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Relationships between kidney mass (KM) and body mass (BM), body length (BL), and sternum length (SL) were studied in adults of both sexes of 4 Mergini anseriforms: Clangula hyemalis (n = 74), Melanitta fusca (n = 29), M. nigra (n = 15), and Somateria mollissima (n = 8). The following indices were established for the four species and for the Mergini tribe: KM/BM (as per cent body mass), KM/BL, and KM/SL. Additionally, allometric equations describing the relationships studied were developed for the tribe using mean kidney weights and body parameters of males and females of the species examined. The KM/BM indices for several anseriform tribes (i.e. Anserini, Anatini, Aythyini and Mergini), differing in food and feeding modes, were determined, based on the literature data and those obtained in this study. In addition, an allometric equation describing the kidney weight-body weight relationship in the Anseriformes order was developed as log KM = 0.797 log BM-1.346 (n = 22). The relative kidney size in the sea duck species studied showed significant intra- and interspecific differences. In addition, clear between-tribes differences in KM/BM were revealed. The highest value (1.57%) of the index is typical of the Mergini, grouping diving carnivorous sea ducks, while the lowest index (0.65%) is typical of the Anserini, a tribe which groups non-diving herbivorous birds.  相似文献   

Amyloidosis in six dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amyloidosis was diagnosed in 6 Holstein cows that were examined because of chronic intractable diarrhea. Besides diarrhea, the chief finding was a nephrotic-like syndrome, in that there was edema, hypoproteinemia, and proteinuria. Other consistent clinicopathologic abnormalities were hyperfibrinogenemia, low-normal serum calcium content or hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, prolonged bromosulphalein half time, high serum urea nitrogen concentration, high serum creatinine concentration, and low urine specific gravity. Foci of inflammation including traumatic reticuloperitonitis, traumatic pericarditis, salpingitis, mastitis, and metritis were found. There was histologic evidence of amyloid in the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, and spleen. The iodine-sulfuric acid test for amyloid was positive in 2 cows. The Congo red dye test for amyloid was positive in 2 other cows. In spite of supportive care, all the cows either died naturally or were euthanatized. Because foci of inflammation were found in each cow, it was concluded that the most likely classification of amyloidosis in these cases would be reactive systemic amyloidosis and that the major amyloid fibril protein would be type AA.  相似文献   

After a survey of the most important literature on amyloidosis the results of the authors own studies on amyloidosis in the bovine kidney are reported. The macroscopical and microscopical features of the various types of bovine renal amyloidosis are described. In most cases predominantly medullary depositions occurred (types A, B, C and D). In a series of over 1000 cases only six kidneys with glomerular amyloid were found (type E). All these, however, contained some medullary amyloid as well. It is questionable whether the different types of kidney lesions contain different forms of amyloid or represent variants of the same disorder. Clinico-pathological studies may solve this problem.Medullary amyloid may be a subclinical disease. In clinically normal slaughter cattle it occurred in 2.7% of 1326 animals. In clinically normal dairy cattle (including young animals) it occurred in 2.6% of 378 animals and the incidence appeared to increase with age. In the medullary amyloid deposits different amyloid-containing cell types were found. The intracellular amyloid was arranged in parallel fibrils and was localized in lysosomes. Induced phagocytosis of bovine amyloid by rat macrophages appeared to result in similar vacuoles, indicating that phagocytosis may occur in the bovine cells. In the literature parallel intralysosomal amyloid has been interpreted as formation of amyloid in these vacuoles.An attempt is made to elucidate the pathogenesis of amyloidosis.
Kurzfassung Nach der Beschreibung der wichtigsten Literaturangaben von Amyloidose werden die eigene Befunde von Amyloidose der Niere des Rindes besprochen. Die makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Eigenschaften der Nierenamyloidose des Rindes werden beschrieben. In den meisten Fällen gab es vor allem medulläre Ablagerungen (Typ A, B, C, und D). Bei über 1000 untersuchten Rindernieren wurden nur 6 Nieren mit hauptsächlich glomerulärem Amyloid gefunden (Typ E). Dieser Typ enthielt ausserdem ein wenig medulläres Amyloid in allen Fällen. Es ist die Frage, ob die verschiedenen Typen von Nierenlaesionen verschiedene Amyloidformen enthalten oder Varianten der selben Krankheit sind. Klinisch-pathologische Untersuchungen müssen diese Frage zu lösen versuchen.Medulläres Amyloid könnte eine subklinische Krankheit darstellen: Bei klinisch gesunden Schlachtrindern kam es in 2.7% von 1326 Tieren vor. Bei klinisch gesundem Milchvieh (einschliesslich Jungvieh) kam es in 2.6% von 378 Tieren vor, wobei mit steigendem Alter eine Zunahme gefunden wurde.Bei den medullären Amyloidablagerungen wurden mehrere amyloid-enthaltende Zelltypen gefunden. Das intrazelluläre Amyloid zeigte eine paralle Anordnung der Fibrillen und war lokalisiert in Lysosomen. Bei durch Injektion von Rinderamyloid bei Ratten induzierte Phagocytose zeigten sich die gleichen Vakuolen. Dieser Befund weist darauf hin dass Phagozytose auch bei Rindern eine Möglichkeit sein kann. In der Literatur wird paralleles intralysosomales Amyloid als örtlich entstanden erklärt. Schliesslich werden einige Untersuchungsrichtungen gezeigt, die möglicherweise zur pathogenese der Amyloidose führen könnten.

Resume Après avoir résumé les points les plus importants de l'amyloidose relevés dans la littérature, l'auteur présente le résultat de ses observations. Il décrit l'aspect macroscopique et microscopique de l'amyloidose rénale des bovins. Dans la plupart des cas prédominent les dépôts médullaires (types A, B, C, D). Sur 1000 cas, il a trouvé 6 reins avec dépôts glomérulaires (type E), et partiellement médullaires.Une question se pose: les différents types de lésions rénales contiennent-ils diverses substances amyloides ou bien répresententils des variants d'un même affection. Des recherches clinico-histopathologiques devraient pouvoir apporter une réponse.L'amyloidose medullaire peut être une maladie sub-clinique. 2,7% de cas ont été décelés sur 1326 bovins de boucherie cliniquement sains et 2,6% sur 378 vaches laitières (y compris les jeunes) cliniquement saines.Les différents types de cellules contenant la substance amyloide existent dans les dépôts médullaires. La substance amyloide intracellulaire se présente en arrangements parallèles et est localisée dans les lysosomes. La phagocytose induits de la substance amyloide par les macrophages de Rat apparait sous la forme de vacuoles semblables, indiquant que la phagocytose peut se manifester dans les cellules bovines. Dans la littérature, la substance amyloid intra-lysosomale parailèle a été interpretée comme étant une formation de la substance amyloide de ces vacuoles.L'auteur suggere finalement quelques recherches pour élucider la pathogénie de l'amyloidose.

Riassunto L'autore presenta il risultato delle sue osservazioni dopo aver riassunto i punti piu importanti dell'amiloidosi riportati in litteratura. Descrive sia l'aspetto macroscopico che microscopico dell'amiloidosi. Nella maggior parte dei casi precominano i depositi midollari (tipi A, B, C, D). Su 1.000 casi, ha trovato sei reni con depositi glomerulari (tipo E) e parzialmente midollari. Si pone la domanda se i diversi tipi di lesioni renali contangano sostanze amiloidi diverse, oppure se rappresentano dell varianti di una stessa affezione. Ricerche clinico-isopatologiche dovrebbero poter dare una risposta.L'amiloidosi midollare puo essere una malattia sub-clinica: il 2,7% dei casi e stato rilevato su 1.326 bovini da macello clinicamente sani, e su 378 vacche da latte clinicamente sane (ivi comprese le giovani), il tasso rilevato e del 2,6%. Nei depositi amilodali midollari si sono trovato vari tipi cellulari contenenti l'amiloide.L'amiloide intracellulare, che si localizza nei lisosomi, si presenta in strutture parallele. La fagocitosi della sostanza amiloide indotta dae microfaghi di ratto compare sotto forma di vacuoli simili, indicando che la fagocitosi puo manifestarsi nelle cellule bovine. In litterature, la sostanza amiloidale intralysomale parallela e stata interpretata come una formazione di sostanza amiloidale in questi vacuoli. Infine, l'autore suggerisce di fare alcune ricerche per chiarire la patogenesi dell'amiloidosi.

"Raptor" is a collective term to describe both diurnal birds, mainly of the order Falconiformes and those which are generally nocturnal, the Strigiformes (owls). This article discusses the management of raptors in captivity for breeding.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate sperm morphology in four neotropical primate species to compare the sperm morphological traits and the sperm morphometric parameters as a basis for establishing normative sperm standards for each species. Data from 80 ejaculates collected from four primate species, Callithrix jacchus, Callimico goeldii, Alouatta caraya and Ateles geoffroyi, were analysed for detection of sperm morphological alterations using subjective World Health Organization (WHO‐2010) standards and Sperm Deformity Index (SDI) criteria, objective computer‐assisted sperm morphometry analysis (CASMA) and subpopulation sperm determination (SSD) methods. There were multiple differences (p < 0.01) observed among primate species in values obtained from WHO‐2010, SDI, CASMA and SSD sperm analysis methods. In addition, multiple significant positive and negative correlations were observed between the sperm morphological traits (SDI, Sperm Deformity Index Head Defects, Sperm Deformity Index Midpiece Defects, Sperm Deformity Index Tail Defects, Normal Sperm, Head Defects, Midpiece Defects and Tail Defects) and the sperm morphometric parameters (SSD, Area (A), Perimeter (P), Length (L), Width (W), Ellipticity, Elongation and Rugosity) (p ≤ 0.046). In conclusion, our findings using different evaluation methods indicate that pronounced sperm morphological variation exists among these four neotropical primate species. Because of the strong relationship observed among morphological and morphometric parameters, these results suggest that application of objective analysis methods could substantially improve the reliability of comparative studies and help to establish valid normative sperm values for neotropical primates.  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫蠕虫病感染情况调查   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了解圈养大熊猫蠕虫病感染情况,采用饱和硫酸镁离心漂浮法对从四川地区采集的210份圈养大熊猫粪便样品进行了蠕虫虫卵的检测,结果只检出了西氏贝蛔虫(Baylisascaris schroederi)虫卵,粪样蛔虫卵阳性率为25.71%(54/210)。在不同饲养单位以及不同月份,大熊猫西氏贝蛔虫的感染率存在显著差异(P0.05),但不同年龄和性别的大熊猫西氏贝蛔虫感染率差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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