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Remote sensing techniques hold considerable promise for the inventory and monitoring of natural resources on range‐lands. A significant lack of information concerning basic spectral characteristics of range vegetation and soils has resulted in a lack of rangeland applications. To use remote sensing technology for measuring vegetation and soil changes on rangelands, certain things must be accomplished. First, the spectral characteristics of scene components must be determined for the various vegetation types. Second, determinations must be made of the appropriate kinds of remotely sensed data that should be used for the task. And finally, procedures must be outlined for acquiring the remotely sensed data that will measure changes in the range vegetation and soils. The interpretation of the remotely sensed data for such monitoring purposes will depend upon the use of various vegetation indices, pixel modelling and appropriate statistical tests. The parameters of interest for range condition must be identified and a means of measuring them either directly or indirectly developed. The paper describes an approach to the use of remotely sensed data to accomplish rangeland monitoring.  相似文献   

草原/草地生态系统服务的价值大小取决于草地的自然资本大小和生态系统功能。影响草原生态系统服务功能的最主要因素是,1.改变草地生态系统的用途,2.草地破碎化,3.火,4.草原退化;对它们影响草原生态系统服务功能的原因和机制进行了论述。草原分布广泛,约占地球陆地面积的40%,有40个国家的草地面积占国土面积的50%以上。世界上有17%,即9.38亿人生活在各类草地上并以草地为生,尽管已经证实草原对全世界和全国人民极其重要,但草原提供的生态系统服务———生态服务和产品服务仍没有得到应有的认识和足够的重视。由于生态系统服务的影响深远,健康的草原及其生态系统服务惠及全国和全世界人民;相反,破坏、损失草原自然资本殃及全国和全世界人民。因此,关爱草原,使草原走可持续发展的道路,是全人类共同的责任和义务。  相似文献   

辽宁省草原资源管理系统综合应用地理信息、数据库和网络信息技术,以辽宁省1∶250000和1∶50000比例尺的电子地图为基础本底数据,结合实地调查的草原GPS数据和草原属性数据建立了辽宁省草原地理信息数据库,采用B/S辅以C/S架构构建系统,设置了系统设置、专题管理、统计分析、项目管理、文献管理和权限设置等模块,涵盖了草原资源、属性、工程、灾害、监测、知识、文献和报表等信息,为草原管理提供了系统、高效、便捷和直观的网络信息交互平台,对于提高辽宁省草原资源管理水平、实现草原数字化与信息化管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of an electronic radio-frequency-identification-based system (GrowSafe System Ltd., Airdrie, Alberta, Canada) to measure feeding behavior traits in beef cattle fed a high-grain diet. Feeding behavior data were recorded by the GrowSafe system and time-lapse video using 10 heifers over a 6-d period. Observed bunk visit (BV) and meal event data (frequency and duration) were compared with electronic feeding behavior data generated by the GrowSafe system at 5 parameter settings (MPS; 30, 60, 100, 150, and 300 s), which are used to define the maximum duration between consecutive electronic identification recordings to initiate a subsequent BV event. A random coefficient model was used to compare video and electronic data using orthogonal contrasts. Video data were regressed on the electronic feeding behavior data to obtain an estimate of precision (r(2)) and other statistical estimates, including mean square error of prediction and concordance correlation coefficient, to access the adequacy of the electronic system predictions. The variation in MPS values affected BV data, but not meal event data. Electronic meal frequency and duration data were not different (P > 0.50) from observed values, and were not affected by electronic MPS values. The optimal MPS value for prediction of BV and meal event frequency and duration traits was 100 s. Our evaluation indicated the GrowSafe system 4000E was able to predict BV and meal event data when the 100-s MPS was used to analyze the feeding behavior data.  相似文献   

A monitoring system to assess animal health in dairy farms was developed and applied on 44 farms in an epidemiological study. The objective of the study was to evaluate the applicability of the system for long term monitoring of health data. For this purpose, the quality of the collected data and the acceptance of the system by farmers and veterinarians were investigated. Farmers recorded all health events using a form. Collected data was entered into a central database on a monthly basis. The recording of health data was easy to do and did not take a lot of time. Most of the farmers (89%) used less than 20 minutes per week for the recording. This time need was independent of the herd size. 66% of the farmers found it useful to record health data, especially for improving their overview on health of each single cow. Treatments were reported in 81% of the cases, inseminations and calving in 80% of the cases. All events were reported correctly and precise.  相似文献   

A radioimmunoassay was validated for quantifying excreted cortisol metabolites in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) feces. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis indicated that immunoreactivity was associated with a water-soluble metabolite in fecal extracts from males and females. None of the immunoreactivity corresponded with free cortisol or corticosterone but rather was associated with a more polar, unidentified metabolite. To determine the biologic relevance of excreted immunoreactive cortisol metabolites, cheetahs were exposed to a variety of situations anticipated to increase cortisol secretion. First, to assess acute changes in adrenal activity, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; 400 IU i.m.) was administered to two adult males and two adult females. Pre-ACTH baseline serum cortisol and fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations varied among individuals. Serum cortisol concentrations were elevated above baseline within 10 min of ACTH injection, followed by corresponding increases in fecal cortisol metabolite concentrations (690-4,194% above baseline) 48 hr later in three of four cheetahs. In the fourth cheetah, a smaller increase (334% above baseline) in fecal cortisol metabolite excretion was observed 96 hr after ACTH injection. Seven cheetah females also were subjected to a variety of potentially stressful manipulations, including immobilization, translocation, and introduction to a male to assess the ability of this technique to detect physiologic changes in adrenal activity. Increased fecal corticoid metabolite excretion was observed 24-72 hr after exposure to these exogenous stressors. Results indicate that adrenocortical activity can be monitored noninvasively in the cheetah through analysis of these metabolites. This technique could be valuable for evaluating, and thus optimizing, environmental and management conditions and for investigating the role of stress in disease pathogenesis and the usually poor reproductive performance of this species in captivity.  相似文献   

Veld condition assessment and establishment of grazing capacity norms provide guidelines for the formulation of sustainable practices. However, conventional monitoring methods are becoming inadequate to meet future challenges, where quantification of spatial and temporal variation is required. This study proposes an on-site remote sensing method for monitoring above-ground biomass in rangelands. A preliminary model was formulated, based on simple regression relationships between canopy reflectance properties and aboveground biomass. This model was validated in semi-arid environments (Nama-karoo and Kalahari) within the framework of spatial and temporal experimental trials. Model accuracy was found to be primarily a function of canopy structure and vegetation composition where increases in dwarf shrub presence resulted in greater variations of both NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and LAI (Leaf Area Index) measurements. Temporal variation in model accuracy could also be observed which seemed to be associated with precipitation events. It was concluded that the proposed remote sensing method has potential as a ground truthing technique for determination of rangeland biomass. Indications are that this method is well suited for use in grass dominated veld types. With further refinement, implementation of this technique should also be possible in dwarf shrublands.  相似文献   

Surveillance for zoonotic diseases among wildlife is a research and public health challenge. The inherent limitations posed by the requisite human–animal interactions are often undefined and underappreciated. The national surveillance system for animal rabies in the United States was examined as a model system; reporting of animal rabies is legally mandated, each case of rabies is laboratory confirmed, and data have been consistently collected for more than 50 years. Factors influencing the monthly counts of animal rabies tests reported during 1992–2001 were assessed by univariate and multivariable regression methods. The suitability of passively collected surveillance data for determining the presence or absence of the raccoon-associated variant of rabies within states and within individual counties was assessed by determining critical threshold values from the regression analyses. The size of the human population and total expenditures within a county accounted for 72% and 67%, respectively, of the variance in testing. The annual median number of rabies tests performed was seven for counties without rabies, 22 for counties with non-raccoon rabies, and 34 for counties with raccoon rabies. Active surveillance may be required in locales with sparse human populations when a high degree of confidence in the status of rabies is required.  相似文献   

The availability of safe, commercially prepared stock feed for production animals is an important step in ensuring animal health and welfare and the safety of food animal products for human consumption. Animal feed quality assurance programs include microbiological monitoring of raw materials, mill equipment and finished feed. Over a period of 16 years, 23,963 samples for Salmonella culture and serotyping were collected from 22 stock feed mills. A multivariable generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) was used to identify mill and sample type factors that increase the odds of detecting Salmonella. The odds of detecting a Salmonella positive sample was greatest in samples from raw materials and in mills that processed restricted animal material (RAM). The percentage of positive samples ranged from 7.2% in 2003 to 2.8% in 2017. Of the 1,069 positive samples, 976 were serotyped with 61 different Salmonella serotypes isolated. The serotype most frequently isolated from raw materials was S. Agona, (n = 108) whilst S. Anatum was the serotype most frequently isolated from equipment and finished feed (n = 156). The diversity of Salmonella serotypes differed between mills and different stages of the production line. Microbiological monitoring in the commercial preparation of animal feed in Australian stock feed mills guides the implementation of quality control measures and risk mitigation strategies thereby reducing the prevalence and diversity of potentially zoonotic bacteria such as Salmonella, enhancing food safety for both animal and consumer.  相似文献   

The predominant immunoglobulin isotype on most mucosal surfaces is secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA), a polypeptide complex comprising two IgA monomers, the connecting J chain, and the secretory component. The molecular stability and strong anti-inflammatory properties make SIgA particularly well suited to provide protective immunity to the vulnerable mucosal surfaces by preventing invasion of inhaled and ingested pathogens. In contrast to SIgA, IgA in serum functions as an inflammatory antibody through interaction with FcalphaR on immune effector cells. Although IgA appears to share common features and protective functions in different species, significant variations exist within the IgA systems of different species. This review will give an overview of the basic concepts underlying mucosal IgA defence which will focus on the variations present among species in structure, antibody repertoire development, pIgR-mediated transport, colostral IgA content, hepatobiliary transport, and function with particular emphasis on the IgA system of the pig and dog. These interspecies variations emphasise the importance of elucidating and analysing the IgA system within the immune system of the species of interest rather than inferring roles from conclusions made in human and mouse studies.  相似文献   

本研究欲通过改进数据存取方式、增加矩阵运算以提高雪灾监测与预警系统对数据的更新效率和对矩阵的处理能力。使用Tomcat Web服务、GeoServer地图服务、PostgreSQL数据库、OpenLayers地图数据访问框架、J2EE技术架构、雪灾风险评估Logistic线性回归模型、雪灾家畜死亡率估测BP-ANN模型以及MATLAB矩阵运算功能设计开发青海省牧区雪灾监测与预警系统,以实现雪灾监测与预警数据、区域属性信息的web页面展示及查询,雪灾风险概率运算,雪灾家畜死亡率运算以及数据导入等功能,解决以往雪灾风险监测系统对数据资料更新不及时的问题,提高风险监测与预警系统的矩阵运算能力,同时减少重复的数据操作,方便用户对青海省牧区雪灾监测及预警数据的管理。  相似文献   

An indwelling ruminal pH system has been used for the continuous recording of ruminal pH to evaluate subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy cows. However this system does not allow the field application. The objective of this study was to develop a new radio transmission pH measurement system, and to assess its performance and usefulness in a continuous evaluation of ruminal pH for use on commercial dairy farms. The radio transmission pH measurement system consists of a wireless pH sensor, a data measurement receiver, a relay unit, and a personal computer installed special software. The pH sensor is housed in a bullet shaped bolus, which also encloses a pH amplifier circuit, a central processing unit (CPU) circuit, a radio frequency (RF) circuit, and a battery. The mean variations of the measurements by the glass pH electrode were +0.20 (n = 10) after 2 months of continuous recording, compared to the values confirmed by standard pH solutions for pH 4 and pH 7 at the start of the recording. The mean lifetime of the internal battery was 2.5 months (n = 10) when measurements were continuously transmitted every 10 min. Ruminal pH recorded by our new system was compared to that of the spot sampling of ruminal fluid. The mean pH for spot sampling was 6.36 ± 0.55 (n = 96), and the mean pH of continuous recording was 6.22 ± 0.54 (n = 96). There was a good correlation between continuous recording and spot sampling (r = 0.986, P < 0.01). We also examined whether our new pH system was able to detect experimentally induced ruminal acidosis in cows and to record long-term changes in ruminal pH. In the cows fed acidosis-inducing diets, the ruminal pH dropped markedly during the first 2 h following the morning feeding, and decreased moreover following the evening feeding, with many pulse-like pH changes. The pH of the cows showed the lowest values of 5.3-5.2 in the midnight time period and it recovered to the normal value by the next morning feeding. In one healthy periparturient cow, the circadian changes in ruminal pH were observed as a constant pattern in the pre-parturient period, however that pattern became variable in the post-partum period. The frequency of the ruminal pH lower than 5.5 increased markedly 3 and 4 days after parturition. We demonstrated the possible application of a radio transmission pH measurement system for the assessment and monitoring of the ruminal pH of cows. Our new system might contribute to accurate assessment and prevention of SARA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) for use in dogs, cats, and horses. DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. Animals-7 horses, 3 cats, and 4 dogs that were clinically normal and 1 horse, 2 cats, and 3 dogs with diabetes mellitus. PROCEDURE: Interstitial glucose concentrations were monitored and recorded every 5 minutes by use of a CGMS. Interstitial glucose concentrations were compared with whole blood glucose concentrations as determined by a point-of-care glucose meter. Interstitial glucose concentrations were also monitored in 2 clinically normal horses after oral and i.v. administration of glucose. RESULTS: There was a positive correlation between interstitial and whole blood glucose concentrations for clinically normal dogs, cats, and horses and those with diabetes mellitus. Events such as feeding, glucose or insulin administration, restraint, and transport to the clinic were recorded by the owner or clinician and could be identified on the graph and associated with time of occurrence. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our data indicate that use of CGMS is valid for dogs, cats, and horses. This system alleviated the need for multiple blood samples and the stress associated with obtaining those samples. Because hospitalization was not required, information obtained from the CGMS provided a more accurate assessment of the animal's glucose concentrations for an extended period, compared with measurement of blood glucose concentrations. Use of the CGMS will promote the diagnostic and research potential of serial glucose monitoring.  相似文献   

Buffalo breeding is common in Southern Italy. Dystocia compromises dam's and newborn health and welfare. Difficult parturition could be solved through prompt calving assistance, even if the identification of the beginning of delivery is challenging. Herein, we aimed to evaluate a remote calving alarm system in 15 Mediterranean buffalo heifers. An intravaginal probe was placed close to the external cervical os once premonitory signs of delivery were observed. No vaginal discharge nor signs of discomfort were notified in the days following the insertion of the probe. Heifers calved from 48 to 72 hr after the alarm was activated. The system correctly warned the farm personnel at the beginning of stage II of parturition, except for 2 cases. In the former, the intravaginal probe was expelled but the poor carrier network coverage negatively affected phone's signal quality; in the latter, recurrent vaginal prolapse was responsible for non-retention of the probe. Overall median expulsive phase was 68 ± 8 min, while the expulsion of a female calf took 54 ± 22.0 min and 90 ± 34.0 min in males, with significant difference (p =.02). Deliveries were homogeneously distributed across a 24-hr interval. No retention of foetal membranes nor metritis was identified at postpartum clinical examination. The calving alarm system used in this work was well tolerated in buffalo heifers. The introduction of smart technology in buffalo farming could contribute to the overall farm net return by reducing calf losses, especially for calves born from sexed-sorted semen, and by increasing animal welfare through quick resolution of dystocia. Further studies will be necessary to evaluate the net return in buffalo farms which will implement a remote calving alarm system on a wider population.  相似文献   

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