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Postoperative laryngeal webbing in four dogs was corrected with a mucosal flap technique using mucosa harvested from the lateral wall of the laryngeal ventricle. Airway obstruction caused by the webbing was relieved in all dogs. Follow-up time was 3 months to 5 years. The technique allowed mucosal apposition without undue tension on the suture line.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of hypothyroidism on buccal mucosal bleeding time and von Willebrand factor antigen (vWf:Ag) concentrations. Hypothyroidism was induced in 8 adult dogs by administration of iodine 131. Four healthy dogs acted as controls. Measurement of plasma vWf:Ag and serum thyroxine and triiodothy-ronine concentrations, and buccal mucosal bleeding time were made before induction of hypothyroidism, for 23 weeks after 131I administration, and during 5 weeks of levothyroxine supplementation. No significant changes in buccal mucosal bleeding times were noted during the study. After an insignificant increase in vWfAg concentration in hypothyroid dogs, levothyroxine treatment was associated with a significant decrease in vWf:Ag concentration in hypothyroid dogs when compared with controls. Results of this study suggest that hypothyroidism does not induce acquired von Willebrand's disease or significant defects in primary hemo-stasis. J Vet Intern Med 1996;10:60–64. Copyright © 1996 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine .  相似文献   

The development of dog-ears of redundant skin or removal of large areas of additional skin are problems often encountered when closing circular skin defects. Defects 3 cm in diameter were created along the backs of dogs. Eight techniques of reconstruction were evaluated by measuring the area of additional skin removed and length of final suture line and by counting the number of dog-ears produced. The eight techniques were linear, fusiform, double S, three point, four point, pin wheel, bow tie, and combined V closures. Based on the results of this study, the linear, combined V, and bow tie techniques provide the best closure. In general, the linear technique should be used when skin edges can be apposed without the formation of dog-ears (e.g., smaller defects). When skin edge apposition results in dog-ear formation and when there is limited skin for reconstruction surrounding the defect, the combined V technique should be used. When larger dog-ears form as the skin edges are apposed and when there is an abundance of skin surrounding the defect, the bow tie technique could be considered for closure. One-half of the bow tie technique can be used to approximate wound edges where one edge is long and curved.  相似文献   

Facial defects that extended into the sinuses of two horses were repaired by using adjacent periosteum to cover the defects, using either a single flap or double flap technique. Acceptable cosmetic appearance was restored in both horses. Resistance to penetration of a needle and ultrasonic scanning demonstrated bony bridging in one horse.  相似文献   

Background: Congential extrahepatic portosystemic shunts (EHPSS) are common in dogs. An effective minimally invasive technique for correction of EHPSS could result in reduced morbidity, reduced costs, and reduced hospitalization times. Hypothesis: Use of an intravascular occlusion device can effectively and safely result in acute complete occlusion of EHPSS in dogs. Animals: Seven dogs with naturally occurring EHPSS that presented to the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Methods: Prospective, clinical trial. The 7 dogs were consecutively enrolled over a 2‐year period. Results of serum biochemistry, total serum bile acids, fasting plasma ammonia, abdominal radiography, and ultrasonography suggested the diagnosis of portosystemic shunts in all dogs. Definitive diagnosis of EHPSS was achieved with cranial mesenteric arterial portography and acute occlusion was attempted by the deployment of the Amplatzer vascular plug (AVP). Results: EHPSS were identified in all dogs consisting of 5 portocaval and 2 portoazygous variants; 1/7 dogs (14%) were intolerant to temporary complete occlusion of the EHPSS. Of the remaining 6 dogs, 5 (83%) had complete occlusion of the EHPSS by the AVP. There were no complications and resolution of abnormal clinical signs and laboratory values was achieved in 4/5 (80%) dogs with complete occlusion. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Intravascular correction of EHPSS by the AVP is a viable option to surgical correction while larger studies will be required to determine the clinical applicability of this procedure in the broader portosystemic shunt population.  相似文献   

Skin fold advancement flaps can be created from the elbow and flank folds to close large wounds in the pectoral and inguinal regions of cats and dogs, respectively. The attachments of the laterally facing (outer) and medially facing (inner) layers of the skin fold to the adjacent limb are divided to produce a U-shaped pedicle graft attached to the trunk. This mobilizes skin that can be advanced over large wounds involving the ventral chest or abdomen, or both. The use of skin fold advancement flaps enables direct closure of large skin defects without undue tension and without compromising the mobility of the adjacent limb.  相似文献   

Skin defects on the distal extremities of six dogs were reconstructed with free vascular cutaneous transfers by microvascular anastomosis. The donor flaps were based on the superficial cervical artery and vein. In five of the dogs, bone was exposed and skin was lost from half of the circumference of the limb. Two had infected fractures with sequestra and three had acute shearing injuries. The sixth dog had sensory denervation of the left antebrachium and a carpal acral lick granuloma. Before surgery, the patency of potential recipient vessels was confirmed with arteriography in five dogs and an ultrasonic doppler in one dog. Microvascular technique was used to reestablish circulation to the flaps after they were transferred to the recipient site. Total ischemic time of the flaps averaged 100 minutes. All flaps survived. Successful reconstruction of the cutaneous defects was achieved in these six cases.  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of xylenol orange results in generalized violet staining of vascularized skin. The precision of xylenol orange vital staining was compared to fluorescein sodium vital staining and to assessment of skin flap viability by visual observation (color). Skin flaps in the experimental dogs were evaluated by each method at 0, 24, 72, and 120 hours after surgery and subsequently compared to the length of skin flap that remained viable at 216 hours. No significant differences between methods were found at any time interval; however, assessment of skin flap viability was significantly more precise at 24,72, and 120 hours in comparison to the 0 hour assessments. The use of xylenol orange to assess vascular integrity of skin is precise, but no advantage over fluorescein sodium vital staining or assessment by visual observation was noted.  相似文献   

Two dogs developed delayed neurological deterioration after rapid correction of severe hyponatremia. Sequential magnetic resonance imaging showed the development of lesions in the thalamus. One dog was necropsied, and the lesions were characterized by myelinolysis with sparing of axons and neurons. The second dog gradually recovered with no detectable neurological deficits. The syndrome seems analogous to central pontine myelinolysis in human beings. Guidelines for correction of hyponatremia to prevent development of myelinolysis are given.  相似文献   

Objectives— To evaluate laryngeal function using 3 diagnostic techniques: echolaryngography (EL), transnasal laryngoscopy (TNL), and laryngoscopy per os (LPO).
Study Design— Prospective clinical study.
Animals— Dogs with laryngeal paralysis (n=5) and control dogs (n=10); 5 age- and breed-matched dogs and 5 young, breed-matched dogs.
Methods— Laryngeal function was evaluated in conscious dogs using EL. All examinations were recorded and evaluated by separate, blinded observers upon completion of the study. The methods were compared with a standard evaluation incorporating all clinical knowledge of the case (STD) using sensitivity, specificity, positive, and negative predictive values.
Results— Three dogs with bilateral laryngeal paralysis requiring surgery were diagnosed as unilaterally affected or normal on EL. Three dogs had paradoxic motion on TNL and LPO, 2 of those were considered normal on EL, and 1 had no motion on EL. Paralysis was diagnosed in 1 age-matched and 3 young control dogs on EL. LPO and TNL falsely diagnosed lack of arytenoid movement in 2 age-matched controls and 1 young control. Two age-matched and 1 young control dog were misdiagnosed as paralyzed with TNL and LPO.
Discussion— Direct observation of the larynx allowed better evaluation of laryngeal function compared with EL. TNL did not require induction of anesthesia, but did not improve the ability to assess laryngeal function compared with LPO.
Conclusions— EL was not as effective as direct observation of the larynx. TNL did not improve the evaluation of laryngeal function compared with LPO.
Clinical Relevance— We use LPO combined with knowledge of the clinical history and physical examination to diagnose laryngeal paralysis in preference to EL and TNL.  相似文献   

Objective —To evaluate lack of encephalopathy as a positive prognostic factor for complete ligation of extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs.
Study Design —Retrospective analysis of case records.
Animals —Dogs with extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, from 1985 to 1996.
Methods —The ability to completely ligate the shunting vessel in 12 nonencephalopathic dogs was compared with that in 44 encephalopathic dogs with similar shunts.
Results —Clinical signs in the 12 nonencephalopathic dogs were related to ammonium biurate urolithiasis. All 12 dogs had single extrahepatic shunting vessels. The rate of complete ligation in the nonencephalopathic dogs was 92%, whereas the rate of complete ligation in the 44 encephalopathic dogs with single extrahepatic shunts was 59%. The ability to completely ligate the shunt in nonencephalopathic dogs was significantly better ( P = .04) than in the encephalopathic dogs.
Conclusion—Lack of encephalopathy is a positive prognostic factor for complete ligation of single extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts.
Clinical Relevance —In most affected dogs, extrahepatic congenital portosystemic shunts in nonencephalopathic dogs can be completely ligated.  相似文献   

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