating Hereford x Angus cows (average BW 489 kg) were assigned randomly to SBM/SG, alfalfa hay or DEHY supplement treatments, which were replicated in three pastures. Cows supplemented with DEHY gained more weight (P less than .05) during the first 84 d of supplementation and displayed the least amount of weight loss at calving (d 127; P less than .05) and just prior to breeding (P less than .10). In contrast, calving interval (361 d) and pregnancy rate (94%) were unaffected (P greater than .10) by dam's previous supplemental treatment. In Exp. 3, one block (pasture) of cows from Exp. 2 was selected at random and grazing behavior was monitored during week-long periods in January and February. A treatment X time interaction (P less than .05) occurred for total time spent grazing; treatments did not differ in January, but cows supplemented with alfalfa hay spent less time grazing in the February grazing period. In conclusion, DEHY and alfalfa hay appear to be at least as effective as SBM/SG as a supplemental protein source for pregnant grazing cows when supplements are fed on an equal CP and ME basis.  相似文献   

Four multicannulated Holstein steers (initial BW 424 +/- 16 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square to determine the influence of protein supplementation on forage intake, site and extent of digestion, and nutrient flow in steers consuming dormant bluestem-range forage (2.3% CP). Treatments were 1) control, no supplement; 2) 1.8 kg of low-protein supplement, 12.8% CP (Low-CP); 3) 1.8 kg of moderate-protein supplement, 27.1% CP (Mod-CP); and 4) 2.7 kg of dehydrated alfalfa pellets, 17.5% CP (Dehy). The Dehy supplement was fed to provide the same amount of CP/d as Mod-CP, and all supplements provided similar amounts of ME/d. Forage DMI was increased (P less than .05) by feeding Mod-CP and Dehy. Ruminal OM digestibility was 39% greater (P less than .05) for the Mod-CP and Dehy supplementations than for the Low-CP supplementation and control. Ruminal CP digestibility was negative for all treatments, and control (-326%) was less (P less than .05) than supplemented treatments (average -27%). Total tract OM digestibility was greatest (P less than .10) for steers fed Mod-CP and least for control steers; Low-CP and Dehy steers were intermediate. Total tract NDF digestibility tended (P = .15) to be less with Low-CP than with Mod-CP and Dehy. Duodenal N flow was greater (P less than .05) with Mod-CP and Dehy than with Low-CP and control. In summary, supplementation with Mod-CP increased forage intake, digestion, and duodenal N flow compared with Low-CP or control; however, the response was similar when Mod-CP and Dehy supplements were fed to provide equivalent amounts of CP and ME daily.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the impacts on forage use and beef cattle performance of incorporating divergent wheat milling by-products in a 30% CP supplement. The by-products were wheat bran (high fiber) and second clears (high starch). The by-products were added as 1) 100% wheat bran; 2) 67% wheat bran, 33% second clears; or 3) 33% wheat bran, 67% second clears to constitute approximately 47 to 49% of the supplement. In Exp. 1, 90 Hereford x Angus cows (BW = 554 kg) grazing winter, tallgrass-prairie range were fed the supplement treatments (2.27 kg/cow daily) from early December 1997 until calving (average calving date = 3/11/98). Cumulative BW and condition changes from trial initiation through calving were not significantly different among treatments. Similarly, significant treatment effects on cow pregnancy rates as well as calf birth weights, ADG, and ending weights were not evident. In Exp. 2, 16 ruminally fistulated Hereford x Angus steers (BW = 484 kg) were blocked by weight and assigned to one of the same three supplement treatments or to a negative control (forage only). Steers had ad libitum access to tallgrass-prairie hay (76.4% NDF, 3.1% CP) and were fed supplement at the same rate (relative to BW) as the cows in Exp. 1. Forage OM, NDF, and digestible OM intakes were lower (P < 0.01) for the negative control than for supplemented steers but were not significantly different among the supplemented steers. Digestion of OM was lower (P = 0.03) for the negative control than for supplemented steers, although significant treatment differences were not evident among the supplemented groups. Digestion of NDF was not affected (P = 0.49) by treatment. Within the context of the amount of supplemental protein offered, changes in the combination of wheat milling by-products in the supplement did not affect cow performance or intake and digestion of low-quality forage.  相似文献   

Experiments (Exp) I and II were conducted to compare raw whole soya beans (WSB), roasted (rWSB) or other protein sources as supplements of low‐quality forages fed ad libitum to beef cattle, upon DM intake (DMI), ruminal and blood parameters, and animal performance. Exp I: treatments for wheat straw fed to four ruminally cannulated steers were (i) Control‐WS: no supplement; (ii) WSB‐WS: whole soya beans; (iii) rWSB‐WS: roasted WSB; and (iv) SBM‐WS: soybean meal–wheat midds mixture; all fed at 1.4 kg DM/day. Exp II: 12 steers grazed deferred grain sorghum (DS) receiving these treatments: (i) Control‐DS: no supplement; (ii) WSB‐DS: 1.26 kg DM/day whole soya beans; and (iii) SFM‐DS: 1.35 kg DM/day of sunflower meal. In Exp I, WS DMI resulted 47, 52 and 41% greater for WSB‐WS, rWSB‐WS and SBM‐WS, respectively, than Control‐WS (< .05). In Exp II, the DMI of DS was unaffected by supplementation; a substitution of DS by supplement was found for WSB‐DS (< .05); however, total diet and digestible DMI increased with supplementation (< .05). Rumen pH in Exp I remained unaffected by supplementation, but N‐NH3 as well as blood urea‐N in Exp II increased (< .05). In Exp II, average daily weight gains improved similarly with both supplements compared with Control‐DS. Additionally, feed‐to‐gain ratio decreased (p < .05), being lower for WSB‐DS (8.3) vs. SFM‐DS (9.9). Roasting effects of WSB as a supplement for low‐quality forages were not detected, and all protein sources increased total diet DMI and forage utilization. Only moderate cattle weight gains could be expected for unsupplemented DS.  相似文献   

As a novel oilseed crop in Florida, Brassica carinata has the capacity of producing high-quality jet biofuel, with a protein-dense meal (~40% crude protein; CP) obtained as a by-product of oil extraction. Characterization of the meal protein is limited, yet necessary for formulation of beef cattle diets; therefore, the objective of this experiment was to determine ruminal and postruminal digestibility of protein from B. carinata. Eight ruminally cannulated Angus crossbred steers (473 ± 119 kg) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design, in which in situ ruminal and postruminal degradability of nutrients were evaluated. The three-step in vitro procedure was used to compare CP and amino acid (AA) degradation in B. carinata meal pellets (BCM) with that of cottonseed meal (CSM), dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), and soybean meal (SBM). In situ bags were incubated in the rumen for 0 to 96 hr, with the undegraded supplement remaining after 16 hr subjected to serial in vitro enzymatic solutions. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Ruminal rate of degradation of dry matter, organic matter, and CP was greatest (P ˂ 0.01; 10.9, 11.3, and 11.5 %/h, respectively) for SBM. Rumen degradable protein (RDP) content did not differ (P = 0.20; 47.8% and 55.1%, respectively) between CSM and DDGS, but was decreased (P ˂ 0.01) compared with SBM and BCM, which did not differ (P = 0.99; 72.3% and 71.8% RDP, respectively). Compared with DDGS, SBM had greater (P < 0.01) intestinal digestibility of rumen undegradable protein (RUP). Intestinally absorbable digestible protein (IADP) was greatest (P < 0.01) for CSM, with SBM and BCM having the least IADP. Total tract digestibility of CP (TTDP) was greater (P < 0.01) for SBM compared with CSM and DDGS. The contribution of RUP to intestinally absorbable AA was 7.2 and 3.1 g of lysine and methionine per kilogram of CP in BCM, respectively. The evaluation of B. carinata meal as protein supplemented for cattle consuming a forage-based diet resulted in 71.8% RDP and 97.1% TTDP, thus indicating its viability as a high-quality protein supplement for beef cattle.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the influence of supplemental protein concentration on the intake and utilization of dormant range forage by beef cattle. In Exp. 1,97 pregnant Hereford x Angus cows (avg wt = 454 kg) were assigned randomly to three isocaloric treatment supplements: 1) low protein (LP), 13% CP; 2) moderate protein (MP), 25% CP; and 3) high protein (HP), 39% CP. In Exp. 2, 15 ruminally and 12 esophageally cannulated steers (avg wt = 319 and 355 kg, respectively) were assigned randomly to LP, MP and HP treatments and were used in a 22-d winter grazing trial to evaluate forage intake and utilization characteristics. In Exp. 1, cow body condition (BC) and BW changes responded in linear (P less than .01) and quadratic (P less than .01) fashions to increasing protein concentration, with MP and HP displaying the least BC and BW loss from trial initiation (d 1) through d 84. From d 84 to calving (avg calving date = d 120), only the HP supplement continued to be effective in minimizing BC loss (P less than .01). Calf birth weight tended (P = .17) to increase in a linear fashion to increasing supplemental protein concentration, but calf ADG and cow reproductive efficiency were unaffected (P greater than .10). In Exp. 2, forage OM intake responded in a quadratic fashion (P less than .10), with the MP treatment having the highest NDF digestibility and ruminal OM fill. In conclusion, beef cow BC and BW losses during the winter grazing period were minimized with increasing supplemental CP concentration. Intake and utilization of dormant forage by steers were improved with moderate (26%) levels of CP in the supplement.  相似文献   

In each of two experiments, 120 pregnant beef cows were stratified by body condition score, BW, breed, and age, randomly divided into six groups of 20, and assigned to one of six 5.1-ha bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) pastures (two replicates/ treatment) in early January to evaluate the use of winter-annual pasture as a supplement. All cows in Exp. 1 and 2 had ad libitum access to bermudagrass/dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) hay plus three treatments: 1) a concentrate-based supplement fed 3 d/wk, 2) limit grazing on winter-annual pasture 2 d/wk (7 hr/ d; 0.04 ha x cow(-1) x grazing d(-1)), or 3) limit grazing on winter-annual pasture 3 d/wk (7 hr/d; 0.04 ha x cow(-1) x grazing d(-1)) sod-seeded into a portion of the pasture until mid-May. The seeded portion of pastures in Exp. 1 was planted with a mixture of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.), but annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was added to the seed mixture in Exp. 2. In mid-May, cows were blocked by treatment and the previous sorting factors, randomly assigned to six new groups of 20, and placed on the six perennial pastures until calves were weaned. Groups of cows were exposed to a bull for 60 d beginning in mid-May. In Exp. 1 and 2, limit-grazing winter-annual pasture compared to the concentrate-based supplement or limit grazing 2 vs 3 d/wk did not affect (P > 0.15) cow BW. In Exp. 1, cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture had a lower (P = 0.05) body condition score than cows fed the concentrate-based supplement in the early spring. However, in Exp. 2, cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture had higher (P < or = 0.07) body condition score than cows fed the concentrate-based supplement. The conception rate of cows in Exp. 1 and 2 did not differ (P > 0.22) between cows fed concentrate-based supplements and cows limit grazed on winter-annual pasture. In Exp. 2, cows limit grazed 2 d/wk tended to have a greater (P = 0.10) conception rate than cows limit grazed 3 d/wk. In Exp. 1 and 2, birth weight, total gain, BW, and ADG of calves were not affected (P > 0.15) by treatment. We conclude that wheat and rye pasture is a marginal supplement for lactating beef cows. However, cows limit grazed 2 d/wk on winter-annual pasture of wheat, rye, and annual ryegrass as a supplement maintained BW and body condition score as well as cows fed the concentrate-based supplement. But, grazing pasture 3 vs 2 d/wk did not seem to affect performance of cows.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate Met requirements of late-gestation beef cows consuming low quality forages on the premise that inadequate supply of metabolizable AA may limit protein accretion during pregnancy. Five ruminally cannulated, multiparous late-gestation beef cows (490 +/- 27 kg), of predominantly Angus (> or =75%) with Hereford and Simmental breeding, were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square experiment to evaluate the effects of postruminal dl-Met supplementation on N retention, serum metabolites, and plasma AA concentrations during the third trimester of pregnancy. The basal diet was fed individually, and weights of refusals were recorded for N intake determination. Treatments consisted of no urea, urea (0.053 +/- 0.002 g/kg of BW daily), urea + 5 g of Met/d, urea + 10 g of Met/d, and urea + 15 g of Met/d. Cows were adapted to the experimental diet 30 d before the beginning of the study, with periods lasting for 14 d; 4 d to allow for clearance of the previous treatment effects, 4 d for adaptation to the treatments, and 6 d for total fecal and urine collection. Blood samples were collected every 4 h on d 13 of each period for analysis of serum metabolites and plasma AA. Inclusion of urea increased DM and OM intakes (urea vs. no urea; P = 0.05), but no further improvement in intake was observed with inclusion of Met. Serum urea concentrations increased with inclusion of urea (P = 0.03) and responded quadratically (P = 0.06) when Met was added, with the lowest concentration observed in the urea + 5 g of Met/d treatment. More N was retained with the inclusion of urea (P = 0.04), and N retention increased linearly (P = 0.07) with inclusion of Met. Plasma Met concentration increased linearly (P < 0.01) with inclusion of Met. These data suggest that Met was a limiting AA and that supplementation of a combination of urea and 5 g/d of rumen-protected Met to low quality, forage diets will improve N retention and promote protein accretion during late pregnancy.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of increasing supplement protein concentration on performance and forage intake of beef cows and forage utilization of steers consuming stockpiled bermudagrass forage. Bermudagrass pastures were fertilized with 56 kg of N/ha in late August. Grazing was initiated during early November and continued through the end of January each year. Treatments for the cow performance trials were: no supplement or daily equivalents of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 g of supplemental protein per kilogram of BW. Supplements were formulated to be isocaloric, fed at the equivalent of 0.91 kg/d, and prorated for 4 d/wk feeding. Varying the concentration of soybean hulls and soybean meal in the supplements created incremental increases in protein. During yr 1, supplemented cows lost less weight and condition compared to unsupplemented animals (P < 0.05). During yr 2, supplemented cows gained more weight (P = 0.06) and lost less condition (P < 0.05) compared to unsupplemented cows. Increasing supplement protein concentration had no affect on cumulative cow weight change or cumulative body condition score change. Forage intake tended to increase (P = 0.13, yr 1 and P = 0.07, yr 2) in supplemented cows. Supplement protein concentration did not alter forage intake. In a digestion trial, four crossbred steers were used in a Latin square design to determine the effects of supplement protein concentration on intake and digestibility of hay harvested from stockpiled bermudagrass pasture. Treatments were no supplement; or 0.23, 0.46, and 0.69 g of supplemental protein per kilogram of BW. Forage intake increased (P < 0.05) 16% and OM intake increased (P < 0.01) 30% in supplemented compared to unsupplemented steers. Diet OM digestibility increased (P = 0.08) 14.5% and total digestible OM intake increased (P < 0.05) 49% in supplemented compared to unsupplemented steers. Supplement protein concentration did not alter forage intake, total digestible OM intake, or apparent digestibility of OM or NDF. During the initial 30 d after first killing frost, beef cows did not respond to supplementation. However, later in the winter, supplementation improved utilization of stockpiled bermudagrass forage.  相似文献   

Soybean hulls, wheat midds, and corn gluten feed are viable alternative supplements for forage-fed cattle. All three result from the processing of major Unites States agricultural crops, so large supplies are available. Their value is better for ruminant animals than for monogastrics because they contain digestible fiber components. These byproducts are widely available throughout the Unites States and will generally be more economical than traditional feed grains or commercial feeds when used appropriately as supplements to forage-based diets. Knowledge about the composition of base forage must be used in planning supplementation strategies because base forages vary in protein and mineral content [9]. Soybean hulls alone may be a good selection in situations in which forages are adequate or high in protein. In situations where forage is marginal or deficient in protein, wheat midds, corn gluten feed, or a mix of soybean hulls and corn gluten feed might be most desirable. All three feeds can be variable in nutrient composition, so they should be analyzed to ensure a balanced nutrient level in diets. Soybean hulls are especially variable in crude protein content and should always be analyzed when forages are marginal or deficient in protein. Despite the fact that published energy levels are substantially lower, research has shown that soybean hulls and wheat midds have a value comparable to corn and soybean meal in forage-based diets. Corn gluten feed has also been comparable to corn and soybean meal in most reports but is closer in value to its published energy levels. In general, results with soybean hulls have been surprisingly good and consistent, whereas responses to wheat midds and corn gluten feed supplementation have been more variable and sometimes disappointing. Feeding rates for soybean hulls can range from low to extremely high depending on forage availability and desired performance. Wheat midds should be limited in most situations to 50% of the expected dry matter intake because of their rapidly digested starch content. Corn gluten feed should be limited to approximately 50% of expected dry matter intake because of its high sulfur content. Several research groups are currently evaluating self-feeding programs for these byproducts, and while the potential for health and production problems exist, results have been encouraging in most cases. Self-feeding would reduce the labor costs of hand feeding and could provide backgrounders with a program to expand cattle numbers on a limited land base.  相似文献   

Eight Angus x Gelbvieh heifers (445 +/- 74.5 kg) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square double double-crossover designed experiment to assess the effect of restricted forage intake on site and extent of digestion and flow of essential AA amino acids to the small intestine. Heifers were fed chopped (2.54 cm) bromegrass hay (9.2% CP, 64% NDF on an OM basis) at one of four percentages of maintenance (30, 60, 90, and 120%). Experimental periods were 21 d in length, with 17 d of adaptation followed by 4 d of intensive sample collection, after which maintenance requirements and subsequent level of intake were adjusted for BW change. True ruminal OM, NDF, and N digestion (g/d) decreased linearly (P < 0.001) with decreasing forage intake. When expressed as a percentage of OM intake, true ruminal OM and N digestibility were not affected (P = 0.23 to 0.87), whereas ruminal NDF digestibility tended to increase (P = 0.09) as forage intake decreased. Total and microbial essential amino acid flow to the duodenum decreased linearly (P = 0.001) from 496.1 to 132.1 g/d and 329.1 to 96.0 g/d, as intake decreased from 120 to 30% of maintenance intake, respectively. Although the profile of individual essential amino acids in duodenal digesta (P = 0.001 to 0.07) and isolated ruminal microbes differed (P = 0.001 to 0.09) across treatment, the greatest difference noted for total and microbial essential amino acid profile was only 0.3 percentage units. Because total and microbial flow of essential amino acids to the small intestine decreased as OM intake decreased, but true ruminal degradability of individual essential amino acids (P = 0.17 to 0.99) and digesta essential amino acid profile were comparable across treatments, total essential amino acid supply to the small intestine was predicted using OM intake as the independent variable. The resulting simple linear regression equation was: total essential amino acid flow = (0.055 x OM intake) + 1.546 (r2 = 0.91). The model developed in this experiment accounted for more of the variation in the data set than the current beef cattle NRC model, which under-predicted total flow of essential amino acids to the duodenum. The prediction equation developed herein can be used to estimate the supply of essential amino acids reaching the small intestine when formulating supplements to compensate for potential amino acid deficiencies resulting from restricted forage intake.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of supplement type on the rate of gain by heifers grazing bermudagrass and on the intake, apparent total-tract OM digestibility, ruminal fermentation, digesta kinetics, in situ DM digestibility, and forage protein degradation by steers fed prairie hay. In Exp. 1, 45 heifers (284+/-24 kg) grazed a bermudagrass pasture for 91 d in the late summer to determine the effects of no supplement (CON), or one of four individually fed monensin-containing (150 mg/[heifer x d]) supplements (MINCS; 0.1 kg of mineral mix with 0.2 kg [DM] of cottonseed hulls as a carrier/[heifer x d]), a pelleted protein supplement (PROT; 1 kg of DM, 242 g of degradable intake protein [DIP]/[heifer x d]), or high-fiber (HF) and high-grain (HG) (2 kg of DM, 243 and 257 g of DIP, respectively/[heifer x d]) pelleted energy supplements. In Exp. 2, four ruminally cannulated steers (311+/-22 kg) with ad libitum access to low-quality (4% DIP, 73% NDF, 40% ADF) prairie hay were individually fed monensin-containing (200 mg/[steer x d]) treatments consisting of 1) mineral mix + corn (MINCR; 0.1 kg of mineral and 0.4 kg of cracked corn [DM] as a carrier, 19 g of DIP/[steer x d]), 2) PROT (1.4 kg of DM, 335 g of DIP/[steer x d]), 3) HF, or 4) HG (2.9 kg of DM, 340 and 360 g of DIP, respectively/[steer x d]) in a 4 x 4 Latin square with 14-d adaptation and 6-d sampling periods. In Exp. 1, the HF-, HG-, and PROT-supplemented heifers had greater (P < 0.01) rates of gain than CON heifers, and the HF- and HG-supplemented heifers tended (P < 0.11) to gain more weight than those fed PROT. In Exp. 2, steers fed PROT consumed more (P < 0.05) hay OM than HF and HG, or MINCR. Total OM intake was greater (P < 0.01) by supplemented steers than MINCR-fed cattle. Hay OM digestibility was not affected (P = 0.19) by treatment, but total diet OM digestibility was greater (P < 0.01) for HF- and HG- than for MINCR- or PROT-fed steers. The rate of in situ DM digestibility was greater (P < 0.01) for HF, HG, and PROT than for MINCR. Results from these studies indicate that feeding milo- vs fiber-based energy supplements formulated to provide adequate DIP did not result in different forage intake, OM digestibility, or in situ DM digestibility, whereas both increased ADG in heifers consuming low-quality forages compared with unsupplemented or mineral- or protein-supplemented cattle. An adequate DIP:TDN balance decreased the negative associative effects often observed when large quantities of high-starch supplements are fed with low-quality hay.  相似文献   

Oxidized copper wire, commonly referred to as copper oxide needles (CuON), was evaluated using purebred Hereford cows and their calves. Thirty-seven cows were allocated to Cu treatments of 0, 25 or 50 g CuON (79.9% Cu in CuON) with 12, 12 and 13 cows per treatment, respectively; calves within cow treatments were allocated to treatment of 0 and 20 g CuON. Single oral doses of CuON were given at the start of a grazing trial that lasted 92 d. Cows and calves were weighed and blood samples were taken on d 0, 28, 63 and 92; liver biopsies were taken on d 0, 28 and 92 of the grazing trial. Cattle were consuming grass forage with mean concentrations on d 0, 28, 63 and 92 of the grazing trial ranging from 1.6 to 5.5 mg/kg DM for Cu, 2.5 to 5.5 mg/kg DM for Mo and 1.3 to 1.5 g/kg DM for total S. The water consumed by cattle contained 947 mg sulfate per liter (SE = 13.2, n = 4). Body weight of cows and calves was not influenced (P greater than .05) by CuON. Liver Cu was higher (P less than .01) in treated cows and calves but was not different (P greater than .05) between cows dosed with 25 or 50 g CuON. Treatment of cows and calves with CuON had no influence (P greater than .05) on the concentration of Fe or Mo in liver or plasma, the concentration of Cu and ceruloplasmin activity in plasma, or the concentration of Zn in liver. Plasma Zn did not differ (P greater than .05) in cows, but it was higher (P less than .05) in the calves suckling cows treated with CuON. It was concluded that dosing cows and calves with CuON resulted in a higher Cu content of liver but did not adversely influence the metabolism of Fe or Zn or modify the concentration of Mo in the plasma or liver of cows or calves.  相似文献   

浅论优质牧草在肉牛饲养中的利用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
针对我国肉牛饲养在饲料利用中的误区,结合肉牛的消化及代谢特点,分析了牧草的鲜喂、青贮、干草饲喂以及综合利用4种不同的利用方式及其营养特点,指出优质牧草用于肉牛饲养能充分发挥牧草的优良特性,而且符合我国畜牧业发展要求,值得广泛推广.  相似文献   

Twelve sheep were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate the effect of substituting wheat bran with forage soybean silage in the diet on apparent digestibility and nitrogen balance. Forage soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) was cultivated in a no‐till, no‐herbicide cropping system with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) as a living mulch. Forage soybean and Italian ryegrass were wilted and ensiled in round bales without additives, respectively. The experimental diets were based on corn silage supplemented with protein sources (tow silages or wheat bran). The crude protein and the acid detergent insoluble protein contents of forage soybean silage were the highest among the protein sources. The apparent digestibility of crude protein and the nitrogen balance did not significantly differ among the diets. In addition, the phytoestrogen content of forage soybean silage was below the level at which animal reproductive performance would be negatively affected. These results suggest that forage soybean silage has comparable feeding value to wheat bran, and can be given at an inclusion level of 17% (dry matter basis) as an alternative protein source to wheat bran without adverse effects on digestion or nitrogen balance in sheep fed a corn silage‐based diet.  相似文献   

多营养补充对黄牛氮平衡和草料营养物质消化率的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
按 2个 3× 3的拉丁方设计研究了利用舔砖进行多营养补充对黄牛氮平衡和草料营养物质消化率的影响。结果表明 :多营养补充可明显改善黄牛的增重速度 (P<0 .0 1)和饲料转化率 (P <0 .0 5) ,使黄牛的日增重在单喂稻草、氨化稻草和干草的基础上分别提高了2 4 .99%、16 .12 %和 2 2 .92 % ;可提高牛对草料中 DM、OM、CP、NDF和 ADF等成分的摄入量并减少这些成分的粪中排泄量 ;显著 (P<0 .0 5)提高草料中 DM、OM、NDF和 ADF的消化率和极显著 (P<0 .0 1)提高 CP的消化率 ;明显改善黄牛的氮平衡 ,显著 (P<0 .0 5)增加氮的摄入量和存留量 ,极显著 (P<0 .0 1)提高氮和蛋白质的利用率。说明多营养补充不失为提高养牛生产水平的有效途径  相似文献   

Twelve Angus crossbred cattle (eight heifers and four steers; average initial BW = 594 +/- 44.4 kg) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas and fed restricted amounts of forage plus a ruminally undegradable protein (RUP) supplement were used in a triplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment to determine intestinal supply of essential AA. Cattle were fed four different levels of chopped (2.54 cm) bromegrass hay (11.4% CP, 57% NDF; OM basis): 30, 55, 80, or 105% of the forage intake required for maintenance. Cattle fed below maintenance were given specified quantities of a RUP supplement (6.8% porcine blood meal, 24.5% hydrolyzed feather meal, and 68.7% menhaden fish meal; DM basis) designed to provide duodenal essential AA flow equal to that of cattle fed forage at 105% of maintenance. Experimental periods lasted 21 d (17 d of adaptation and 4 d of sampling). Total OM intake and duodenal OM flow increased linearly (P < 0.001) as cattle consumed more forage; however, OM truly digested in the rumen (% of intake) did not change (P = 0.43) as intake increased. True ruminal N degradation (% of intake) tended (P = 0.07) to increase linearly, and true ruminal N degradation (g/d) decreased quadratically (P = 0.02) as intake increased from 30 to 105%. Duodenal N flow was equal (P = 0.33) across intake levels, even though microbial N flow increased linearly (P < 0.001) as forage OM intake increased. Total and individual essential AA intake decreased (cubic; P < 0.001) as forage intake increased because the supply of nonammonia, nonmicrobial N flow from RUP was decreased (linear; P < 0.001) by design. Total duodenal flow of essential AA did not differ (P = 0.39) across these levels of forage intake. Although the profile of essential AA reaching the duodenum differed (P < or = 0.02) for all 10 essential AA, the range of each essential AA as a proportion of total essential AA was low (11.1 to 11.2% of total essential AA for phenylalanine to 12.3 to 14.3% of total essential AA for lysine). Duodenal essential AA flow did not differ (P = 0.10 to 0.65) with forage intake level for eight of the 10 essential AA. Duodenal flow of arginine decreased linearly (P = 0.01), whereas duodenal flow of tryptophan increased linearly (P = 0.002) as forage intake increased from 30 to 105% of maintenance. Balancing intestinal essential AA supply in beef cattle can be accomplished by varying intake of a RUP supplement.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of wheat-based thin stillage as a water source for cattle. In Trial 1, 20 large-framed steers were fed a basal diet based primarily on barley grain and barley silage, with ad libitum access to water or thin stillage at one of three DM concentrations (2, 4, and 6.7%) in a completely randomized design. The trial consisted of a 70-d growing period and a finishing phase. In Trial 2, total-tract nutrient digestibility coefficients of the basal diet and water treatments fed in the growing period were determined in a randomized complete block design using 12 medium-framed steers. The results showed that when only DMI from the basal diet was considered, there was a linear reduction (P<.01) in DMI and a linear improvement (P<.01) in the gain:feed ratio with no effect on daily gain as thin stillage DM concentration increased. No differences were detected in DMI or efficiency of gain when total DMI (basal diet and thin stillage) was considered. Carcass traits indicated a trend toward increased (P<.06) carcass fat with increasing thin stillage DM concentration. Results of Trial 2 indicated a linear improvement (P<.05) in apparent digestibility of DM, CP, NDF, and energy of the total diet (basal diet and thin stillage) as thin stillage DM concentration increased. We concluded that supplementing growing and finishing cattle with thin stillage reduced the amount of the basal diet required for gain and improved nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

草颗粒饲料在牛瘤胃内的降解与饲养价值   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
用3头瘘管牛,以尼龙袋法(in situ)测定草颗粒,牧草与秸秆在瘤胃培养24hDM、CP、NDF和ADF的消失率,结果表明,草颗粒中营养物质的消失率均高于秸秆和羊草及秋白草,用颗粒饲料喂育肥牛,牛的日增重和饲料转化率均显著高于对照组,颗粒饲料的密度增加,牛的采食速度加快30%-50%。  相似文献   

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