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Ecological garden views were adopted to re-explore benefits of garden landscaping, co-prosperity of man and tree was applied to study application modes of plants in ecological gardens. Green spaces in ecological gardens should be evenly and reasonably distributed, actual conditions of the planning site respected, outstanding styles and diversified plant furnishings defined. Three layouts of ecological gardens and the future development trend of modern ecological gardens were introduced.  相似文献   

植物景观是城市园林的重要组成部分,园林植物景观设计需合理配置植物。公园植物景观构成方面的研究对城市园林的发展具有重要意义。笔者调查日照市海曲公园植物种类及组成,对植物景观进行分析研究,介绍海曲公园植物景观的特色,同时对公园中植物造景出现的问题提出解决办法和建议。  相似文献   

浅谈观赏果树在郑州城市绿化中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【研究目的】了解观赏果树在郑州市的利用特点,筛选适合郑州市园林绿化的观赏果树树种,总结适合郑州市具体情况的配置方式;【方法】采用抽样调查研究的方法。【结果】调查了观赏果树在郑州市园林绿化中的应用现状,分析了观赏果树的利用特点,选出了一些适合郑州市园林绿化的观赏果树种类,最后提出了适合郑州市具体情况的配置方式;【结论】郑州市在园林绿化中对观赏果树的利用上,其种类并不够丰富多样,数量也不占优势。用适合郑州市的观赏果树树种与园林树种合理搭配,充分发挥果树在园林绿化中的作用。  相似文献   

山矾属植物研究现状及其园林应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了合理开发利用山矾属植物资源,推动其在我国的研究与栽培应用。在简要分析中国山矾属植物种质资源的基础上,综述了国内外山矾属植物的研究现状,对其在城市绿化和植物专类园中的配置应用进行了分析。研究认为,目前中国对山矾属植物的园林应用研究和开发力度不够,应大力开发山矾属植物作为城市绿化植物材料的潜力,以丰富园林植物多样性和园林景观。  相似文献   

Through investigating Tibetan courtyard landscapes in Linzhi City, Tibet, it was found that Tibetan courtyards attached more importance to flower plants and garden crops, focused on natural style and easy maintenance, but not pruning; Tibetan courtyard landscaping valued shape, color, flower season and visual aesthetics of fl owers, tried to build "gardens" with fl ower confi guration as the major content, similar aesthetic concepts and landscaping style with European gardens; moreover, it paid more attention to plants, but not waterscape design; in Tibetan gardens, lawns occupied a secondary position next to fl owering plants, fruit trees and garden crops.  相似文献   

新加坡热带园林植物景观设计初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
植物景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,在反映城市印象和推动度假旅游业的发展过程中具有重要的作用。而研究热带地区植物景观设计的理念和营造手法,对充实热带园林相关理论和丰富植物景观设计艺术手法等方面都具有理论意义。本文采用文献查阅和实地调研相结合的研究方法,对新加坡的植物景观进行研究,总结出新加坡植物景观设计中多元文化的浪漫主义色彩和从“花园城市”到“花园中的城市”的生态理念两个指导思想;分析出新加坡植物景观强调自然与生态、重视庭荫树和芳香植物、注重立体绿化和与其他造景要素紧密结合等特征。并从新加坡的植物景观设计理论与手法上提出我国热带地区园林植物景观设计的发展建议。  相似文献   

浅析球形植物造景元素在园林绿地中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
球形植物造景元素是指自然生长或者经人工修剪而成的球形或近似球形的植物材料,在现代的园林绿地中,有着广泛而大量的运用。在分析常见种类的基础上,指出球形植物造景元素具有亲切性、联想性、简洁性、易融合性、灵活性等特点,并总结出球形植物造景元素在园林绿地的空间构成以及植物景观中的应用方式,希望能对园林绿地中的植物景观营造提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索园林绿化垃圾资源化利用产品在园林绿化和土壤改良中的实际应用效果,进一步推动园林绿化垃圾的资源化利用。本试验分别将园林绿化资源化利用产品——有机肥和生物质炭应用于城市公园的绿化中,选取红花檵木、大叶油草、紫色狼尾草分别作为园林绿化中的灌木和草本的代表性植物,通过测定不同处理中植物的叶绿素含量、株高以及土壤养分来评价园林绿化垃圾资源化利用产品的应用效果。结果显示:有机肥和生物质炭的使用会有效提高3种植株的叶绿素含量,促进植物生长。有机肥对于红花檵木的土壤养分含量的影响并不一致,但是对于土壤含水率和电导率均有不同程度的提高。另外,有机肥和生物质炭会显著提高大叶油草和紫穗狼尾草的土壤养分含量,更加有利于植物生长。本试验在植株生长和土壤养分这一方面为园林绿化垃圾资源化利用产品在园林绿化中的应用提供了理论依据,同时为园林绿化垃圾的资源化利用奠定了基础。后续的研究中要更加深入的在土壤的物理、化学、生物性质三方面进行,进一步充实上述理论依据。  相似文献   

With the gradual improvement of living standard, the public demands on landscaping have focused more on quality than on quantity, and plant furnishing has grown from singular green plants to colored-leaf plants with multiple layers. Confi guration of colored-leaf plants follows certain principles and patterns to enrich the beauty of plant landscaping, construct colorful urban green spaces, satisfy increasing application and aesthetic needs of the public, and reflect value of plant landscaping.  相似文献   

Abundant lands of China such as Suzhou, Hangzhou, Sichuan and Chongqing are all located in the basin of the Yangtze River, and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest belt, enjoy mild climate, sufficient rainfall, rich ornamental plant resources and diversifi ed landscaping techniques. In the long-term landscaping practices, plant furnishing arts characterized by diversifi ed layer division, elegant styles, delicate and vivid images have been formed, but are still limited in combination of plant species and selection of varieties. In accordance with personal experience in plant landscaping in recent years, the author provided a few suggestions for the optimized confi guration of plant landscapes in southern regions.  相似文献   

Defi nition of plant landscaping and features of plant landscaping in classical Suzhou gardens were introduced, the forms of combining plants and buildings, rockeries and waterscapes were analyzed by elaborating selection of plant species and plant furnishings. In addition, manifestation of artistic beauty of the classical Suzhou gardens was explored, and protective measures were given.  相似文献   

Slow growth is a bottleneck for the large-scale application of bryophytes in landscaping.The article reviewed the progress of artificial breeding researches,summarized several effective means of collecting germplasm resources and cultivating and breeding,discussed the feasibility of specialized mosses garden,and proposed the approaches of scale breeding such as stereo-cultivation and optimization of cultivation media.  相似文献   

Design of plant landscape form is a critical part of plant landscaping, and it is an important direction of modern researches on urban plant landscaping to promote the development of plant landscape via the interaction between landscape form design and other means. By elaborating five major influence factors of landscape plants, namely "flexibility", "art", "subject", "mode", and "artistic conception", this paper explored the application of construction thinking in the construction of urban plant landscape form, in order to provide theoretical basis for the development of urban plant landscape form.  相似文献   

With the acceleration of eco-garden city construction,tree resources have been increasingly applied in landscape construction.Combining with the authors' work experience,plant landscaping cases in domestic and foreign cities,this paper analyzed the concept of right species for right land and problems in plant landscaping,and took specific cases to explore the application of right species for right land,in order to provide references for the reasonable utilization of indigenous tree resources.  相似文献   

银川阅海公园水生植物园规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银川阅海湿地公园是国家级湿地公园,对银川阅海公园水生植物园的规划建设,可以完善阅海湿地公园的整体布局、功能及生态系统,促进银川阅海公园生态与经济的和谐发展。同时本项目的规划建设对提高银川地区水生植物资源的开发利用、保护生物多样性、扩大银川阅海公园的知名度将产生积极而深远的影响。  相似文献   

植物环境对人体健康影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
植物环境对人体健康具有非常重要的作用,无论是康复花园还是园艺疗法,其根本都是以植物环境促进人体健康,即是通过观赏植物或者利用植物的生理生态作用等来改善人体的身心健康。文章叙述了康复花园、园艺疗法和健康的概念;分析了园艺疗法与康复花园之间的关系;回顾了近年来国内外在植物环境与人体健康之间关系方面做的一些研究。笔者针对中国在这方面的研究现状提出了以下建议:(1)重视植物环境对人体健康影响的研究;(2)积极建设康复花园;(3)勇于创新,建设具有中国特色的康复花园。  相似文献   

蚜虫属于同翅目蚜总科,是一类重要的园林植物害虫。因此,于2003年的4—5月份采集合肥市园林植物的蚜虫标本共125号,查清其种类,结果表明危害合肥市园林植物的蚜虫有7科21属31种,分析了蚜虫大量发生的原因并提出了控制对策,为从事园林绿化工作者在防治蚜虫时参考。  相似文献   

为了科学地选择适宜于西北半干湿地区雨水花园栽植的植物种类,在分析国内外研究的基础上,对位于西北半干湿地区的西咸新区典型雨水花园进行实地调研。采用层次分析法,从生态学特性、观赏特性、功能特性对雨水花园种植的76种植物进行适宜性综合评价,从3个准则层和10个指标层构建评价体系。结果发现:截留雨水能力、抗逆能力、花期花色、净化水体能力4个指标对于雨水花园植物选择的影响最大;金叶女贞、白花草木犀、千屈菜等的适宜性较好,葱兰、酢浆草、佛甲草等的适宜性较差。根据雨水花园的类型及蓄水情况,提出边缘区、缓冲区、蓄水区适宜栽植的植物类型,并总结出选择的原则。研究结果可为西北半干湿地区雨水花园植物适宜性选择提供依据。  相似文献   

This is a study case of the Ruzi River landscape architecture design of Ludong University.According to the principles of no-pollution,ecologicalization,culture-orientation,sustain ability,adaptation to local conditions and practicability,the campus is made a place for study and leisure for teachers and students with the application of China's classical garden design techniques such as "opposite scenery", "background image themed scenery", "four seasons landscaping", "landscape levels" and "screen view".Based on this example,this paper has made an in-deep research on landscape architecture design of universities.  相似文献   

摘要:景天是一种重要的园林绿化材料,选取8种景天进行土壤干旱胁迫处理,测定它们的土壤含水量,叶片相对含水量等6种生理生化指标,并观察景天的外部形态变化。最终对景天的抗旱性强弱进行排序:反曲景天>景天三七>德国景天+联合勘察加>凹叶景天>八宝景天+红花景天+主妇景天。  相似文献   

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