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The spread of rabies in terrestrial wildlife throughout the United States is primarily controlled through oral rabies vaccination. Relatively low bait acceptance and seroconversion rates by some target species have prompted investigation into an alternative to the RABORAL V-RG bait currently used. In Canada, ONRAB Ultralite baits are used to vaccinate raccoons (Procyon lotor) and striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). Comparative studies between RABORAL V-RG and ONRAB found higher seroconversion rates among raccoons that ingested ONRAB, suggesting that it may be a suitable alternative. However, ONRAB has not been evaluated in many rabies reservoir species, including coyotes (Canis latrans). Vaccination of coyotes is a critical element in preventing reemergence of canine strain of rabies in the United States. We evaluated flavor preference of ONRAB Ultralite oral rabies vaccine baits by coyotes. Preferences among bait types differed (Friedman χ2 = 13.28; df = 5; P = 0.02). Of the 6 bait flavors evaluated, cheese ranked the highest, followed by fish, chicken, sugar-vanilla, egg, and bacon flavors. Pairwise trials among the top 3 flavors (cheese, fish, and chicken) showed no difference (Friedman χ2 = 3.00; df = 2; P = 0.22). Our research suggests that among the bait flavors we evaluated, cheese, fish, or chicken-flavored baits may be an appropriate flavor for delivery of ONRAB Ultralite baits to coyotes.  相似文献   

Controlling rabies in skunk populations is an important public health concern in many parts of the United States due to the potential for skunk rabies outbreaks in urban centres and the possible role for skunks in raccoon rabies variant circulation. Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programmes have supported wildlife rabies control efforts globally but using ORV to control rabies in skunk populations has proven more challenging than with other target species, like foxes, coyotes and raccoons. A review of published studies found that some ORV constructs are immunogenic in skunks and protect against virulent rabies virus challenges, especially when delivered by direct installation into the oral cavity. However, in field ORV programmes using currently available vaccine‐bait formats and distribution methods targeting other rabies reservoir species, skunks often fail to seroconvert. Field effectiveness of ORV in skunks appears to be limited by poor bait uptake or inadequate ingestion of vaccine rather than from poor vaccine efficacy. Observations of captive skunks revealed vaccine spillage when handling and biting into baits such that modification of bait formats might improve field effectiveness. In addition, a dose–response relationship between bait distribution density and post‐baiting seroconversion among skunks was observed across the limited number of field studies. Additional research is needed to identify opportunities to modify ORV baits and distribution strategies to improve the viability of ORV as a rabies control strategy in skunks.  相似文献   

The field distribution of the oral rabies vaccine is effective in controlling the spread of rabies. The present study aimed to investigate efficient distribution locations based on the environment, contact rate, and consumption by target wildlife species in South Korea. The target species (Korean raccoon dogs, domestic dogs, and feral cats) accounted for 945 contacts (52.2%), in total 1,808 contacts. There were 863 (47.8%) contacts by non-target species. Raccoon dogs, a main reservoir of rabies in South Korea, had the highest contact rate (34.1%) among all species. The contact rate by target species was highest at riparian sites and bushy mountainous vegetation, where raccoon dogs are abundant. There was remarkable contact by raccoon dogs in mountainous areas below 150 m with bushy vegetation. Our results indicate that these locations are efficient areas for vaccine distribution, especially targeting the raccoon dog. Vaccines were continuously contacted with intervals ranging from one hour to one day. Vaccines at 94.4% of the distribution points were completely consumed within two weeks. The mean consumption rate was 95.2 ± 1.93% during the overall study period. These findings suggest that the oral rabies vaccine attracts wildlife including domestic dogs and feral cats. Our results suggest that low sections of mountainous areas with bushy vegetation and/or neighboring riparian areas are rich in target wildlife species (especially raccoon dogs) and are efficient locations for vaccine distribution to control rabies in South Korea.  相似文献   

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