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The large-scale influence of livestock grazing in the western United States generates a need to integrate landscape management to incorporate both wildlife and livestock. The purpose of this project was to evaluate the effects of four different grazing cells (spring grazing, summer growing-season grazing, fall grazing, and resting) on wintering elk resource selection within the Wall Creek range in southwest Montana. We collected biweekly observations of elk (Cervus elaphus) numbers and distributions across the winter range from 1988 to 2007. Using a matched-case control logistic regression model to estimate selection coefficients, we evaluated the effects of annual green-up conditions, winter conditions, landscape features, and grazing treatment on elk group resource selection within the grazing system. We found that within the grazing system, elk groups preferentially selected for rested pastures over pastures that were grazed during the previous spring (1 May–1 June), summer (1 June–15 July), and fall (15 September–30 September). The strength of selection against the pasture grazed during the summer growing season was strongest, and pastures grazed during the spring and fall were selected for over the pasture grazed during the summer. The number of elk utilizing the grazing system increased in the 19 yr following implementation of the grazing system; however, total elk herd size also increased during this time. We found no evidence that the proportion of the elk herd utilizing the grazing system changed following implementation of the rest–rotation grazing system. Wintering elk group preference for rested pastures suggests rested pastures play an important role in rotation grazing systems by conserving forage for wintering elk. Additionally, rested pastures provide important cover for a host of other wildlife species. We recommend wildlife managers maintain rested pastures within rotation grazing systems existing on ungulate winter range.  相似文献   

Areas identified as winter range are important seasonal habitats for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) because they can moderate overwinter mortality by providing thermal cover and forage. Therefore, identifying seasonally important resources is a conservation priority, especially when sensitive areas are proposed for development. We used data collected from global positioning system (GPS) collars fitted on female mule deer (n = 19; one location every 3 h) to identify resources important during winter (23 February 2011–30 April 2011; 1 November 2011–15 January 2012) in a region spanning southern Wyoming and northern Colorado that has been proposed for wind energy development. The study period included portions of two consecutive winters but were pooled for analysis. We used methods to account for GPS biases, fractal analyses to determine perceived spatial scale, and discrete choice models and conditional logistic regression to assess resource selection prior to development (i.e., baseline data). Resource selection by female mule deer revealed similar patterns between active (0600–1800 hours) and nonactive (2100–0300 hours) periods. Deer selected most strongly for proximity to rock outcrops and shrubland and average values of slope. Deer tended to avoid roads and grasslands; all other landscape features had minimal influence on resource selection (hazard ratios near, or overlapping, 1). Using the fixed-effects coefficient estimates, we developed two spatially explicit maps that depicted probability of mule deer occurrence across the landscape. Based on an independent validation sample, each map (active and nonactive) validated well with a greater percentage of locations occurring in the two highest probability of use bins. These maps offer guidance to managing mule deer populations, conserving important seasonal habitats, and mitigating development (e.g., wind energy) in areas identified as important to mule deer.  相似文献   

We evaluated elk (Cervus elaphus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), cattle (Bos taurus), and domestic sheep (Ovis aries) diet composition, diet overlap, and forage selection on aspen (Populus tremuloides Michaux)–sagebrush (Artemisia spp. L.) summer range in northeastern Nevada to understand potential for forage competition to provide better information for managing these communities. Diets were determined through microhistological fecal analysis from 1998 to 2000, and forage selection was evaluated at feeding sites in aspen and sagebrush communities in 1999 and 2000. Elk spring diets were the most diverse in composition; summer elk diets were dominated by forbs (59%–78%); deer consumed mostly woody browse (64%–72%); and cattle and sheep ate mostly graminoids. Lupines (Lupinus spp. L.) constituted ≥ 11% of elk, deer, and sheep diets in summer. Spurred lupine (Lupinus caudatus Kellogg) was the lupine typically selected in feeding sites and greatest consumption occurred in summer when total alkaloid levels were lowest. Highest diet overlap was between cattle and sheep in 1999 (68%) and lowest between deer and cattle in 2000 (3%). Summer elk and deer diets overlapped moderately (45%–59%). Diets did not differ between elk in spring with sheep, elk in summer with deer and sheep, or cattle with sheep. Cattle foraged selectively on forbs in aspen communities (68%) and on graminoids in sagebrush communities (88%), reflecting relative forage availabilities. We detected no differences among elk, cattle, and sheep for forage selection in aspen communities. Electivity indices indicated elk preferred forbs in aspen and sagebrush communities; cattle preferred graminoids in sagebrush; and foraging sheep preferred forbs in aspen. Our results suggest potential for forage competition among ungulates on aspen–sagebrush summer range is highest for forbs in aspen communities. Monitoring productivity and use of key forage species, particularly forbs in aspen communities, should complement management objectives on shared aspen–sagebrush summer range.  相似文献   

Zoonotic diseases such as bovine tuberculosis (TB) that infect wildlife and livestock are particularly difficult to eradicate where wild animals make extensive use of agricultural landscapes. Transmission of TB between cattle (Bos taurus) and wild elk (Cervus elaphus) in southwestern Manitoba, Canada remains poorly understood but there is a risk when comingling occurs on summer pasture. Elk use of cattle summer pastures was assessed using ecological data (187 VHF and 25 GPS collared elk monitored over four years representing 8% of the elk population). Local knowledge was documented by conducting interviews and participatory mapping exercises with 86 cattle producers (98% of those within the study area). Of the 294 cattle pastures mapped by farmers, 13% were used by radio-collared elk, 38% were reported by farmers as being used by elk, and 42% were identified as used by elk when both when all datasets were combined. Cattle pastures that had been used by elk and those that had no elk were compared using binary logistic regression based on each of the three datasets (i.e. farmer observations, radio-collared elk on pasture, and combined dataset). For all three datasets, distance to protected area and proportion of forest cover on the cattle pasture were identified as the most and second most important predictor variables, respectively. There was strong agreement among the relative probabilities of elk occurrence on each pasture derived from the resource selection function (RSF) models developed using farmer interviews and elk collaring data. The farmer interview and collar datasets were then combined to generate a final integrated RSF map summarizing the probability of elk–cattle comingling and were contrasted over each of four cattle grazing seasons (spring, early summer, late summer, and autumn). These predictive maps indicate that use of cattle pastures by elk is extensive, particularly in spring and early summer. Farmer observations indicate that elk and cattle share water sources and livestock mineral supplements on pasture. Local knowledge and conventional ecological data complement and validate one another and help us better understand the temporospatial aspects of shared space use among wildlife and livestock and more generally the risks of disease transmission in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated the response of ungulate populations to wind energy development. Recent demand for wind-generated electricity coupled with a tendency for wind-energy facilities to be sited within suitable pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) winter range make this a critical issue for conservation of this icon of western North America. We evaluated pronghorn response to wind energy development at the winter home range scale, as well as within individual winter home ranges using data collected from 47 adult female pronghorn equipped with Global Positioning System transmitters. At both scales, we developed separate resource selection models for pronghorn before (winter 2010) and after (winters 2011 and 2012) development of the Dunlap Ranch wind energy facility in south-central Wyoming to evaluate the potential impacts of wind energy infrastructure on pronghorn winter resource selection. In general, pronghorn winter resource selection was correlated with greater sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) cover, lower snow depth, and lower slopes before and after wind energy development at both scales. At the larger scale, pronghorn selected home ranges closer to wind turbines during all winters. Within home ranges, pronghorn selected areas closer to future locations of wind turbines at Dunlap Ranch during 2010 before turbine erection. However, we found evidence that pronghorn avoided wind turbines in winters after development within their winter home ranges. This relationship was most evident during winter 2011, which coincided with the most severe winter of our study. Long-term replicated studies will be necessary to make inferences for pronghorn populations exposed to wind energy development in different environments and scales than we evaluated. Nonetheless, in the absence of additional information on how ungulates respond to wind energy development, our finding that pronghorn avoided wind turbines within their winter home ranges has important implications for future wind development projects, particularly in areas known to fulfill important seasonal requirements of pronghorn populations.  相似文献   

Use of mechanical thinning and prescribed fire to reduce fuels in dry forest ecosystems has become increasingly common in western North America. Nevertheless, few studies have quantified effects of fuels reduction treatments on wildlife. We evaluated effects of fuels reduction on quantity and quality of forage available to elk (Cervus elaphus) in northeastern Oregon. From 2001 to 2003, 26 stands of true fir (Abies spp.) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirbel] Franco) were thinned and burned, whereas 27 similar stands were left untreated to serve as experimental controls. We estimated percentage of cover, percentage of in vitro dry-matter digestibility (digestibility), and percentage of nitrogen (%N) of 16 important forage species and genera in treatment and control stands during spring (May–June) and summer (July–August) of 2005 and 2006. Quantity and quality of forage were lower in summer than spring in both stand types. In contrast, total cover of forage was higher in treatment than in control stands during spring, whereas the opposite was true during summer. For graminoids, %N was higher in control than in treatment stands whereas digestibility did not differ between stand types. For forbs, neither index of forage quality differed between stand types. When treatment stands were separated by years since burning, %N and digestibility of forbs and %N of graminoids increased from 2 to 5 yr following treatment, and by the fifth year after burning had exceeded maximum values observed in control stands in both seasons. As a result of the interacting effects of fuels reduction and season on forage characteristics, treated stands provided better foraging opportunities for elk during spring, whereas control stands provided better foraging opportunities during summer. Consequently, maintaining a mosaic of burned and unburned (late successional) habitat may be of greater benefit to elk than burning a large proportion of a landscape.  相似文献   

In Southwest Alberta, beef cattle and wild elk (Cervus elaphus) have similar habitat preferences. Understanding their inter-species contact structure is important for assessing the risk of pathogen transmission between them. These spatio-temporal patterns of interactions are shaped, in part, by range management and environmental factors affecting elk distribution. In this study, resource selection modeling was used to identify factors influencing elk presence on cattle pasture and elk selection of foraging patches; furthermore, consequences for inter-species disease transmission were discussed.  相似文献   

Wildlife causes extensive crop damage throughout much of North America and these shared feeds are a key risk factor in the transmission of diseases between wildlife and livestock, including bovine tuberculosis (TB). Predicting wildlife use of agricultural crops can provide insight directed toward targeted disease mitigation at areas of potential indirect interaction. In this study, we quantified use of hay bales by elk (Cervus canadensis) during the winter in southwestern Manitoba, Canada using a database of 952 damage claims paid compensation from 1994 to 2012. We evaluated environmental factors predicted to determine risk of hay bale damage on each quarter section by elk using a Resource Selection Probability Function (RSPF) model. The most important variables (as measured for each quarter section and based on cumulative Akaike weights that scale from 0 to 1) were distance to protected areas (1.00), forest including a buffer around the quarter section (1.00), forage crop including a buffer around the quarter section (1.00), distance from streams (0.99), forage crop (0.92), cereal and oilseed crop cover including a buffer (0.85), and forest cover (0.82). We then developed an RSPF-based predictive map of damage to hay bales by elk that identified key areas with high probability of damage (RSPF ≥ 0.6), accounting for 3.5% of the study area. We then multiplied the RSPF values by the inverse of the proximity to known cases of TB positive elk and determined that 0.51% of the study area had an overall high combined probability of hay bale damage and proximity to TB positive elk (i.e. adjusted probability of ≥0.6). In the southern half of the study area where 164 hay yard barrier fences have been implemented since 2002, there has been a significant decrease in the number of annual claims. Barrier fencing around Riding Mountain National Park has been successful at reducing elk damage where it has been implemented. In our study area, prevalence of TB in both cattle (0.003%) and elk (0.89%) is very low, precluding conventional epidemiological analyses. In the absence of clear evidence of specific routes of TB transmission, we advocate that on-farm risk assessments and mitigation efforts should continue to address areas where elk cause damage to hay bales in winter using barrier fencing. Mitigation effort should especially focus on areas where TB positive elk have been identified, as these sites provide potential for indirect interaction between cattle and elk.  相似文献   

Transmission of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) among wildlife and livestock has created important risks for conservation and agriculture. Management strategies aimed at controlling TB have typically been top-down, regionally focused, and government-led programs that were at best only partially successful. The purpose of this study was to quantify co-mingling of elk and white-tailed deer (WTD) with cattle at multiple spatial scales (i.e., the regional farm scale and winter cattle feeding area patch) in southwestern Manitoba, Canada, to assess the potential for bovine tuberculosis transmission and identify alternative management strategies. For each spatial scale we quantified use of cattle farms by elk and white-tailed deer. We mailed questionnaires to rural households and then conducted personal interviews with 86 cattle farmers to map the spatial distribution of their cattle winter feeding areas at a fine scale. We deployed Global Positioning System (GPS) collars on 48 wild elk and 16 wild white-tailed deer from 2003 to 2011. Elk were observed on farms by 66% of cattle producers, including 5% and 20% who observed direct and indirect contact, respectively, between elk and cattle. Cattle producers consistently (≈100%) observed white-tailed deer on their farms, including 11% and 47% whom observed direct and indirect contact, respectively, between white-tailed deer and cattle. A higher probability of white-tailed deer–cattle contact at the regional scale occurs on farms that (1) left crop residues specifically for wildlife, (2) had larger cattle herds, (3) used round bale feeders, and (4) were farther away from protected areas. None of the GPS-collared elk locations overlapped with cattle winter feeding areas. In contrast, 21% of GPS-collared white-tailed deer locations overlapped with winter cattle winter feeding areas (22% of these were from male WTD and 78% were from female WTD). White-tailed deer selected cattle winter feeding areas with higher (1) forage crop, (2) grassland/rangeland, and (3) forest cover around the cattle feeding area. Farmers overall expressed strongly negative attitudes toward eradicating the elk population or fencing the park to eradicate TB, but were generally supportive of less invasive and farm-based approaches. Our results suggested that management efforts to prevent TB transmission at the wildlife-agriculture interface can be effectively implemented using a ‘bottom-up’ approach that focuses on practical, farm-based mitigation strategies. This approach can be implemented by individual farm operators, is relatively low cost, and is generally well supported by farmers relative to other more extreme and controversial measures like wildlife eradication.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in the use of summer fires to limit woody plant encroachment on grasslands, but information regarding effects of such fires on perennial grass recovery and annual forb production is also needed. Our objective was to examine effects of fire seasonality and intensity on the woody legume honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.), the C4 midgrass tobosagrass (Pleuraphis mutica Buckl.), and the annual forb common broomweed (Amphiachyris dracunculoides [DC.] Nutt.). Treatments included summer fires, high-intensity winter fires, low-intensity winter fires, and no burn in replicated plots. None of the fire treatments caused whole-plant mortality (root kill) in mesquite. Mesquite aboveground mortality (top kill) was much greater after summer and high-intensity winter fires than low-intensity winter fires. Tobosagrass total yield (live + dead) was lower following summer fires and was not enhanced by any of the fire treatments for two growing seasons postfire when compared to the no-burn condition. However, tobosagrass live yield was 40% greater in the high-intensity winter fire treatment than the no-burn condition the first summer postfire and recovered in the other fire treatments by the end of the first growing season postfire. Tobosagrass percentage of live tissue was greatest in the summer fire treatment at the end of each of the two growing seasons postfire. Common broomweed cover increased in the summer fire treatment and decreased in both winter fire treatments relative to the no-burn condition by the end of the first growing season postfire. Summer fire offered no clear advantage over high-intensity winter fire with respect to mesquite suppression. However, the increase in late-season tobosagrass percentage live tissue caused by summer fire may be advantageous for forage quality. In addition, patch burning summer fires to increase broomweed cover in selected areas may be useful for wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

To evaluate difference in the expression of skin color genes (melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) and premelanosome (PMEL)) in lymphocytes during winter and summer season and their correlation with tyrosinase enzyme and cortisol, ten Karan-Fries heifers were selected from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI) cattle farm. Blood samples were collected from the animals during winter (THI?=?60) and summer (THI?=?83) season at weekly intervals. Relative MC1R and PMEL messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of Karan Fries cattle was found to be significantly (P?P?P?相似文献   

Two batches of 2000 mixed-sex broiler chicks were obtained, one in summer and one in winter. Each flock was housed on the floor at a commercial farm. At 2 or 3 d of age, the latencies to escape from a T-maze were measured in 1044 and 1180 chicks in the summer and winter flocks, respectively. Chicks were assigned to high (HP), moderate (MP) or low (LP) performance categories if their escape latencies were below 40 s, between 40 to 90 s, or above 90 s, respectively. Ninety male and 90 female chicks from each of the 3 categories were weighed when they were 3 d old. The birds then remained undisturbed, apart from routine maintenance, until similar numbers were weighed at 49 d of age. Some birds may have been weighed at both ages. Body weights were higher in males than females and higher in the winter than summer flock at 3 d of age. Significant main effects of chick category as well as gender and season were found at 49 d of age. There were no significant interactions. As expected, 49-d body weights were higher in males than females and in the flock reared in winter than in summer. 5. HP chicks (those that showed rapid escape from the T-maze at 3 d) were also significantly heavier at 49 d than their LP counterparts, with MP chicks occupying an intermediate position. This suggests that early performance in a T-maze test is positively associated with subsequent growth. Furthermore, this relationship was apparent in each of the 2 flocks. Given this positive association, we suggest that this simple, rapid and non-invasive behavioural test could be a useful selection criterion for future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus Linnaeus; hereafter, bobwhite) is one of the most well-studied and widely distributed wildlife species in North America, we know little about how bobwhite respond to oil and gas infrastructure. We investigated the impacts of oil and gas development on space use of bobwhite using a multiseason approach. We captured and monitored bobwhite in the breeding season (1 April–30 September, n = 135 individuals) and nonbreeding season (1 October–31 March, n = 30 coveys) and modeled their habitat selection in a resource-utilization function (third order, within home range selection) and resource-selection function (second order, home range selection) format. Generally, energy infrastructure effects on bobwhite were neutral, but breeding season bobwhite did select for areas near low-traffic roads (β = ? 0.31 ± 0.15 SE). In the nonbreeding season, coveys selected for areas within their home range with a limited viewshed (i.e., areas with limited visibility of anthropogenic structures; β = ? 0.03 ± 0.02 SE). Selection differed between sexes for well pads (t = ? 2.12, P = 0.04) but was otherwise similar. At the level of home range selection, bobwhite exhibited a preference for areas with a low density of oil and gas wells and a high density of low-traffic roads during both the breeding and nonbreeding seasons (breeding: βwell = ? 0.14 ± 0.02, βroad = 0.26 ± 0.27; nonbreeding: βwell = ? 0.08 ± 0.03, βroad = 0.16 ± 0.03). As a generalist species, bobwhite appear to be largely tolerant of energy infrastructure and associated disturbances at moderate levels of development but may be sensitive to high densities of oil and gas pads.  相似文献   

田间盆栽试验研究了不同降水格局下填闲种植对冬小麦农田夏闲期土壤温室气体排放的影响。试验采用控制降水格局(自然降水和减半降水)和填闲作物(黑麦草单播、长武怀豆单播、黑麦草和怀豆混播、裸地对照)双因素处理设计, 利用静态箱-气相色谱法对土壤CO2、N2O和CH4排放通量进行观测。结果表明:1)各处理土壤是CO2、N2O的排放源, 是CH4的弱吸收汇。2)降水格局和填闲种植对土壤温室气体排放均具有显著影响。与自然降水相比, 减半降水的土壤CO2日均排放通量降低了33%, N2O日均排放通量降低了17.9%, 但对CH4通量影响不大。3)与裸地对照相比, 单播黑麦草、长武怀豆和二者混播日均CO2排放通量提高了140.8%、135.6%和137.7%, 不同填闲处理间差异不显著。而日均N2O排放通量分别降低了8.0%、21.8%和27.4%, 其中单播长武怀豆和混播处理与单播黑麦草处理差异显著。单播长武怀豆处理土壤日均CH4吸收通量较裸地对照、单播黑麦草和混播处理分别降低了65.8%、63.7%和68.9%。4)与自然降水相比, 减半降水农田综合增温潜势平均下降了26.1%, 温室气体排放强度平均提高了47.2%。而与裸地对照相比, 单播黑麦草、单播长武怀豆和二者混播处理综合增温潜势平均分别提高了67.9%、65.5%和67.8%, 且各填闲作物处理间差异不显著。与单播黑麦草和混播处理相比, 在冬小麦夏闲期单播长武怀豆具有更高的地上生物量和更低的温室气体排放强度, 在自然降水条件下能够兼顾经济效益与生态效益, 适宜在本地区加以推广种植。  相似文献   

In this work, we investigated the influence of age and seasonality on sperm motility and DNA fragmentation in post-thawing semen from Chilean Purebred Stallions (CPS), a horse breed presenting the oldest genealogy record in South America with an interesting reproductive industry. Despite that semen from aged CPS is frozen all year round, there is a lack of studies characterizing the breed semen freezability in accordance with age and seasonality. Twenty fertile CPS were grouped into the young group, the middle group, and the aged group. Ten ejaculates from each stallion were obtained by using an artificial vagina during summer (December) and winter (July) and directly frozen. Subsequently, the frozen semen was thawed and analyzed by a computer-assisted semen analysis and flow cytometer assessing progressive motility, mean velocity, and DNA fragmentation spermatozoa. Kruskal–Wallis test and Pearson’s correlation were used to determine statistical differences among groups and correlation among variables (P ≤ .05). Both spermatozoa motility traits decreased progressively in accordance with age and seasonality, showing the lowest values in the aged group during winter and the highest values in the young group during summer. Deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation increased significantly in accordance with age and seasonality being highest in the aged group during winter and lowest in the young group during summer. Post-thawing sperm quality showed a negative correlation with the age of the stallions and a positive correlation with the normal sperm morphology before freezing. These results allow the conclusion that age and seasonality are important factors that need to be considered during the selection of CPS for reproductive programs.  相似文献   

通过2次在天鹅洲麋鹿自然保护区进行土壤采样研究,发现在麋鹿的不同干扰强度下,草地土壤的理化性质有着一定的规律性变化。主要表现为,在冬季,麋鹿干扰使得有机质含量很低的强干扰样地的土壤容重降低,各个层次的土壤容重变化范围在1.27~1.40g/cm3;而在春季,麋鹿活动对土壤容重的影响不明显。在春季,麋鹿活动最为频繁的强干扰样地与其他样地相比植被盖度和地表凋落物量最小,其土壤含水量也最少,各个层次的土壤含水量变化范围在12.83~31.53g/100g干土。除个别层次外,土壤有机质含量在5个不同干扰强度样地之间差异不显著。在冬季,土壤各个层次全氮、全磷、全钾含量在强干扰样地均有升高;而在雨水较多的春季,土壤各个层次全氮、全磷、全钾含量在强干扰样地反而下降。  相似文献   

Little is known about habitat selection by free-ranging feral horses in Montane environments, including how horse use may vary seasonally throughout the year. We tracked four global positioning system collared horses in four separate harems between November 2008 and October 2010 for a portion of the Rocky Mountain Forest Reserve in southwest Alberta, Canada. We assessed seasonal habitat selection for the study period by combining locational data with landscape data (including vegetation types) in an information theoretic framework. Home ranges for horses varied from 12.4 to 90 km2 and were confined to local watersheds. Horses selected most for lowland grasslands across all seasons, with shrublands increasingly selected in spring and summer. Harvested conifer forests were only selected by horses during winter. Resource selection functions indicated that in addition to vegetation type, horses were selecting for a variety of habitat characteristics (i.e., distance to forest and solar radiation), while water availability, topographic accessibility, and disturbance features (e.g., distance to roads, recreational trails, and seismic lines associated with energy exploration) had little or no influence on horse selection. Overall, horses demonstrated selection for habitats covering 14% of the study area while avoiding 42% of habitats: remaining areas were used in proportion to their availability. Concentration of horse use within sparse vegetation types (grassland and shrubland), particularly during one or more times of the year, help identify critical horse habitat including areas where multiple, overlapping land uses interact on public land.  相似文献   

The ability to adapt to different environments is critical when livestock are moved because of drought or other management considerations. The impact of previous experience on grazing patterns and diet selection of Brangus cows in desert conditions was evaluated. Cows originating from a humid-subtropical environment (Leona, Texas) were brought to the Chihuahuan Desert (naïve) and evaluated against cows that spent their life in the Chihuahuan Desert (native) and cows that were born and raised in the Chihuahuan Desert but were moved to Leona, Texas during the preceding 3 yr (tourist). In addition, native cows with recent experience in desert conditions were compared with naïve cows and tourist cows that had not been in the Chihuahuan Desert for at least 3 yr. All cows were mature and had similar pedigrees (n = 21). Cows from the three groups were tracked in three extensive pastures (> 1 000 ha) for three 8–10-d periods during winter, early summer, and later summer. Cows never grazed in the experimental pastures before the study, but native and tourist cows had grazed adjacent pastures. Fecal near-infrared spectroscopy was used to estimate diet quality. Naïve cows used 335 ha ± 83 standard error (SE) less area (P = 0.06) and were 479 m ± 105 SE closer to water (P = 0.03) than cows born and raised in the Chihuahuan Desert (native and tourist cows pooled) when first evaluated in winter. After pooling all data, native cows were farther (P = 0.06) from water (730 m ± 283 SE) and spent less time at water (10.53% ± 3.93 SE) than cows that did not spend their entire life in the desert (naïve and tourist pooled). During winter and early summer (drought conditions), naïve cows selected diets with lower (P < 0.05) crude protein (CP) than cows born in the desert, but during late summer after abundant precipitation naïve cows selected a diet with higher (P = 0.07) CP. Although Brangus cows are highly adaptable, animals raised in nearby pastures appear to have advantages over naïve animals when grazing Chihuahuan Desert rangeland.  相似文献   

2013年至2015年冬季,综合运用动物生态调查技术、种群生态学、行为生态学等研究技术,研究了内蒙古根河地区驼鹿(Alces alces)冬季采食生境选择和卧息生境选择。研究结果:内蒙古根河地区冬季驼鹿采食生境选择与距针叶林距离、距道路距离、隐蔽级、距工矿距离呈负相关;与距农田距离、桦丰富度呈正相关;驼鹿冬季采食生境选择的概率模型为:P=e^z/(1+e^z),其中z=-0. 401-0. 423×距针叶林距离-0. 513×距道路距离-0. 564×距工矿距离+1. 405×距农田距离-0. 420×隐蔽级+0. 553×桦,e为自然数。内蒙古根河地区驼鹿卧息地选择与距河流距离、郁闭度呈负相关,而距阔叶林距离、距农田距离呈正相关。驼鹿冬季卧息生境选择概率模型为:P=e^z/(1+e^z),其中z=-2. 068-0. 757×距河流距离+0. 929×距阔叶林距离+0. 731×距农田距离-0. 574×郁闭度,e为自然数。由于影响驼鹿冬季采食行为和卧息行为的驱动因子及其表达空间分布上的差异,导致其采食生境与卧息生境选择的因子具有显著差异。  相似文献   

Productivity of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus Raf.) populations is closely linked to individual nutritional condition. We modeled body fat of individual does as a function of vegetation cover, composition, and water characteristics of their annual, summer, and winter home ranges in north-central New Mexico. We also modeled home range size as a function of the same characteristics. Levels of body fat were most closely and negatively related to the amount of pinyon-juniper in an individual deer's annual home range (F1,21 = 7.6; P = 0.012; r2 = 0.26). Pinyon-juniper types provided little (combined ground cover of preferred forbs and shrubs = 5.7%) mule deer forage but were included in home ranges in excess of their availability on the landscape, likely because of security cover attributes. Proportion of grasslands in home ranges was most strongly related to both annual (F1,23 = 4.9; P = 0.037; r2 = 0.18) and summer (F2,25 = 5.7; P = 0.009; r2 = 0.31) home range sizes, and home ranges increased as the grassland component increased, indicating that this habitat type was providing little value to mule deer. Grassland (0.2% combined cover of preferred forb and shrub) and montane conifer (3.2% ground cover of preferred forb and shrub) habitat types similarly lacked preferred mule deer food, and grasslands also lacked cover. Most immediate gains in mule deer habitat in north-central New Mexico may be attained by management of pinyon-juniper communities to increase forage quantity and quality while maintaining cover attributes. Gains can also be realized in grasslands, but here management must establish both cover and forage.  相似文献   

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