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对2年生长云杉移床苗喷施叶面宝,多菌灵混合液后,其苗高,地径,当年高生长,主根长一级侧根数分别比常规施肥(尿素、过磷酸钙)提高13.2cm,0.18cm,7.1cm,1.1cm和3条,茎根比持平,使苗木出圃由6年改为5年,培育时间缩短1年,各项质量均达到或超过部颁标准,且节约了成本。 相似文献
本文是根据苗木冠部的几何结构和理论公式计算了北京地区夏半年(从春分至秋分)不同苗木行向以及不同叶面积指数下的日照时间,透光率和光分布。结果表明:1)光分布显著地受苗木行向的影响,苗木是东西行向时,比南北行向的光照时间长,最多可达7个多小时,透光率可达7.8%,2)苗木密度对透射条件的影响也很显著,当叶面积指数Fm=5时,透光量趋于稳定,且有利于苗木生长,上述理论分析的结果与田间所观测到的实际状况是一致的。 相似文献
1989年在山东省林校实验苗圃进行了1年生侧柏苗的生长与光照关系的试验.作两种不同透光度的处理,4次重复,全光照为对照区.土壤及其他管理措施相同。编号,Ⅰ是全光,Ⅱ是轻度遮荫,Ⅲ是重 相似文献
红皮云杉播种苗生长与土壤水分的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤水分条件对红皮云杉种子的发芽、成活与生长影响很大,确定其种苗耐旱和耐湿的临界值,对提高红皮云杉种子的发芽率及苗木生长具有重要意义。本试验采用模拟试验方法,对土壤水分与红皮云杉种子发芽率及苗木生长的关系进行了研究。1 试验方法将木制盆(盆口50cm×30cm,盆高20cm)的盆底用厚塑料薄膜密封后,把相对含水率分别为19%、24%、31%、36%、42%、51%的试验用土(典型暗棕壤)分别装在盆中,共计6个组合,每个组合设5个重复。5月初,在每盆内播入30粒经过处理的3级红皮云杉种子。播种后将… 相似文献
红皮云杉群体后代苗木形态和生长特征多样性的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用表型性各体的遗传多样性具有简便,快速的优点,可以在野外或采集的标本直接进行研究,由于表型性对是环境与基因型共同作用的结果,因此,对表型性状的研究可以在一定程度上揭示遗传多样性的大小,同时也有助于了妥种适应和进化的方式,遗传变异是非常复杂的,只有了解其大小和类型,才能很好地驾利用,甚至控制某些性状,种内变异主要包括群体间(地理种源)、产地内立地、立地内林分、林分内单株以及株内变异,通常群体间和群体内个体间的变异占树种内部变异的大部分,群体内的遗传变异是天然林变异的主要类型,两株同龄、靠近生长,并且根系缠结的树木,在干型、材质、抗病虫、甚至生长模式上都有差异,因此,开展红皮云杉群体后代苗木形态和生长特征多样性的研究可为该树种今后的种源试验奠定基础。 相似文献
祁连山是我国西部重要生态安全屏障,为有效推进祁连山生态治理建设步伐,发挥乡土树种青海云杉苗木在生态治理中的优势,有效提高苗木成活率,针对青海云杉苗木在起苗中存在的操作不规范、保水措施不当等因素致使造林成活率下降的弊端,依托祁连山东段废弃渣台综合修复集成技术研究科研项目实施,在实践中开展了苗木生长地块土壤补水、起苗中不同保水措施进行生态治理恢复云杉苗木成活率的试验研究。结果表明:对青海云杉苗木生长地块土壤补水,可使苗木鲜重含水率和相对含水率分别提高18.2%、36.18%;通过在起苗中采取不同保水措施试验,使云杉苗木成活率最高可达到93.5%。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):47-53
The bud development period was estimated using shoot growth data from a Phytotron study in which six full‐sib families of Picea abies L. (Karst.) (Norway spruce) were grown for six growth periods. Simple algebraic relationships based on assumptions of the relationship between shoot growth and bud development were used. The estimated bud development period, defined as the period when the budscale and needle primordia were initiated, decreased as growth periods advanced. Furthermore, the relationship between the period of production of free growth needles and bud scales to that of predetermined needle primordia was surprisingly constant irrespective of the change in free growth. These results indicate that free growth during one year did not encroach on the period of predetermined growth, but instead increased the amount of predetermined growth. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):505-513
The changes in basal area, volume and tree shape in an ‘optimum fertility trial’ in Norway Spruce were studied after the treatments had been applied for 15 years. There was a marked response to N and a lesser response to P. Increased average tree taper was associated with the N application. Form factors tended to show less change, but, even allowing for tree height responses, there was up to a 10% reduction. Phosphate fertilizer in the presence of N increased form factor slightly; applying a ‘complete’ fertilizer reduced form factor and increased taper while the trees were under about 6 m tall. The use of individual treatment regressions of volume on basal area resulted in increased precision in estimating the volume of individual treatment means. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(5):375-383
Abstract The object of this study was to obtain Norway spruce seedlings with buds set, ready for summer planting from 1 July. An early long-night treatment prevented flushing of the newly formed terminal buds and ceased height growth, but slightly reduced hardiness in buds and needles. Nevertheless, a sufficient hardiness level in the autumn was acquired at a Norwegian nursery at 59°46′ N, with plants of the local provenance given a long-night treatment (14 h) for 13 days from 25 June. Similar treatment at a nursery at 64°30′ N did not give the same result; all treatments led to a second flush with resumed growth of the local provenance. A trial with seed lots from several provenances was therefore performed at this nursery, and a significant correlation was found between the critical night length of the seed lot and their ability to produce non-flushing buds; the longer the critical night length of the seed lot, the fewer non-flushing buds. Responses at the northern nursery are probably due to the lack of a dark period after termination of the treatment, and too short a treatment period to attain bud dormancy. An early and successful long-night treatment will also produce shorter seedlings with a larger root collar diameter. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):247-257
The accuracy of two distant‐independent diameter growth functions for individual trees of Picea abies L. (Karst.) are tested on plots older than 55 years b.h., and with relatively few trees per hectare. Both functions (I1 and I2) have site index, stand basal area, and individual tree basal area as explanatory variables; in addition age at breast height is used in Function I1. Relative to mean measured increment, Functions I1 and I2 underestimate the growth of the test plots by 4.4% and 10.9% respectively; Function I1 shows a root mean squared deviation of 29.2% for single plot predictions, and 5.4% for mean of all plots. Function II predicts the growth as well as some stand functions frequently in use in Norway. Function I2 is unacceptable because age is not an independent variable. 相似文献
为探讨不同栽植密度对欧洲云杉林生长量的影响,在国有大老岭林场对4~10年(苗龄3年)生欧洲云杉林,在6种密度下的生长状况进行了调查研究,结果表明:虽然不同密度间欧洲云杉林生长优势还未出现显著差异,但从各生长量指标来看,密度1(1 m×1 m)下欧洲云杉生长优势最明显;10年生林木树高、地径、抽梢、冠幅年生长量分别增长了近15.7%,25.1%,35.3%和26.8%。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(1-4):479-498
Under certain environmental conditions, juvenile shoot growth characters might give early indications of adaptability and growth potential. Therefore, the reaction patterns of predetermined and free shoot growth were studied on Picea abies (L.) Karst, plants, which at different times during the growth period were treated by (1) application of nutrients, (2) defoliation, and (3) short days. Fertilization caused an increase in both predetermined and free growth, while defoliation and short day treatment caused a decrease in both forms of shoot growth and short days did not allow any free growth to occur. In the growth period following the treatments, fertilization caused more predetermined and less free growth to occur, while defoliation caused less predetermined and more free growth. Predetermined growth is explainable by the finite number of predetermined needle primordia. Free growth is initiated thereafter. It is influenced strongly by the environmental conditions and seems not to be influenced by the amount of preceding predetermined growth. Free growth enables young plants to utilize favourable growth conditions in summer for height growth precociously, which might increase their adaptability and competitive value. However, predetermined growth is the preferable mode of shoot growth because favourable conditions in successive growth periods induce more predetermined than free growth. Predetermined and free growth are well integrated forms of shoot growth giving no supporting evidence to the hypothesis that free and predetermined growth are inherited independently of each other. Rank changes in provenance development are probably not explainable by a loss in height growth when free growth occurs no more due to age, but by other causes. 相似文献