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济南动物园所饲养的亚洲象(Elephas maximus)于1997年首次繁殖成功,现已繁殖3胎3仔,幼象生长发育正常。在繁殖过程中,对亚洲象的发情、交配、妊娠、分娩、幼象发育等进行了详细观察,积累了亚洲象繁殖的资料和经验。  相似文献   

亚洲象(Elephasmaximus)在国内动物园繁殖仅七例,而在寒冷地区尚未见报道。我国1985年引入一对亚洲象,母象9岁,雄象8岁,经过饲养驯化和药物催情,两只象于92年8月1日交配成功。历经21个月的妊娠期,在94年4月29日顺利产下一只雄性小象。通过对母象从交配、妊娠、分娩到哺乳整个过程的跟踪观察,特别对幼象生长发育和习性的分析与探索,初步掌握了亚洲象适应寒冷地区繁殖与育幼的基本规律,为今后亚洲象在同类地区的繁殖和育幼提供了参考。  相似文献   

深圳市野生动物园自1998年5月开始亚洲象繁殖工作的研究.通过对亚洲象发情、配种、妊娠、分娩、哺乳、育幼的观察和研究,初步掌握了亚洲象的繁殖规律,为今后在人工饲养条件下繁殖亚洲象取得宝贵的经验.  相似文献   

寒冷地区亚洲象幼仔生长曲线的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲象(Elaphasmaximus)分布于我国云南西双版纳等南部地区和缅甸、印度、老挝等东南亚地区属于我国一级保护动物和国际濒危物种贸易公约(CFTFS)附录1动物。亚洲象在野外由于人的捕杀和自然生活环境遭到破坏.其数量不断下降而在动物园中.尤其是在寒冷的东foe区.受各种客观条件的限制.饲养繁殖实属不易。哈尔滨动物园自19t)4年实现亚洲象在寒冷地区首次繁殖以来.19%{t’i3月19日又实现了亚洲象的再度繁航为人工饲养条件下增加其数量、扩大其种群.提供了有效的途径。对幼象生长发育的跟踪观察研究.又将为拯救该濒危物种奠定…  相似文献   

亚洲象幼仔早期断乳的人工哺育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲象人工饲养条件较高 ,繁殖难度较大。哈尔滨动物园近几年来通过对一对亚洲象的风土驯化和繁殖的研究 ,已掌握了亚洲象适合寒冷地区繁殖与育幼的基本规律 ,使其达到连续繁殖。然而 ,由于1998年特大洪水的侵袭 ,母象身亡 ,留下了 5月龄的仔象 ,为此开始对 5个月龄断乳仔象人工哺育 ,并获得成功。1 断乳前状况该象于 1998年 3月 19日出生 ,名为“园园” ,雌性。出生 3d就可奔跑 ,2 0余天后能卷起青草吃上 4~ 5根 ;1月龄后可用鼻子吸水嬉戏 ;近 2个月时可用鼻子卷起苹果碎块送到嘴里 ;2个半月时每天就可吃上 0 2 5kg窝头 ;3~ 5月龄时…  相似文献   

2019年1月—2020年2月,采用访问调查法、无人机调查法、痕迹跟踪调查法及样方法获取了分布于拟建勐海至孟连高速公路沿线野生亚洲象种群数量、迁移轨迹、栖息地(包括植被、水源、硝塘等)等信息,采用3S技术分析了拟建高速公路对沿线亚洲象及栖息地的潜在影响。结果表明:(1)分布于拟建勐海至孟连高速公路沿线的野生亚洲象共计17头,为一孤立的小种群,其中14头常年群体活动,另外3头成年雄象部分时间与象群一起活动,部分时间离群单独活动;(2)在拟建高速公路沿线亚洲象活动区域共记录植物136种,其中包含亚洲象天然食性植物40种,隶属18目24科37属;(3)在勐海县勐满镇多依树村附近,象群的迁移路线与拟建高速公路规划方案的多依树3号隧道交叉;(4)研究区域内的水系受拟建高速公路干扰的区域主要集中在勐海县勐满镇与澜沧县惠民镇交界及以西路段;(5)调查到的22处硝塘中,有3处可能在高速公路建设期和运营期间受到较大干扰,将导致亚洲象对它们的利用率降低。基于以上分析我们认为,拟建勐海-孟连高速公路将对沿线分布的亚洲象种群及其栖息地产生一定的负面影响,增加高速公路的桥梁和隧道设计能有效缓解这些负面影响。为更好地协调高速公路建设和亚洲象保护之间的平衡。我们建议:(1)高速公路施工单位应避免在亚洲象距离拟建高速公路较近时进行爆破等噪音较大的施工作业,为免惊吓象群引发亚洲象对人发动攻击,造成人象冲突;(2)在亚洲象迁移通道出入口种植亚洲象喜爱程度较高的土著植物引导其通行,减少亚洲象通行时的压迫感;(3)在距离亚洲象迁移通道较近的路段布设隔音屏障,并采取限速通行、严禁鸣笛等交通管制。  相似文献   

亚洲象的寄生虫,国内研究报道甚少。伍献文(1934)报告南京象内有多种线虫;孔繁瑶、殷佩云(1958)报告北京象内有镰状摩西德线虫;黄德生(1981)报告昆明象内有3种吸虫。1984年11月,重庆市动物园从云南某边区购入4只亚洲象,12月下旬进行  相似文献   

安睿 《野生动物》2006,27(2):4-5
象是现存最大的陆生动物,属于哺乳纲、长鼻目、象科。长鼻目包括6科,其中5科已经灭绝,只剩象科两个属中的两种:亚洲象与非洲象,现存的亚洲象和非洲象也只不过是过去地球上分布广泛、类型众多的象类的残存代表。  相似文献   

通过亚洲象临床症状,结合实验室血液姬姆萨染色涂片镜检,确诊亚洲象附红细胞体感染,经综合治疗后痊愈。治疗过程与亚洲象体表、象舍消毒以及灭蚊蝇同时进行,效果显著。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索笼养亚洲象待产期的夜间睡眠行为特征,采用视频观察法对笼养亚洲象母象进行了产前连续23 d的观测,记录了它的睡眠时长、睡眠姿势、睡眠频次等参数,并分析了它们与待产期的关系。结果表明,笼养亚洲象卧下睡眠时间与临近生产日期呈现线性负相关(<0.01),与最早躺下时间、最晚起身时间和躺下频次无明显相关性(>0.05);亚洲象每晚会有2~4次躺卧,通常下一次躺卧会选择另一侧进行交替,更加偏爱右侧进行躺卧。本研究为亚洲象的睡眠行为提供了一些基础数据和参考信息,也为亚洲象的保护管理和福利提升提供了一些指导建议。  相似文献   

There is a tendency for students from different nationalities to remain within groups of similar cultural backgrounds. The study reported here used group project work to encourage integration and cooperative learning between Australian students and Asian (Southeast Asian) international students in the second year of a veterinary science program. The group project involved an oral presentation during a second-year course (Structure and Function), with group formation engineered to include very high, high, moderate, and low achievers (based on previous grades). One Asian student and three Australian students were placed in each group. Student perceptions of group dynamics were analyzed through a self-report survey completed at the end of the presentations and through group student interviews. Results from the survey were analyzed by chi-square to compare the responses between Asian and Australian students, with statistical significance accepted at p < 0.05. There were too few Asian students for statistical analysis from a single year; therefore, the results from two successive years, 2004 (N = 104; 26% Asian) and 2005 (N = 105; 20% Asian), were analyzed. All participating students indicated in the interviews that the project was worthwhile and a good learning experience. Asian students expressed a greater preference for working in a group than for working alone (p = 0.001) and reported more frequently than Australian students that teamwork produces better results (p = 0.01). Australian students were more likely than Asian students to voice their opinion in a team setting (p = 0.001), while Asian students were more likely to depend on the lecturer for directions (p = 0.001). The results also showed that group project work appeared to create an environment that supported learning and was a successful strategy to achieve acceptance of cultural differences.  相似文献   

This study investigated consumer behavior towards meat across Asia and Pacific-Rim countries. Mail surveys were undertaken in 1994 and 1995. Data was obtained from 6197 households in Japan, the USA (mainland and Japanese–Americans in Hawaii), Australia, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan and China. The data were mainly analyzed using cluster analysis to determine the distance between each country and to classify countries into groups. Japanese respondents purchased beef more frequently than respondents from other countries. The average amount purchased on each occasion was far more for Australian respondents than for respondents from other countries, while Japanese purchased far less. Respondents in Japan, Korea, China and Australia thought beef was the most expensive meat, whereas lamb was thought to be the most expensive in the remaining countries. Chinese respondents indicated the highest consciousness of price indexes. The level of uneasiness about eating meat indicated by Asian respondents was relatively strong compared with respondents in Hawaii, the USA and Australia. Average ratings (semantic differential scale) on plans for future meat consumption were higher for beef than for other meats in Korea and China, whereas chicken was rated higher in the other countries. From the dendrogram, surveyed countries were classified into three groups: Japan, Taiwan and Korea; Thailand and China; and the USA, Japanese–Americans and Australia. Among them, the first and second clusters merged into a larger cluster, the 'Asian' group.  相似文献   

The author examines the therapeutics for African pygmy hedgehogs and prairie dogs. The African or Asian hedgehog differs from the larger European hedgehog. Pronounced differences in size, seasonal behavior, and natural diet exist. Since the prairie dog's increase in popularity in the pet trade, numerous interrelated syndromes have been reported, including respiratory disease, obesity, cardiac disease, and oral neoplasia. This article describes the routes of administration and the common disease syndromes and appropriate therapeutics for each.  相似文献   

The fatty acid components of the plasma triglycerides and the phospholipid fractions of the red blood cells of a captive group of two African (Loxodonta africana) and four Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants were investigated. All the animals received the same diet of hay, fruits and vegetables, and concentrates. A comparison with data from free-ranging African elephants or Asian work-camp elephants showed that the captive elephants had lower proportions of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and for several lipid fractions a higher n-6:n-3 ratio, than their counterparts in the wild or under the more natural, in terms of diet, work-camp conditions. The difference in PUFA content was smaller in the African than in the Asian elephants. The captive Asian elephants tended to have lower levels of n-3 and total unsaturated fatty acids in their red blood cells than the captive African elephants.  相似文献   

Reproductive tracts or tissues from five male black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis), two male white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum), two male one-horned Asian rhinoceroses (Rhinoceros unicornis), seven female black rhinoceroses, and six female white rhinoceroses from multiple institutions were examined to characterize their anatomy and histology. Some observations and measurements were obtained from in situ tracts of intact animals before or during necropsy. Formalin-fixed tissues were dissected and examined histologically. Retrospective reproductive data from each rhinoceros was obtained from the institutions of origin. Reproductive histology of these species was similar to that of other mammals. Male accessory gland structure varied among species, and the Asian rhinoceros epididymis was more loosely attached and had larger duct diameters than did the epididymides of the African species. Although histology was typically mammalian, rhinoceros reproductive morphology combined characteristics of several different mammals. Defining this unique morphology of rhinoceroses may help in understanding their reproductive physiology and will effect the development of appropriate reproductive techniques.  相似文献   

China is one of the most diverse countries, which have developed 88 indigenous pig breeds. Several studies showed that pigs were independently domesticated in multiple regions of the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the origin and evolution of Chinese pigs using complete mitochondrial genomic sequences (mtDNA) from Asian and European domestic pigs and wild boars. Thirty primer pairs were designed to determine the mtDNA sequences of Xiang pig, Large White, Lantang, Jinhua and Pietrain. The phylogenetic status of Chinese native pigs was investigated by comparing the mtDNA sequences of complete coding regions and D-loop regions respectively amongst Asian breeds, European breeds and wild boars. The analyzed results by two cluster methods contributed to the same conclusion that all pigs were classified into two major groups, European clade and Asian clade. It revealed that Chinese pigs were only recently diverged from each other and distinctly different from European pigs. Berkshire was clustered with Asian pigs and Chinese pigs were involved in the development of Berkshire breeding. The Malaysian wild boar had distant genetic relationship with European and Asian pigs. Jinhua and Lanyu pigs had more nucleotide diversity with Chinese pigs although they all belonged to the Asian major clade. Chinese domestic pigs were clustered with wild boars in Yangtze River region and South China.  相似文献   

采用聚焦动物取样法和扫描取样法记录观察3只秦岭亚成体大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)在秦岭佛坪野化培训基地早期适应过程中的行为,依据拟定的行为类型在观察数据中随机筛选出有效记录并进行相关统计,结果表明:3只大熊猫白天的活动时间远远大于其在圈养环境下的活动时间,行为的多样性明显增大,食物期待、刻板行为大大减少;它们对集体的依赖程度随着时间的推移也越来越小,并且有分开的趋势;3只大熊猫在对环境逐渐熟悉适应之后,休息地点从圈舍周围、栖架向山坡及山坡顶部逐渐转移,各自的休息地点也相对固定。  相似文献   

Comparison of heat tolerance of feedlot heifers of different breeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Heat stress in cattle causes decreases in feed intake and feed efficiency; in extreme cases, it can cause death. These losses amount to millions of dollars each year. A study was designed to determine severity of heat stress among four breeds of cattle. Throughout two summers, 256 feedlot heifers of four different breeds were observed. Respiration rates, panting scores, and surface temperatures were taken twice each day on 10 animals/breed for several weeks during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Twenty-four-hour behavior measurements were recorded for four heat-stress and four thermoneutral days. Results showed during the afternoon, Angus cattle (black) had the highest respiration rates, panting scores, and surface temperatures, followed by the MARC III (dark red), Gelbvieh (tan), and Charolais (white). Behavior data showed that heat stress increased drinking and standing behavior, and decreased eating, lying, and agonistic behaviors, and that dark-hided cattle adjusted their behavior more than light-hided cattle. Overall, it was found that breed of cattle with dark-hides were more affected by temperature changes and at peak temperatures than breeds of cattle with light-hides.  相似文献   

Animal handling     
Handlers with an understanding of animal behavior can handle livestock more efficiently and safely than handlers that lack an appreciation for the behavior of animals and their welfare. For example, four good handlers in a well-designed circular cattle-handling facility with a hydraulic squeeze could place an ear implant every 15 seconds or brand, vaccinate (up to four injections), place an ear implant, and castrate one animal every 45 seconds. Handlers that yelled at and prodded cattle excessively usually required more time to process each animal, due to wasted time when excited cattle escaped or became jammed in the squeeze. Veterinarians should teach clients the principles of animal behavior that relate to animal handling. Quiet, efficient handling will reduce stress and injuries to both people and livestock.  相似文献   

This study was examined whether the species of felid affects synchronization accuracy at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle and the occurrence of apoptosis by different protocols, such as serum starvation, confluent and roscovitine treatment. Skin fibroblast cells were obtained from the Asian golden cat, marbled cat, leopard and Siamese cat. The cells from each animal were treated with either serum starvation for 1–5 days, cell confluency‐contact inhibition for 5 days or roscovitine at various concentrations (7.5–30 μm ). Flow cytometric analysis revealed that serum starvation for 3 days provided the highest cell population arrested at the G0/G1 stage, irrespective of the felid species. In all species, 100% confluency gave a significantly higher percentage of cells arrested at the G0/G1 stage compared with the non‐treated control cells. The effects of roscovitine treatment and the appropriate concentration on the rates of G0/G1 cells differed among the felid species. Serum starvation for more than 4 days in the marbled cat and Siamese cat and roscovitine treatment with 30 μm in the Asian golden cat and leopard increased the rates of apoptosis. In conclusion, different felid species responded to different methods of cell cycle synchronization. Asian golden cat and Siamese cat fibroblast cells were successfully synchronized to G0/G1 stage using the serum starvation and roscovitine treatment, whereas only confluency‐contact inhibition treatment induced cell synchronization in the leopard. Moreover, these three methods did not successfully induce cell synchronization of the marbled cat. These findings may be valuable for preparing their donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer in the future.  相似文献   

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