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The main conclusions of the Malian-Dutch “Primary Production in the Sahel (PPS)” research project, which was carried out during 1976–1981 (Penning de Vries and Djitèye, 1982), may be summarized as follows: (1) poor soil quality is just as great a barrier to rural development as water shortage; (2) animal production is high per unit area, compared with similar ecological zones in the U.S.A. and Australia; (3) attempts to increase production without due attention to the shortage of soil nutrients are bound to fail; (4) socio-economic conditions determine the feasibility of productive investments in agriculture in the Sahel. This article presents the PPS approach to publicizing these results and promoting a badly needed revision of development policy in the Sahel.  相似文献   

Protozoa stimulate plant growth, but we do not completely understand the underlying mechanisms, and different hypotheses seek to explain this phenomenon. To test these hypotheses, we grew the grass Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus) in pots with soil, which contained either (1) no organisms but bacteria – or (2) bacteria and protozoa. Half of the pots received a glucose treatment so as to mimic an additional root exudation. We measured plant growth and plant nitrogen uptake, along with various microbial pools and processes that support plant growth. Protozoan presence significantly enhanced soil nitrogen mineralization, plant nitrogen uptake from organic nitrogen sources, plant nitrogen content, and plant growth. By contrast, we found no evidence that glucose addition, mimicking root exudation, increased soil nitrogen availability and plant nitrogen uptake. Moreover, although protozoan presence affected bacterial community structure, it did not affect the proportion of IAA-producing bacteria in the community or plant root morphology. These results refute the “soil microbial loop” hypotheses, which suggest that protozoan stimulation of plant growth results from complex interactions between plant roots, bacteria and protozoa. Our experiment thus favours the simple explanation that increased nitrogen availability is the key factor behind the positive protozoan effect on plant growth. To exploit natural resources in an efficient and environmentally friendly way, we need to understand in detail the functioning of ecosystems. This study stresses that to achieve this, it is still urgent, besides investigating intricate food-web and signal compound interactions, also to focus on the basic stoichiometric and energetic aspects of organisms.  相似文献   

Relationships between “available” soil phosphorus and foliar phosphorus content of Tectona grandis (teak) in West-Africa Significant relationships were analysed between the foliar phosphorus content of Tectona grandis L. and the topsoil phosphorus contents on a broad range of soils in West African plantations of Tectona grandis L. (teak), except for soils very poor in clay or organic matter (< 15% T or < 1% C). Of all methods used (P-H2O, P-Mehlich, P-CAL, P-Bray-1, P-Soltanpour, P-Dabin, P-Resin, P-H2SO4, P-550, P-org) the fraction of soil P (P-550) dissolved in 1 n H2SO4 after dry ashing at 550 °C (r = 0.548***, n = 63) and the method of Bray-1 (r = 0.505***, n = 63) show the best results. The first reflects 80-90% of the organic P content and is recommended for the evaluation of the phosphorus supply. Using multiple correlation analysis we found a highly significant relationship (R = 0.794***, R2 = 0.63, n = 58) between foliar P as depending variable and P-Bray (positive), the soil sand content (negative) as well as soil pH (positive). A sufficient phosphorus supply of teak foliage (0.2% P) occured at soil levels of 300-320 kg P per ha and 15 cm (or more than 150 mg P/kg in topsoils free of stones (P-550)) in the studied area between Benin and Liberia.  相似文献   

“Effective microorganisms” (EM) are a poorly defined mixture of supposedly beneficial microorganisms that are claimed to enhance microbial turnover in compost and soil. In Costa Rica, EM are used to produce organic compost (bokashi) from banana residues (Musa ssp.). Given the scarcity of scientific data about the effects of EM on the mineralization of plant residues, this study aimed at investigating the effects of EM addition on the decomposition of banana residues during Bokashi production. To this end, the following non‐EM treatments were compared to EM Bokashi: Bokashi produced with water (W), with molasses (M) as an EM additive, and with sterilized EM (EMst). Subsequently, the effects of the resulting Bokashi treatments on the growth of young banana plants were evaluated. Compared with non‐EM controls, the effect of EM on the mineralization of banana material was negligible. Dry‐matter losses of the composts with different EM treatments were similar, with about 78% over 5 weeks. Ergosterol concentration was highest in EM Bokashi (77 µg (g dry soil)–1) and lowest in EMst Bokashi (29 µg (g dry soil)–1). Microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) and microbial biomass nitrogen (Nmic) were both lowest in EM (Cmic = 3121 µg g–1; Nmic = 449 µg g–1), while Cmic was highest in Bokashi produced with molasses (3892 µg g–1) and Nmic was highest in EMst (615 µg g–1). Treatment effects on adenylate concentrations and adenylate energy charge were negligible. Application of all Bokashi variants to young banana plants significantly increased shoot growth under greenhouse conditions compared to plants grown in a control soil without amendments. However, these effects were similar for all Bokashi treatments, even if EM Bokashi increased the K concentrations in banana leaves significantly compared to Bokashi produced with EMst and the control. Bokashi produced with only molasses and EM Bokashi decreased the number of root nematodes under greenhouse conditions compared to the control. Overall, the results confirmed the expected influence of composting on the degradation of organic material and the effect of compost application on plant growth. Hower, under the conditions of this study, EM showed no special effects in this, except for increasing the K concentrations in the leaves of young banana plants.  相似文献   

Hector J.M. Morras 《Geoderma》1983,30(1-4):187-194
In this paper two examples are presented of the investigation by submicroscopic techniques, of particular problems in the characterisation and analysis of various pedological features in soils of the “Chaco Deprimido”.

The first concerns nodules seen in an alluvial soil. The techniques established their phosphatic composition and identified them as small bone fragments which are undergoing alteration.

The second relates to study of sesquioxidic nodules and cutans in solodised soils and planosols, and shows them to have a dominantly manganiferous composition; this result enables one to make certain interpretations concerning the physicochemical conditions essential for the formation of such pedological features.  相似文献   

Y. Devos  L. Vrydaghs  A. Degraeve  K. Fechner   《CATENA》2009,78(3):270-284
During the excavations of the site of Rue de Dinant in the historic centre of Brussels (Belgium), remains of the first city wall dating from the 13th century have been discovered. Intra muros thick dark sediment units predating this wall are observed. These dark units are among the oldest occupation traces so far encountered in this higher, eastern, part of the historic centre of Brussels. In order to characterise them, and to understand the human activities and natural processes behind their formation, an interdisciplinary research, integrating archaeopedology and phytolith study, has been undertaken. This approach permitted us to identify a range of natural and cultural processes leading to the formation of these dark layers, and to characterise different activities. Remains of a hearth, old plough land (cropfields) and grassland have been identified, all activities referring to a rural landscape organisation. Later on, the area changes into an enormous silt extraction area, whereby Dark Earth is thrown into the dug pits. Finally, the construction of the first city wall marks the area as becoming part of the city. The study of Dark Earth shows to be a potentially valuable tool to shed light on the development and spatial organisation of pre-urban Brussels, a historically very poorly documented period.  相似文献   

The Miribel canal is a former arm of the Rhône embanked between 1848 and 1857 over a length of 18 km to improve navigation at low discharges. The impact of this was a hydraulic tilting of the long profile characterised by 4 m of degradation upstream and 4-6 m of aggradation of bedload downstream. This phenomenon increased downstream flooding. Since 1937 a diversion dam has controlled upstream water input, thus reducing the transit of the pebble bedload. However, excessive harvesting of sands and gravels occurred between 1970 and 1980, resulting in a general lowering of the river bed and the accompanying water table with ecological consequences in the alluvial plain and for water supply. This development made it all the more necessary to obtain knowledge about the bedload discharges passing through the Miribel canal, and more broadly about the hydraulic conditions as functions of the varying discharge. Calculation of shear stresses and grain size measurements on the lateral bars after several floods in 1989-90 show that movement of bed-material is initiated at a discharge of 440 m3 · s−1 (equalled or exceeded 40 days · year−1), and becomes general at 550 m3 · s−1 (equalled or exceeded 30 days · year−1). Transport discharge is thus relatively frequent and involves distal fluvio-glacial deposits composed of fine-grained materials. Potential transport calculated by the Meyer-Peter formula is around 60,000 t · year−1 for the range of discharges between 440 and 850 m3 · s−1. For these discharge values, the canal experiences a loss of materials without replacement from upstream; for higher rates of discharge, the floodgates let through an unknown quantity of materials which partially make up the loss. Gravel harvesting ceased in 1991 but the diversion dam will have to be operated in a different way in order to increase the input of bedload into the canal.  相似文献   

The hardsetting surface of many Alfisols in Australia is a limiting factor in crop production. Better soil management systems are required to improve productivity. This study reports the effects of several untested management systems, involving the combined effects of tillage (deep ripping, deep mouldboard ploughing and disc ploughing), irrigation layout (permanent beds, border ditch) and crop rotation treatments (single cropping, double cropping and pasture), on soil structure and the production of irrigated soybeans [Glycine max (L) Merr.] on a hardsetting Alfisol. It was conducted under a system of controlled traffic near Trangie, NSW, Australia. The double cropping and pasture treatments increased total water entry, soil organic carbon and soybean leaf water potential. Consequently, soybean yield was increased by as much as 58%. The retention of cereal and pasture stubble increased total water entry by slowing the rate of irrigation water advance, reducing the potential for slaking and increasing the number of continuous vertical macropores. The increases in soil water were associated with a reduction in soil strength; a key limiting factor in crop growth on hardsetting Alfisols. Deep tillage or the use of permanent beds did not affect soybean yields under the conditions reported in this paper, although the combination of disc ploughing and furrow irrigation was successful.  相似文献   

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