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Plagioclase and olivine crystals in the crystalline rocks from the Sea of Tranquillity show little or no evidence of either static or dynamic deformation. The large disorientations in many of the pyroxene crystals are commonly consistent with slip on the system T -(100), t = [001], but these distortions are not due to plastic flow. They are ascribed to rapid growth and quenching phenomena as deduced from studies of chondrules and of quenched natural and experimentally produced melts. Some of the silicates in the breccias and regolith show evidence of shock deformation, from mild to intense, as indicated by pervasive featuring, shock lamallae, and partial transformatiion of pyroxene and plagioclase crystals to glass.  相似文献   

Far-from-equilibrium, spatially extended chaotic systems have generally eluded analytical solution, leading researchers to consider theories based on a statistical rather than a detailed knowledge of the microscopic length scales. Building on the recent discovery of a separation of length scales between macroscopic behavior and microscopic chaos, a simple far-from-equilibrium spatially extended chaotic system has been studied computationally at intermediate, coarse-grained scales. Equilibrium properties such as Gibbs distributions and detailed balance are recovered at these scales, which suggests that the macroscopic behavior of some far-from-equilibrium systems might be understood in terms of equilibrium statistical mechanics.  相似文献   

Liu LG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1977,195(4282):990-991
Pyrope garnet (Mg(3)Al(2)Si(3)O(12)) has been found to transform to an ilmenite-type phase at a loading pressure between 240 and 250 kilobars and at about 1000 degrees to 1400 degrees C in a diamond-anvil press coupled with laser heating. The lattice parameters for the ilmenite-type phase of (Mg(.75) Al(.25))(Si(.75) Al(.25))O(3) are a(0) = 4.755 +/- 0.002 and c(0) = 13.360 +/- 0.005 angstroms. The zero-pressure volume change associated with the garnet-ilmenite transition is calculated to be -7.1 percent. This result verifies the prediction that pyrope garnet would transform to the ilmenite structure at high pressure first suggested in 1962 by Clark et al. and Ringwood.  相似文献   

Eugster HP 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,157(3793):1177-1180
Two new hydrous sodium silicates, NaSi(7)O(13)(OH)(3).3H(2)O (magadiite) and NaSi(11)O(20.5)(OH)(4).3H(2)O (kenyaite), were found in lake beds at Lake Magadi, Kenya. Both are well-crystallized layered silicates with large basal spacings. Concretions within the magadiite bed consist of kenyaite or quartz (chert) in the center, surrounded by kenyaite. In dilute acids magadiite and kenyaite are converted to 6SiO(2).H(2)O (SH), the first known crystalline hydrate of silica. The magadiite bed probably represents a chemical precipitate from alkaline brines. Percolating waters convert magadiite to kenyaite and eventually to chert. Thus a mechanism has been outlined for the formation of bedded chert deposits through inorganic precipitation. Alternations between silica-rich and iron-rich bands of iron formations may be due to concentration cycles in alkaline lakes.  相似文献   

Recent advances in statistical mechanical theory can be used to solve a fundamental problem in experimental thermodynamics. In 1997, Jarzynski proved an equality relating the irreversible work to the equilibrium free energy difference, DeltaG. This remarkable theoretical result states that it is possible to obtain equilibrium thermodynamic parameters from processes carried out arbitrarily far from equilibrium. We test Jarzynski's equality by mechanically stretching a single molecule of RNA reversibly and irreversibly between two conformations. Application of this equality to the irreversible work trajectories recovers the DeltaG profile of the stretching process to within k(B)T/2 (half the thermal energy) of its best independent estimate, the mean work of reversible stretching. The implementation and test of Jarzynski's equality provides the first example of its use as a bridge between the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. This work also extends the thermodynamic analysis of single molecule manipulation data beyond the context of equilibrium experiments.  相似文献   

Densities of molten silicates at high pressures (up to approximately 230 kilobars) have been measured for the first time with shock-wave techniques. For a model basaltic composition (36 mole percent anorthite and 64 mole percent diopside), a bulk modulus K(s), of approximately 230 kilobars and a pressure derivative (dK(s)/dP) of approximately 4 were derived. Some implications of these results are as follows: (i) basic to ultrabasic melts become denser than olivine-and pyroxene-rich host mantle at pressures of 60 to 100 kilobars; (ii) there is a maximum depth from which basaltic melt can rise within terrestrial planetary interiors; (iii) the slopes of silicate solidi [(dT(m)/dP), where T(m) is the temperature] may become less steep at high pressures; and (iv) enriched mantle reservoirs may have developed by downward segregation of melt early in Earth history.  相似文献   

Filaments of methyl 2-cyanoacrylate polymer were developed from the vapors of the monomer. While growing, the fibers seem to be chemically more active at their ends than along their sides, with this chemical specificity leading to a linearly ordered polymer structure. The number and character of the fibers are a function of the surface from which the fibers emanate and of the concentration of the monomer.  相似文献   

When exposed to a trace of iodine vapor, the submicroscopic particles of lead exhausted by automobiles produce nuclei for the formation of ice crystals. Concentrations of particles exceeding 10(6) per liter can be directly sampled from the exhaust pipe of an idling motor. Concentrations of from 10(4) to 10(5) per liter have been found in rural air downwind of auto roads; the concentration at one rural site has increased by an order of magnitude in 13 years. The phenomenon may provide a method of modifying clouds, and of determining ( and monitoring) the percentage of automobile exhaust in a polluted atmosphere. It may be an important factor in inadvertent modification by man of the climate.  相似文献   

Nonequilibrium states of surface composition can be extremely long-lived when polymer chains adsorb competitively. In a model system (polymethylmethacrylate adsorbed from CCl(4) onto oxidized silicon previously saturated with polystyrene), it is shown that a weakly adsorbing polymer was sterically pinned to a surface by a more strongly adsorbing polymer. The dynamical evolution of the surface composition was strongly nonexponential in time and non-Arrhenius in temperature; the phenomenology is analogous to bulk glasses. This interpretation offers a new mechanism to explain why weakly adsorbing chains may bind to surfaces, as well as a direction in which to look for a method to release them.  相似文献   

Ion dynamics computer simulation methods show that for many liquid silicates, like silica itself, the component diffusion coefficients show anomalous pressure dependences. This implies that their viscosities have negative pressure dependences. Overall, there is an interesting degree of analogy between the fundamental binary solutions of geochemistry and the aqueous solutions of common experience; however, due to the stronger bonding in silicate systems, the anomalies are much more persistent. Diffusivity maxima occur at pressures of 200 to 300 kilobars and are correlated with a prevalence of fivefold coordination of silicon ions. The relevance of these findings to planetary dynamics and thermophysical modeling problems is briefly considered.  相似文献   

Organically modified aluminosilicate mesostructures were synthesized from two metal alkoxides with the use of poly(isoprene-b-ethyleneoxide) block copolymers (PI-b-PEO) as the structure-directing molecules. By increasing the fraction of the inorganic precursors with respect to the polymer, morphologies expected from the phase diagrams of diblock copolymers were obtained. The length scale of the microstructures and the state of alignment were varied using concepts known from the study of block copolymers. These results suggest that the use of higher molecular weight block copolymer mesophases instead of conventional low-molecular weight surfactants may provide a simple, easily controlled pathway for the preparation of various silica-type mesostructures that extends the accessible length scale of these structures by about an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

From comparison of theoretical and observed microwave brightness temperatures of Venus at 1.35 centimeters, the center of a water-vapor line, we obtain an upper limit of 0.8 percent for the water-vapor mixing ratio in the lower atmosphere. This limit is consistent with the amount of water vapor detected by Venera 4, the existence of aqueous ice clouds, and a greenhouse effect caused by water vapor and carbon dioxide. The computed spectra suggest that a sensitive procedure for detection of water vapor is examination of the wavelength region between I and 1.4 centimeters.  相似文献   

A method is proposed whereby potable water may be obtained by condensing moisture from the atmosphere in suitable seashore or island areas. Deep, cold, offshore seawater is used as a source of cold and is pumped to condensers set up on shore to intercept the flow of highly humid, tropical, maritime air masses. This air, when cooled, condenses moisture, which is conducted away and stored for use as a water supply. Windmill-driven generators would supply low-cost power for the operation. Side benefits are derived by using the nutritious deep water to support aquiculture in nearby lagoons or to enhance the productivity of the outfall area. Additional benefits are derived from the condenser as an air-conditioning device for nearby residents. The islands of the Caribbean are used as an example of a location in the trade-winds belt where nearly optimum conditions for the operation of this system can be found.  相似文献   

Many routes have been developed for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes, but their assembly into continuous fibers has been achieved only through postprocessing methods. We spun fibers and ribbons of carbon nanotubes directly from the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis zone of a furnace using a liquid source of carbon and an iron nanocatalyst. This process was realized through the appropriate choice of reactants, control of the reaction conditions, and continuous withdrawal of the product with a rotating spindle used in various geometries. This direct spinning from a CVD reaction zone is extendable to other types of fiber and to the spin coating of rotating objects in general.  相似文献   

Receiver functions derived from teleseismic body waves recorded by ocean-bottom seismometers on the southern East Pacific Rise reveal shear waves converted from compressional waves at the mantle discontinuities near 410- and 660-kilometer depth. The thickness of the mantle transition zone between the two discontinuities is normal relative to the global average and indicates that upwelling beneath the southern East Pacific Rise is not associated with an excess temperature in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

We report a transport study of nonequilibrium quasi-particles in a high-transition-temperature cuprate superconductor using the transient grating technique. Low-intensity laser excitation (at a photon energy of 1.5 electron volts) was used to introduce a spatially periodic density of quasi-particles into a high-quality untwinned single crystal of YBa2Cu3O6.5. Probing the evolution of the initial density through space and time yielded the quasi-particle diffusion coefficient and the inelastic and elastic scattering rates. The technique reported here is potentially applicable to precision measurements of quasi-particle dynamics not only in cuprate superconductors but in other electronic systems as well.  相似文献   

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