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In combination with the migration of industrial projects to be in undated in thereservior area of The Three Gorges project, a level analysis apptoach is used to formulate a policy-making model of invest optimization for the projectS to be migrated,in which various kinds of influ-encial factor on the projects are presented quantitatively and the restriction of limited resourccs isconsidered; An effective,overall and aaplicablc policymaking approach is provided for the migrationof the Three Gorges project.  相似文献   

The surface quatities of fine iron oxide particles are studied. The pore distribution and surface a area are determined and calculated. The results show that the surface area is 290m/g, 830m/g and the middle-pore(20~50A )is the main part of the fine iron oxide particles prepared by the colloid chemical method.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of sand-gravel-cushion technique in thefoundation of mountainous area inhomogeneity and analyges non-uniformity of the foundation inmountainous,It is different from the traditional theory of sand-cushion,This is a new developmentand able to make a full use of the rock debris fill and the combinational soil-rock foundation in the mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Based on the contributing factors of earthqutake,its hazardregularity and the site investigation at Tongjing town in Chongqing,thispaper presents suggestions on the basis,principle and aim of earthquakeplanning in mountainous region,cities and towns as well as site selection,general layout of city,building arrangement,road width and quakeproofsafe area establishment,etc,  相似文献   

长江中游地区粮食生产的战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长江中游地区(湖南、江西和湖北)是我国粮食生产主产区之一,该区的粮食安全与否直接影响到我国的粮食安全。本文首先从绝对和相对的角度分析了该区粮食生产的现状。结果表明:近10年来,一方面,区内的粮食生产总量一直在以增加种植面积而获得了稳步增长,其增长难以持续。同时区内的种植结构也在逐渐发生变化,主粮(水稻)的种植面积增幅要远大于杂粮小麦和薯类的增幅,尤其是大于豆类的增长幅度。另一方面,从全国范围来看,长江中游地区的主粮(水稻)的生产占全国比重呈下降趋势,而杂粮生产占全国比重反而有较大幅度的提高。其次,深层剖析了该区粮食生产发展所面临的困境,认为主要有农民(户)种粮积极性不高、农田水利基础设施薄弱、耕地质量退化严重、产业化水平不高、农业科技整体水平较低和粮食生产的结构性弊端初现等六大方面问题。最后,针对该区域所面临的困境依次提出了粮食生产发展的战略对策,为确保该区粮食安全提供参考。  相似文献   

研究沿江双季稻北缘区晚季籼稻和粳稻产量差异,明确适宜类型品种及高产形成机制。试验于2018—2019年在安徽庐江进行,以当地常规种植的17个籼稻和17个粳稻优质品种(系)为研究对象,比较和分析籼稻和粳稻在产量及构成、物质积累和生育进程方面的差异。结果表明,粳稻与籼稻总体上产量水平相当,但粳稻产量限制因子少,安全齐穗性有优势,具有更高的产量稳产性和生态安全性。高产粳稻主要是通过增加移栽–抽穗期干重来增加总干物质积累,以提高总颖花量和产量。不同穗型粳稻品种生育前中期不同阶段的干物质积累对总颖花量的影响差异较大,其中大穗型(每穗粒数102.3~112.0)和小穗型粳稻(每穗粒数52.0~99.7)干物质优势积累期分别为移栽–穗分化期和穗分化期–抽穗期,与总颖花量的相关系数达到0.709和0.829。进一步分析发现,大穗型粳稻品种移栽–穗分化期干物质积累受穗分化期分蘖数显著影响,而小穗型粳稻品种穗分化–抽穗期干物质积累由抽穗期分蘖数和单茎干重共同影响。综上所述,本研究认为粳稻是沿江双季稻北缘区适宜的双季晚稻品种类型,高产粳稻群体颖花量为33.8×10~3~41.0×10~3 m–2<...  相似文献   

In the paper, the process of determining the degree of graphiti-zing of metallurgy coke with X-ray diffraction method was discussed. The extrapolation was used in order to obtain the interplanar distance. of (002) crystaloface of metallurgy coke. The finding showed that the dmax. wasn''t 3.44A, butO4.31A. A rational formula which could be used to characterize the degree of gra-phitizing of metallurgy coke was found.  相似文献   

At the preliminary design stage of a building, it is neccssary to determine thebeam and column cross-sectional sizes of frame strtictures.According to some provisions of the"Building Aseismatic Design Code"(GBJ 11-89),main factors having influence on the beam andcolumn cross-sectional sizes are analyzed.and calculating formulas for the determination of the beam and column cross-sectional sizes which are satisfied the restrained condition of horizontal dis-placement of a building are derived in this paper.  相似文献   

仓外与粮面联合施药磷化氢环流熏蒸试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用高大平房仓环流熏蒸设备,进行仓外磷化氢发生器施药并结合粮面投药的环流熏蒸试验。结果表明仓外投药与粮面投药相结合的环流熏蒸能使磷化氢气体迅速达到有效浓度,而且达到浓度最高值的时间长,能保持较长的熏蒸时间,对粮堆内的害虫和试虫笼内的害虫均有良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

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