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"十一五"期间,长江流域共治理水土流失面积4万km2,监督管理实现突破,累计实施生态修复、封禁保护面积6万km2,水土保持监测网络初步建成,编制完成了一批流域、省级水土保持规划和专项规划,宣传教育深入人心。面对中央关于加快水利发展的战略部署、新水土保持法的颁布实施、长江流域水土流失治理和水土保持生态建设任务依然艰巨等形势,"十二五"期间长江流域水土保持的主要目标任务是:全面强化预防监督管理;切实加快水土流失治理;有序推动水土保持监测预报;初步建成水土保持支撑体系。当前及今后一段时期要重点抓好的工作有:加强领导,统筹协调推进流域水土保持生态建设;科学规划,为流域水土流失防治奠定基础;强化监督,全面落实水土保持"三同时"制度;加快治理,扎实推进国家重点工程建设;大力宣传,不断营造水土保持浓厚氛围。  相似文献   

国家水土保持重点建设工程是我国最早安排专项资金实施的水土保持工程,26年来,累计完成总投资48.96亿元,群众投劳8.02亿个工日,综合治理小流域2 611条,治理水土流失面积4.79万km2,年均减少泥沙2.8亿t,农民人均年收入增加300元左右,1 000多万群众实现脱贫致富,培育了一批具有水土保持特色的产业,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益,但也面临着水土流失防治任务艰巨、一些地方工作出现松懈情绪、新上项目县工程建设经验缺乏、投入严重不足、一些地方后期管护不到位影响了工程效益的正常发挥等问题。为更好地推进工程建设,各地要坚持"集中连片、规模治理,打造水土保持大示范区"的建设思路,进一步加强领导、落实责任,做好科学规划、提高工程效益,加强建设管理、保证工程质量,创新机制、增强工程活力,不断推动国家水土保持重点建设工程又好又快发展。  相似文献   

突出重点 加强科技 推动水土保持事业又好又快发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2006年各项水土保持工作取得了新进展:历时近2年的“中国水土流失与生态安全综合科学考察”取得重大研究成果,全国共审批开发建设项目水土保持方案2.31万个,全年完成水土流失综合治理面积4.17万km2,完成生态初步修复面积35万km2,全国水土保持监测评价体系逐步完善。在今后的工作中必须坚持用科学发展的理念指导水土保持实践、切实把水土保持工作纳入新农村建设之中,依法加强对开发建设项目的全过程管理,注重通过产业发展来带动水土流失防治工作。2007年的重点工作是:强化监督执法,继续推动和实施好各级重点工程建设,注重提高生态自我修复工作的水平,积极推进水土保持机制体制创新,加大水土保持宣传力度。总结了“十五”以来的水土保持科技工作,明确了今后水土保持科技工作的思路、主要目标和任务,提出了加强水土保持科技发展的政策措施。  相似文献   

深入贯彻落实科学发展观 开创水土保持生态建设新局面   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
近10年来,我国水土保持工作取得巨大成效:水土保持法深入实施,全国共出台县级以上水土保持配套法规3 000多个,生产建设单位防治水土流失面积8万km2;工程建设力度不断加大,综合治理水土流失面积48万km2;共实施生态自然修复72万km2;基础工作进一步加强;宣传教育活动深入开展。加强水土保持是搞好江河治理、保障防洪安全,改善山丘区民生、建设小康社会,保护水土资源、保障经济社会可持续发展,改善生态环境、建设生态文明的迫切需要。当前和今后一个时期,加快我国水土保持工作必须实施保护优先、综合治理、分区防治、项目带动、生态修复和科技支撑六大战略,着力抓好预防监督、综合治理、生态修复、监测评价、水源保护、人居环境改善等6个方面的重点工作。明确了今后15~20年的水土保持工作目标和工作要求,提出了6项水土保持保障措施。  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,长江上游七省(市)认真贯彻落实中央决策部署,切实加强生态保护与修复,取得了显著成绩。水土流失面积和强度逐年下降,2017年水土流失面积比2011年减少了3.19万km2,减幅达11.4%,近5年累计新增治理水土流失面积4.1万km2;退耕还林还草面积不断扩大和巩固,森林覆盖率提高到42.5%;水土流失综合防治逐步纳入法制化轨道,长江上游生态环境整体步入良性循环。同时,长江上游水土保持形势依然严峻,工作中还存在一些薄弱环节和突出问题。因此,要提高政治站位,坚定以习近平生态文明思想为指导,认真贯彻落实新发展理念,把长江上游水土保持工作作为重要政治责任牢牢扛在肩上,持之以恒抓好长江上游水土保持工作,努力探索出一条生态优先、绿色发展的新路子;要深刻把握新时代长江上游水土保持工作的目标和要求,坚持预防为主、保护优先,坚持统筹谋划、系统防治,坚持综合治理、放大效益,坚持依法监督、严格管控;要切实推动当前长江上游水土保持重点工作落实,加大执法监管、重点工程实施、坡耕地综合治理、生态清洁小流域建设、"智慧水保"建设的力度;要努力构建长江上游水土保持齐抓共管大格局,进一步严格目标责任考核,加强协作合作,完善政策机制,增强全社会水土保持意识。  相似文献   

黄河上中游水土保持工作自黄河中游水土保持委员会十次会议以来,委员会各成员单位按照中央关于加快水利改革发展的一系列决策部署,认真履行沟通情况、组织协调、研究建议、总结推广等职责,取得了新成效:一是项目带动,综合治理整体推进,两年新增水土流失综合治理面积2.2万km2;二是严格执法,预防监督力度加大;三是夯实基础,前期工作取得突破;四是政策驱动,体制机制不断创新;五是丰富载体,宣传教育深入开展。今后两年的重点工作是:扎实做好水土保持规划和重大项目立项实施工作,切实加强水土保持配套法规和监督执法能力建设,进一步健全水土保持生态补偿机制,积极探索和推广重点区域水土流失治理的新模式,加快推进辖区内重点区域的生态保护与建设。  相似文献   

“长治”工程自1989年启动实施以来,累计完成水土流失治理面积近9万km2,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益。“长治”工程建设重视发挥长江上游水土保持委员会的领导协调作用,坚持理念创新、技术创新和依靠制度对项目严格管理,为全国的水土保持生态建设起到了很好的示范借鉴作用,提供了宝贵的经验。“十一五”是我国经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,各地要抓住机遇,重点做好5项工作:进一步依法加强监管力度,遏止新的水土流失;进一步抓好以“长治”工程为龙头的水土流失重点治理工作;进一步发挥长江流域水热资源优势,大力推进生态修复工作;进一步发挥各级水保委员会的统筹协调作用;进一步深化改革,加快水土流失治理步伐。  相似文献   

5年来 ,全国水土保持生态建设 ,通过加强组织领导 ,积极调整思路 ,狠抓落实 ,探索出了一条加快水土流失治理的新路子。近期目标是 :“十五”期间完成综合治理水土流失面积 2 5万km2 ,实施重点保护面积 5 0万km2 。当前的重点工作是 :加强封育保护 ;大力推进重点工程建设 ;抓好大示范区建设 ;加强机制创新和体制创新 ;加大监督执法力度 ;加强水土保持科研和新技术推广应用工作  相似文献   

“十五”期间我国水土保持重点治理大幅度拓展,水土流失综合防治步伐加快,共完成水土流失综合防治面积54万km2;监督执法工作进一步加强,共审批各类水土保持方案20多万个,开发建设项目防治面积7万多km2;生态修复取得突破,全国实施封禁范围达到60多万km2;监测评价体系建设初见成效,水土流失预测预报能力增强;基础工作不断强化,科技支撑与技术标准体系初步形成;宣教活动继续深入开展,全社会水土保持意识普遍增强。“十一五”期间水土保持工作总的目标是:全国水土流失面积占国土面积的比例在现有的基础上再稳定减少2%,基本建成比较完善的全国水土保持预防监督体系和水土流失监测网络,水土保持法律法规进一步完善,人为水土流失得到有效遏制。提出了主要保障措施,明确了2006年的主要工作。  相似文献   

“十五”期间,“长治”工程累计完成水土流失治理面积2.1万km2,实施生态修复面积2060km2,开展预防保护面积11万km2;水土流失监测面积达70万km2,预报处理滑坡、泥石流灾害86处,累计审批水土保持方案8.1万起;经过17年的连续治理,长江流域水土流失面积减少了15%,治理区人均基本农田达到约1亩、人均产粮增至530kg、农民人均纯收入翻了一番。“长治”工程建设的主要经验是领导重视、齐抓共管,与时俱进、开拓创新,强化管理、完善制度。“十一五”时期“长治”工程建设必须坚持人与自然和谐相处,以人为本,政府推动,统筹协调,预防为主,保护优先的原则,完成水土流失综合治理面积1.23万km2,改建或新建20个重点监测预警站点,全面落实水土保持方案,执行率达到90%以上,完成监测面积160万km2,强化水土保持规划、科研、示范等基础工作。明确了近期要抓好的几项工作。  相似文献   

Short-term changes in numbers and biomass of bacteria, determined by direct counts, are descrived for a subarctic mire and for the humus and mineral soil layers of pine forest podsol. For biomass, monthly fluctuations for 15 months are presented. Almost as large fluctuations in bacterial numbers were found during 2 weeks as were found during the whole year. Precipitation resulted in increases in bacterial biomass even when the soil moisture content was non-limiting for bacterial growth, but these increases did not last for more than 1–2 days. Observed rapid declines in bacterial numbers were interpreted as the result of grazing by the microfuana. Changes in cell sizes and shapes after rainfall indicated that even under favourable growth conditions only 15–30% of the bacteria were active. The increases in bacterial biomass were used to calculate a minimum production. For the bacteria in the peat the production over 9 days was 40% of the mean standing crop value per day. The corresponding values for the bacteria of the humus and mineral layer over 13 days were 19 and 15%. The average generation times, estimated from increases in numbers, were 39 h for the peat bacteria and 66 and 55 h for the bacteria of the humus and mineral layers respectively. Based on the number of falls of rain a yearly bacterial production value of 210 g d.w.m?2 was calculated for the forest site. This figure is discussed in relation to the yearly energy input through primary production.  相似文献   

Although the shrink‐swell phenomenon of clays has been thoroughly studied, the in situ relation of the shrinkage curve to the structure profile is rarely presented from the shrinkage limit to the liquid limit. We studied the consolidated structure of clay‐dominated (<2 μm) soils formed on ‘pseudo‐liquid’ marsh sediments in the ‘Marais de l’Ouest’ (France). The profiles were studied in a grassland field and in a sunflower field from unsaturated surface soils down to deeper, saturated, levels characterized by a very large water content (100% by weight). The consolidation states were quantified recording cone resistance (Qd) profiles using a dynamic penetrometer in successive seasons. These Qd profiles were compared with the associated wet density and gravimetric water‐content profiles. Two consolidation depths were evident, the surface soil and a 130‐cm deep palaeosol. The seasonal Qd profiles demonstrate the partial irreversibility of the consolidation peaks associated with the surface soil and with the palaeosol. The shrinkage properties were established through drying curves of undisturbed test samples. In the void ratio (e)water content (W) and water content (W)saturation index (Sr) diagrams, the profiles as a whole exhibit only one clay soil behaviour from their pseudo‐liquid to plastic to solid states. Each Qd profile is represented by a hyperbolic curve in the e/Qd diagram. Represented in a (e – W – Qd —Sr) crossed diagram, the vertical evolution of the successive profiles shows the soil structure behaviour from the initial pseudo‐liquid sediment to the consolidated soil. A simple cone resistance recording associated with gravimetric water‐content profiles, characterizes the evolution of structural layers of soils for the seasonal drying‐wetting cycles, for the over‐consolidation associated with the palaeosol, and also for the effect of ploughing.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that Steamboat Creek in Nevada is highly contaminated with mercury, with aqueous mercury concentrations more than two orders of magnitude greater than nearby mountain streams. One objective of this study was to determine if the new Spreadsheet-based Ecological Risk Assessment for the Fate of Mercury (SERAFM) model could be calibrated to the concentrations of unfiltered and dissolved total mercury, and unfiltered and dissolved MeHg in the water column for a reach on SBC and a related constructed wetland mesocosm for different seasons and residence times. SERAFM is a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency steady state, single segment, mass balance mercury model that has been applied to lakes, and this study also examined the model’s applicability for modeling an arid flowing water environment in different seasons. The average combined error between observed and model-estimated mercury concentrations was 12% and 17% for the reach and mesocosm, respectively. Some recommendations are proposed that may allow SERAFM to better model flowing systems.  相似文献   

A novel gene (designated as tan410) encoding tannase was isolated from a cotton field metagenomic library by functional screening. Sequence analysis revealed that tan410 encoded a protein of 521 amino acids. SDS-PAGE and gel filtration chromatography analysis of purified tannase suggested that Tan410 was a monomeric enzyme with a molecular mass of 55 kDa. The optimum temperature and pH of Tan410 were 30 °C and 6.4. The activity was enhanced by addition of Ca(2+), Mg(2+) and Cd(2+). In addition, Tan410 was stable in the presence of 4 M NaCl. Chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid, ethyl ferulate, tannic acid, epicatechin gallate and epigallocathchin gallate were efficiently hydrolyzed by recombinant tannase. All of these excellent properties make Tan410 an interesting enzyme for biotechnological application.  相似文献   

Digestates vary in composition and studies regarding their impact on C and N dynamics in soils are scarce. The objective was to analyse the C and N dynamics of digestates originating from various substrates applied to a sandy Cambisol and a silty Anthrosol. In three laboratory experiments (4–6 weeks), the effects of digestate properties, N rate and water content were tested. Averaged over both soils, 21% of the C supplied was emitted as CO2. Potential NH3 emissions during the first week ranged between 6% and 12% of NH4+ present in the digestates. The emission factors in the sandy Cambisol were on average 1.2 and 2 times higher for CO2 and potential NH3, respectively, compared to the silty Anthrosol. Similarly, net nitrogen mineralization in the sandy Cambisol was approximately twice the N mineralized in the silty Anthrosol. Net nitrification was not influenced by soil texture or different digestates, but increased with increasing application rates and had highest values at 75% of water holding capacity. Our results indicate that the type of substrate input for anaerobic digestion influences the properties of the digestate and therefore the dynamics of C and N. However, soil texture can affect these dynamics markedly.  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of different P‐fertilizer application forms (triple superphosphate [TSP], compost + TSP, TSP‐enriched compost) on the growth of ryegrass and the soil microbial biomass. The fertilizers were applied at equivalent doses for all nutrients to a neutral Luvisol in comparison with an acidic Ferralsol. Fertilizer application led to significantly increased contents of microbial biomass C, N, and P. Furthermore, yields of shoot C and root C, and concentrations of P, Ca, Mg, K, Fe, and Mn in shoots and roots were significantly increased. These increases always followed the order TSP < compost + TSP < TSP‐enriched compost. Sole TSP application led only to maximum concentrations of N and S. In the Ferralsol, TSP had only minimal positive effect on the P concentration of the grass shoots. The positive effect of TSP‐enriched compost, i.e., incubating TSP together with compost for 24 h, did not differ between the neutral Luvisol and the acidic Ferralsol, i.e., the effect is independent of the soil type. Consequently, soluble inorganic P fertilizer should generally be mixed into an organic fertilizer before application to soil.  相似文献   

二氯喹啉酸·苄嘧磺隆复合污染降解菌的特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A bacterial strain, designated as LS, was isolated from a contaminated soil and was found to be capable of utilizing quinclorac, bensulfuronmethyl, and a mixture of the two as carbon and energy sources for growth. Strain LS was identified as Ochrobactrum sp. based on its physiological-biochemical properties, 16S rDNA sequences, and phylogenetic analysis. The extent of degradation of quinclorac and bensulfuronmethyl at initial concentrations of 1.5 and 0.1 g L^-1 was 90% and 67%, respectively, as measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). When a herbicide mixture of 0.34 g L^-1 quinclorac and 0.02 g L^-1 bensulfuronmethyl was applied as carbon sources, quinclorac and bensulfuronmethyl were degraded at 95.7% and 67.5%, respectively. It appears that quinclorac is utilized more easily in a mixture than in a single state. The optimal temperature for growth of strain LS was 37 ℃. Strain LS grew well at pH 6 to 9 and had the highest degradation level for quinclorac and bensulfuronmethyl at an initial pH of 7 and 8, respectively. Addition of 0.25 g L^-1 yeast extract could promote the growth and extent of degradation of quinclorac and bensulfuronmethyl by strain LS. Strain LS also showed the capability to degrade other aromatic compounds such as catechol, propisochlor, 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid sodium (MCPA-Na) and imazethapy. The isolate LS shows a huge potential to be used in bioremediation for treating complex herbicide residues.  相似文献   

雅砻江中游某巨型滑坡距离拟选坝址仅1.3 km,目前滑坡体上有裂缝发育,滑坡的整体稳定性对于坝址的选择具有颠覆性的影响。因此,在概要介绍滑坡地质特征基础上,对滑坡体上裂缝发育分布特征及其成因机理探讨,对裂缝的产生是由整体还是由于局部导致给出明确回答,进而依据滑坡工程地质特征及定量计算对蓄水后滑坡的整体稳定性作出预测。  相似文献   

Mushroom tyrosinase was immobilized from an extract onto glass beads covered with the cross-linked totally cinnamoylated derivates of d-sorbitol (sorbitol cinnamate) and glycerine (glycerine cinnamate). The enzyme was immobilized onto the support by direct adsorption, and the quantity of immobilized tyrosinase was higher for sorbitol cinnamate, the support with the higher number of esterified hydroxyls per unit of monosacharide, than for glycerine cinnamate. The results obtained from the stereospecificity study of the monophenolase and diphenolase activity of immobilized mushroom tyrosinase are reported. The enantiomers L-tyrosine, DL-tyrosine, D-tyrosine, L-dopa, DL-dopa, D-dopa, L-alpha-methyldopa, DL-alpha-methyldopa, L-isoprenaline, DL-isoprenaline, L-adrenaline, DL-adrenaline, L-noradrenaline, and D-noradrenaline were assayed with tyrosinase immobilized on a chiral support (sorbitol cinnamate), whereas L-tyrosine, DL-tyrosine, D-tyrosine, L-dopa, DL-dopa, D-dopa, L-alpha-methyldopa, and DL-alpha-methyldopa were assayed with tyrosinase immobilized on a nonchiral support (glycerine cinnamate). The same Vmax(app) values for each series of enantiomers were obtained. However, the Km(app) values were different, the l isomers showing lower values than the dl isomers, whereas the highest Km(app) value was obtained with d isomers. No difference was observed in the stereospecificity of tyrosinase immobilized on a chiral (sorbitol cinnamate) or nonchiral (glycerine cinnamate) support.  相似文献   

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