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On the basis of summarizing design methods of ecological urban park,it was proposed that preparatory control work should be enhanced,reasonable zoning of use functions and spatial structures established,overall consideration given to traffi c system and vertical design,and landscaping system created based on ecological view. In addition,it was also signifi cant for designers and management departments taking proper planning and designs to create new urban open spaces,improve supporting facilities,enhance public participation mechanism,and keep pace with the sustainable development of the city.  相似文献   

In addition to purifying water, constructed wetland has become an important ecological landscape in city. The characteristics and key design points of constructed wetland under the ecological principles were explored, taking the Jingyue Lake in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province for example, treatment processes were designed for different infl ow waters on the basis of site analysis to facilitate the water environment control and ecological landscape construction, ecological theories were applied to explore functional layouts and landscape designs of wetland, to build a favorable ecological environment of urban wetland and design outstanding wetland ecological landscapes.  相似文献   

离散元法在农业工程领域的应用进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简述了离散元法在农业工程领域方面的研究成果,根据离散元法在农业工程领域的不同应用,分别讨论了离散元法在土壤散体颗粒、农业物料颗粒、多相流中单相介质的应用研究现状,指出了存在数量级受限,颗粒模型不精准,复杂工况制约等问题。提出今后离散元法的研究趋势:开发农业工程领域的专用离散元软件,提高颗粒群的运算效率;通过准确获取物料的细观参数,从理论基础上完善接触模型,使仿真颗粒与真实颗粒更为接近;通过离散元法软件与其他软件耦合,结合API的二次开发,拓宽离散元法在复杂散体颗粒运动仿真的应用。  相似文献   

Since P. R. China has experienced extensive land resource use, environmental degradation, lagging rural development and other difficulties in 20th century, urban countryside integration and ecological planning has become an important subject to build a harmonious society in the 21st century. The country attempted to use complexity science and ecological thinking based on recognizing the relationship between the city and countryside and raising the city countryside space ecology coupling concept to construct a city countryside space planning methods system consisting of the identification of urban and rural land uses, urban and rural non construction land planning, city countryside coupled environmental conditions assessment, coordinated city countryside space development and city countryside space system fractal optimization, and more.  相似文献   

The construction of International Tourism Island has accelerated the development of Sanya City. The population aggregation and the external extension of urban area have brought a lot of negative effects, such as discontinuities of green space matrix, dysfunction of green wedge permeation, deficiency of eco-corridor, structural imbalance of green space system and so on. The overall layout of Green space system known as One Belt Three Bays, One Core Six Towns, Two Axes Three Wedges, Two Net Synchronous-construction strengthens the eco-connection among different groups and green space in central area of the city, and realizes the collaborative construction of both resource corridor and landscape corridor. The eco-layout of green core, green corridor and green patch helps keep the integrity of large vegetation patches, enhances the eco-connection of different types of green space and improves finger-shaped network of urban green space. The most efficient way to promote the circulation of urban ecosystem and the positive development of Sanya City is to plan multilevel and three-dimensional eco-space structure and maximize ecological benefits of green space system.  相似文献   

This paper has introduced a kind of design method for digital urban lighting, it is an application of the illuminating engineering in digital city and a kind of measurable, dynamic visualization design method of the effect of digital urban lighting. A kind of new artificial method of scene imitation has been proposed in this paper. After taking pictures by verified digital camera, the luminosity and color information are taken to imitate the effect of urban lighting design, to display the current and future effect of lighting for the scene and thus optimize the urban lighting design plan to meet the demand of energy - conservation and beautifying the urban night scene.  相似文献   

Compared with traditional bank protection, ecological revetments, as a new type of bank protection, can ensure the sustainable and healthy development of river ecology and has broad application prospects. In this paper, the design principles for ecological revetments and the factors that need to be considered in the selection of revetment plants were summarized; and the types of ecological revetments commonly used in water conservancy projects were summarized and classified according to the proportion of natural materials in revetment materials through domestic and foreign research and engineering examples, and their applicable scope and relevant merits were introduced. In conclusion, ecological revetments should get rid of its own limitations in the practical application process, and the river regulation scheme and revetment type should be selected comprehensively and flexibly combined with the status quo.  相似文献   

生态学理论在城市园林绿化中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙岩  杨军 《中国农学通报》2009,25(15):0-164
本文从人与自然和谐共处、可持续发展的角度出发,以生态学理论框架为依托,系统地总结了在城市园林建设中生态学理念的渗透及运用,为城市生态园林设计提供了理论指导和设计参考,同时得出我国生态园林的下一步工作重点要放在恢复生态学的应用上,并且要实现现代城市生态园林的建设要多学科、多角度共同协作的结论。  相似文献   

The urban green landscape in Chongqing was analyzed from the view of landscape ecology. It was believed that the urban green landscape was developed rapidly in recent years, but there are still some problems existed, including mainly: (1) the structure of green landscape was unreasonable, (2) the quality of green patches was low, and (3) the function of green corridors was incomplete. It is pointed out that in some urban regions there were lack of green patches, furthermore, some patches were isolated from each other due to lack of green corridors. In the last, taking account of the foundational theory about patch and corridor, some aspects for the design of urban green landscape in Chongqing were proposed: connecting the river and road green corridors and increasing the green patches at the ecological strategic points.  相似文献   

Wetland park has become an important content of urban landscape design in China, and it is urgent to explore the ways of ensuring scientifi c planning and design and successful implementation of the planning and design in the preparatory stage and the late habitat management and monitoring stage. Taking Hong Kong Wetland Park for example, this paper reviewed the successful design concepts and scientifi c management practices on the basis of sorting out its planning, construction, management and monitoring experience, to provide useful references for the planning, design and management of wetland park in other regions.  相似文献   

Research background,significance,characteristics and planning methods of the ecological development of urban parks were elaborated.This paper took green space planning of Xishan Park in Qianxi City for example,explored the application of ecological development theories in green space planning of urban park.  相似文献   

模糊聚类在河南省小麦气候生态区划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响小麦分蘖成筛、穗粒数、千粒重 12个气候要素,有代表性的8个地点进行模糊聚类分析,当选取λ值为0.857时,交小麦气候生态聚为四个类区,即豫南、豫北、豫中北、豫中南;并对各气候生态区的小麦品种布局原则,生育特点及进一步提高产量的关键措施作了概述。  相似文献   

按照耕地占补平衡的要求,充分考虑当地的自然条件和经济条件,从可行性的角度出发通过对农用地分等的中间成果进行整理,运用数理统计,实证分析法对整理得到的因素组合进行浮动组合并建库。浮动组合法得到的数据库,可以为河北省耕地补充设计工作提供最优化的建议,也为河北省补充耕地验收提供依据。  相似文献   

为了梳理国内生态价值评估研究中选择实验法的应用现状,本文对59篇相关应用文献进行了分析,结果显示:国内关于生态价值评估的研究可大致分为景区生态价值研究与区域价值研究。其中景区生态价值研究中旅行费用为参照估计的价值量在265.51~1381.38元/人次,以门票为参照估计的价值量7.78~127.12元/人次;区域生态价值以个人意愿支付和家庭意愿支付为主,其中个人意愿支付核算的环境价值在23.77~1066.99元/(人·年),而以家庭意愿支付核算的环境价值在21.77元~769.42元/(户·年)。研究结果表明:景区生态价值的估计中旅行费用换算得到的价值量更高,区域生态价值的估计中以个人意愿支付得到的价值量变异性更强,应当重视不同核算方式之间的区别。  相似文献   

将试验设计应用于原料乳风味物质的测定中,得出最优试验条件和工艺条件,从而降低试验误差,提高试验精度。  相似文献   

The main urban environmental and urban ecological problems existing in the sustainable development of Chongqing city were introduced in this paper. Furthermore, the causes and features of these problems were analyzed. At last, some countermeasures, which would provide some scientific bases for accelerating the urban sustainable development of Chongqing city, were suggested.  相似文献   

Wetland as one of the natural landscapes with the richest biodiversity and most closely related to our life is widely distributed all around the world, and capable of storing fl ood, preventing drought, purifying environment, adjusting climate, controlling pollution, maintaining regional ecological balance. Nanchang is famous for City in the Lake and Lake in the City, and this paper begins with wetland resources in Nanchang City, analyzes problems of local wetlands. Taking the design of the Aixi Lake Wetland Park for example, this paper proposes suggestions for the renovation and improvement by analyzing the problems of its current landscape pattern, and specifi c problems in the landscape design of wetland park, and summarizes the ecological model fi t for the landscape design of urban wetland park in Nanchang City. The research contributes to the ecological restoration and conservation of wetland resources in Nanchang.  相似文献   

城市绿地系统的生态功能探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市绿地系统是城市生态系统的子系统之一,它通过其生理活动的物质循环与能量流动可以改善城市的环境质量;结合当地历史、文物、古建筑,通过景观设计所构成的城市景观可美化市容市貌,丰富城市文化内涵;植物叶面的蒸腾作用能调节温度、湿度,吸收太阳辐射热,调节城市小气候;城市绿地系统在城市生态系统中具有其他子系统不可替代的特殊生态功能。该文就此作了较为详尽的探讨。  相似文献   

This paper analyzed the landscape components of the golf course from the perspectives of the functionality, beauty and ecology of the golf course, compared the differences between the golf course landscape and the urban garden space landscape in terms of functional requirements, artistic requirements, components, and plant landscaping, and discussed the application of landscape components of the golf course in the of the urban green space landscape design.  相似文献   

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