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D J King 《Avian diseases》1986,30(4):724-727
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) titers were determined for serum samples from eight commercial broiler breeder flocks and their progeny. The chickens sampled had been vaccinated and reared by different producers in different regions of the United States. Breeder flocks had the highest number of NDV-positive HI titers (greater than or equal to 1:10). Eighty percent or more of the samples from six of eight breeder flocks were positive; the geometric mean titers (GMTs) for those six breeder flocks ranged from 19 to 92. Only 3 of 8 broiler flocks had an increased frequency of positive titers and higher GMTs after vaccination. The frequency of positive titers was greater than 80% in only 2 of 8 of the oldest broiler flocks. The number of NDV-negative titers (less than 1:10) increased with age in most broiler flocks, even though all had been vaccinated once or more with live NDV vaccines.  相似文献   

D J King 《Avian diseases》1986,30(4):719-723
Serum samples were collected from broiler breeders and their 1-day-old, 2-week-old, and 5-week-old progeny from different regions of the United States. Individual samples were tested by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) against six infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strains: Massachusetts 41 (Mass), H52, Connecticut 46 (Conn), Arkansas 99, SE17, and JMK. The use of multiple strains to test broiler flocks resulted in the detection of seroconversions to Conn and JMK vaccination that were not detected with the IBV Mass HI test. Further, HI titers were detected to IBV strains not used for flock vaccination. In some cases, those titers could be due to cross reactions to antigens common to each of the virus strains. In two breeder flocks, the highest HI titers were to heterologous strains.  相似文献   

Breeder and broiler flocks were serologically evaluated using a multiple enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (M-ELISA). The serologic status of two commercial broiler-breeder flocks and their progeny was monitored, and 840 sera were promptly assessed for antibodies against six infectious agents using the M-ELISA. Breeder flocks were sampled at lay, and broiler chicks were hatched from fertile eggs collected on the scheduled lay date of the breeders. The broiler chicks were placed for growout as eight separate flocks (four from each breeder), and the serologic survey of broilers included sequentially sampling each flock five times between 1 day of age and market. Association of broiler vaccination schedules, mortality, and condemnation data with the temporal serologic data obtained indicated that the earlier appearance of active antibody against infectious bursal disease (IBD) in some unvaccinated flocks was associated with subsequent higher growout mortality and with the poorer overall performance that these flocks experienced. The results of this serologic survey also demonstrated that if a constant, well-timed monitoring program had not been used, major serologic differences between flocks would not have been detected. Serologic profiles of selected broiler flocks by virus-neutralization (VN) tests for infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and reovirus or by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) tests for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) compared favorably with the serologic profiles obtained by M-ELISA. Comparison of vaccination histories with serologic results derived from M-ELISA, VN or HI tests indicated that response to vaccination for IBV and NDV at 1 day was either blocked or significantly delayed by moderate levels of maternal antibody and/or were suppressed by an apparent field outbreak of IBD that occurred in all eight broiler flocks.  相似文献   

In this study, a follow-up was made between 1993 and 1997 from broiler breeders at birth down to offspring broilers at processing, through vertically integrated registration of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) antibody titers and performance data. All measurements were used two by two in a simple correlation study to calculate the degree to which they were linearly correlated. The antibody patterns in the broiler breeders indicated frequent field infections breaking through vaccinal immunity. Significant correlations measured between antibody titers and production parameters within and between the generations strongly suggested negative effects of IBV infections on laying percentage in the breeders and on mortality and daily weight gain in the broilers. Economic losses associated with IBV infections in the broilers occurred predominantly in flocks hatched with low and erratic maternal antibody titers. We concluded that IBV vaccination strategies should aim at high and uniform antibody titers in the broiler breeders.  相似文献   

1. Two hundred and sixty four dwarf broiler breeder hens were subjected to ad libitum or restricted feeding and to four lighting patterns: 15L (bright light):9D (dark), 15L:9d (dim light), 2L:10d: 1L:11d, (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

2. Breeder hens fed ad libitum and subjected to either conventional or intermittent lighting ingested respectively, 25 g and 14 to 17 g more than hens restricted to 115 g/d.

3. Body weight was greater in hens fed ad libitum irrespective of the lighting pattern and of the amount of food intake.

4. Persistency of egg production was impaired by intermittent lighting.

5. Ad libitum feeding reduced egg fertility. The decrease was larger in breeder hens on intermittent lighting.

6. Hatchability was increased in hens submitted to the symmetrical lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d).

7. Egg and chick weights were higher in hens fed ad libitum.

8. Shell index and shell breaking strength increased in restricted hens on the intermittent lighting pattern (0.5L:3.5d) × 6.

9. The best performance was obtained in restricted hens on the conventional lighting pattern.  相似文献   

In both the complement fixation test (CFT) and the serum agglutination test (SAT) titres were reproducible for the most part within a twofold range. They seldom exceeded these limits and never a fourfold range. Brucella abortus was successfully isolated in 86% of serologically positive cases and evidence is presented to confirm the use of the 30 International Units/ml level in the CFT as being diagnostically significant. The SAT, when done in microtitration plates, is even more reproducible than when done in tubes. The incidence of infected animals aborting or calving down with negative titres was found to be low.  相似文献   

A live commercial reovirus vaccine, Enterovax, was administered to adult broiler breeder hens via the drinking water to determine its efficacy in stimulation of circulating antibody. This vaccine was compared with a commercial inactivated reovirus vaccine. Only the inactivated product resulted in increased antibody as measured by a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. However, the live reovirus vaccine caused diarrhea in the hens and decreased eggshell quality, fertility, and hatchability. In addition, the live vaccine virus was vertically transmitted from hens to their progeny, resulting in increased embryonic mortality and viral tenosynovitis.  相似文献   

Different feeding programs were evaluated with the aim of comparing broiler performance and economic indexes. Twelve hundred birds were subjected to a completely randomized experimental design with 5 treatments and 8 replicates with 30 birds per experimental unit. The feeding programs were based on Cobb Vantress manual (T1), NRC values (T2), and previous research by Rostagno (T3, T4) and a modified Rostagno diet (T5). Feed intake, BW, weight gain, feed conversion, viability, energy consumption, caloric conversion, productive efficiency index, and carcass characteristics were evaluated in the period from 1 to 46 d of age. The gross trade margin was calculated for economic analysis. The results were evaluated based on a variance analysis, and the Tukey test was used to compare treatment means. For performance characteristics, metabolizable energy consumption was similar for treatments T1, T3, and T5, but was higher for treatment T2 than T1 and T4. Caloric conversion was higher for treatment T2 than other treatments, and no differences were noted for other performance characteristics. It was concluded that the T1 feeding program, based on the Cobb Vantress manual, resulted in higher trade gross margin ($0.821), whereas T2, based on NRC values, was lower ($0.762). Therefore, the recommendations contained in the Cobb Vantress manual should be used as a means of achieving greater profitability in broiler production.  相似文献   

1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of diet type, maternal feeding programme at 29 weeks of age and breeder feeder space change at photostimulation on broiler progeny performance and leg health at 6 weeks of age.

2. Fast-feathering Cobb 500 broiler breeders were fed on either maize- or wheat-based diets that had been formulated to have similar nutrient composition during growing and layer phases. Two feeding programmes, fast or flow, were used from 14 to 29 weeks of age. At 22 weeks, 69 females from each pen were placed in a layer house where feeder space was either similar to that in rearing (6.3 to 6.5 cm/female) or was increased from 6.3 to 8.4 cm/female. Eggs produced at 32 and 44 weeks of age were collected and incubated for two broiler experiments. A total of 16 male and 16 female one-d-old chicks were placed in floor pens in two experiments, respectively, with 6 and 4 replicate pens. Broiler gait scores and leg problem prevalence were evaluated at 6 weeks of age.

3. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with diet type, feeding programme and feeder space change as main factors.

4. The wheat diet increased the probability of observing crooked toes in broiler progeny compared to the use of maize, but only when breeders were fed according to the fast feeding programme and given similar feeder space as during rearing.

5. Breeders given more feeder space in the laying period produced progeny with more locomotion problems compared with those provided similar feeder space, but only when maize was used and the slow feeding programme was applied to the breeders.

6. The maternal feeding programme interacted with other factors to influence progeny leg health, but it did not solely influence walking ability or leg problems of progeny.

7. In conclusion, an increased probability of observing walking impairment of broiler progeny was detected when breeders were given greater feeder space at photostimulation rather than no change and fed according to the slow feeding programme using maize diets in breeders and progeny.  相似文献   

选取成年EK×W系与其亲本E、K和W系成年鸽各150对统计繁殖性能,并对28日龄乳鸽各30只进行体尺、屠宰性能测定,对生产性能进行对比研究。结果显示:EK×W系繁殖性能优良,产蛋窝数、产蛋数和出栏数极显著高于E系(P<0.01);EK×W系体型较大,体斜长比W系约提高2.61%,胸宽和胸深分别比W系约提高3.11%和0.92%,胫围极显著低于E系(P<0.01);EK×W系活重极显著高于W系(P<0.01),屠宰体重、半净膛重和全净膛重分别比W系约提高了5.83%、5.40%和5.14%(P>0.05);EK×W系胸肌重显著高于K和W系(P<0.05),胸肌率比W系约提高1.94个百分点(P>0.05),腹脂率比E系约降低0.49个百分点(P<0.01)。研究表明:EK×W系三元杂交效果良好,繁殖性能优良,乳鸽体重大、胸肌发达。  相似文献   

Dietary iron and broiler performance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. An experiment was conducted with female broilers from 1 to 39 d of age in which the effects of increasing amounts of extra dietary ferrous sulphate on growth performance, some haematological measurements and Fe, Zn and Cu status were studied. A conventional maize-soyabean diet (107 mg Fe/kg) was supplemented with 0, 20, 60, 180, 540 and 1620 mg Fe to provide 6 treatments. 2. Weight gain responses rose to a plateau between 20 and 60 mg added Fe/kg diet, but further additions of Fe increasingly depressed growth. 3. In this study the apparent Fe requirement was 100 mg/kg diet (80 mg from dietary components and 20 mg Fe from supplement). 4. The efficiency of food utilisation decreased linearly, while the proportion of chicks affected by leg weakness increased. 5. In blood, the haemoglobin concentration increased slightly with extra dietary Fe. 6. The iron content of the liver increased with higher dietary Fe supplementation. Furthermore, increased liver Fe content was associated with a higher Zn content in the liver. 7. This study indicated that a maize-soyabean diet containing about 30% more Fe than has generally been accepted to be adequate for healthy broilers was still marginal in Fe concentration.  相似文献   

Salmonella in birds is a concern because of the human foodborne illness associated with the consumption of poultry meat and eggs. One of the methods of transmission of Salmonella within a flock can be by the air. Therefore, we used reduction of transmission of Salmonella to monitor the effectiveness of the electrostatic space charge system (ESCS). During the average broiler breeder laying cycle of 40 wk, a large amount of dust becomes airborne and accumulates on walls, ceiling, and equipment. Many microorganisms adhere to these dust particles, making dust an excellent vector for horizontal disease transmission between birds.We used two environmentally controlled rooms containing commercial broiler breeders to evaluate the effectiveness of an ESCS that produced a strong negative electrostatic charge to reduce airborne dust and, subsequently, microorganism levels. The ESCS caused the dust to become negatively charged, therefore moving to the grounded floor in the treatment room. The use of the ESCS resulted in a significant reduction (P < 0.0001, 61% reduction) in airborne dust concentration levels, which resulted in a significant reduction (P < 0.0001, 76% reduction) in total airborne bacteria and gram-negative bacteria (48% reduction) in the treatment room. Significant reductions (P < 0.05) of gram-negative bacteria (63% reduction) on the egg collection belts were also recorded in the treatment room, which resulted in a significant reduction (P < 0.0001) of gram-negative bacteria (28% reduction) on the eggshell surface. The ESCS treatment resulted in fewer Salmonella enteritidis-positive hens and their progeny from the treatment room due to reductions of dust and airborne bacteria. In addition, this significant reduction in bacteria on the eggshell surface should result in less bacteria in the day-old chicks, therefore better early chick livability. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in egg production, male or female body weights, mortality, or reproductive performance in the ESCS room compared with the control room.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the prevalence of leg weakness by assessing the walking ability of broilers was developed. Walking ability was divided into six categories, from completely normal to immobile. The method was found to give consistent results when performed by the same people. In a survey of commercial, intensively reared broilers, 90 per cent had a detectable gait abnormality and 26 per cent suffered an abnormality of sufficient severity for their welfare to be considered compromised. The prevalence of leg weakness in free range broilers, and three commercial breeds of broilers was determined. The results indicated that genetic factors were an important cause of leg weakness in broilers and also identified a possible relationship between liveweight and leg weakness.  相似文献   

The main objective of this work was to study the effects of banana flour as energy sources on broiler performance. Seventy‐five broilers were randomly distributed into five groups each with 15 broilers (n = 15 broilers/group). The broilers were grouped to maize–soybean meal diet as control, T1: (5% of banana flour), T2: (10% of banana flour), T3: (15% of banana flour), and T4: (20% of banana flour). The parameters analyzed in this research were body weight, daily weight gain, and daily feed intake at days 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40. The results showed no significant effects on body weight during the time of assessment, showing healthy values (>1,400 g) in all treatments (p > .05). Daily Weight gain was affected significantly during the days of assessment (p < .05). In all treatments and at different days of assessment, T3 showed the highest daily weight gain at day 10 (37.56 ± 4.52 g) compared to the other experimental treatments. Regarding daily feed intake, significant differences were observed at day 10 in the control and treatments T1, T2, T3, and T4 compared to days 20, 30, and 40 (p < .05), being the highest value for T1 (35.14 ± 2.77).  相似文献   

Broiler feed efficiency and meat quality are the primary factors considered by the poultry industry. This study was conducted to estimate heritability and genetic correlation coefficients for skeletal muscle fiber number, area and diameter and performance and meat quality traits of Pectoralis major in a single male broiler line. (Co) variance components were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood method, using the software MTDFREML. The numerator relationship matrix was composed by 77,474 individuals. Heritability coefficient estimates ranged from moderate to high for juvenile BW, breast weight, ultrasound record of pectoral muscle, lightness and thawing meat loss. Genetic correlation estimates for performance and skeletal muscle fiber traits indicated that selection for higher breast weight and juvenile BW could reduce muscle fiber number and increase muscle fiber diameter and area, which could prejudice the meat quality of this line. Selection for muscle fiber number and against muscle fiber diameter and area might improve meat water retention ability and tenderness in this broiler line, and selection programs could consider those traits as selection criteria, although this may be costly. We recommend the evaluation of the indirect selection caused by the use of the performance traits as selection criteria especially for juvenile BW and breast weight. Direct, intense selection for both traits might be unfavorable for most of the meat quality traits analyzed, which could lead to losses to both the chicken meat processing industry and consumers.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted with 144 caged hens to study the effects of different dietary concentrations of phosphorus and of food restriction on the reproductive performance of dwarf breeder hens and on the growth and the bone development of their progeny. 2. Severe food restrictions at 105 g/hen day compared to 115 g/hen day, decreased hen body weight and hen day egg production. Fertility was unaffected and hatchability slightly depressed by the more severe restriction. 3. Egg and one-day-old chick weights were decreased by limiting the food intake of the breeders but the negative effect disappeared at slaughter (7 weeks). 4. Shell quality decreased as the dietary phosphorus increased and was not affected by food allowance. Albumen quality was slightly impaired in severely restricted hens. 5. Serum inorganic phosphorus in hens and yolk phosphorus increased with increasing dietary phosphorus. Tibial breaking strength and tibial percentage ash of the progeny at hatching was markedly improved in proportion to maternal phosphorus and food intake. This improvement in bone quality was not maintained at 7 weeks. 6. The number of chicks affected by twisted legs (valgus) and dyschondroplasia were similar whatever the maternal diet. The frequency of valgus was higher in males than in females. 7. It is concluded that maternal food intake and phosphorus supply are of importance for the initial bone development of the progeny.  相似文献   

为了维持肉鸡较高的生产性能,肉鸡生产者不得不充分照看好他们所饲养的肉鸡。本文主要将阐述在配制肉鸡饲料时的几个重要因素以保持肉鸡健全的生产性能。  相似文献   

Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism as well as bone and shell quality, and is therefore important to broiler breeders. In this research we investigated the effects of maternal dietary 25-OH vitamin D3 on broiler breeder egg quality and hatchability, as well as on progeny bone mineral density and performance. In a field study, all hens were fed 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 (D) per kilogram of complete feed; in addition half of the hens also received 34.5 µg of 25-OH vitamin D3 per liter in the drinking water (25OHD). Eggs from each treatment group were incubated and hatched; chicks were fed a common diet and grown to 41 d of age. Eggs from hens in the 25OHD treatment had a nearly 30% reduction in early embryo mortality. However, a larger egg size resulted in greater chick BW for the D chicks, although this did not affect broiler production performance. Broilers from the maternal 25OHD treatment had a lower FCR during the grower phase. Unexpectedly, chick plasma 25-OH vitamin D3 was only greater for the maternal 25OHD treatment at 4 d of age, but not at hatch, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 14 d of age. Maternal vitamin D3 source did not affect progeny 41-d bone mineral density. Maternal 25-OH vitamin D3 had a protective effect on the growing embryo, reducing early embryonic mortality, with minimal effects on progeny performance and bone mineral density to processing at 41 d of age. The previously reported effects of 25-OH vitamin D3 on increasing broiler performance and breast yield seem to be dependent on supplementation of the broiler diet; a carry-over effect of maternal supplementation is insufficient to achieve these effects.  相似文献   

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