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Germling development by Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei was compared between conidia held in a simulated air-borne state on microthreads constructed from safety-line threads produced by orb--weaving spiders (Araneus diadematus), and conidia inoculated onto glass, agar, or living or dead barley coleoptile epidermes. Suspended conidia germinated but generally produced only multiple short germ tubes. Conidia on living or dead coleoptiles, bathed from beneath with 0.01 Ca(NO3)2 solution, generally produced one short germ tube and a second germ tube which elongated and formed a normal appressorium. On glass and agar, multiple short germ tubes were sometimes formed but long germ tubes were formed less frequently than on host epidermis. When conidia with short germ tubes were transferred from microthreads to coleoptiles, they produced a long germ tube which differentiated an appressorium. Conidia with a single short germ tube were also transferred from microthreads so that only the tip of the short germ tube was in contact with a leaf epidermal strip layed on agar, whilst the conidium rested on the agar. Long germ tubes were formed more frequently by such conidia than by controls which had no contact with the leaf epidermis. This suggested that a stimulus causing elongation of the second tube was perceived through the short germ tube in contact with the epidermal strip. Where long germ tubes made contact with the epidermal strip, normal appressoria were formed more frequently than where the long tube made contact with the agar surface alone. The results indicate that germlings develop through distinct stages in response to particular stimuli.  相似文献   

 据现有国内外资料报道,小麦白粉病菌的闭囊壳于小麦收获后形成子囊孢子在自生麦苗或冬麦秋苗上引起初浸染;也有资料报道闭囊壳越冬后形成子囊孢子,引起初侵染。本文结果与上述有不同之处,简报如下。  相似文献   

小麦白粉菌无性阶段生物学特性研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 小麦白粉菌分生孢子萌发的温度范围为-2~34℃,最适为10~17℃。分生孢子离体后在2℃ 5天,7~17℃ 3天,20℃ 2天都还有侵染力。分生孢子在0~100%的湿度下都可以萌发,湿度愈大萌发率愈高,尤以在水面萌发率最高。分生孢子侵入寄主的湿度必须在65%以上,湿度愈大发病愈重。分生孢子在pH2.2~12.4的范围内都可以萌发,以pH4.2~7.7最适。紫外光对分生孢子有强裂的杀伤作用。在直射阳光下分生孢子的寿命比散光和黑暗条件下短。分生孢子荫发必须要有充足的氧气。光照能促使分生孢子的形成。在自然条件下,分生孢子形成有昼夜变化的规律,白天形成的孢子数比夜间形成的孢子数约大3倍。分生孢子传播的有效距离力15公里以上,传播的有效高度大于979公尺。  相似文献   

The relative levels of tolerance of two wild barley lines (Hordeum spontaneum), B19909 and I-17-40, and one cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare), cv. Prisma, to Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei were determined by comparing the effects of different levels of infection on the photosynthesis and respiration rates of the third leaf. Infection caused the early onset of senescence in all three lines, and in particular in cv. Prisma, and was accompanied by decreases in gross and net photosynthesis rates, increases in respiration rates, and loss of chlorophyll. The onset of senescence occurred at approximately the same time in infected leaves of the two wild lines, but once triggered, photosynthesis rates and chlorophyll levels declined more rapidly in I-17-40 than in B19909. A burst of respiratory activity accompanied the onset of senescence, and this was greatest in cv. Prisma. Conidial production was higher in B19909, indicating a higher level of tolerance in this line.  相似文献   

<正>由禾顶囊壳小麦变种(Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici)侵染引起的小麦全蚀病是小麦上一种重要的根部病害,广泛分布于世界各小麦种植区。近年来,小麦全蚀病在黄淮冬麦区发生呈上升趋势。选育和种植抗病品种是解决小麦全蚀病危害的根本途径,抗病基因研究是抗病育种的基础性工作。随着目前克隆基因数量的日益增加,利用已知抗病基因的保守序列或根据已有抗病基因的序列信息克隆抗病基因已经成为抗病及相关基因克隆  相似文献   

为明确本实验室筛选并鉴定的枯草芽胞杆菌Bacillus subtilis菌株MG-4分泌物对小麦全蚀病菌的抑制作用及其性质,采用生长速率法检测了菌株MG-4发酵无菌上清液(cell-free supernatant,CFS)中抑菌物质的稳定性,并通过PCR扩增抑菌物质合成相关基因,利用基质辅助激光解吸飞行时间质谱鉴定抑菌物质结构。结果表明,菌株MG-4分泌的抑菌物质在中性及酸性条件下稳定,在pH 2~7时CFS相对活性为98.8%~100.0%;热稳定性强,100℃处理30 min后相对活性仍为88.5%;利用胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶处理120 min后相对活性为98.8%;CFS中抑菌物质不能被氯仿、乙醚和乙酸乙酯萃取,且对这3种有机溶剂不敏感;Na~+、K~+、CO_3~(2-)和I~-对CFS活性无影响,Mg~(2+)、Ca~(2+)、NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)、H_2PO_4~(2-)和Mn~(2+)显著抑制CFS活性。菌株MG-4基因组中含有srfAB、yndJ、bamC、fenD、ituC和ituD共6种抑菌物质合成基因;将菌株MG-4分泌的抑菌物质鉴定为C14~C15伊枯草菌素A、C14~C18芬荠素A和C14~C17芬荠素B。  相似文献   

The interface between Erysiphe pisi and pea cv. JI 1049 was studied at the ultrastructural and cytochemical levels and compared with those in two susceptible cultivars. Haustorial efficiencies, as indexed by the length of mycelium associated with each haustorium, and growth rates on the resistant and one susceptible cultivar were also compared.The interaction in the resistant cultivar differed from those in the susceptible cultivars in the following ways: (i) there was no contact between the host plasmalemma and the A neckband region; (ii) papillae were contiguous with the surface of the neck and thus were probably formed before haustoria and (iii) there appeared to be less polysaccharide in the extrahaustorial membrane. The extrahaustorial membrane in the resistant cultivar lacked ATPase activity, whereas the rest of the host plasmamembrane had normal activity.Each haustorium supported a significantly greater total hyphal length in the resistant than in the susceptible cultivars. Growth rates of superficial hyphae were very similar on the susceptible and resistant cultivars but there was a delay in the onset on hyphal growth on the resistant cultivar which correlated with the previously reported delay in formation of the first haustorium. In contrast to hyphal growth rates, the rate of haustorium production was significantly less in the resistant cultivar. It is proposed that resistance in cv. JI 1049 operates at the stages prior to haustorium formation, similarly to that in some non-host and partial resistance systems. Once formed, however, the function of the haustorium seems to be unimpaired, despite the observed interfacial differences.  相似文献   

正小麦条锈病、叶锈病、白粉病是严重威胁小麦生产安全的3种病害,分别由小麦条锈菌Puccinia stri iformis f.sp.tritici、小麦叶锈菌P.triticina、小麦白粉病菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici侵染引起,均是传统的气传病害,在我国四川省能够常年发生危害。选育和利用抗病品种是控制3种病害最经济、有效  相似文献   

The distribution of tomato plants infected by Passalora fulva, causal agent of leaf mold, was analyzed by using Taylor’s model and Iwao’s model to assess the patterns of spatial distribution within the greenhouses. In Taylor’s model, the sample variance (s 2) of diseased plants newly recognized at each observation increased only slightly with mean density (m). In Iwao’s model, the mean crowding (m*) of newly recognized diseased plants at each observation increased with m of diseased plants. The statistical analysis in this study suggests that new infections in greenhouses observed during this investigation tended to cluster around a diseased plant and that secondary infections occurred as independent cluster points.  相似文献   

<正>小麦白粉病在山东各麦区均有发生,一般造成减产10%~50%,严重制约小麦高产。小麦白粉菌群体的研究常采用毒性鉴定法,通过病原菌对不同抗病基因的毒性频率来监测群体毒性的变异(段霞瑜等,1998)。但寄主对相应毒性基因具有选择性,仅凭毒性频率揭示病菌群体结构存在局限性,而ISSR标记可快速高效地检测出基因组DNA的多态性。贾少锋等(2007)首次构建了小麦白粉菌的IS-  相似文献   

The release of elicitors and suppressors by Erysiphe graminis, the powdery mildew pathogen of barley, was investigated by microscopy in combination with micromanipulation. The elicitors enhance inaccessibility whereas the suppressors prevent the action of the elicitors. Conidia were deposited onto barley coleoptiles and incubated for intervals that varied from 1-8 h. These conidia were termed the inducer conidia since they determined whether their presence would induce the cells of the host to become inaccessible to subsequent inoculations with the fungus. At specified intervals after inoculation the conidial germlings were removed from cells with a micromanipulator. The coleoptiles were then incubated for an additional 8 h after which, a new germling of the fungus was transferred to the same cell from which the inducer germling had been removed. This new germling was called the challenge germling since it was used to determine if it could challenge the host cell to express either induced accessibility or enhanced inaccessibility. The ability of these challenge germlings to penetrate the barley host cell was then assessed after they had been incubated on the cell for an additional 19 h. This allowed the determination of whether inaccessibility had been enhanced in the host. Inaccessibility was enhanced in the host only when the inducer conidia were incubated on host cells for more than 7 h. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that these challenge germlings did not penetrate into the host cell. Thus, enhanced inaccessibility had occurred. The results indicate that the E. graminis germling released a material that enhanced the inaccessibility of the barley host cells. We refer to this material as an elicitor. The transfer of a challenge germling to a coleoptile was made at various times after the removal of the inducer germling from the tissue. This allowed us to determine that more than 2 h is required for the enhancement of inaccessibility after the removal of the inducer germling from the tissue. If a germling, either the same or a different germling, was left on the host cell continuously, then enhanced inaccessibility did not occur. Rather, susceptibility occurred. These results suggest that the E. graminis germling releases a material that suppresses inaccessibility. We refer to this material as a suppressor. Thus, the results indicate that E. graminis conidia release an elicitor that enhances inaccessibility of barley cells and that they also release a suppressor that prevents enhanced inaccessibility in the barley cell.  相似文献   

水分调控对小麦旗叶叶绿素荧光动力学参数及其产量的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
在小麦全生育期遮雨条件下,利用植物效能分析仪研究了不同灌水对小麦旗叶叶绿素荧光动力学参数日变化的影响。结果表明,Fo,Fm,Fv,Fv/Fm及Fv/Fo日变化均呈"V"字型,其中Fo以9∶00~11∶00最低;Fm,Fv,Fv/Fm及Fv/Fo以15∶00最低。不同灌水处理间,Fo以拔节期 抽穗期灌2水处理为最大;而Fm,Fv,Fv/Fm及Fv/Fo以拔节期 抽穗期 花后10d灌3水处理的为最大。表明小麦生育期间增加灌水可以改善旗叶叶绿素荧光动力学参数,提高籽粒产量。但随着灌水次数的增加,田间耗水量增加,水分利用效率明显下降。  相似文献   

以3种抗旱品种长武134、铜麦3号、西农794为供试材料,研究干旱条件下小麦旗叶衰老与活性氧代谢特征。试验结果表明,灌浆期不同抗旱性品种小麦旗叶衰老和活性氧代谢存在差异。与长武134和铜麦3号相比较,西农794的叶绿素含量较高且降低趋势最缓慢;开花后第14天长武134的过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较高,后期活性降低快,西农794两种酶活性在灌浆后期含量较高,降低速度慢,持续时间长;整个灌浆期间西农794的丙二醛含量最少,膜质过氧化程度最低,叶片衰老程度最慢。  相似文献   

 为明确近年来安徽省小麦白粉病菌群体的毒性及其变化,利用41个鉴别寄主对安徽省2010、2015和2019年小麦白粉菌群体进行了毒性监测和分析。研究结果表明,病菌群体对抗性基因(组合)Pm3cPm5aPm7Pm19Pm3dPm17Pm6Pm1aPm3aPm3fPm8Pm1+2+9Pm3e的平均毒性频率大于70%,表明这些抗性基因或组合在安徽省小麦生产上已丧失抗性,不能在抗病育种中继续使用;对Pm12Pm21Pm16Pm1cPm35Pm13Pm2+MLD的毒性频率小于20%,这些抗性基因(组合)仍具有良好的抗性,可在抗病育种中加以利用。安徽省小麦白粉菌毒性数据的主成分分析结果表明,2010、2015和2019年病菌群体毒性结构总体上可看成一个群体,但年份间病菌群体毒性结构具有一定的差异,应加强安徽省小麦白粉菌群体毒性的持续监测工作。研究结果对安徽省小麦白粉病的抗病育种及品种的合理布局具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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