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The clouds of Venus consist of a fine sulfuric acid aerosol similar to that found in the earth's stratosphere. The acid aerosol on Venus appears to be uniformly mixed with the gas, at least in the visible layers, and possibly down to the cloud base.  相似文献   

Terminal velocities of dust particles have been calculated for two model atmospheres of Venus; data are derived from measurements of Mariner V and Venera 4. The vertical wind velocities required to maintain dust aloft in the lower atmosphere of Venus are less than one-half the magnitude of those needed on Earth. Since the lower atmosphere of Venus appears to be hot, dry, and strongly convective, it probably contains much more dust than that of Earth.  相似文献   

The global tectonics of Venus differs significantly from that of Earth, most markedly in that the surface is covered predominately by gently rolling terrain; there apparently are no features like ocean rises; the gravity is positively correlated with topography at all wavelengths; and the few highlands are estimated to be supported or compensated at a depth of approximately 100 kilometers. The surface of Venus appears to be covered mainly by an ancient crust, the high surface temperature making subduction difficult. It seems likely that well over 1 billion years ago water was destabilized at the surface and, soon after, plate tectonics ceased. The highlands appear to be actively supported, presumably as manifestations of long-enduring hot spots.  相似文献   

Multispectral images of the basaltic surface of Venus obtained by Venera 13 were processed to remove the effects of orange-colored incident radiation resulting from interactions with the thick Venusian atmosphere. At visible wavelengths the surface of Venus appears dark and without significant color. High-temperature laboratory reflectance spectra of basaltic materials indicate that these results are consistent with mineral assemblages bearing either ferric or ferrous iron. A high reflectance in the near-infrared region observed at neighboring Venera 9 and 10 sites, however, suggests that the basaltic surface material contains ferric minerals and thus may be relatively oxidized.  相似文献   

Observations of Venus made during 1967 and 1968 at a frequency of 15.4 gigahertz set an upper limits of 5 percent for the variation of brightness temperature with phase. This negative result appears to contradict earlier detections of a phase effect. By comparison with Virg A (3C 274), which has an assumed flux density of 29 x 10(-26) watt per square meter per hertz, the brightness temperature of Venus at this frequency is 485 + 60, -40 degrees K (mean error).  相似文献   

Kaula WM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,247(4947):1191-1196
Of the planets, Venus and Earth are by far the most similar in primary properties, yet they differ markedly in secondary properties. A great impact into Earth is believed to have created its moon and removed its atmosphere; the lack of such an impact into Venus apparently led to a greatly differing atmospheric evolution. The lack of an ocean on Venus prevents the recycling of volatiles and inhibits subduction, so that its crust is probably more voluminous than Earth's, although distorted and quite variable in thickness. Venus's upper mantle appears to be depleted in both volatiles and energy sources because, in addition to the lack of volatile recycling, melts of mantle rocks are more dense than their solid matrix at pressures above 8 gigapascals and hence sink if they occur at depths below 250 kilometers. Appreciable energy sources persist at great depths to sustain the few great mountain complexes. The greatest current problem is reconciling the likelihood of a voluminous crust with indications of considerable strength at shallow depths of 20 to 100 kilometers.  相似文献   

A space-time composite of polar stereographic ultraviolet images of Venus from Mariner 10 shows a remarkable circumpolar vortex. The vortex is characterized by a cloud which appears similar to dense terrestrial stratus having an albedo that is 50 percent higher. Spiral streaks converge into it from low latitudes, akin to the spiral bands of a hurricane. The bright visible polar cloud is not axisymmetric but has roughly an elliptical shape. The high brightness of the polar cloud suggests that it has a different origin from the rest of the Venus cloud cover.  相似文献   

Abrupt changes in the amplitude of the magnetic fluctuations, in the field strength, and in the plasma properties, were observed with Mariner V near Venus. They provide clear evidence for the presence of a bow shock around the planet, similar to, but much smaller than, that observed at Earth. The observations appear consistent with an interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere of Venus. No planetary field could be detected, but a steady radial field and very low plasma density were found 10,000 to 20,000 kilometers behind Venus and 8,000 to 12,000 kilometers from the Sun-Venus line. These observations may be interpreted as relating to an expansion wave tending to fill the cavity produced by Venus in the solar wind. The upper limit to the magnetic dipole moment of Venus is estimated to be within a factor of 2 of 10(-3) items that of Earth.  相似文献   

In situ nightside electric field observations from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter have been interpreted as evidence of extensive lightning in the lower atmosphere of Venus. The scenario, including proposed evidence of clustering of lightning over surface highland regions, has encouraged the acceptance of currently active volcanic output as part of several investigations of the dynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere and the geology of the planet. However, the correlation between the 100-hertz electric field events attributed to lightning and nightside ionization troughs resulting from the interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere indicates that the noise results from locally generated plasma instabilities and not from any behavior of the lower atmosphere. Furthermore, analysis of the spatial distribution of the noise shows that it is not clustered over highland topography, but rather occurs at random throughout the latitude and longitude regions sampled by the orbiter during the first 5 years of operation, from 1978 to 1984. Thus the electric field observations do not identify lightning and do not provide a basis for inferring the presence of currently active volcanic output. In the absence of known evidence to the contrary, it appears that Venus is no longer active.  相似文献   

Annular moats and outer rises around large Venus coronae such as Artemis, Latona, and Eithinoha are similar in arcuate planform and topography to the trenches and outer rises of terrestrial subduction zones. On Earth, trenches and outer rises are modeled as the flexural response of a thin elastic lithosphere to the bending moment of the subducted slab; this lithospheric flexure model also accounts for the trenches and outer rises outboard of the major coronae on Venus. Accordingly, it is proposed that retrograde lithospheric subduction may be occurring on the margins of the large Venus coronae while compensating back-arc extension is occurring in the expanding coronae interiors. Similar processes may be taking place at other deep arcuate trenches or chasmata on Venus such as those in the Dali-Diana chasmata area of eastern Aphrodite Terra.  相似文献   

Combination of two types of radar data shows the orbital plane and equator of Venus to be included by less than 2 degrees, and the sidereal rotation period to be 243.09 +/- 0.18 days (retrograde)-remarkably close to the 243.16-day period for which the spin would be in resonance with the relative orbital motions of Earth and Venus. In this resonance, Venus would make, on average, four axial rotations as seen by an Earth observer between successive close approaches of the two planets. Estimates of the instantaneous spin period, accurate within about 0.01 day, would provide important information on the difference of Venus's equatorial moments of inertia, on their orientation, and on the magnitude of the tidal torque exerted on Venus by the sun.  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus ultraviolet spectra from the first 5 years of operation show a decline (by more than a factor of 10) in sulfur dioxide abundance at the cloud tops and in the amount of submicron haze above the clouds. At the time of the Pioneer Venus encounter, the values for both parameters greatly exceeded earlier upper limits. However, Venus had a similar appearance in the late 1950's, implying the episodic injection of sulfur dioxide possibly caused by episodic volcanism. The amount of haze in the Venus middle atmosphere is about ten times that found in Earth's stratosphere after the most recent major volcanic eruptions, and the thermal energy required for this injection on Venus is greater by about an order of magnitude than the largest of these recent Earth eruptions and about as large as the Krakatoa eruption of 1883. The episodic behavior of sulfur dioxide implies that steady-state models of the chemistry and dynamics of cloud-top regions may be of limited use.  相似文献   

Comparison of the times of occurrence of a newly discovered type of disturbance in the interplanetary magnetic field at 0.72 astronomical unit with the passage of the small Venus-crossing asteroid, 2201 Oljato, reveals a possible association, but the source of these disturbances appears to be associated with outgassing material in the Oljato orbit some distance behind the asteroid and not with the asteroid itself. This suggested association can account for one quarter of the total number of events seen in eight Venus years.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations of the accumulation of the terrestrial planets in the absence of gas drag produced results that are in general agreement with the number and distribution of the present planets. The accumulation process appears to be characterized by impact of bodies as large as three times the mass of Mars at velocities of about 9 kilometers per second. These giant impacts on Earth may have supplied the material and angular momentum that formed the moon, should have heated Earth to the melting point, and may have been responsible for the differences in the content of inert gases of the atmospheres of Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

Magellan radar images of 15 percent of the planet show 135 craters of probable impact origin. Craters more than 15 km across tend to contain central peaks, multiple central peaks, and peak rings. Many craters smaller than 15 km exhibit multiple floors or appear in clusters; these phenomena are attributed to atmospheric breakup of incoming meteoroids. Additionally, the atmosphere appears to have prevented the formation of primary impact craters smaller than about 3 km and produced a deficiency in the number of craters smaller than about 25 km across. Ejecta is found at greater distances than that predicted by simple ballistic emplacement, and the distal ends of some ejecta deposits are lobate. These characteristics may represent surface flows of material initially entrained in the atmosphere. Many craters are surrounded by zones of low radar albedo whose origin may have been deformation of the surface by the shock or pressure wave associated with the incoming meteoroid. Craters are absent from several large areas such as a 5 million square kilometer region around Sappho Patera, where the most likely explanation for the dearth of craters is volcanic resurfacing. There is apparently a spectrum of surface ages on Venus ranging approximately from 0 to 800 million years, and therefore Venus must be a geologically active planet.  相似文献   

Results from the Pioneer Venus sounder probe neutral mass spectrometer indicate that there is no difference in the isotopic ratios of carbon and oxygen between Venus and Earth to within +/- 5 percent. The mixing ratio of nitrogen is 3.5(+3)(-2) percent with an isotopic ratio within 20 percent of that of Earth. The ratio of argon-36 to argon-40 is 85 percent, and the ratio of argon-38 to argon-36 is 20 percent. The mixing ratios of argon-36 and argon-40 are approximately 40 and 50 parts per million, respectively, with an error of about a factor of 2 (mainly toward a lesser amount) resulting from uncertainty in the response of the ion pump to rare gases. Hydrogen chloride cannot account for more than a few percent of the 36 mass peak, and therefore the large excess of primordial argon is a reasonable conclusion. The ratio of neon-20 to argon-36 of 0.5 +/- 0.3 is definitely terrestrial in character rather than solar. These results indicate that there is a large excess of all primordial noble gases on Venus relative to Earth. There appears to be a considerably higher abundance of sulfur compounds below 20 kilometers than in or above the main cloud layer. The 32 and 60 mass peaks show a sharp increase below 22 kilometers, indicating the possible production of sulfur and carbon oxysulfide (COS) at the expense of sulfur dioxide.  相似文献   

Several photometric measurements of Venus made from the Pioneer Venus orbiter and probes indicate that solar near-ultraviolet radiation is being absorbed throughout much of the main cloud region, but little above the clouds or within the first one or two optical depths. Radiative transfer calculations were carried out to simulate both Pioneer Venus and ground-based data for a number of proposed cloud compositions. This comparison rules out models invoking nitrogen dioxide, meteoritic material, and volatile metals as the source of the ultraviolet absorption. Models involving either small ( approximately 1 micrometer) or large ( approximately 10 micrometers) sulfur particles have some serious difficulties, while ones invoking sulfur dioxide gas appear to be promising.  相似文献   

Equipment on Mariner V has yielded values for the masses of Moon and Venus more accurate than any previously reported. Range and Doppler radio tracking data necessary for precise space navigation of the spacecraft from Earth to Venus can also be used to obtain data on the orbits of Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

Venus has daytime and nighttime ionospheres at the positions probed by radio occulation. The main layers are thin by terrestrial standards, with the nighttime peak concentration of electrons being about two orders of magnitude below that of the daytime peak. Above the nighttime peak were several scale-height regimes extending to a radius of at least 7500, and probably to 9700, kilometers from the center of Venus. Helium and hydrogen at plasma temperatures of 600 degrees to 1100 degrees K seem indicated in the regimes from 6300 to 7500 kilometers, with cooler molecular ions in lower regions. Above the daytime peak a sharp plasmapause was discovered, marking a sudden transition from appreciable ionization concentrations near Venus to the tenuous conditions of the solar wind. This may be indicative of a kind of interaction of the magnetized solar wind with a planetary body that differs from the two different kinds of interaction characterized by Earth and by Moon. For Venus and probably for Mars, the magnetic field of the solar wind may pile up in front of the conducting ionosphere, form an induced magnetosphere that ends at the plasmapause, above which any ionosphere that tends to form is swept away by the shocked solar wind that flows between the stand-off bow-shock and the magnetopause. The neutral atmosphere was also probed and a surface reflection may have been detected, but the data have not yet been studied in detail. Results are consistent with a super-refractive atmosphere, as expected from Soviet measurements near the surface. Thus, two unusual features of Venus can be described in terms of a light trap in the lower atmosphere, and a magnetic trap in the conducting ionosphere.  相似文献   

There was a complete absence of charged particles associated with the planet Venus at radial distances as small as 41,000 km on the sunward side of the planet. This result is taken to mean that the magnetosphere of Venus, if any, does not extend to that great a distance. The most plausible interpretation is that (MV/ME) 相似文献   

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