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《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):181-189
Near-infrared (NIR) scanning technology is regarded as a potential tool for rapid determination of wood properties, which can substitute time-consuming and costly traditional methods. Pinus patula is the most important softwood species in South Africa, and this study is aimed at developing NIR calibration models for quick prediction of its pulp yield and chemical composition. A total of 85 trees from 17 plots, covering the range of site conditions in the Mpumalanga escarpment area, were sampled. Two samples were taken from each tree: a 1 m billet above breast height and a 20 mm disc at breast height. The billet was pulped using the kraft pulping process to determine pulp yield. The disc was ground into sawdust and the chemical composition was determined using conventional wet chemistry. Sawdust was scanned on a NIR spectrophotometer to produce NIR spectra. Calibration models to predict pulp yield, cellulose and lignin content were developed by applying chemometrics and partial least squares regression. Validation and determination of prediction accuracy of the models were performed using independent data. The prediction of cellulose and lignin were acceptable with correlations of determinations (r 2) of 0.71 and 0.70 respectively. Standard errors of prediction were generally low (less that 0.86) for all the models. The prediction r 2 for both total and screened pulp yield were only 0.62. Although the cellulose and lignin models can be used with confidence, the expansion of the sample size for follow-up research must be considered in order to increase the variability of tested wood properties and improve the prediction strength of the models. The NIR calibration provided in this study can contribute to the efficient examination of forest site-to-wood quality relationships that would enhance precision forest management and wood processing efficiency.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):203-210
Approximately 50% of the area planted to softwood trees in South Africa has been established with Pinus patula, making it the most important pine species in the country. More effort has gone into developing this species for improved growth, tree form and wood properties than with any other species. This substantial investment has been threatened in the last 10 years by the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum. The fungus infects and contaminates nursery plants and, once transferred to the field, causes severe mortality of young trees in the first year after establishment. Although nurserymen have some control of the disease, it is recognised that the best long-term solution to mitigate damage because of F. circinatum infection is to identify tolerant species, clones and hybrids for deployment in plantations in the future. Research has shown that alternative species such as P. tecunumanii, P. maximinoi and P. elliottii are suitable for warm sites. Pine hybrids, particularly between P. patula and the high-elevation sources of P. tecunumanii, appear to be a suitable replacement on subtemperate and temperate sites. Although these alternative species and hybrids are more sensitive to subfreezing temperatures than P. patula, their planting range can be increased by including cold tolerance as a selection criterion. Future breeding efforts will most certainly focus on improving the tolerance of pure P. patula to F. circinatum, which can be achieved by identifying specific family crosses and tolerant clones. The commercial deployment of disease-tolerant control-pollinated P. patula and hybrid families will most likely be established as rooted cuttings, which requires more advanced propagation technology. In the long term, new seed orchards comprised of P. patula clones tolerant to F. circinatum could be used to produce seed for seedling production.  相似文献   

Reduction in the rotation ages of softwood saw-log plantations in South Africa is causing increased proportions of low stiffness sawn lumber at final harvest. It has been shown for some species that the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer of tracheids is strongly related to the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of wood, even more so than wood density, especially in wood formed during juvenile growth. The objectives of this study were to describe the variation in MFA in young Pinus patula trees and to determine the relationship between MFA and the dynamic MOE of sawn P. patula lumber. Thirty 16- to 20-year-old trees from six compartments from the Mpumalanga escarpment were processed into discs and lumber. The MFA, density and ring width were measured at two height levels using Silviscan 3. The average annual ring MFA varied between 7° and 29°; the pattern of variation depended mainly on height level and the ring number from the pith. The MFA in P. patula followed the same within-tree variation trends as in New Zealand-grown Pinus radiata but the average MFA was lower in absolute terms and differences between height levels were less pronounced. The MFA and density exhibited highly significant Pearson correlations of 0.73 and 0.70, respectively, with board dynamic MOE. A multiple regression model, which included MFA, density and ring width, explained 71% of the variation in the dynamic MOE of boards. A sensitivity analysis on the model showed that MFA and density had approximately similar influences on predicting the dynamic MOE of Pinus patula boards.  相似文献   

The initial introduction of Pinus elliottii (PEE) to China occurred in the 1930s, and the planting of this conifer species has now attained close to 3 million ha in the subtropical zone of southern China. A large-scale genetic improvement program for PEE was implemented in southern China to produce fast-growing trees with high wood quality to address the severe shortage of timber production over the last two decades. In this paper, selection for stem volume, basic wood density (DEN) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) was based on the Smith–Hazel index, and a total of approximately 2 000 individual trees from 158 PEE open-pollinated families were selected at 22 years of age. The DEN and MOE for each tree were determined by non-destructive evaluation techniques using the Pilodyn and Hitman Director ST300® acoustic velocity device. The heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations for the traits that were measured were estimated using the residual maximum likelihood approach in the flexible mixed modelling program ASReml-R. The results showed that the heritability estimates for the wood properties were between 0.292 and 0.309, and the heritabilities of the growth traits ranged from 0.129 to 0.216. The genetic correlation between the DENP and acoustic velocity (V?) with MOEP was 0.45 and 0.95, respectively. An indirect selection based on V was observed to be highly effective for determination of MOE. It indicated that V can be integrated into tree improvement programs as a useful index of MOE by ranking candidate families or individuals within the selection population. The genetic correlations between the growth traits and wood properties were not significant. By contrast, the phenotypic correlations between them were significantly positive, but the correlation coefficients were very low. The appropriate selection index (I4), which placed 10 times as much weight on DEN and MOE as the equal emphsis method, was determined as the appropriate selection index.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):137-147
The objectives of this study were to determine the bending strength and stiffness properties of young Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea var. hondurensis timber from the Southern Cape, South Africa, and to evaluate the predictability of these properties from acoustic measurements on standing trees, logs and their sawn boards. The timber has good bending strength (MOR) properties but the mean stiffness (MOEstat) was significantly lower than that required for structural-grade timber. The mean MOEstat was also about 30% lower than a P. radiata control sample. The MOEstat of sawn boards could be predicted from acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees with a correlation (r) of 0.48 and from acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards with a correlation of 0.85. The MOR of sawn boards was not significantly correlated with acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees and only moderately correlated with acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards (r = 0.45).  相似文献   

Pilodyn在桉树活立木材性质评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了建立在广西22个4年生桉树无性系的Pilodyn值、木材基本密度、边材木材密度、心材木材密度和弹性模量。结果表明:Pilodyn值为9.44—15.41mm、木材密度为0.3514-0.4913g·cm^-3、弹性模量在3.94GPa到7.53GPa之间;Pilodyn值在不同处理、不同方向及不同参试无性系间均存在极显著差异。Pilodyn值与各材性指标间的相关系数在-0.433到-0.755之间,呈显著到极显著负相关。研究表明,Pilodyn方法可以预测桉树活立木的木材密度和弹性模量。  相似文献   

With emphasis on tree breeding for wood quality in Picea jezoensis, we aimed to evaluate radial and between-family variations in the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer in the latewood tracheids in 10 open-pollinated families of 43-year-old P. jezoensis trees. In addition, the relationships between MFA/wood density with the modulus of elasticity (MOE) or modulus of rupture (MOR) were investigated. Significant differences in MFA between families were found from the pith toward the bark. MFA showed higher values around the pith area, although some families showed relatively lower values than others around this area. In addition, due to a larger coefficient of variations of MFA near the pith, the potential for juvenile wood MFA improvement may be greater compared with mature wood. MOE was correlated with MFA in juvenile wood and with wood density in mature wood, whereas MOR was mainly correlated with wood density at radial positions in both woods. Therefore, to improve the MOE and MOR of P. jezoensis wood, both MFA and wood density would be factors to consider in both juvenile and mature woods. On the other hand, there are indications that, only wood density would be an important criterion for improving mature wood properties.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation in the chemical composition of wood,i.e.,holocellulose,cellulose and lignin contents and 1%NaOH extractives were studied in 12 natural populations of Pinus manssoniana Lamb.in Guizhou Province,China,using wood cores as experiment material.The results show statistically significant differences among provenances in holocellulose,cellulose and 1% NaOH extractive contents.The largest coefficient of variation among the provenances was found in the 1%NaOH extractive content and the smallest in the holocellulose content.Variation of lignin content occurred within provenances.Correlations between chemical compositions of wood and factors of local geography and meteorology were largely insignificant.The chemical composition of wood presented patterns of random variation.The correlation of 1%NaOH extractive content with holocellulose content was significant(r=?0.68).There was also significantly negative correlation(r=0.62)between cellulose and lignin content.On the basis of a UPGMA cluster analysis,we identified three provenances of masson pine among the 12 studied,i.e.,those of Wengan,Tongzi and Luodian with high cellulose contents,low levels of 1%NaOH extractive and moderate lignin contents,which we recommend as promising provenances for growing of pulp wood and the manufacture of paper in Guizhou Province  相似文献   

Eight clones from a 16-year-old field trial of clonal cuttings of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm.) were analyzed for growth, growth pattern, and stem damage in the field. In addition, wood and fiber traits (acoustic velocity [AcVel] and spiral grain) were analyzed and wood density, microfibril angle, modulus of elasticity, and radial fiber diameter (FibDR) determined from SilviScan analyzes. Two clones with considerably more bent, broken, and leaning stems differed from the other clones in terms of microfibril angle and modulus of elasticity (MOE) in the outermost annual rings. FibDR and, to some extent, MOE in the outermost annual rings were negatively correlated with the frequency of bent, leaning, or broken stems, while microfibril angle (MFA) was positively correlated. AcVel was negatively correlated with both MFA and the frequency of bent, broken, and leaning stems. We conclude that AcVel could be used as an effective tool to predict severe stem damage and determine stem strength in the field instead of using costly lab-based SilviScan measurements of microfibril angle. If developed further, this approach could be used for large-scale screening of progeny tests when selecting for stem strength.  相似文献   

杨凯  谷会岩 《林业科学》2005,41(5):33-37
针对红松果林从幼龄到开花阶段植株体内激素水平的变化、激素水平的季节动态以及施入赤毒素(GA3)后对植株开花的作用,从果林中选取7~8年生、11~12年生和17~18年生3个年龄阶段的植株为对象进行研究。结果表明:红松幼龄时生长素(IAA)和玉米素核苷(ZR)的含量偏低,随着树龄增大而升高,至18年左右其含量又逐渐降低;激素的季节动态变化为5月末IAA和ZR的含量达到了最高水平,7月中旬后明显降低;从不同性型植株的激素水平来看,雌型植株体内IAA、ZR和脱落酸(ABA)的含量在春、夏、秋3个季节均高于同龄的雄型植株,3种激素的平均高出值分别为36.11%,43.58%和31.68%;施入外源激素20mg的GA3或玉米素(ZT)时,对增加雌球花数量有较好效果。  相似文献   

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