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Ecological systems comprise a complex array of interacting processes that manifest across multiple scales. Effective management of natural ecosystems has to be underpinned by an understanding of how the scaling of these processes influences system integrity and stability. This is particularly true in semiarid rangelands, which display strong relationships between pattern and process that are fundamental to maintaining ecosystem function. Grazing can disrupt the scaling of these relationships and the mechanistic coupling between pattern and process, undermining the health of grazed semiarid rangelands. This is due to possible hysteretic responses in key system components to increases and decreases in grazing disturbance. We used data from a semiarid rangeland in northern Australia to test for hysteretic responses in system components after the removal of cattle grazing. We found an uncoupling of spatial linkages between vegetation and soil moisture in a severely degraded plot that was not evident in less intensively grazed or recovering plots. Recovering plots protected from grazing for 20 yr showed a scale of spatial linkage between vegetation and soil moisture, and soil organic matter and mineralization flush, of a scale much coarser than that of degrading plots. These findings provide evidence for hysteretic recovery from grazing and demonstrate that comparison of the spatial patterns of vegetation and soil properties is essential for capturing the true state of ecological functionality in this system. This has important implications for assessing ecological function in systems typified by strong natural environmental variation or in which data for pristine conditions are lacking.  相似文献   

Exclusion of large grazers from rangelands that evolved with significant grazing pressure can alter natural processes and may have legacy effects by changing magnitude or direction of community responses to subsequent disturbance. Three moderately grazed pastures were paired with 12-ha areas with 15 yr of livestock exclusion. Six treatments were assigned to each in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of fire (fall fire or no fire) and grazing utilization (0%, 50%, or 75% biomass removal) to determine grazing history effects on rangeland response to subsequent disturbance. Livestock exclusion increased C3 perennial grass (1 232 vs. 980 ± 50 kg ? ha-1) and forbs (173 vs. 62 ± 19 kg ? ha-1) and reduced C4 perennial grass (36 vs. 180 ± 25 kg ? ha-1) with no effect on total current-year biomass. Diversity was greater in pastures than exclosures (H’ = 1.5400 vs. 1.3823 ± 0.0431). Every biomass, cover, and diversity measure, except subshrub biomass, was affected by fire, grazing utilization, or both. Contrary to expectations, grazing history only interacted with fire effects for old standing dead material and interactions with grazing utilization were limited to old dead, bare ground, richness and dominance. Fire by grazing utilization interaction was limited to bare ground. Fire reduced annual grass (64 vs. 137 ± 29 kg ? ha-1), forbs (84 vs. 133 ± 29 kg ? ha-1), and diversity (H’ = 1.3260 vs. 1.5005 ± 0.0537) with no difference in total current-year biomass (1 557 vs. 1 594 ± 66 kg ? ha-1). Grazing to 75% utilization reduced total current-year biomass (1 467 vs. 1 656 ± 66 kg ? ha-1) and dominance (0.4824 vs. 0.5584 ± 0.0279). Grazing history affected starting points for most variables, but changes caused by grazing utilization or fire were similar between pastures and exclosures, indicating management decisions can be made based on independent knowledge of grazing or fire effects.  相似文献   

Complete rest or grazing deferment is a general recommendation to encourage vegetative recovery following fire in the western United States. However, effects of grazing deferments on animal performance have not been determined. Prescribed fires were individually applied to nine separate, 1.5-ha pastures each year (2006 and 2007) for a total of 18 pastures. Grazing was deferred until spring (16 May), early summer (19 June), or late summer (1 August) the growing season after fire. At the end of each deferment, a 70-d (2007) or 41-d (2008) grazing period was initiated. Stocking rates were consistent between treatments within year, but were adjusted between years to achieve the targeted residual biomass of approximately 300 kg · ha?1. Diet quality was assessed approximately every 15 d throughout each grazing period (three pastures · period?1) via collection of rumen extrusa throughout the 2-yr study. Ewe body weight was measured on and off-test for each grazing period. Diet extrusa samples for in vitro organic matter disappearance was less (P = 0.03) for late summer than early summer grazing periods and equal to the spring period (62.9, 64.6, and 61.0 ± 0.90%, respectively for spring, early summer, and late summer grazing periods). In vitro neutral detergent fiber disappearance decreased (P = 0.01) by 10.6 percentage units from early grazing to late grazing period in 2007, whereas no differences were observed in 2008. Ewe average daily gain did not differ between spring and early summer grazing periods and were greater (P = 0.03) than the negligible body weight gains of the late summer grazing period. Total gain was 10.9 kg · ha?1 greater in 2008, and a quadratic response was measured for grazing period in 2007. Results indicate that deferment until early summer may be preferable so that stocking rates can be more accurately determined and animal performance is not diminished.  相似文献   

Grazing management effects on soil property dynamics are poorly understood. A study was conducted to assess effects of grazing management and season on soil property dynamics and greenhouse gas flux within semiarid rangeland. Grazing management treatments evaluated in the study included two permanent pastures differing in stocking rate (moderately and heavily grazed pastures) and a fertilized, heavily grazed crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum [Fisch. ex. Link] Schult.) pasture near Mandan, North Dakota. Over a period of 3 yr, soil properties were measured in the spring, summer, and fall at 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm. Concurrent to soil-based measurements, fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxidewere measured on 1-wk to 2-wk intervals and related to soil properties via stepwise regression. High stocking rate and fertilizer nitrogen (N) application within the crested wheatgrass pasture contributed to increased soil bulk density and extractable N, and decreased soil pH and microbial biomass compared to permanent pastures. Soil nitrate nitrogen tended to be greatest at peak aboveground biomass, whereas soil ammonium nitrogen was greatest in early spring. Drought conditions during the third year of the study contributed to nearly two-fold increases in extractable N under the crested wheatgrass pasture and the heavily grazed permanent pasture, but not the moderately grazed permanent pasture. Stepwise regression found select soil properties to be modestly related to soil–atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes, with model r2 ranging from 0.09 to 0.76. Electrical conductivity was included most frequently in stepwise regressions and, accordingly, may serve as a useful screening indicator for greenhouse gas “hot spots” in grazing land.  相似文献   

Grazing management is important for sustaining the productivity and health of rangelands. However, the effects of grazing management on herbage growth and species composition in the tropical savannas of northern Australia are not well known. In this eight-year study the influences of utilization rate and resting pastures from grazing on vegetation dynamics were measured at three sites in northeast Queensland, Australia. The sites had high, medium, and low soil fertility, and there were two land condition classes (States I and II) at each site. Severe drought occurred during the first four years, but above-average rainfall was received in the second half of the study. High utilization rates reduced biomass, perennial grass basal area, and ground cover. The reduction in biomass was due to both higher consumption and decreased primary production. State I condition plots at the high and medium soil fertility sites were initially dominated by decreaser perennial grasses, but these declined at all utilization levels, particularly the high rate. They were largely replaced by exotic perennial grasses. At the low fertility site there were no exotic grasses, and the decreaser grasses increased in all treatments, with the increases greatest in plots with low utilization or medium utilization plus resting. In the State II condition plots at the high and medium fertility sites, low or moderate utilization, led to an increase in both decreaser and exotic perennial grasses; with high utilization the decreaser perennial grasses declined and were replaced largely by exotic perennial grasses. This study clearly demonstrated that either conservative stocking with year-round grazing or a grazing system that includes some wet-season resting will help maintain land in a desirable state or help facilitate the transition from a less desirable ecological state to one more desirable for pastoral production and rangeland condition.  相似文献   

Many nonnative invasive grasses alter fire regimes to their own benefit and the detriment of native organisms. In southern Arizona the nonnative Lehmann lovegrass (Eragrostis lehmanniana Nees) dominates many semiarid grasslands where native grasses were abundant. Managers are wary of using prescribed fire in this fire-prone community partly due to the perceived effects of a grass/fire cycle. However, examples of the grass/fire cycle originate in ecosystems where native plants are less fire-tolerant than grasses and the invasive plant does not mimic the physiognomy of the native community. We investigate the effects of prescribed fire and livestock grazing on a semiarid grassland community dominated by a nonnative invasive grass. Lehmann lovegrass does not appear to alter the fire regime of semiarid grasslands to the detriment of native plants. Prescribed fire reduced the abundance of Lehmann lovegrass for 1 to 2 yr while increasing abundance of native grasses, herbaceous dicotyledons and fall richness, and diversity. Effects of livestock grazing were less transformative than the effects of fire in this long-grazed area, but grazing negatively affected native plants as did the combination of prescribed fire and livestock grazing. Although Lehmann lovegrass produces more fuel than native plants, fire frequency in semiarid grasslands appears to be limited by the paucity of above-average precipitation, which constrains high fuel loads. In addition, many native grasses tolerate high temperatures produced by Lehmann lovegrass fires. Consistent with previous research, fire does not promote the spread of Lehmann lovegrass, and more importantly human alteration of the fire regime is greater than the nominal effects of Lehmann lovegrass introduction on the fire regime.  相似文献   

阐述了青海省三江源区草地畜牧业与草地利用的现状和存在的问题。在分析其他地区草地利用经验的基础上,提出了该地区退化草地改良与合理利用的建议,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

阐述了青海省三江源区草地畜牧业与草地利用的现状和存在的问题.在分析其他地区草地利用经验的基础上,提出了该地区退化草地改良与合理利用的建议,供有关人员参考.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of multipaddock, rotational grazing management on rangelands has been slow to develop, and the contribution of adaptive management (Briske et al. 2011) and sufficient scale (Teague and Barnes 2017) have been identified as key omissions. We designed an experiment to compare responses of vegetation and cattle in an adaptively managed, multipaddock, rotational system with that of a season-long, continuous system at scales comparable with those of a working ranch. We hypothesized that 1) year-long rest periods in the adaptively managed, rotational pastures would increase the density and productivity of perennial C3 graminoids compared with continuously grazed pastures and 2) adaptive management, supported with detailed monitoring data, would result in similar cattle performance in the rotational as in the continuously grazed pastures. However, we found little supporting evidence for grazing management effects on C3 graminoid abundance or production under either above-average or below-average precipitation conditions during the 5-yr experiment. Furthermore, adaptive rotational grazing resulted in a 12–16% reduction in total cattle weight gain relative to continuous grazing each year. Our work shows that the implementation of adaptive management by a stakeholder group provided with detailed vegetation and animal monitoring data was unable to fully mitigate the adverse consequences of high stock density on animal weight gain. Under adaptive rotational grazing, C3 perennial grass productivity and stocking rate both increased following above-average precipitation. But when adaptive rotational management was directly compared with continuous grazing with the same increase in stocking rate, continuous grazing achieved similar vegetation outcomes with greater cattle weight gains. We suggest that managers in semiarid rangelands strive to maintain cattle at stock densities low enough to allow for maximal cattle growth rates, while still providing spatiotemporal variability in grazing distribution to enhance rangeland heterogeneity and long-term sustainability of forage production.  相似文献   

Effects of grazing management systems (GS) on biomass production and nutritional quality of rangeland vegetation in semiarid regions are extensively studied; however, limited information is available regarding their effects on diet digestibility and feed intake of grazing livestock. We therefore analyzed digestibility of ingested organic matter (dOM), organic matter intake (OMI), and live weight gain (LWG) of sheep in a grazing experiment established in the Inner Mongolian steppe of China, where two GS were tested for six different grazing intensities (GI) from very light to heavy grazing. For the continuous grazing system, sheep grazed the same plots each year, and for the alternating system, grazing and hay making were alternated annually between two adjacent plots. In July, August, and September 2009 and 2010, feed intake and live weight of sheep were determined. The GS did not affect dOM (P = 0.101), OMI (P = 0.381), and LWG of sheep (P = 0.701). Across both GS LWG decreased from 98 g · d-1 for GI1 to 62 g · d-1 for GI6 (P &spilt; 0.001; R2 = 0.42). There were no interactions between GS and GI for all measured parameters (P ≥ 0.061), indicating that alternating grazing did not compensate for negative effects of heavy grazing even after 4 yr of grassland use. In summary, our study showed that irrespective of GI, alternating grassland use does not improve dOM, OMI, and hence, LWG of sheep. However, it might enhance revenues and ecological sustainability in the long term when compared to the common practice of continuous grazing at very high stocking rates.  相似文献   

不同放牧密度对草原植被特征的影响分析   总被引:37,自引:11,他引:37  
呼伦贝尔天然草原在不同放牧半径条件下的草原植被演替特征,包括植被组成、群落主要植物的优势度、植被演替度、植被高度、盖度以及生产力与放牧强度的变化关系等。结果分析表明:呼伦贝尔草原放牧密度的差异将导致植被组成中的减少种、增加种与侵入种比例呈有规律改变,特别是随放牧密度的增大,侵入种比例急剧开始升高;同时草原植被中优势种比例下降,而且植被演替度减小,植被生产力下降。应用植被生态学的定量分析方法,对不同  相似文献   

Combined growing- and dormant-season pasture use has potential to increase herbage harvest without causing the undesirable shift in species composition that occurs with excessive utilization. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of summer clipping on winter pastures and winter clipping on summer pastures regarding standing crop, plant community composition, and forage quality. The study was conducted from 2003–2006 at the Antelope and Cottonwood Research Stations located in the mixed-grass prairie of western South Dakota. At each location, the experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications that included 18 clipping treatments arranged as a split-split plot. Whole plots consisted of four summer clipping dates (May–August). Subplot treatments were two clipping intensities (clipped to residual height to achieve 25% or 50% utilization). Sub-subplots consisted of two winter clipping intensities (unharvested or clipped to a residual height to achieve a total utilization of 65%). Two winter control treatments were arranged in the subplot and split into two clipping intensities of 50% and 65% utilization. Winter biomass for the May 25% clipping treatment was similar to winter biomass for winter-only clipping. No increase in forage quality resulted from summer clipping compared with winter clipping. Three consecutive yr of combined growing-season and dormant-season defoliation to 65% utilization resulted in no change in functional group composition compared with ≤ 50% utilization treatments. Clipping in June resulted in reduced midgrass biomass at both stations and increased shortgrass biomass at Cottonwood. Results suggest that producers could combine growing and dormant-season grazing to increase the harvest of herbage on mixed-grass prairie, but should change season of use periodically to avoid an undesirable shift in plant composition.  相似文献   

青藏高寒草地夏秋季不同轮牧强度对牧草及绵羊的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
曹毅  汤茂林 《草地学报》1995,3(4):330-332
本试验是在四川省阿坝州若尔盖县辖曼种羊场进行的。对种羊场的草地进行夏秋季轮牧强度试验,对轮牧小区内牧草产量、营养成份、绵羊生产性能进行测定,结果表明:从保护利用的观点着眼,草地轮牧强度应选择7.5只羊/ha,草地的可利用牧草为90%。日增重与日食量和放牧强度之间存在显著的多元线性回归关系,日增重与采食量呈正比,而与放牧强度呈反比。日采食蛋白与日增重比与日食量和放牧强度之间存在显著的多元线性回归关系,当放牧强度为3.75只羊/ha时日食蛋白与日增重比达到最低,为0.875,即绵羊对蛋白质的利用率最高。  相似文献   

Knowledge of herbivory tolerance of dominant plant species and their responses to varying grazing intensity is required for sustainable grazing management in semiarid rangeland ecosystems. In a field experiment, we studied the effects of simulated grazing 0%, 30%, 50%, and 80% leaf removal (control, partial, intermediate, and heavy leaf removal) of three dominant perennial legumes: Astragalus cyclophyllon, Astragalus effuses, and Hedysarum criniferum in semiarid rangelands of southwestern Iran for 2 yr and tested 1) differential herbivory tolerance in terms of regrowth ability of belowground and aboveground biomass (AGB), fecundity, and nonstructural carbohydrate reserves; and 2) trade-off between forage quantity and quality—less defoliated plants produce larger amount of biomass with less forage quality and vice versa. The results showed a reduction in AGB and reproduction in each of the three plants. However, three forbs exhibited some sort of variations in shoot and root growth, reproduction and forage quality under intermediate and heavy leaf removal. Leaf removal in individuals of A. effusus and H. criniferum are more likely to compensate for tissue loss by allocating the available resources to the expansion of root biomass, at the cost of AGB and reproductive effort. Leaf removal also led to an increase in forage quality in each of the three forb species, depending on the level of height removal. The control plant had a higher amount of biomass production and lower amount of crude protein compared with heavy leaf removal treatments (i.e., 80%), by contrasting responses of acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber, indicating a trade-off between forage quality and forage quantity. The results indicate that there is a balance among forage quantity, quality, and regrowth ability of belowground and aboveground tissues in intermediate leaf removal treatments of these forb species. This balance is used to develop principles for grazing management of steppe rangelands because such a regime meets different criteria including forage quantity, quality, and nonstructural carbohydrate reserves.  相似文献   

Policymakers and managers are promoting Rangeland Fire Protection Associations (RFPA) as one way to better incorporate private citizens as active participants who contribute to fire suppression efforts on public rangelands. While the RFPA program is growing in popularity, little is known about the way that RFPAs establish and operate. This is especially true in mosaic management scenarios characterized by fragmented landownerships and a variety of land or fire management entities responsible for wildfire suppression. Our goal was to investigate how an RFPA forms and functions in a management scenario characterized by: 1) proximity to exurban residential development; 2) agreements with multiple local, state, and federal wildfire suppression entities; and 3) a geographically disperse protection district. We conducted in-depth interviews with RFPA members, land or fire management professionals, emergency managers, and local interest groups who interact with the Black Canyon RFPA (BCRFPA) in southwestern Idaho. We found that the BCRFPA leveraged the insights, documents and support of existing RFPAs during their establishment, but ultimately had to adapt the RFPA idea to specific elements of their local context. Members of nearby rural fire districts were initially apprehensive about the formation of the BCRFPA due to concerns about resource competition (e.g., funding and large equipment). RFPA members with professional firefighting experience helped alleviate those tensions by explaining how the RFPA would integrate into existing wildfire management networks. The BCRFPA provided local knowledge about road conditions, water resources, and fuel conditions and initial attack to fill in gaps in landscape-level wildfire protection. However, the proximity of residential areas to the BCRFPA protection district made decisions about fire suppression more complex by introducing trade-offs between residential and rangeland resource protections. Ultimately, our results indicate that RFPAs can help rangeland human populations better adapt to wildfire risk, but that social fragmentation may challenge RFPA functioning.  相似文献   

Rangelands are areas used primarily for grazing by domestic livestock; however, because they support native vegetation and fauna, their potential role in conservation should not be overlooked. Typically, “off-reserve” conservation in agricultural landscapes assumes a trade-off between maintaining the ecological processes that support biodiversity and successful food production and profitability. To evaluate this potential biodiversity trade-off in rangelands, we need to understand the effect of different livestock grazing strategies on biodiversity, in relation to their performance in terms of profitability and land condition. We monitored reptile community responses to four cattle-grazing strategies (heavy, moderate, and variable stocking rates and a rotational wet season spelling treatment) in a replicated, long-term grazing trial in north Queensland, Australia. Simultaneously, measures of profitability and land condition were collected for the different grazing strategies. Overall, reptile abundance was not negatively impacted by the more sustainably managed treatments (moderate, variable, and rotational) compared with heavy stocking, although the effect of grazing treatment alone was not significant. Profitability and land condition were also higher in these treatments compared with the heavy stocking rate treatment. As drought conditions worsened over the 3 yr, the negative impact of the heavy stocking treatment on both profitability and biodiversity became more pronounced. Heavy stocking negatively impacted reptiles and was also the least profitable grazing strategy over the long term, resulting in the worst land condition. This suggests that in this tropical savanna rangeland there was no trade-off between economic performance and reptile abundance and diversity. Grazing regimes with a moderate stocking rate or flexible management strategies were better able to buffer the effects of climate variability. The consequence was a more resilient reptile community and better economic outcomes in dry years.  相似文献   

草地放牧制度不仅反映畜牧业生产的特征.也决定其性质.草地放牧制度选择的合理与否,直接影响草地资源的可持续利用和草地生态环境质量以及牧户经营收入.在阐述草原牧区草地放牧制度演变的基础上,采用基于随机抽样的人户调查和实地考察的方法,对位于浑善达克沙地的6个苏木290个牧户进行了调查研究,分析了牧户草地放牧制度的不同类型以及草地利用中的经营管理行为.  相似文献   

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