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Compared with landform design in common urban green spaces, landform landscape design of garbage landfi ll sites require higher technical regulations, and there are more restrictions for the design. This paper explored landform design of three types of landfi ll sites: domestic garbage landfi ll site, building waste landfi ll site and polluted soil landf ill site. Two aspects were included: exploring landform peculiarity of landfi ll sites by sorting out technologies and regulations; exploring landscape design methods of landf ill landscapes.  相似文献   

With the continuous development of computer and information technology in the new era, more and more industries have entered the digital era, and parameterization has been widely applied in many industries.However, there is little systematic research on parameterization and plant landscape design.Based on the application of parametric design in various industries, this paper analyzes and obtains enlightenment, puts forward the idea of parametric design of plant landscapes, constructs the logical relationship between parametric design and plant landscape design, organizes the design process, and conceives the operation mode and the theoretical model.This study preliminary explores the combination model of parameterization and plant landscape design, popularizes the feasibility and promotes the industry to gain more understanding and research on parametric design of plant landscapes.To give full play to the advantages of parametric design is not to pursue design automation, but to take it as an auxiliary tool for plant landscape design, as a way of inspection and review, to improve the efficiency and scientificity of plant landscape design, and to promote the further development of landscape architecture.  相似文献   

By comparing landscape patterns of suburban and urban rivers in the same flow path, and analyzing patch indexes of urban river landscapes, corresponding sustainable eco-design strategies were proposed, ecodesign theory system and eco-restoration design techniques were coupled, so as to explore new digital eco-design means of urban river landscapes by targeting at regional ecological consistency.  相似文献   

Modern people are facing with serious unbalance of spiritual ecology, so modern ecology has gradually taken spiritual ecology into its research scope. The relationship between environmental design and cultural spiritual ecology includes enhancing the artistry of environmental design, therapeutic effect of arts on human cultural spiritual ecology, and achieving the organic integration of human, nature, art and spirits. Ecological field of cultural spirit influences values of the masses and promotes the development of history.  相似文献   

Taking landscape design of Suburban Park in Yulin City for example, this paper applied the design thoughts of integrating multiple planning, defining concepts and objectives, specified the design strategies of restoring ecology, improving life and promoting production, and disclosed the landscape design mode based on the integration of ecology, production and life in which ecological landscapes, productive landscapes and living landscapes promote and coexist harmoniously with each other.  相似文献   

生态退化及生态重建研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类活动、自然界的干扰造成了正常的生态系统出现退化,近年来,对退化生态系统的恢复与重建的研究逐步深入。综述了生态退化的形成原因、生态退化的主要类型、退化生态系统的特性及生态重建等方面研究取得的进展及存在的问题。  相似文献   

Urban landscape, as an important part of the overall landscape or the overall image of the city, is of great significance in highlighting city features, building green cities, and improving city image, so image of green spaces has become one of the key construction objectives for many cities. Taking Huadu District in Guangzhou City for example, urban green landscape pattern was analyzed from the level of region and district, according to the landscape ecology. The results showed that local green landscapes had many problems such as unreasonable structure, high fragmentation, unbalanced distribution of green space types, poor corridor networks etc.. In view of these problems, countermeasures for improving green landscape images in Huadu District were proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the landscape design of the Bailuxi Wetland in University of Sanya was studied by using the research method of survey—analysis—design. The questionnaire survey, field observation and landscape pattern analysis were used to analyze the landscape pattern of the Bailuxi Wetland as well as the characteristics and problems of the six subsystems of green space, activity, road, animal, plant, and sound. Then the overall structure and function design of the Bailuxi Wetland landscape, the optimization adjustment of the landscape pattern, the optimization design of the subsystem, and the relationship design between human and the animal, plant, and sound systems were proposed. This study is dedicated to providing effective advice on the planning and design of campus wetland landscapes, with a view to providing examples for the planning and design of campus wetland landscapes. The research indicates that:(1) Scientific and rational spatial structure and functional layout planning are prerequisites for the sustainable development of wetland landscapes;(2) the balanced development of subsystems in the campus wetland system is a necessary condition for maintaining the rationality of the campus landscape pattern;(3) the degree of harmony between humans and animals, plants, and sounds affects the ecological sustainability of campus wetland landscapes.  相似文献   

The residential area studied in this paper is situated on the special borderland between Beibei town and Jinyun Mountain,which is a national beauty spot and natural conservation region.In order to conserve the ecological environment of JinYun Mountain,prevent the excessive development,and promote sustainable progress of the residential area,it is suggested in this article that an ecological sustainable residential area should be designed for this area. Then this paper puts emphasis on the design strategies in following three parts:(i) protecting ecological environment,(ii) providing healthy building environment,and(iii) enhancing building energy efficiency.  相似文献   

This text describes the sanctums in Eling park and Panxi park in Chongqing,whose latter-day stone sculpture is full of mystery.Further more,through the analysis and comparison of their times features and artistic styles,it has shown the special charm in these two carvings as cultural heritage and artistic curiosity.  相似文献   

Railway heritage is special heritage type. Unique spatial characteristics and complicate landscape components of railway heritage landscapes characterize protection of railway heritage landscapes with diversifi ed and multi-discipline. This paper elaborated development history of domestic and foreign railway heritage landscape theories and protection cases, and pointed out that railway heritage landscape protection requires further theoretical researches and practical explorations.  相似文献   

基于生态系统过程耦合的农业管理信息系统的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐霞  张勇  李悦 《中国农学通报》2010,26(21):394-399
对农业管理信息系统与生态过程模拟模型耦合进行了有益的探索,提出构建与生态过程耦合、基于空间信息的农业管理信息系统的设想,为农业管理和生态过程模拟模型在空间区域上的应用提出了一种有效、直观的解决方案。通过系统分析、系统设计及其功能实现技术的研究,采用SuperMap作为开发平台,利用二次开发语言开发了与生态过程耦合的农业管理信息系统(TES_AGRDSS)。该系统充分利用了地理信息系统(GIS)的强大功能,将各种信息进行综合、抽取,实现了单个模型内部的属性数据和空间数据的双向连接,以及不同模拟模型之间数据的双向连接与耦合,使得生态模拟模型在区域上的应用、生态过程模型与农业管理模型的耦合成为可能,为土地利用的管理与决策提供了强有力的帮助。  相似文献   

Wetland park has become an important content of urban landscape design in China, and it is urgent to explore the ways of ensuring scientifi c planning and design and successful implementation of the planning and design in the preparatory stage and the late habitat management and monitoring stage. Taking Hong Kong Wetland Park for example, this paper reviewed the successful design concepts and scientifi c management practices on the basis of sorting out its planning, construction, management and monitoring experience, to provide useful references for the planning, design and management of wetland park in other regions.  相似文献   

Transformation and innovation of assistance model promote the transition of urban social assistance building to multi-functional building. This paper, on the basis of analyzing complexity and peculiarity of urban social assistance building, as well as researches and practices of sustainable improvement of domestic architecture, proposed environmental, social and economic objectives of the sustainable improvement of urban social assistance building, and elaborated design strategies from the perspectives of site selection and its impact on environment, application, evaluation and utilization of ecological technologies, reform of old buildings, flexible internal layout of building and combination of routine use and disaster use design, so as to improve social benefits and social assessment of assistance buildings sustainably, and to balance humanistic concerns and social resource input.  相似文献   

1 开展新品种选育,提高企业核心能力 江苏中江种业股份有限公司自2002年成立以来,坚持走育繁推一体化的发展道路,充分整合各种资源,积极开展新品种选育工作,强化基地建设,建立健全营销网路,实现育繁推有机结合,取得了一定的成效。先后育成水稻、玉米、棉花、西瓜新品种10多个,买断水稻、小麦、油菜、玉米新品种6个,与高校、科研育种单位合作开发推广主要农作物新品种20多个,基地规模达到4667hm^2,销售网络已覆盖长江中下游、黄淮和华南地区,  相似文献   

Based on the relevant literature and case data, this paper analyzed the design elements of commercial pedestrian streets and design ideas of landscape installations based on behavioral psychological characteristics and experience requirements of users, and summarized the FST design method, that is, landscape installation design of commercial pedestrian streets needs to meet the function of commercial use and respect the spirit of place, and uses modern technology to achieve multiple experience models to meet high-level experience needs.  相似文献   

高产优质高效生态栽培是现代农业的发展目标,水肥一体化技术是实现这一目标的有效手段,其为国家粮食安全和农业可持续发展做出了重要贡献。微喷(滴)灌水肥一体化技术在小麦栽培上可实现节水30%~40%、节肥20%~30%以及增产15%~30%,水分和肥料利用率分别提高40%~60%和30%~50%;同时可改善小麦籽粒品质,减少100cm以下土层NO3--N积累,降低氮肥淋失风险,以及缓解土壤中N2O气体向大气排放。本文概述了水肥一体化技术及国内外发展现状,并对微喷(滴)灌水肥一体化技术对小麦产量、品质、水肥利用率及水肥运移规律、N2O气体排放等方面的影响进行综述,为水肥一体化技术从“高端农业”走向普遍、从设施农业走向大田提供参考。  相似文献   

Baiyun Cave in the Kongshan Mountain is a cave which developed mostly in thick-layer oolitic limestone of the Middle Cambrain Zhangxia Formation in the Quaternary period.The spatial distribution of the karst cave was cotrolled by the NNW,NE and near-EW faults.The karst cave system consists of three layers,includes mainly hall type and corridor type,within which there are diversified sedimentary landscapes and corrosion landscapes,especiallyReticular helictite,Jade-hairpin pointing at bottle,Yin and yang jade columnsand many other special landscapes can hardly be found in other karst caves.Influenced by the strong tectonic activities since the Quaternary period,the cave collapsed several times,and landscapes within the cave have been seriously damaged.Study on the landscape formation of karst caves and influence of cave environment changes on its landscape development will contribute to the reasonable development and protection of tourist resources in the cave.  相似文献   

Design of central landscapes in Longxijiayuan Residential District, Zhucheng City, Shandong Province was introduced. By implementing the design concept of classical Chinese garden in the whole process, this landscape design presented well-organized central green spaces, took fl owing water as the framework, arranged different activity spaces according to actual terrains, designed the bridge to connect both sides of the brook, placed garden settings and benches properly, combined plants properly, and make the whole residential district green and energetic. From the overall planning to the architectural unit design and central landscape design, the residential district shows the ancient rhythm of Chinese elements, and an ecological and harmonious overall environment. The unit design has practical plane, beautiful form, graceful and elegant style, it integrates well into the overall environment.  相似文献   

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