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为研究大蒜素对鸡皮刺螨的驱避效果和持效时间,本试验使用滤纸片法进行体外试验,测定0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0、3.0和4.0 mg/mL大蒜素溶液对鸡皮刺螨的驱避效果,并绘制驱避活性曲线;使用0.5%、1.0%、3.0%大蒜素水乳剂和长效驱避剂作为处理组,OFF驱蚊液和1.0%驱蚊酯长效驱避剂作为对照组,蒸馏水作为空白对照组,对不同浓度和剂型的大蒜素进行比较,在14 d内每2 d测定1次驱避率,并绘制驱避率变化曲线进行差异性分析。结果显示,大蒜素溶液驱避50%鸡皮刺螨时的大蒜素使用浓度(RC50)和驱避100%鸡皮刺螨时的大蒜素使用浓度(RC100)分别为1.98和3.74 mg/mL。随着大蒜素浓度增加,其驱避率升高,持效时间变长;3.0%大蒜素水乳剂在0~4 d内驱避效果优于0.5%和1.0%的大蒜素水乳剂,1.0%和3.0%大蒜素长效驱避剂在0~8 d内驱避效果优于0.5%大蒜素长效驱避剂。大蒜素长效驱避剂在相同时间内的驱避效果优于同浓度大蒜素水乳剂。与市售驱避剂相比,1.0%和3.0%大蒜素长效驱避剂驱避效果更好,且3.0%大蒜素长...  相似文献   

为筛选出对鸡皮刺螨有较好杀灭效果的植物源药物并评测当前使用广泛的化学及抗生素类药物的杀螨效果,试验采用细胞板浸渍法,统计24 h内每种药物组螨虫的死亡率。将各种化学及抗生素类药物进行1∶200稀释;除植物精油进行1∶1 000稀释,其余植物源杀虫剂均进行1∶100稀释,然后分别在用药处理后3h、6h、9h、24h观察并统计螨虫死亡率。结果显示:24h内,化学及抗生素类药物中敌敌畏和哒螨灵杀螨率为100%,其余药物均未能杀死螨虫;植物源杀虫剂中1%苦参·印楝素和0.8%阿维·印楝素杀螨率为100%,其次为7.5%鱼藤酮杀螨率60%;植物精油中百里香酚和肉桂醛杀螨率为100%,其余植物精油杀螨率均很低。结果表明:鸡皮刺螨对目前多种常用化药和抗生素类药物已产生耐药性,部分植物源杀虫剂有较好的杀螨作用和应用前景。  相似文献   

灭虫灵对鸡皮刺螨的驱杀效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

鸡皮刺螨是家禽养殖业中危害最严重的体外寄生虫之一。为了控制禽舍中鸡皮刺螨的种群繁殖,目前最常用的方法是化学药物喷洒。但是,随着健康饮食观念的深入人心,人们越来越关注鸡蛋和鸡肉的农药残留问题。因此,需要探索化学农药的替代品,包括疫苗、生物防治、物理防治以及生态友好型的化学信息物质。本文综述了生态友好型的化学信息物质,主要包括聚集信息素、性信息素、报警信息素、利他素以及植物类化合物,在鸡皮刺螨防治方面的作用、应用及研究现状,为防治鸡皮刺螨寻找绿色无污染的方法提供理论基础。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是中小型蛋鸡场常见的一种体外寄生虫,以往养殖户都采用有机磷农药或其他兽药进行防控,对人畜有一定的毒副作用。为验证球孢白僵菌对鸡皮刺螨的临床应用效果,对患病鸡群分别采用球孢白僵菌和辛硫磷进行杀虫效果对比试验。结果 A组(球孢白僵菌组)用药后5 d、10 d、15 d和20 d时螨虫减少率分别为59.6%、74.1%、76.6%和82.7%,B组(辛硫磷组)用药后5 d、10 d、15 d、20 d时螨虫减少率分别为86.8%、85.2%、85.4%和75.1%,两组在用药后10 d、15 d、20 d时螨虫减少对比无明显差异。结果显示球孢白僵菌对鸡皮刺螨具有较好驱杀效果。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是寄生于鸡体表的体外寄生虫,不仅危害鸡的健康,降低生产性能,其体内还可携带有沙门菌、立克次体和螺旋体等病原体,传播一些重要疾病。在国内,防控鸡皮刺螨仍是以化学药物杀虫为主,但耐药性问题日益凸显。本文阐述鸡皮刺螨病的病原特点及流行情况,并介绍国外近年对皮刺螞的防控研究进展,为我国鸡皮刺螨的防控提供一定参考。  相似文献   

为了评价球孢白僵菌对鸡皮刺螨的杀灭效果,设计1×109(A组)、1×108(B组)、1×107(C组)、1×106(D组)等不同浓度球孢白僵菌对各100只鸡皮刺螨进行体外杀灭效果试验,并设生理盐水作为对照组。结果 10 d内A组、B组、C组、D组及对照组死亡成虫数量分别为94.333±2.082只、95.000±1.000只、43.667±0.577只、42.667±1.508只、以及20.667±2.080只。四组的致死中时(LT50)分别为5.70 d、5.57 d、9.78 d和10.02 d。结果表明A组和B组对鸡皮刺螨有较好的体外杀灭效果,C组和D组有一定的杀灭效果,试验结果可为临床上用球孢白僵菌驱杀鸡皮刺螨提供依据。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨病也叫栖架病,是由鸡皮刺螨寄生于鸡皮肤引起的.去冬今春,双城市幸福乡几个大的养鸡户所养的鸡均发生此病,而且还有流行的趋势. 病鸡并无明显临床症状,主要表现为消瘦、贫血、产蛋下降,偶有夜间惊叫,个别鸡死亡.死亡鸡局部皮破溃、出血,尸体消瘦,内脏器官未见主要病理变化.  相似文献   

近年来,我市许多养鸡户反映他们的鸡舍内有一种特别小的红虫。小虫分布在鸡舍内的笼具、墙缝以及鸡蛋上。饲养人员在鸡舍工作时小虫还会爬到人体上,引起皮肤瘙痒、红疹及过敏等症状,以至于饲养人员不敢在鸡舍内过多停留。  相似文献   

<正>近几年,北京、天津及河北地区夏秋季普遍流行一种被养鸡者称为"鸡虱子"的禽类寄生虫病。发病鸡群感染严重,在鸡舍内、鸡笼缝隙及笼架拐角、食槽、水管等处见有大量虫体聚集,鸡体表现消瘦、贫血、成鸡产蛋性能下降,种鸡受精率、孵化率下降,并  相似文献   

Azadirachtin-impregnated traps for the control of Dermanyssus gallinae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of neem oil (azadirachtin), originating from the tree Azadirachta indica, was investigated as a potential compound to control the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae. In vitro tests were performed to determine the most appropriate formulation of neem extracts and concentration of the substance to be used. Cardboard traps containing 20% neem oil were placed at the mites’ aggregation sites, out of reach of the hens, in a floor system for layers containing approximately 2400 birds. Treated traps were replaced every week for 4 weeks. Throughout the study, the parasite population was monitored by collections of mites with untreated plastic traps. A 92% reduction of D. gallinae was recorded.  相似文献   

The acaricial activity of 56 plant essential oils against poultry house-collected adult Dermanyssus gallinae De Geer was examined using direct contact and fumigation methods. In a filter paper contact bioassay, 100% mortality at 0.07 mg cm−2 was observed in bay, cade, cinnamon, clove bud, coriander, horseradish, lime dis 5F, mustard, pennyroyal, pimento berry, spearmint, thyme red and thyme white oils, whereas the mortality of these oils was significantly decreased at 0.02 mg cm−2. In fumigation tests with adult D. gallinae at 0.28 mg cm−2, cade, clove bud, coriander, horseradish and mustard oils were more effective in closed containers than in open ones, indicating that the effect of these essential oils was largely due to action in the vapour phase. Plant essential oils described herein merit further study as potential D. gallinae control agents.  相似文献   

文章从饲养管理方面对安格斯肉牛育成母牛的饲养管理进行实践总结。安格斯育成母牛是指7月龄到初配受胎这段时间,相对于犊牛和成年母牛而言,育成母牛对环境的适应能力已大大提高。无妊娠、产奶的负担,疾病较少,饲养管理相对较容易,育成母牛饲养的主要目的是通过合理的饲养,使其按时达到理想的体型,体重标准性成熟,按时配种受胎。并为其一生的高产打下良好的基础。2016年甘肃宏福现代农牧产业有限责任公司从澳大利亚引进纯种500头,笔者进行了技术服务,根据工作实践、体会浅谈安格斯肉牛育成母牛的饲养管理技术,以供参考。  相似文献   

Poultry red mite (PRM, Dermanyssus gallinae) is a blood-sucking ectoparasite as well as a possible vector of several avian pathogens. In this study, to define the role of PRM in the prevalence of avian infectious agents, we used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to check for the presence of seven pathogens: Avipox virus (APV), Fowl Adenovirus (FAdV), Marek’s disease virus (MDV), Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (ER), Salmonella enterica (SE), Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) and Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG). A total of 159 PRM samples collected between 2004 and 2012 from 142 chicken farms in 38 prefectures in Japan were examined. APV DNA was detected in 22 samples (13.8%), 19 of which were wild-type APV. 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) of MS was detected in 15 samples (9.4%), and the mgc2 gene of MG was detected in 2 samples (1.3%). Eight of 15 MS 16S rRNA sequences differed from the vaccine sequence, indicating they were wild-type strains, while both of the MG mgc2 gene sequences detected were identical to the vaccine sequences. Of these avian pathogen-positive mite samples, three were positive for both wild-types of APV and MS. On the other hand, the DNAs of ER, SE, FAdV and MDV were not detected in any samples. These findings indicated that PRM can harbor the wild-type pathogens and might play a role as a vector in spreading these diseases in farms.  相似文献   

繁殖母羊是羊场快速扩繁的基础,饲养繁殖母羊的最终目的是充分挖掘母羊的生产潜力,增加羊群数量,提高羊群质量.母羊每年都要经历1~2次配种、妊娠、哺乳这一复杂的繁殖生理过程,每一次繁殖经历,都是对繁殖母羊体质的一次重要考验.只有不断优化繁殖母羊空怀期、妊娠期和哺乳期各阶段、各环节的饲养管理,才能保证繁殖母羊的体质健康,提高...  相似文献   

公羊和母羊从断奶到第1次配种前的阶段被称为育成羊,通常是指3~18月龄的幼龄羊,该阶段的羊群具有生长发育迅速,增重速度较快的特点,对饲养管理的要求相对较高,如果没有做好妥善的管理工作,羊群的增重放缓,生长发育不良,不利于提高经济效益,且易造成各种传染性疾病的发生。养殖管理人员应充分认识育成阶段生长发育不良会对羊群的繁殖造成的利影响,提高重视程度,构建完善的养殖管理方案,采取针对性措施将其解决,更好地促进育成羊的健康生长。该文主要论述舍饲养从育成阶段到成年阶段的饲养管理方案。  相似文献   

阐述了黑天鹅饲养、繁殖与人工育雏的技术要点。  相似文献   

The poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae is a major pest and widespread ectoparasite of laying hens and other domestic and wild birds. Under optimal conditions, D. gallinae can complete its lifecycle in less than 10 days, leading to rapid proliferation of populations in poultry systems. This paper focuses on developing a theoretical model framework to describe the population dynamics of D. gallinae. This model is then used to test the efficacy and residual effect of different control options for managing D. gallinae. As well as allowing comparison between treatment options, the model also allows comparison of treatment efficacies to different D. gallinae life stages. Three different means for controlling D. gallinae populations were subjected to the model using computer simulations: mechanical cleaning (killing once at a given time all accessible population stages), sanitary clearance (starving the mite population for a given duration, e.g. between flocks) and acaricide treatment (killing a proportion of nymphs and adults during the persistence of the treatment). Simulations showed that mechanical cleaning and sanitary clearance alone could not eradicate the model D. gallinae population, although these methods did delay population establishment. In contrast, the complete eradication of the model D. gallinae population was achieved by several successive acaricide treatments in close succession, even when a relatively low treatment level was used.  相似文献   

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