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A major esterase (designated OsEST1) showing high activity using 1-naphthyl acetate as a substrate was identified from rice bran and purified approximately 239-fold to near-homogeniety. The purified enzyme migrated as a single polypeptide band on native and SDS-polyacrylamide gels and had a molecular mass of 25 kDa under denaturing conditions. Analysis of its tryptic peptides by MALDI-TOF-MS and subsequent data mining identified a corresponding cDNA OsEST1 consisting of 714 nucleotides and encoding a 238 amino acid protein. Analysis of its primary sequence indicated that OsEST1 is a GDSL-motif carboxylester hydrolase belonging to the SGNH protein subfamily in containing the putative catalytic triad of Ser11, Asp187, and His190. OsEST1 showed the highest catalytic activity at approximately pH 8.0–8.5 and at 45 °C with Km and Vmax values for 1-naphthyl acetate of 172 μM and 63.7 μmol/min/mg protein, respectively. However, OsEST1 showed no activity with triacylglycerol. Alignment of the primary sequence of OsEST1 and other rice GDSL-motif esterases/lipases showed that OsEST1 aligns with a specific family of plant SGNH esterases involved in response to dehydration and cuticle formation. These results suggest that OsEST1 is not a lipase but an esterase activity which has some other function in rice, especially during seed development.  相似文献   

Improvement of rice storage proteins is important in rice breeding for high nutritional quality. Seventy-one recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from a cross between japonica variety Asominori and indica variety IR24 were used to study the inheritance of crude protein and protein fraction contents in rice. A total of 16 QTL were identified and mapped on eight chromosomes. Several QTL affecting contents of different protein fractions were mapped in the same chromosomal region. In particular, two QTL with a significant contribution were identified to simultaneously affect prolamin and glutelin contents. One QTL denoted as qCP-12 affecting crude protein content (CP) was located in the same region as QTL qGLT-12 affecting glutelin content, in agreement with the positive correlation between glutelin level and protein content. QTL with larger genetic effects were further confirmed using two sets of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSL), where Asominori and IR24 were used as the recurrent parents. By QTL comparative analysis, two QTL for CP, three for globulin content and one for prolamin content were located in the vicinity of CP QTL previously identified in polished rice. Application of these results in rice breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint for rice production and yield stability in rainfed ecosystems, especially when it occurs during the reproductive stage. Combined genetic and physiological analysis of reproductive-growth traits and their effects on yield and yield components under drought stress is important for dissecting the biological bases of drought resistance and for rice yield improvement in water-limited environments. A subset of a doubled haploid (DH) line population of CT9993-5-10-1-M/IR62266-42-6-2 was evaluated for variation in plant water status, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under reproductive-stage drought stress and irrigated (non-stress) conditions in the field. Since this DH line population was previously used in extensive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping of various drought resistance component traits, we aimed at identifying QTLs for specific reproductive-growth and yield traits and also to validate the consensus QTLs identified earlier in these DH lines using meta-analysis. DH lines showed significant variation for plant water status, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under drought stress. Total dry matter, number of panicles per plant, harvest index, panicle harvest index, panicle fertility, pollen fertility, spikelet fertility and hundred grain weight had significant positive correlations with grain yield under drought stress. A total of 46 QTLs were identified for the various traits under stress and non-stress conditions with phenotypic effect ranging from 9.5 to 35.6% in this study. QTLs for panicle exsertion, peduncle length and pollen fertility, identified for the first time in this study, could be useful in marker-assisted breeding (MAB) for drought resistance in rice. A total of 97 QTLs linked to plant growth, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and its components under non-stress and drought stress, identified in this study as well as from earlier published information, were subjected to meta-analysis. Meta-analysis identified 23 MQTLs linked to plant phenology and production traits under stress conditions. Among them, four MQTLs viz., 1.3 for plant height, 3.1 for days to flowering, 8.1 for days to flowering or delay in flowering and 9.1 for days to flowering are true QTLs. Consensus QTLs for reproductive-growth traits and grain yield under drought stress have been identified on chromosomes 1 and 9 using meta-QTL analysis in these DH lines. These MQTLs associated with reproductive-growth, grain yield and its component traits under drought stress could be useful targets for drought resistance improvement in rice through MAB and/or map-based positional analysis of candidate genes.  相似文献   

The degree of red coloration (DRC) in pericarp of rice depends on the content of flavonoid compounds which have beneficial health effects for humans. In this study, 182 backcross-recombinant inbred lines (BILs) derived from Koshihikari (white pericarp)/Kasalath (red pericarp)//Koshihikari were used to detect the genomic regions associated with DRC through the QTL mapping approach. As a result, a total of four genomic regions were found to associate with DRC on chromosomes 1, 7, 9 and 11, respectively. Interestingly, the two genomic regions having the largest effects corresponded to previously characterized Rc and Rd genes on chromosome 7 and 1, respectively. In addition, two novel genomic regions having minor effects on DRC and located on chromosomes 9 and 11, respectively, are reported here for the first time. These results and the identification of tightly linked molecular markers that flank the genomic regions provide an opportunity for marker-aided improvement of red coloration in pericarp of rice.  相似文献   

A set of near-isogenic lines for blast resistance genes was developed by using an Indica-type elite rice variety, IR49830-7-1-2-2, suitable for the rainfed lowland conditions in the tropics, as a genetic background. Initially, we revealed that IR49830-7-1-2-2 harbors five blast resistance genes - Pia, Pib, Pik-s, Pita, and Pi11(t) - by using a differential system involving 19 selected standard blast isolates from the Philippines. Based on this result, we developed nine near-isogenic lines (NILs) targeting eight resistance genes - Pik, Pi7(t), Pi3, Pi5, Pita-2, Piz-5, Pish, and Pi9 - by recurrent backcrossing. The introgression of each resistance gene in the NILs was confirmed by reaction patterns to the blast isolates, allelism tests, and DNA marker analysis. In addition, a genome-wide DNA marker survey revealed that most of the chromosome regions in each NIL were of the IR49830-7-1-2-2 type. The agricultural characteristics of most of the developed NILs were almost the same as those of IR49830-7-1-2-2. Moreover, with one exception, they showed submergence tolerance similar to IR49830-7-1-2-2. The developed NILs could be used as a multiline variety suitable for the rainfed lowland in the tropics.  相似文献   

Water and nutrient availability are two major constraints in most rice-based rainfed shallow lowland systems of Asia. Both stresses interact and contribute to the low productivity and widespread poverty in this environment. The objective of this study was to improve the understanding of interaction between the two factors and to identify varietal characteristics beneficial for productivity in a water- and nutrient-limited rice environment. For this purpose, we screened 19 rice genotypes adapted to different rice environments under two water and two nutrient treatments during the wet season of 2004 and 2005 in southern Luzon, Philippines. Across all genotypes tested and in comparison with the irrigated control, rainfed conditions reduced grain yield of the treatment without N application by 69% in 2004 and by 59% in 2005. The mean nitrogen fertilizer response was highest in the dryer season of 2004 and the rainfed treatment, indicating that water stress had no effect on fertilizer response. Nitrogen application reduced the relative yield loss to 49% of the irrigated treatment in 2004 and to 52% of the irrigated treatment in 2005. Internal efficiency of N (IEN) and recovery efficiency of applied N (REN) were significantly different between genotypes, but were not affected by water availability (REN) or by water and nutrient availability (IEN). In contrast, grain yield and total N uptake were affected by cultivar, N and water availability. Therefore, germplasm for rainfed environments should be screened under conditions of limited and good nitrogen and water supplies. The four best cultivars, CT6510-24-1-2, IR55423-01, IR72, and IR57514-PMI5-B-1-2, performed well across all treatments and both years. Except for IR72, they were all characterized by medium height, medium duration, high early vigor, and a moderate level of drought tolerance. This combination of characteristics seems to enable the optimal use of limited water and nutrient resources occurring in many shallow rainfed lowlands. We also concluded that moderate drought stress does not necessarily affect the response to moderate N rates, provided that drought does not induce high spikelet sterility and that fertilizer N is properly managed.  相似文献   

Glutelin, a major protein in rice grains, is encoded by a multigene family. However, its protein composition is not well characterised. Here, we identified and characterised two novel glutelin subunits, GluBX and GluC. The individual glutelin subunits of japonica cv. Nipponbare and indica cv. 93-11 rice were analysed using 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, LC–MS/MS, and Western blotting. Comparison of the glutelin profiles between three japonica and three indica cultivars indicated two distinct subunits (GluA-1 and GluA-3 isomers) and a distinction in the subunit composition (notably GluA-3 and Lys-rich GluB-1 components) of these two subspecies. Sequence alignment revealed different nutritional (Lys residues) and functional (Cys residues) characteristics between the type-A and type-B glutelin subfamilies. We also analysed amino acid and total protein contents of the grains in thirty-five cultivars, and we demonstrated that the Lys-rich glutelin composition of indica cultivars is superior to that of japonica cultivars. The Lys-rich and Cys-poor GluBX subunit is a native protein and is a high nutritional protein in grains. Our combined approaches for the identification of glutelin subunits have revealed the nutritional characteristics of individual subunits in rice, and this knowledge will provide new insights for improving grain quality during rice breeding.  相似文献   

II-32B is a key maintainer line used for hybrid rice breeding in China. However, it is of poor quality for most Chinese consumers because of its high apparent amylose content (AAC), high gelatinization temperature (GT) and non-fragrance. It is well known that the AAC, GT and fragrance traits are largely controlled by the Wx, starch synthase IIa (SSIIa), and fragrance (fgr) genes, respectively. With the aid of functional markers, we improved the quality of II-32B by introgressing the Wx, SSIIa, and fgr genes from Yixiang B, a fragrant maintainer line that has low AAC and low GT. The microsatellite allele (CT)17 of Wx, the contiguous single nucleotide polymorphism TT allele of SSIIa and the 8-bp deletion allele of fgr were transferred to II-32B by two backcrosses and three selfings. Molecular marker assisted selection was applied in the series to select for individuals carrying Wx-(CT)17, SSIIa-TT, and fgr-deletion alleles. According to the marker genotypes, seventeen homozygous lines for Wx-(CT)17, SSIIa-TT, and fgr gene markers were finally selected. The improved II-32B lines were fragrant with reduced AAC and GT.  相似文献   

Aromatic quality of rice grains is known to vary greatly with environmental factors and cultivation methods. Among the environmental factors, soil salinity is thought to have a positive impact on the content of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) in grains, the key volatile compound of rice aroma. This study compared 2AP content in grains of three improved fragrant rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties grown in two fields, differing mainly in their soil salinity level. The impact of salinity on yield and main yield components was also investigated to understand the relationship between aromatic quality and yield build-up. Soil salinity was monitored by measuring the electrical conductivity (EC) of soil solution samples extracted every week. 2AP content in grains was determined by a newly developed stable isotope dilution method involving solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and GC MS/MS analysis. The results showed an increase of 2AP content in grains with salinity for the three varieties. The relationship between 2AP and mean EC of the crop fitted a single model for the three varieties (R2 = 0.728). In contrast, the impact of salinity on yield and yield components differed greatly between the three varieties. One variety appeared to be very sensitive to salt stress, with significant yield loss up to 40%, while the two other varieties proved to be resistant to the salinity levels experienced by the plants, with no significant yield loss or even higher yields in saline conditions. Nevertheless, the three varieties presented a significant negative correlation between 1000 grain weight (TGW) and the mean EC of the crop, and between TGW and 2AP content. It was concluded that the increase of 2AP content with salinity resulted partially from a 2AP concentration mechanism in smaller size grains. The direct effect of salinity on 2AP synthesis through stimulation of the proline metabolism is further discussed.  相似文献   

Early vigour is an important characteristic for direct-seeded rice systems. The genetic control of early vigour was studied using a population of 129 backcross lines derived from a cross between Vandana, an improved indica, and Moroberekan, a traditional japonica. Screening was conducted under controlled conditions in greenhouse and field conditions, and indicators of early vigour, including shoot length, shoot biomass, leaf area, number of roots, root biomass, partitioning coefficients, and growth rates, were measured. Phenotypic correlations suggested that traits that were related and combined could be used to define early vigour. Broad-sense heritability ranged from moderate to high. Many regions were identified containing more than one QTL, suggesting that these traits were controlled by pleiotropic and/or closely linked QTLs. Many QTLs were specific to one environment but G × E interaction analysis showed that the main effects of the environment were large. Differences in temperature between experiments resulted in large differences in seedling age when expressed in thermal time. Different genes (QTLs) may be expected to control growth at different time intervals and thus may partly explain the limited agreement between experiments. However, several regions showed co-location of QTLs from more than one experiment. Comparisons with published studies revealed that these regions were previously identified in different genetic backgrounds and could potentially be used as introgression targets in a marker-assisted breeding program to improve germplasm for direct-seeded environments.  相似文献   

Fifteen experiments testing seven sets of genotypes under irrigated non-stress and drought stress situations were conducted from 2004 to 2006 with the objective to study the effect of different severity levels of drought on tolerant and susceptible advanced breeding lines, current varieties, and traditional and improved donors, and to study the effect of selection for high early vigor on yield. With the onset of drought, a yield reduction due to a decrease in biomass was observed in both susceptible and tolerant lines. However, after an initial reduction in yield, tolerant lines were able to sustain a yield loss more effectively than susceptible lines by better maintenance of biomass and higher harvest index. Under intermittent drought stress, genotypes with the ability to maintain higher biomass, reflected in terms of high early vigor recorded 3 wk after transplanting, recorded higher grain yield than genotypes with low early vigor. Lines with high early vigor yielded higher under both irrigated non-stress and intermittent drought stress situations. Under intermittent stress, plants with high vigor, low vigor, or random plants with high or low vigor coming from tolerant × susceptible crosses yielded higher than did the plants with the same vigor coming from susceptible × susceptible crosses. Under both irrigated non-stress and intermittent drought stress situations, early vigor showed significant genetic correlation with grain yield and could be included as an efficient selection criterion to improve yield in the lowlands.  相似文献   

Aerobic rice culture is a new technology designed to reduce water use, but the vulnerability of rice to aerobic condition has limited its development. The objective of this study was to characterize the root growth and stomatal behaviour of four rice cultivars grown in flooded and aerobic culture for 2 years. In aerobic culture, where the soil water potential at 20-cm depth averaged between −15 and −30 kPa, total root biomass was significantly lower than in flooded culture for the whole growth period, owing to a reduction in root biomass in the surface layer. Dry-matter partitioning to roots decreased, but the ratio of deep root biomass to total root biomass tended to be higher in aerobic culture than in flooded culture. The low root-to-shoot ratio and poor root growth in the surface layer in aerobic culture are attributable to the considerable reduction in adventitious root number. As a result, the varietal difference in total root biomass was due largely to individual root growth in aerobic culture. Stomatal closure was distinct at the vegetative stage in aerobic culture, even when the soil water potential was near field capacity, partly because of the poor rooting vigour. When the soil water potential at 20-cm depth was below −50 kPa, the stomatal behaviour reflected the root growth in the subsurface layer. These results suggest the role of vigorous root growth in soil water uptake and hence, in maintaining transpiration in aerobic rice culture.  相似文献   

HPLC analysis of dehulled red, black and non-colored indica and japonica rice subspecies revealed significant differences in the contents of the anthocyanins cyanidin-3-glucoside and peonidin-3-glucoside. The rice materials were subjected to a comparative capillary gas chromatography-based metabolite profiling approach. The employed extraction and fractionation protocol enables the analysis of a broad spectrum of lipophilic and hydrophilic low molecular weight constituents from different chemical classes. The method covers not only primary metabolites (e.g. sugars, fatty acids) but also nutritionally relevant constituents (e.g. α-tocopherol, γ-aminobutyric acid). Statistical assessment of the data via principal component analysis and agglomerative hierarchical clustering revealed a distinct grouping of the different colored rice subspecies on the basis of their metabolite profiles. Compared to non-colored and red rice, black rice exhibited, in particular, higher levels of fatty acid methyl esters, free fatty acids, organic acids and amino acids.  相似文献   

Water scarcity threatens sustainable rice production in many irrigated areas around the world. To cope with the scarcity, aerobic rice culture has been proposed as a promising water-saving technology. The objective was to elucidate the physiological attributes behind the performance of rice introgression lines in water-saving culture. We evaluated yield potential and physiological adaptation traits to water deficit of BC3-derived lines with the genetic background of an elite indica cultivar, IR64, in the field and in pot experiments. One line, YTH183, had 26% higher yield than IR64 under non-stress conditions (895 vs. 712 g m−2 on average). This was attributed to enlarged sink capacity due to large grain size, which contributed to more efficient use of assimilates and hence a higher harvest index. YTH183 also showed better dehydration avoidance under intermittent soil drying, due to the adaptive response of deep rooting to water deficiency. The grain yield of YTH183 exceeded that of IR64 by 92-102% under moderate water deficit caused by limited irrigation in aerobic rice culture (143 vs. 72 g m−2). Two introgressed segments on chromosomes 5 and 6 might, at least in part, confer the higher yield potential and greater dehydration avoidance in YTH183 simultaneously. Advanced backcross breeding combined with molecular genetics and physiological characterization of introgressed segments would be effective for developing new rice cultivars with high yield potential and drought adaptation traits.  相似文献   

Biocontrol capacity of two plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains, against blast disease in rice paddy fields in Southern Spain was studied in three cropping seasons. Both strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens Aur 6 and Chryseobacterium balustinum Aur 9) had already shown biocontrol capacity against pathogens, ability to induce systemic resistance against leaf pathogens and against salt stress in different plant species. Bacterial treatments were carried out on seeds and/or on leaves. Strains were inoculated individually and in combination. Protection against natural disease incidence was evaluated, and rice production and quality measured in 2005 and 2006 trials. In 2004, natural disease incidence was low (between 0.1% and 0.35% of damaged leaf surface) due to environmental conditions; under these conditions, both strains significantly protected plants against rice blast. In 2005, disease incidence was higher than in 2004, reaching higher values of affected leaf surface in controls. In these conditions, each strain individually protected rice against rice blast, although the combination of both strains was the most effective treatment. All three treatments (Aur 6, Aur 9 and Aur 6 + Aur 9) reached 50% protection in panicles, with Aur 9 being the most effective. In 2006, the most effective treatment was the combination of both strains on leaves in three physiological stages, suggesting a biocontrol mediated protection. On the other hand, when bacteria were applied to seeds, disease incidence decreased up to 50%, suggesting induction of systemic resistance. Finally, a direct relation between protection mediated by the PGPR and the increase in rice productivity (mT/ha) and quality (weight of 1000 seeds and number of intact grains after milling) was found.  相似文献   

The Waxy (Wx) gene is responsible for the synthesis of amylose, a key determinant of the cooking and processing qualities of rice. Polymorphisms of CT-microsatellite and G–T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the Wx gene and their relationship to amylose content (Ac) were explored using 178 non-waxy rice genotypes. Nine Wx microsatellite alleles, namely (CT)10 and 11, and (CT)14–20 were identified and 11 haplotypes were recognised by different combinations of CT-microsatellite and G–T SNP. Amylose content analysed in a random set of 39 genotypes was correlated with different microsatellite alleles/haplotypes. The highest Ac levels (>30%) correlated with (CT)10 and 16, high (26–30%) with (CT)11, 15 and 20, and intermediate (21–25%) with (CT)14, in all cases with G at the G–T SNP. The CT-classes (CT)17 and 18 (mean Ac value of 21%), could be subdivided into low amylose haplotypes (16–20%) for 17T and 18T and intermediate amylose haplotypes (21–25%) for 17G and 18G. The use of haplotypes proved to discriminate between intermediate and low amylose accessions within the same microsatellite class. Analyses of a segregating population of a cross between low and high Ac parents showed that CT-microsatellite may help to classify breeding lines and identify pollen contamination. We suggest that CT-microsatellite together with G–T SNP may be used as molecular marker by breeders to develop varieties with desired amylose levels.  相似文献   

Plants belonging to four “oregano” plant species (Origanum hirtum L., Origanum onites L., Coridothymus capitatus L., and Satureja thymbra L.) were collected during flowering from 33 sites located in the eastern part of the Greek island of Ikaria in the Eastern Aegean during April, May and July 2008. C. capitatus and O. hirtum were mostly observed in higher altitudes, whereas O. onites and S. thymbra in lower ones. The spatial distribution of all species was depicted on a GIS map. All four species exhibited essential oil concentrations higher than those reported in earlier literature, namely O. onites 3-4.3%, S. thymbra 4-6.5%, C. capitatus 3.7-5.6% and O. hirtum 5.5-10.0% (v/w). Carvacrol was the main constituent of the essential oils of all species, followed by γ-terpinene, p-cymene and caryophyllene, while thymol was not detected. All constituents varied remarkably among the four species, with carvacrol exhibiting the lowest variation. Carvacrol content varied between 72.3 and 89.2% in O. onites; 46.5 and 58.0% in S. thymbra; 82.9 and 90.9% in C. capitatus; and 84.4 and 93.8% in O. hirtum. By applying hierarchical cluster analysis on the basis of the essential oil constituents two main groups, divided into four subgroups of the taxa were evident. The first group consisted of O. onites and S. thymbra, while the second one of C. capitatus and O. hirtum. The results are discussed in terms of topography and climatic variation.  相似文献   

Supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) was employed to extract oil from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seeds. For ground seeds, the supercritical extraction was carried out at temperatures of 40, 60 and 80 °C and pressures of 300 and 400 bar. Different solvent-ratios were applied. Supercritical CO2 extractions were compared with a conventional technique, n-hexane in Soxhlet. The extraction yields, fatty acid composition of the oil and oxidation stability were determined. The seed samples used in this work contained 81% PUFAs, of which 59.6% was linoleic acid (ω-6), 3.4% γ-linolenic (ω-3), and 18% α-linolenic (ω-6). The highest oil yield from seeds was 22%, corresponding to 72% recovery, at 300 bar and 40 °C and at 400 bar and 80 °C. The highest oxidation stability corresponding to 2.16 mM Eq Vit E was obtained at 300 bar and 80 °C.  相似文献   

Research and development of an innovative production system for hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) fibre for textile use requires the integration of multidisciplinary knowledge from cultivation technique to realization of end products. Research was carried out to study the effect of the agronomic factors cultivation year (2003–2004), genotype (Futura 75 and Tiborszallasi), plant population (120, 240 and 360 plants m−2) and harvesting time (beginning and full flowering) on fibre yield and quality in the whole hemp stem, and in the basal and apical stem portions separately. The study of separate stem portions was done to determine the effect on fibre quality of an innovative harvesting and processing system in which hemp stems are cut in two portions of approximately 1 m at harvest to enable processing on modern flax scutching lines.  相似文献   

Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.), characterised by competitiveness, seed longevity, and dormancy is a troublesome weed to rice fields. Furthermore, its close botanical affinity to cultivated rice makes its control particularly difficult. However, winter flooding of rice fields can be an efficient technique to control weedy rice infestation by promoting weed seed decay, animal predation, or germination.  相似文献   

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