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【目的】获得一种基于数码照片的准确、快速估计植被覆盖度的方法,为农林业及生态环境管理提供参数依据。【方法】首先从具有代表性的3个省区(江苏、河南、新疆)获取地表数码照片,然后采用植被判定流程图法(VDF法),对分别在温和及强烈阳光下拍摄的10个样本的共计100张数码照片进行处理,计算植被盖度,将其处理效果及计算结果与归一化差异指数法(NDI法)所得结果进行比较。【结果】在温和阳光照射下拍摄的数码照片,用VDF法和NDI法估计的植被覆盖度的准确度都能够达到90%以上;而在强烈阳光照射下拍摄的数码照片,用VDF法估计的植被覆盖度的准确度(90.01%~92.61%)高于NDI法(81.31%~88.34%)。【结论】相对于NDI法,VDF法是一种提取信息全面、准确、高效的基于数码照片的植被覆盖度估计方法。  相似文献   

几种植被指数探测低盖度植被能力的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以京津源风沙治理区延庆县为例,利用2002年ETM+数据,对NDVI、RDVI、SAVI和MSAVI四种植被指数探测低盖度植被的能力进行了对比研究。并以NDVI为基础,采用混合像元分解模型,反演出基础盖度,分别建立不同VI与植被覆盖度的相关模型。通过分析不同VI随植被覆盖度增加的反映速率变化及不同覆盖条件下不同VI的取值范围的变化发现,NDVI在各盖度段数值都比较大,对低盖度植被反映最敏感,探测低密度绿色植被的能力最强,MSAVI次之,RDVI和SAVI探测低盖度植被的能力则较差。  相似文献   

Long-term studies of vegetation dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By integrating a wide range of experimental, comparative, and theoretical approaches, ecologists are starting to gain a detailed understanding of the long-term dynamics of vegetation. We explore how patterns of variation in demographic traits among species have provided insight into the processes that structure plant communities. We find a common set of mechanisms, derived from ecological and evolutionary principles, that underlie the main forces shaping systems as diverse as annual plant communities and tropical forests. Trait variation between species maintains diversity and has important implications for ecosystem processes. Hence, greater understanding of how Earth's vegetation functions will likely require integration of ecosystem science with ideas from plant evolutionary, population, and community ecology.  相似文献   

植被生物量的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对植被生物量的研究方法、影响因素进行了综述。结论如下:①传统地上生物量的测定方法是收获法。在区域尺度上,传统的生物量测定方法缺乏可操作性,现代方法具有不可替代的优势。在区域尺度上,现代植被生物量的估算方法主要有观测估算法、遥感反演法和模型模拟法,3种估算方法各有利弊。②地下生物量测定的常用方法是土柱样方法,也可采用分层挖掘法。除此之外,通常还采用埋入土柱法和微根区管法,其中微根区管法是当今最先进的方法。③影响地上和地下生物量的主要因素有生物多样性、撂荒地演替阶段、土壤水分和营养、放牧强度等。如何最大限度利用影响地上和地下生物量的因素达到控制植被生物量的目的,是实际生产中应该考虑的。  相似文献   

公路交通对植物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国农村交通的迅猛发展和机动车辆的增多,道路和车辆对两边植物的影响日益加大.介绍了中国公路交通发展的现状,阐述了农村交通污染的组成特征及对植物的危害,并对研究方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   

通过野外实地考察及实验室平板稀释等方法,比较分析了湘中紫色土地区4种植被恢复模式对植物种群多样性和土壤微生物区系的影响。结果表明:4种植被恢复模式均能不同程度地提高紫色土地区的草本物种数目和土壤中的细菌、放线菌、真菌数量,其中,以龙须草为先锋物种,配合多种乔灌木立体种植的植被恢复模式,最能有效改善紫色土地区的生物多样性,为以后紫色土地区的植被恢复提供了有利的先决条件。  相似文献   

浙江省湿地植被分类系统及主要植被类型与分布特点   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
通过实地调查与研究,基本查清了组成浙江省湿地植被的主要类型。报道了浙江省的主要湿地植被类型及其分类系统,将浙江省的湿地植被划分为落叶针叶林,常绿针叶林,红树林及半红树林,竹林,落叶单身汉叶林,常绿阔叶林,落叶阔叶灌丛,盐生灌丛,高草,低草和水域植被等11个植被型,及水杉林,秋茄树林,温州水竹林,枫杨林,柽柳灌丛,芦苇群落,狗牙根群落及槐叶萍群落等129个群系(其中含17个栽培群系),并分析了浙江省5类湿地(近海及海岸湿地,河流湿地,湖泊湿地,库塘湿地和山地沼泽湿地)中的植被类型和分布特点。  相似文献   

受稀疏植被与明亮土壤背景影响,干旱地区植被覆盖精确遥感估测难度较大。以Hyperion影像为数据源,选取甘肃省民勤绿洲-荒漠过渡带为研究区,系统比较了利用不同类型高光谱及多光谱植被指数估测干旱地区稀疏植被覆盖度的能力,以期确定干旱地区稀疏植被覆盖度估测的最佳植被指数。不同植被指数估测稀疏植被覆盖度的能力利用线性回归R2及留一交叉验证的均方根误差进行比较,结果表明:高光谱植被指数估测稀疏植被覆盖度的能力显著优于相应的多光谱植被指数,抗大气植被指数(ARVI)及抗土壤和大气植被指数(SARVI)表现明显优于归一化植被指数(NDVI)与土壤调节植被指数(SAVI),其中以基于833.3nm/640.5nm波段组合的ARVI表现最佳,R2可达0.7294,均方根误差(RMSE)仅为5.5488。  相似文献   

Grassland vegetation changes and nocturnal global warming   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Global minimum temperatures (TMIN) are increasing faster than maximum temperatures, but the ecological consequences of this are largely unexplored. Long-term data sets from the shortgrass steppe were used to identify correlations between TMIN and several vegetation variables. This ecosystem is potentially sensitive to increases in TMIN. Most notably, increased spring TMIN was correlated with decreased net primary production by the dominant C4 grass (Bouteloua gracilis) and with increased abundance and production by exotic and native C3 forbs. Reductions in B. gracilis may make this system more vulnerable to invasion by exotic species and less tolerant of drought and grazing.  相似文献   

Electrical generation of natural aerosols from vegetation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is suggested that an alternative, or additional, source of the blue haze above heavily forested areas may be the generation of submicrometer-sized wax particles by the action of strong electrical fields at the tips of pine needles and other wax-covered plant surfaces. Exposure of pine needles to high potential gradients results in the production of airborne wax particles with diameters less than 0.6 micrometer.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition during the growing season contributes one-third or more of the estimated total flux of lead, zinc, and cadium from the forest canopy to soils beneath an oak stand in the Tennessee Valley but less than 10 percent of the flux of manganese. The ratio of the wet to dry deposition flux to the vegetation during this period ranges from 0.1 for manganese to 0.8 for lead to approximately 3 to 4 for cadmium and zinc. Interactions between metal particles deposited on dry leaf surfaces and subsequent acid precipitation can result in metal concentrations on leaves that are considerably higher than those in rain alone.  相似文献   

陈浩  曾晓东 《勤云标准版测试》2013,33(14):4343-4353
利用通用陆面模式(CLM3.0)及其植被动力学模式(DGVM)研究植被覆盖度(FC)和叶面积指数(LAI)的年际变化对全球蒸散发的影响。设计两套实验方案,其植被的FC和LAI的气候态相同,但一套实验中植被的FC和LAI有年际变化,而对照实验中则没有。结果表明:(1)在草、灌木、树占优势的地区植被FC年际变化依次减小;LAI年际变化较大的地区集中在草和灌木覆盖的地区,在落叶林地区,春秋两季植被LAI的年际变化也较大。(2)全球树占优势的大部分地区,植被的年际变化使得年平均蒸散发和地表蒸发增加、冠层蒸发和蒸腾减少;而在灌木和草覆盖区,变化则大致相反。(3)低纬度地区蒸散发季节循环变化比较明显,而北半球中纬度地区,蒸散发变化明显区随着纬度增加而在时间上向后推延。(4)FC和LAI年际变化较大时,蒸散发及地表蒸发降低,而蒸腾增加;这些差异随FC和LAI年际变化的增加而增加。单点分析进一步表明植被年际变化不仅改变蒸散发的多年平均值,同时改变其分量间的相对比例。  相似文献   

最近几年我国农业飞速发展,过度使用农药以及化肥,周围河流受到非常严重的污 染。湿地资源比较丰富的地区可以充分利用湿地,对农业造成的污染进行处理。调查河套地区 所有的湿地的情况,对湿地的植被以及水文等进行分析,探讨湿地植被通过怎样的方式缓解农业 污染物对环境造成的压力。  相似文献   

基于2005-2010年林业资源清查数据,采用材积源生物量法,运用地理信息系统技术,估算和分析了桂西北植被碳密度及其储量的空间分布及其变化。结果显示:(1) 研究区域从2005年到2010年呈现碳汇变化趋势,植被碳储量由4.19×104t增加到4.27×104t(增幅为1.84%),植被碳密度从29.04t/hm2增加到29.57 t/hm2。(2) 从治理措施、林种起源方式及林种类型来看,自然保护区的植被碳密度最大,超过40 t/hm2。2005-2010年,人工植苗、直播、飞播和萌生方式植被碳密度增加,退耕还林工程的植被碳密度均呈明显增长(增加3.00 t/hm2),所有林种碳密度都呈不同程度的增长。 (3)植被碳密度空间分布上,大致表现为西部高、中东部低,北部高、南部低。西部区植被碳密度均值超过40 t/hm2,中东部区植被碳密度均值低于25 t/hm2。植被碳密度变化在空间分布上表现为无论是非喀斯特区还是喀斯特区的植被碳密度都有增长趋势,其中有7个县市植被碳密度升级为更高等级。研究表明,随着退耕还林、生态移民等治理措施的实施,区域植被碳密度显著增加,生态环境好转。  相似文献   

This study proposes a new method for inverting radiative transfer models to retrieve canopy biophysical parameters using remote sensing imagery. The inversion procedure is improved with respect to standard inversion, and achieves simultaneous inversion of leaf area index (LAI), soil reflectance (ρsoil), chlorophyll content (Ca+b) and average leaf angle (ALA). In this approach, LAI is used to constrain modelling conditions during the inversion process, providing information about the phenological state of each plot under study. Due to the small area of the vegetation plots used for the inversion procedure and in order to avoid redundant information and improve computation efficiency, existing plot segmentation was used. All retrieved biophysical parameters, except LAI, were assumed to be invariant within each plot. The proposed methodology, based on the combination of PROSPECT and SAILH models, was tested over 16 cereal fields and 51 plots, on two dates, which were chosen to ensure crop assessment at different phenological stages. Plots were selected to provide a wide range of LAI between 0 and 6. Field measurements of LAI, ALA and Ca+b were conducted and used as ground truth for validation of the proposed model-inversion methodology. The approach was applied to very high spatial resolution remote sensing data from the QuickBird 2 satellite. The inversion procedure was successfully applied to the imagery and retrieved LAI with R 2 = 0.83 and RMSE = 0.63 when compared to LAI2000 ground measurements. Separate inversions for barley and wheat yielded R 2 = 0.89 (RMSE = 0.64) and R 2 = 0.56 (RMSE = 0.61), respectively.  相似文献   

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