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Understanding seasonal changes in photosynthetic characteristics of canopy leaves is indispensable for modeling the carbon balance in forests. We studied seasonal changes in gas exchange characteristics that are related to the temperature dependence of photosynthesis in canopy leaves of Quercus crispula Blume, one of the most abundant species in cool-temperate forests in Japan. Photosynthetic rate and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation capacity (V(cmax)) at 20 degrees C increased from June to August and then decreased in September. The activation energy of V(cmax), a measure of the temperature dependence of V(cmax), was highest in summer, indicating that V(cmax) was most sensitive to leaf temperature at this time. The activation energy of V(cmax) was significantly correlated with growth temperature. Other parameters related to the temperature dependence of photosynthesis, such as intercellular CO(2) partial pressure and temperature dependence of RuBP regeneration capacity, showed no clear seasonal trend. It was suggested that leaf senescence affected the balance between carboxylation and regeneration of RuBP. The model simulation showed that photosynthetic rate and its optimal temperature were highest in summer.  相似文献   

Ishida A  Toma T  M 《Tree physiology》1999,19(7):467-473
Diurnal changes in gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in the top canopy leaves of the tropical rainforest tree species, Macaranga conifera (Zoll.) Muell. Arg. during a drought year. Maximum values of net photosynthetic rate (P(n), 10 &mgr;mol m(-2) s(-1)) and stomatal conductance (g(s), 0.2 mol m(-2) s(-1)) were found in east-facing leaves in early morning. After 1000 h, both P(n) and g(s) decreased. Minimum daytime values of P(n), g(s), and photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (DeltaF/F(m)') were found in horizontally fixed leaves. At a given electron transport rate through PSII (ETR), P(n) was higher in early morning than at midday, suggesting a high rate of photorespiration at midday. We tested the hypothesis that the effect of low leaf temperature (T(leaf)) on P(n) is significant in the early morning, whereas the effect of low g(s) on P(n) predominates at midday. In the early morning, when T(leaf) was increased from 32 to 38 degrees C by artificial heating, P(n) at a given ETR decreased 29%, suggesting that the low T(leaf) was associated with a high P(n). When T(leaf) at midday was decreased from 37 to 32 degrees C by artificial cooling, P(n) increased 22%, but P(n) at a given ETR was higher in early morning than at midday, even at the same low T(leaf) (32 degrees C). This suggests that the rate of photorespiration was higher at midday than in early morning because low g(s) at midday caused a reduction in leaf intercellular CO(2) concentration. We conclude that low P(n) at midday was the result of both a reduction in the photochemical process and an increase in stomatal limitation.  相似文献   

根据观叶植物的特点,提出了一个新的观叶植物分类方案,将观叶植物分为光绿革质叶、异形叶、剌硬叶、雅致叶、彩色叶、肉质叶、特异叶、厚质凹脉叶、绒毛叶等9类。按上述分类系统,从湖南乡土种子植物中筛选出主要观叶植物122种,依植物学名、习性、配置要点及观赏特点列表作了简要的论述和评价。以期为我国南方地区乡土观叶植物的开发利用提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

Development of leaf chloroplast ultrastructure at five levels in a willow (Salix cv. Aquatica gigantea) canopy was followed during one growing season in the field. Changes in chloroplast ultrastructure were compared with the rate of CO(2) uptake of the same leaves. The highest rates of CO(2) uptake were recorded in young leaves exposed to full available sunlight. In these leaves, the area of the grana stacks was less than 20% of the total chloroplast area and the degree of thylakoid stacking was less than 1.5. The chloroplasts of these leaves contained large amounts of starch and small amounts of plastoglobuli. As the canopy grew and the leaves in the lower parts of the canopy became shaded, the structure of the chloroplast thylakoids gradually changed. In leaves at the two lowest levels of the canopy, the degree of stacking at the end of the growing season was close to 2 and correspondingly the rate of CO(2) uptake was low. The areas of grana stacks and plastoglobuli in these chloroplasts increased and were about 30 and 10% of the chloroplast area, respectively, by the end of the growing season. The increase in the degree of thylakoid stacking was caused by increased biosynthesis of grana lamellae, which in general were thinner than the lamellae of young leaves. The length of the stroma lamellae did not change with leaf age. Morphometric measurements showed that the structure of the chloroplasts in leaves 160 cm above ground was dynamic and responsive to environmental conditions so that photosynthetic capacity remained high for 7 weeks despite an increase in leaf shading.  相似文献   

Baldocchi DD  Wilson KB  Gu L 《Tree physiology》2002,22(15-16):1065-1077
This paper focuses on how canopy structure, its physiological functioning and the environment interact to control and drive the exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor between a temperate forest stand and the atmosphere. First, we present an overview of how temporal and spatial variations in canopy structure (e.g., leaf area index, species, leaf inclination angles, leaf clumping) and physiological functioning (e.g., maximal stomatal conductance, photosynthetic capacity) modulate CO2 and water vapor fluxes. Then, with the biophysical model CANOAK, we quantify the effects of leaf dimension and thickness, vertical variations in leaf area and photosynthetic capacity, leaf clumping, leaf inclination angles, photosynthetic capacity, stomatal conductance and weather on the annual sums of CO2, water vapor and sensible heat exchange. Finally, we discuss how much detail is needed in a model to predict fluxes of CO2 and water vapor with acceptable fidelity.  相似文献   

MILNE  R.; BROWN  T. A. W.; MURRAY  T. D. 《Forestry》1998,71(4):297-309
The planting rates from 1921 to 1996 of new coniferous and broadleavedforests for 11 regions of Great Britain were assembled for thestate and private sectors. Over that period new planting totalled231 kha of conifers and 132 kha of broadleaves in England, 141kha of conifers and 16 kha of broadleaves in Wales and 881 khaof conifers and 52 kha of broadleaves in Scotland. These time series and regional values of Yield Class were usedas input data for an accounting model of carbon in the trees,litter, soils and products to produce estimates of their netuptake of carbon by the forests from the atmosphere (i.e. increasein the carbon pools). On the assumption that conifer and broadleafplanting could be represented by Sitka spruce and beech treesrespectively, litter and forest soil in Great Britain were accumulatingcarbon at 2.42 Mt a–1 in 1995–96. Coniferous forestaccounted for 89 per cent of this uptake. Scottish conifer andbroadleaf forests took up 68 per cent and mapping the uptakeshowed that the greatest rate occurred in western Scotland.The pool of carbon in wood products increased in 1995–96by 0.31 Mt a–1. The estimated uptake rates were sensitive to the relative amountsof conifer and broadleaf forest planted (particularly in relationto increases in the pool of carbon in wood products) but notto regional differences in Yield Class. Use of any single YieldClass in the range 10–16 m3 ha–1 a–1 for allSitka spruce planting produced estimates of uptake rate in GreatBritain to trees, litter and soil within ±10 per centof that, assuming yield varied across the country. Lack of preciseknowledge on the parameters of the model was estimated to introducean uncertainty of ±30–70 per cent into estimatesof carbon uptake.  相似文献   

A well-recognized phenomenon during forest development is that stand level forest growth rate begins to decrease after canopy closure. Binkley [Binkley, D., 2004. A hypothesis about the interaction of tree dominance and stand production through stand development. Forest Ecology and Management 190, 265–271] proposed an interesting hypothesis relating individual contribution of trees to forest growth patterns, considering changes in dominance levels and resource use efficiency (ReUE, biomass growth per unit of resource used) of dominant vs suppressed trees. He stated that “the decline in standlevel growth near canopy closure is driven by increasing dominance of larger trees, leading to declining efficiency of resource use by smaller trees”. This decrease in ReUE of suppressed trees once canopy closes would lead to a general decline in standlevel ReUE and thus, in stand growth. This author with other colleagues found evidence according to this hypothesis, but much more research is needed to prove its generality in forests of different species and environmental conditions. The goal of this study was to test Binkley's hypothesis using information of growth patterns, water use efficiency (WUE) and growth efficiency (GE) in different stands of Pinus ponderosa in N.W. Patagonia. According to the hypothesis, we found no dominance in open stands, and some degree of dominance in closed canopy stands. However, in contrast to predictions, WUE differed between the smallest and the largest trees of each stand both with and without dominance. No differences in GE were observed between different tree size groups, and considering individual trees, the more suppressed ones were those with the highest GE. Based on our results, we proposed another hypothesis relating individual and stand ReUE: a decrease in ReUE is not determined by the establishment of dominance and subsequent decrease in suppressed trees efficiencies, but by the availability of resources for individual trees. In this regard, we postulate that differences in ReUE between trees of a stand can appear before dominance, and that these differences in ReUE lead to differences in size of the trees and later, in its social position. When trees grow, they have access to more resources, increasing at the same time, their efficiency using the resources. This efficiency is going to decrease when availability of resources decreases (for competition or environmental stress). The stand ReUE will be maintained, decreased or increased based on the balance of available resources for the individual trees, which in turn will depend on their growth rates, competitive ability and environmental site conditions.  相似文献   

杉木无性系的遗传变异及优良无性系选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
试验揭示了杉木无性系在树高、胸径、单株材积和开花结果等方面有巨大的遗传差异。从99个参试无性系中选出了6个优良无性系,与种子园实生苗相比较,树高增益19%-26%,胸径增益17%-34%,单株材积增益50%-114%。分析了杉木家系选择和无性系选择的遗传改良潜力。无性系树高、胸径和单株材积的遗传变异系数分别是家系遗传变异系数的2.6倍、3.1倍和3.1倍。在入选率相同的条件下,无性系树高、胸径和单株材积的选择响应分别是家系选择响应的2.8倍、3.6倍和3.5倍。  相似文献   

在中国传统文化中,植物是极为重要的文化信息载体.植物景观作为风景园林的重要组成部分,对于中国古典园林意境的形成、文化内涵的体现,是其他任何园林构成要素所无法替代和超越的.中国古典园林植物景观设计、营造历经千年的发展,在技术和方法上逐渐成熟,成为东方园林的典范.  相似文献   

通过调查,长兴县3处重要湿地中共分布有害植物4种,按起源分外来种3种,土著种1种;按危害程度分严重危害种3种,中度危害种1种;按分布分,湖泊湿地4种,水库湿地1种.列出了有害植物的现状;分析了有害植物特点,认为喜旱莲子草、水盾草、黄花水龙3种种群数量大,各自形成单优群落,已对湿地植物多样性等造成危害;凤眼莲虽然仅星散分...  相似文献   

Canopy gaps play a significant role in maintaining structure and composition of tropical forests. This study was carried out in tropical evergreen forests of central Western Ghats in India to understand the influence of canopy gap size and the relationship of gap regime attributes to diversity measures and regeneration. The average gap size in the study area was found to be 396 m2 and around half of gaps were 4–8 years old. Gaps created by natural single tree fall were smaller in size but significantly higher in number. Diversity and regeneration of woody species were compared with canopy gaps and intact vegetation. Species richness and diversity was higher in gaps than in intact vegetation. Macaranga peltata, a shade intolerant species dominated gaps while intact vegetation was dominated by shade tolerant Kingiodendron pinnatum.Gap size significantly influenced species diversity and regeneration. Gap area and age were significantly and negatively correlated with diversity measures but positively correlated with regeneration. Among all the attributes of gaps, regeneration was significantly positively correlated with light intensity. Gaps maintained species diversity and favored regeneration of woody species. In addition to gap size and age, other gap ecological attributes also affected species diversity and regeneration.  相似文献   

To investigate whether sun and shade leaves respond differently to CO2 enrichment, we examined photosynthetic light response of sun and shade leaves in canopy sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) trees growing at ambient and elevated (ambient + 200 microliters per liter) atmospheric CO2 in the Brookhaven National Laboratory/Duke University Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. The sweetgum trees were naturally established in a 15-year-old forest dominated by loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). Measurements were made in early June and late August 1997 during the first full year of CO2 fumigation in the Duke Forest FACE experiment. Sun leaves had a 68% greater leaf mass per unit area, 63% more leaf N per unit leaf area, 27% more chlorophyll per unit leaf area and 77% greater light-saturated photosynthetic rates than shade leaves. Elevated CO2 strongly stimulated light-saturated photosynthetic rates of sun and shade leaves in June and August; however, the relative photosynthetic enhancement by elevated CO2 for sun leaves was more than double the relative enhancement of shade leaves. Elevated CO2 stimulated apparent quantum yield by 30%, but there was no interaction between CO2 and leaf position. Daytime leaf-level carbon gain extrapolated from photosynthetic light response curves indicated that sun leaves were enhanced 98% by elevated CO2, whereas shade leaves were enhanced 41%. Elevated CO2 did not significantly affect leaf N per unit area in sun or shade leaves during either measurement period. Thus, the greater CO2 enhancement of light-saturated photosynthesis in sun leaves than in shade leaves was probably a result of a greater amount of nitrogen per unit leaf area in sun leaves. A full understanding of the effects of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on forest ecosystems must take account of the complex nature of the light environment through the canopy and how light interacts with CO2 to affect photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Mid-subtropical forests are the main vegetation type of global terrestrial biomes, and are critical for maintaining the global carbon balance. However, estimates of forest biomass increment in mid-subtropical forests remain highly uncertain. It is critically important to determine the relative importance of different biotic and abiotic factors between plants and soil, particularly with respect to their influence on plant regrowth. Consequently,it is necessary to quantitatively characterize the dynamicspatiotemporal distribution of forest carbon sinks at a regional scale. This study used a large, long-term dataset in a boosted regression tree(BRT) model to determine the major components that quantitatively control forest biomass increments in a mid-subtropical forested region(Wuyishan National Nature Reserve, China). Long-term,stand-level data were used to derive the forest biomass increment, with the BRT model being applied to quantify the relative contributions of various biotic and abiotic variables to forest biomass increment. Our data show that total biomass(t) increased from 4.62 9 106 to 5.30 9 106 t between 1988 and 2010, and that the mean biomass increased from 80.19 ± 0.39 t ha-1(mean ± standard error) to 94.33 ± 0.41 t ha-1in the study region. The major factors that controlled biomass(in decreasing order of importance) were the stand, topography, and soil. Stand density was initially the most important stand factor, while elevation was the most important topographic factor. Soil factors were important for forest biomass increment but have a much weaker influence compared to the other two controlling factors. These results provide baseline information about the practical utility of spatial interpolationmethods for mapping forest biomass increments at regional scales.  相似文献   

用自己设计的开顶式熏气装置对11种园林绿化苗木进行3种不同浓度的SO2熏气试验,然后对其受害后的症状进行了详细观察和总结,并根据树种的症状表现对其抗SO2能力的大小进行了排序。  相似文献   

Responses of photosynthesis to carbon dioxide (CO2) partial pressure and irradiance were measured on leaves of 39-year-old trees of manuka (Leptospermum scoparium J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides var. ericoides (A. Rich.) J. Thompson) at a field site, and on leaves of young trees grown at three nitrogen supply rates in a nursery, to determine values for parameters in a model to estimate annual net carbon uptake. These secondary successional species belong to the same family and commonly co-occur. Mean (+/- standard error) values of the maximum rate of carboxylation (hemi-surface area basis) (Vcmax) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) at the field site were 47.3 +/- 1.9 micromol m(-2) s(-1) and 94.2 +/- 3.7 micromol m(-2) s(-1), respectively, with no significant differences between species. Both Vcmax and Jmax were positively related to leaf nitrogen concentration on a unit leaf area basis, and the slopes of these relationships did not differ significantly between species or between the trees in the field and young trees grown in the nursery. Mean values of Jmax/Vcmax measured at 20 degrees C were significantly lower (P < 0.01) for trees in the field (2.00 +/- 0.05) than for young trees in the nursery with similar leaf nitrogen concentrations (2.32 +/- 0.08). Stomatal conductance decreased sharply with increasing air saturation deficit, but the sensitivity of the response did not differ between species. These data were used to derive parameters for a coupled photosynthesis-stomatal conductance model to scale estimates of photosynthesis from leaves to the canopy, incorporating leaf respiration at night, site energy and water balances, to estimate net canopy carbon uptake. Over the course of a year, 76% of incident irradiance (400-700 nm) was absorbed by the canopy, annual net photosynthesis per unit ground area was 164.5 mol m(-2) (equivalent to 1.97 kg C m(-2)) and respiration loss from leaves at night was 37.5 mol m(-2) (equivalent to 0.45 kg m(-2)), or 23% of net carbon uptake. When modeled annual net carbon uptake for the trees was combined with annual respiration from the soil surface, estimated net primary productivity for the ecosystem (0.30 kg C m(-2)) was reasonably close to the annual estimate obtained from independent mensurational and biomass measurements made at the site (0.22 +/- 0.03 kg C m(-2)). The mean annual value for light-use efficiency calculated from the ratio of net carbon uptake (net photosynthesis minus respiration of leaves at night) and absorbed irradiance was 13.0 mmol C mol(-1) (equivalent to 0.72 kg C GJ(-1)). This is low compared with values reported for other temperate forests, but is consistent with limitations to photosynthesis in the canopy attributable mainly to low nitrogen availability and associated low leaf area index.  相似文献   

蔷薇属3种植物叶片的比较解剖结构及其与抗旱性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过石蜡切片、电镜扫描等方法对3种蔷薇属植物玫瑰、黄刺玫、月季的叶片进行形态解剖并加以研究。结果表明:三种蔷薇属植物叶的解剖构造属中生型植物的特征,具有一定的抗旱性,其抗旱性从强到弱排列顺序依次为:黄刺玫玫瑰月季。  相似文献   

There are 16 species of fleshy-fruit cating birds in Autumn in Maoer Mt. NE China. According to their feeding strategies. we can divide them into 3 groups: 1. Pulp-cating birds, they get nutrition from pulp. so. their seeds are defecated completely. These birds have a great effect on seed dispersal. 2. Seed-cating birds, they obtain nutrition from the seed but pulp. Seeds are digested totally. They don’t disperse seeds at all. 3. Whole-fruit-eating birds, both seed and pulp are digested when passing through gut. They don’t have any effect on seed dispersal either. Supported by NSFC 39370137 (Responsible Editor: Sun Yueqi)  相似文献   

Stand age is an important structural determinant of canopy transpiration (E(c)) and carbon gain. Another more functional parameter of forest structure is the leaf area/sapwood area relationship, A(L)/A(S), which changes with site conditions and has been used to estimate leaf area index of forest canopies. The interpretation of age-related changes in A(L)/A(S) and the question of how A(L)/A(S) is related to forest functions are of current interest because they may help to explain forest canopy fluxes and growth. We conducted studies in mature stands of Picea abies (L.) Karst. varying in age from 40 to 140 years, in tree density from 1680 to 320 trees ha(-1), and in tree height from 15 to 30 m. Structural parameters were measured by biomass harvests of individual trees and stand biometry. We estimated E(c) from scaled-up xylem sap flux of trees, and canopy-level fluxes were predicted by a three-dimensional microclimate and gas exchange model (STANDFLUX). In contrast to pine species, A(L)/A(S) of P. abies increased with stand age from 0.26 to 0.48 m(2) cm(-2). Agreement between E(c) derived from scaled-up sap flux and modeled canopy transpiration was obtained with the same parameterization of needle physiology independent of stand age. Reduced light interception per leaf area and, as a consequence, reductions in net canopy photosynthesis (A(c)), canopy conductance (g(c)) and E(c) were predicted by the model in the older stands. Seasonal water-use efficiency (WUE = A(c)/E(c)), derived from scaled-up sap flux and stem growth as well as from model simulation, declined with increasing A(L)/A(S) and stand age. Based on the different behavior of age-related A(L)/A(S) in Norway spruce stands compared with other tree species, we conclude that WUE rather than A(L)/A(S) could represent a common age-related property of all species. We also conclude that, in addition to hydraulic limitations reducing carbon gain in old stands, a functional change in A(L)/A(S) that is related to reduced light interception per leaf area provides another potential explanation for reduced carbon gain in old stands of P. abies, even when hydraulic constraints increase in response to changes in canopy architecture and aging.  相似文献   

薄层扫描法测定几种植物中熊果酸的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用薄层扫描法对车前草、夏枯草、山茱萸中熊果酸的含量进行了测定,其TLC测定条件为:展开剂:环己烷-氯仿-乙酸乙酯(20∶5∶8),显色剂:10%H2SO4乙酸溶液。结果表明:在几种植物中,夏枯草的熊果酸含量最高,达0·812%,车前草的熊果酸含量最低,为0·516%,二者相差1·59倍。该方法简便、快速、准确、经济、数据可靠。  相似文献   

林业飞防作业特点及其组织与保障管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对林业飞防作业的优点和特点进行了探讨,并从通用航空公司和用户的角度出发,提出了林业飞防作业组织与保障管理的方法,确保任务的完成和达到满意的防治效果。  相似文献   

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