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Seismic Evidence for a Detached Indian Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Tibet   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
P-to-S converted teleseismic waves recorded by temporary broadband networks across Tibet show a north-dipping interface that begins 50 kilometers north of the Zangbo suture at the depth of the Moho (80 kilometers) and extends to a depth of 200 kilometers beneath the Bangong suture. Under northern Tibet a segmented south-dipping structure was imaged. These observations suggest a different form of detachment of the Indian and Asian lithospheric mantles caused by differences in their composition and buoyancy.  相似文献   

Seismic data from central Tibet have been combined to image the subsurface structure and understand the evolution of the collision of India and Eurasia. The 410- and 660-kilometer mantle discontinuities are sharply defined, implying a lack of a subducting slab beneath the plateau. The discontinuities appear slightly deeper beneath northern Tibet, implying that the average temperature of the mantle above the transition zone is about 300 degrees C hotter in the north than in the south. There is a prominent south-dipping converter in the uppermost mantle beneath northern Tibet that might represent the top of the Eurasian mantle lithosphere underthrusting the northern margin of the plateau.  相似文献   

Seismic tomography reveals garnet-rich crust and mantle lithosphere descending into the upper mantle beneath the southeastern Sierra Nevada. The descending lithosphere consists of two layers: an iron-rich eclogite above a magnesium-rich garnet peridotite. These results place descending eclogite above and east of high P wave speed material previously imaged beneath the southern Great Valley, suggesting a previously unsuspected coherence in the lithospheric removal process.  相似文献   

Gaherty JB 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2001,293(5535):1645-1647
Volcanic hotspots and mid-ocean ridge spreading centers are the surface expressions of upwelling in Earth's mantle convection system, and their interaction provides unique information on upwelling dynamics. I investigated the influence of the Iceland hotspot on the adjacent mid-Atlantic spreading center using phase-delay times of seismic surface waves, which show anomalous polarization anisotropy-a delay-time discrepancy between waves with different polarizations. This anisotropy implies that the hotspot induces buoyancy-driven upwelling in the mantle beneath the ridge.  相似文献   

Chen WP  Yang Z 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2004,304(5679):1949-1952
Eleven intracontinental earthquakes, with magnitudes ranging from 4.9 to 6, occurred in the mantle beneath the western Himalayan syntaxis, the western Kunlun Mountains, and southern Tibet (near Xigaze) between 1963 and 1999. High-resolution seismic waveforms show that some focal depths exceeded 100 kilometers, indicating that these earthquakes occurred in the mantle portion of the lithosphere, even though the crust has been thickened there. The occurrence of earthquakes in the mantle beneath continental regions where the subduction of oceanic lithosphere ceased tens of millions years ago indicates that the mantle lithosphere is sufficiently strong to accumulate elastic strain.  相似文献   

Forward modeling of differential travel times of phases sensitive to lowermost mantle beneath the central Pacific reveals lateral heterogeneity that is higher in amplitude than predicted by tomographic models. A broad zone of low S velocity (-4 percent with respect to standard models), which may correspond to the base of a thermal "plume," narrows and is deflected as it extends to about 1000 kilometers above the core-mantle boundary. To the east of this zone, a localized region of fast S velocity (+5 percent) suggests strong heterogeneity or anisotropy related to the presence of high pressure and temperature assemblages, which may or may not involve core material. Its presence could also explain the observation of precursors to core reflected phases in this region.  相似文献   

Temperature gradients in a low-shear-velocity province in the lowermost mantle (D' region) beneath the central Pacific Ocean were inferred from the observation of a rapid S-wave velocity increase overlying a rapid decrease. These paired seismic discontinuities are attributed to a phase change from perovskite to post-perovskite and then back to perovskite as the temperature increases with depth. Iron enrichment could explain the occurrence of post-perovskite several hundred kilometers above the core-mantle boundary in this warm, chemically distinct province. The double phase-boundary crossing directly constrains the lowermost mantle temperature gradients. Assuming a standard but unconstrained choice of thermal conductivity, the regional core-mantle boundary heat flux (approximately 85 +/- 25 milliwatts per square meter), comparable to the average at Earth's surface, was estimated, along with a lower bound on global core-mantle boundary heat flow in the range of 13 +/- 4 terawatts. Mapped velocity-contrast variations indicate that the lens of post-perovskite minerals thins and vanishes over 1000 kilometers laterally toward the margin of the chemical distinct region as a result of a approximately 500-kelvin temperature increase.  相似文献   

西藏现行耕作体制相对原始,部分农业较发达的农区采用大型拖拉机深翻、耙平后用播种机播种,在落后的地区仍依靠人畜力进行耕种。不合理的耕作方式加之西藏特殊的生态环境和贫瘠的土壤母质,西藏的耕作土壤在逐渐退化。2004年西藏引进保护性耕作方式,并试验证明保护性耕作在西藏有着良好的应用前景,能节约耕种成本、增加土壤有机质、改善生态环境。  相似文献   

西藏中部农区冬小麦套种箭舌豌豆研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在西藏中部农区一般在7月中下旬收获冬播作物,来年的冬播作物要在9月下旬播种,其间有约60天的时间土地空闲,而这段时间雨、热资源很为丰富.本文进行冬小麦套种箭舌豌豆研究旨在提高水、热、田地等资源的利用率、解决农区牲畜的饲草问题和培肥土壤地力.通过不同密度冬小麦套种箭舌豌豆和不同箭舌豌豆播期试验,认为西藏中部农区在冬小麦灌浆时期套种箭舌豌豆较为适宜,这样既不影响冬小麦产量又能充分利用水、热、田地等资源使箭舌豌豆的产草量达到最大值.  相似文献   

根据2008年9月—2009年4月印度洋中南部金枪鱼延绳钓渔场所捕获的长鳍金枪鱼Thunnus alalun-ga数据,对该鱼种的生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)叉长为74~120 cm,优势叉长为105~110cm,约占总数的47.8%,平均叉长为(107.2±4.99)cm。2)长鳍金枪鱼叉长(LF,cm)与加工后重(WD,kg)的关系可表达为WD=1.7146×10-5LF3.0197(总体),WDM=7×10-5L2F.M7229(雄性),WDF=2×10-6L3F.F5354(雌性)。3)调查期间,长鳍金枪鱼性腺成熟度以Ⅳ级为主,约占总数的43.1%。4)当长鳍金枪鱼叉长小于100 cm时,摄食等级以0级和2级为主;当叉长为100~120 cm时,空胃率达39%以上,且随叉长的增长而递增。当叉长为91~110 cm时,摄食饱满指数随叉长增长而上升;当叉长为111~120 cm时,饱满指数随叉长递增而降低。  相似文献   

根据2008年9月—2009年4月印度洋中南部金枪鱼延绳钓渔场所捕获的长鳍金枪鱼Thunnus alalun-ga数据,对该鱼种的生物学特征进行了分析。结果表明:1)叉长为74120 cm,优势叉长为105120 cm,优势叉长为105110cm,约占总数的47.8%,平均叉长为(107.2±4.99)cm。2)长鳍金枪鱼叉长(LF,cm)与加工后重(WD,kg)的关系可表达为WD=1.7146×10-5LF3.0197(总体),WDM=7×10-5L2F.M7229(雄性),WDF=2×10-6L3F.F5354(雌性)。3)调查期间,长鳍金枪鱼性腺成熟度以Ⅳ级为主,约占总数的43.1%。4)当长鳍金枪鱼叉长小于100 cm时,摄食等级以0级和2级为主;当叉长为100110cm,约占总数的47.8%,平均叉长为(107.2±4.99)cm。2)长鳍金枪鱼叉长(LF,cm)与加工后重(WD,kg)的关系可表达为WD=1.7146×10-5LF3.0197(总体),WDM=7×10-5L2F.M7229(雄性),WDF=2×10-6L3F.F5354(雌性)。3)调查期间,长鳍金枪鱼性腺成熟度以Ⅳ级为主,约占总数的43.1%。4)当长鳍金枪鱼叉长小于100 cm时,摄食等级以0级和2级为主;当叉长为100120 cm时,空胃率达39%以上,且随叉长的增长而递增。当叉长为91120 cm时,空胃率达39%以上,且随叉长的增长而递增。当叉长为91110 cm时,摄食饱满指数随叉长增长而上升;当叉长为111110 cm时,摄食饱满指数随叉长增长而上升;当叉长为111120 cm时,饱满指数随叉长递增而降低。  相似文献   

Seismic refraction lines on Seychelles Bank confirm the presence of granite rock under a considerable portion of the bank. Saya de Malha Bank, also on the Mascarene Ridge, appears to be composed of volcanic rocks capped by coral. It is suggested that the two areas are structurally independent.  相似文献   

Metasomatized lithosphere and the origin of alkaline lavas   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recycled oceanic crust, with or without sediment, is often invoked as a source component of continental and oceanic alkaline magmas to account for their trace-element and isotopic characteristics. Alternatively, these features have been attributed to sources containing veined, metasomatized lithosphere. In melting experiments on natural amphibole-rich veins at 1.5 gigapascals, we found that partial melts of metasomatic veins can reproduce key major- and trace-element features of oceanic and continental alkaline magmas. Moreover, experiments with hornblendite plus lherzolite showed that reaction of melts of amphibole-rich veins with surrounding lherzolite can explain observed compositional trends from nephelinites to alkali olivine basalts. We conclude that melting of metasomatized lithosphere is a viable alternative to models of alkaline basalt formation by melting of recycled oceanic crust with or without sediment.  相似文献   

从西藏"一江两河"、农牧结合概念以及农牧结合功能的提出,分析目前在西藏"一江两河"地区农牧结合的现状和实行农牧结合的优越性,提出了在该区实行农牧结合的对策和有效途径.  相似文献   

A preliminary evaluation of the thermal history of the upper mantle as determined by petrologic techniques indicates a general correspondence with theoretically derived models. The petrologic data supply direct information which may be used as an independent calibration of calculated models, serve as a base for evaluating the assumptions of the theoretical approach, and allow more careful selection of the variables describing mantle thermal properties and processes. Like the theoretical counterpart, the petrological approach indicates that the lithosphere is dominated by two thermal regimes: first, there is a continental regime which cools at rates of the order of 10(9) years and represents the longterm cooling of the earth. Secondly, superimposed on the continental evolution is the thermal event associated with the formation of an oceanic basin, and which may be thought of as a 10(8) year convective perturbation on the continental cycle. Of special interest is petrologic evidence for a sudden steepening of the thermal gradients across the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary not seen in the theoretical models. The unexpected change of slope points to the need for a critical reevaluation of the thermal processes and properties extant in the asthenosphere. The potential of the petrologic contribution has yet to be fully realized. For a start, this article points to an important body of independent evidence critical to our understanding of the earth's thermal history.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity in the precambrian lithosphere of western canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subcrustal lithosphere underlying the southern Archean Churchill Province (ACP) in western Canada is at least one order of magnitude more electrically conductive than the lithosphere beneath adjacent Paleoproterozoic crust. The measured electrical properties of the lithosphere underlying most of the Paleoproterozoic crust can be explained by the conductivity of olivine. Mantle xenolith and geological mapping evidence indicate that the lithosphere beneath the southern ACP was substantially modified as a result of being trapped between two nearly synchronous Paleoproterozoic subduction zones. Tectonically induced metasomatism thus may have enhanced the subcrustal lithosphere conductivity of the southern ACP.  相似文献   

The Hawaiian hotspot is often attributed to hot material rising from depth in the mantle, but efforts to detect a thermal plume seismically have been inconclusive. To investigate pertinent thermal anomalies, we imaged with inverse scattering of SS waves the depths to seismic discontinuities below the Central Pacific, which we explain with olivine and garnet transitions in a pyrolitic mantle. The presence of an 800- to 2000-kilometer-wide thermal anomaly (ΔT(max) ~300 to 400 kelvin) deep in the transition zone west of Hawaii suggests that hot material does not rise from the lower mantle through a narrow vertical plume but accumulates near the base of the transition zone before being entrained in flow toward Hawaii and, perhaps, other islands. This implies that geochemical trends in Hawaiian lavas cannot constrain lower mantle domains directly.  相似文献   

A major component of the Fram Strait Marginal Ice Zone Experiment was the investigation of air-sea-ice interactions, processes, and circulation patterns found behind the local ice edge and on scales greater than 10 kilometers (mesoscale and large scale). Neutrally buoyant floats, ice-tethered cyclesondes, and helicopter-based measurements were used to obtain uniquely integrated and consistent views of the mesoscale ocean features beneath the ice cover of Fram Strait. Within the vicinity of the Yermak Plateau, three distinct regions of mesoscale motion were observed that coincided with the shallow topography of the plateau, the northward flowing Atlantic water over the western flank of the plateau, and the strong current-shear zone of the East Greenland Polar Front. A subice meander of the front was also observed, which was probably occluded subsequently.  相似文献   

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