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应福特基金会北京办事处首席代理郝克明先生的邀请,笔者随云南林业赴尼泊尔考察团于1998年初对尼泊尔的社会林业进行了为期15天的考察。 考察期间,先后访问了尼泊尔森林和土壤保护部社区和私人林业司,听取了社区林业政策、项目、历史、现状和发展前景的介绍;访问了卡什地区林业局,听取了卡什地区社区林业发展情况介绍;访问了卡什地区水土保持办公室;访问了尼泊尔全国林业使用者小组联合会;对尼泊尔林业使用者小组的组织、管理、活动进行了重点考察;考察了澳大利亚、美国等外援项目;参观了“山地发展研究中心”及七陶丸皇家森林公园。 通过考察,对尼泊尔的林业情况特别是社会林业方面的情况有了一定的了解。1 尼泊尔的自然地理和生态环境  相似文献   

尼泊尔社区林业项目和政策在亚洲被认为是最富有进取性、表达最明确的。面临的主要挑战是使这些变革制度化,解决公正和管理问题以及加强使用者、地区和国家的机构和组织的设置。尼泊尔的合作活动是建立在其他相关利益群体的富有成效的协作基础之上的。项目的重点是通过提高尼泊尔森林使用者联合  相似文献   

社区林业在1978年引入尼泊尔,开始是在一些双边或多边捐助机构的支持下,到2002年,尼泊尔社区森林的面积已达847 282 hm2,这些森林由遍布全国的至少10 969个森林利用者小组管理。在2000年,尼泊尔林业部门的官员制定了促进社区森林经营的方针。目前,该方针已成为尼泊尔社区森林可持续经营的一种工具。但在2001年,该方针引发了有关山区和平原地区社区对其森林资源权利的激烈讨论,此后,社区林业再次成为尼泊尔政府关注的焦点,该政策文件也引起来自各方的评判。一些林业官员也认为,该方针对普通百姓,甚至对一些技术人员来说技术性太…  相似文献   

一、开展社区林业取得的成就 近20年来,尼泊尔开展社区林业取得了显著的成绩。目前该国已有9 000余个森林使用者团体,他们管理了60多万hm2茂密的森林。如果没有强大的政治保证,他们是不可能取得这些成就的。尼泊尔在制定宽松的林业政策方面为许多国家作出了榜样,例如他们1989年颁布的林业部门总体规划、1993年颁布的森林法和1995年颁布的林业法。社区林业活动也为推进该国的民主进程和通过可持续的资源管理来消除贫困带来了希望。开展社区林业的目的不仅在于促进森林更新和提供林产品满足当地人民的需求,更重要的是它是一种支持民主原…  相似文献   

2002年1月30日,尼泊尔召开了为期两天的全国研讨会来回顾国家的社区林业方针政策。林业部门和社区林业部门主持召开了本次会议,目的是使这些方针对普通老百姓和使用者群体来说更简单明了、简便易行,同时修订还将妇女群体和社区森林经营中其他的社会力量也包括在内。森林和土壤保持部部长在本次研讨会的开幕式上强调:社区林业计划除了在消除贫困方面发挥了关键性的作用以外,在保护国家环境方面也起着非常重要的作用。目前社区计划覆盖了全国近2/3的人口,它不仅提高了基层人民的生活水平,而且还保护了国家的土地免于侵蚀。但也有官员认…  相似文献   

1尼泊尔近期政策一些进展及其对社区森林经营的影响 过去的3年,森林政策的走势已从对村民的不稳定责权变化到重新肯定国家对资源的控制,各种水平的政策等级都已经或试图作出相应变化,其中包括受到广泛赞誉的1993年森林法,这些变化引起了广泛批评尤其是尼泊尔社区林业使用者联邦(FECOFUG),这些政策已通过FECOFUN和NGOs传达到许多社区,这种政策的变化已开始影响各地森林经营过程.  相似文献   

尼泊尔林业经历了曲折的发展过程,1989年政府制定了林业总体发展规划,村社林业项目是其六个发展项目中最大的一个。该项目依靠当地森林利用小组来保护、经营管理和利用森林。主要策略就是将便于经营管理的丘陵地带森林移交给能够、并且愿意经营的当地村民管理,其面积为350万公项,占森林总面积的61%。在村社林业项目实施的初期,林业野外工作人员主要是推  相似文献   

一、社区林业发展史回顾 虽然自古以来乡村社区就经营着森林,但社区林业的出现却是近年来的事情。本文中的社区林业是指特定的社区森林使用者通过与政府的某种合作形式来保护和经营国有林的过程。在过去的30年间,促进社区对森林经营的参与几乎已成为制定国际热带林业政策的共  相似文献   

●社会林业培训班在昆明举办 云南省林业厅项目办于1997年3月6~10日,在昆明举办了社会林业培训班。来自昭通、姚安、宁蒗、中甸四个项目示范点的管理人员、农户代表、妇女代表共30人参加了培训。云南省社科院的赵鸭桥同志讲授了社会林业项目中的信息收集、处理和反馈等方面的知识;康云海同志介绍了国外社会林业项目的开展情况,详细讲述了尼泊尔以森林小组管理森林的成功经验和孟加拉国的穷人银行、泰国国王的扶贫项目等。云南大学教师杜靖川讲授了市场经济  相似文献   

本文论述了有关尼泊尔中部丘陵社区森林的造林作业设计与实施的社区前景。同时详细地提出了 2个森林作业小组 (FUGs)森林经营活动的动态和结果 ,还对其他几个社区森林的观察结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

User participation in Community Forestry (CF) regarding forest-related activities from user group formation to implementation of an operational plan is crucial for evaluating the social and biophysical outcomes of a CF program. This study assesses factors responsible for the participation of member households in the planning and implementation process of a CF program in Nepal. Data were collected through a survey of 116 households from six community forest user groups, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. Simple random sampling was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative information from 10 % of households participating in CF, utilizing a semi-structured questionnaire. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the factors associated with participation in planning and implementations of CF activities. Six socio-demographic and biophysical explanatory variables were included in the analysis, of which Caste, Sex, Age, and Forest Condition were found statistically significant. The results indicate that if the condition of the community forest is perceived as satisfactory, User Committees receive higher user participation in regards to forest development activities and fund mobilization. The results also suggest activities involving physical work attract younger participants. The existing equal access to forest products does not promote equity. However, promoting women and disadvantaged user participation in CF activities may help achieve higher equitability of CF user groups.  相似文献   

Community forestry has been characterized as a successful model of community-based forest governance in Nepal that shifts forest management and use rights to local users, often socially heterogeneous in caste, gender and wealth status. This heterogeneity forms the basis of social groups, which differ in their needs, priorities and perceptions regarding community forestry implementation processes. This paper explores the dynamics of three community forestry processes—users’ participation, institutional development, and decision-making and benefit-sharing—among forest user groups as perceived by three social groups of forest users—elite, women and disadvantaged—from eight community forests of Dhading district, Nepal, using qualitative and quantitative techniques. It is found that social groups have differing levels of perception about community forestry processes occurring in their user groups. In particular, social elites differ from women and disadvantaged members of the group in users’ participation in community forestry activities and institutional development of forest user groups. An important policy implication of the findings is that social inclusiveness is central to the effective implementation of community forestry processes, not only to safeguard its past successes but also to internalize the economic opportunities it poses through reducing deforestation and forest degradation in the future.  相似文献   

Community based forestry is seen as a promising instrument for sustainable forest management (SFM) through the purposeful involvement of local communities. Globally, forest area managed by local communities is on the rise. However, transferring management responsibilities to forest users alone cannot guarantee the sustainability of forest management. A monitoring tool, that allows the local communities to track the progress of forest management towards the goal of sustainability, is essential. A case study, including six forest user groups (FUGs), two from each three community based forestry models—community forestry (CF), buffer zone community forestry (BZCF), and collaborative forest management (CFM) representing three different physiographic regions, was conducted in Nepal. The study explores which community based forest management model (CF, BZCF or CFM) is doing well in terms of sustainable forest management. The study assesses the overall performance of the three models towards SFM using locally developed criteria (four), indicators (26) and verifiers (60). This paper attempts to quantify the sustainability of the models using sustainability index for individual criteria (SIIC), and overall sustainability index (OSI). In addition, rating to the criteria and scoring of the verifiers by the FUGs were done. Among the four criteria, the FUGs ascribed the highest weightage to institutional framework and governance criterion; followed by economic and social benefits, forest management practices, and extent of forest resources. Similarly, the SIIC was found to be the highest for the institutional framework and governance criterion. The average values of OSI for CFM, CF, and BZCF were 0.48, 0.51 and 0.60 respectively; suggesting that buffer zone community forestry is the more sustainable model among the three. The study also suggested that the SIIC and OSI help local communities to quantify the overall progress of their forestry practices towards sustainability. The indices provided a clear picture of forest management practices to indicate the direction where they are heading in terms of sustainability; and informed the users on issues to pay attention to enhance sustainability of their forests.  相似文献   

Despite high expectations of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as project partners in bilateral-aid community forestry (CF) projects in Nepal, it remains unclear whether the NGO involvement favored by donors is efficient. This study examined the influence of NGOs on local people's perceptions of CF management by using a quantitative analysis based on a questionnaire survey. Three different forest user groups (FUGs) supported by the Nepal Swiss Community Forestry Project were selected from the Dolakha and Ramecchap districts: an FUG supported by another FUG acting as an NGO, an FUG supported by an NGO specializing in CF, and an FUG without NGO support. A structured survey examined the perception of CF management based on satisfaction, involvement, and self-reliance in 244 selected households belonging to the three FUGs. Knowledge of CF and personal information was also surveyed and analyzed. The results showed that NGO involvement influences factors such as self-reliance and knowledge of CF. FUG members who were supported by an NGO or an FUG had a significantly higher perception with respect to self-reliance and knowledge than did members without such support. This indicates that experienced FUGs can serve as adequate service providers for the CF formation procedure, in a manner similar to that of NGOs. On the other hand, the limited support from NGOs or FUGs during the formation process seemed insufficient to fulfill the expectations of aid agencies with respect to the enhancement of satisfaction and active participation on the part of FUG members. If aid agencies expect NGOs and FUGs to enhance the satisfaction and participation of members, these intermediary organizations should be assigned to support more CF activities than just the formation procedure. Aid agencies should take responsibility for strengthening the capabilities of NGOs and FUGs, as needed.  相似文献   

Community forestry in Nepal is one of the most cited examples of participatory management of natural resources. However, such programs have not yet been able to fully ensure equitable, gender-sensitive, and poverty-focused outcomes. This study examines factors influencing participation of households in forest protection, resource utilization, and collective resource management decision-making activities. The study was conducted among five selected forest user groups in the Kaski District. The analysis is based on a household survey that included a random sample of 176 respondents (69 males and 107 females). Three ordered logit regression models were developed to examine determinants of household participation in forest protection, resource utilization, and decision-making activities. Analysis showed that larger sized households belonging to forest user groups that owned less land were more likely to participate in forest protection activities. Women from larger households located closer to forests and markets were more likely to participate in forest resource utilization activities. Households with more livestock belonging to forest user groups that managed forests in good condition were also more inclined to participate in resource utilization activities. Women and individuals from lower castes demonstrated lower levels of participation in decision-making processes. Low participation was associated with education level and traditional customs, which may result in low representation of some social groups in forest user group committees.  相似文献   

To investigate the household-level economic importance of income from forests under different tenure arrangements, data were collected from 304 stratified randomly sampled households within 10 villages with community forest user groups in Tanahun District, Western Nepal. We observed that forest income contributed 5.8% to total household income, ranging from 3.8% in the top income quartile to 17.4% in the lowest quartile. Analyses of poverty indices and Gini decomposition showed that incorporating forest incomes in total household income reduces measured rural poverty and income inequality. Community forestry income constituted 49.7% of forest income, followed by 27.5% from government-managed forest, and 22.8% from private forests/trees. Community forestry income, however, contributed more than other sources of forest income to income inequality, indicating elite capture. We argue that a full realisation of community forestry's poverty reduction and income equalizing potential requires modifications of rules that govern forest extraction and pricing at community forest user group level.  相似文献   

尼泊尔是"一带一路"沿线国家中南亚地区的重要国家,也是我国重点援助的国家。尽管尼泊尔森林资源丰富,生物多样性高,但是近年来森林资源下降趋势明显。鉴于竹子在保护森林资源和发展农村经济中的地位日益显著,尼泊尔政府把推动竹藤等非木质林产品开发利用作为林业发展的重要内容和减贫的重要措施。文中对尼泊尔竹子资源培育、加工利用、发展政策及科研进展等进行了综述,提出了我国与尼泊尔开展竹业合作的领域和方式,可为深化中尼两国林业合作和提高我国对外援助水平提供重要的参考信息。  相似文献   

公益林与商品林分类指标体系及技术标准的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
林进 《林业科学》1999,35(4):93-100
林业分类经营是林业部提出的一项深化林业改革的重要措施,如何科学合理地划公益林与商品林,是当前实施林业分类经营战略迫切需要解决的问题。本文从系统、可行、科学的角度对森林功能性分类系统,划分公益林与商品林的分类指标体系及技术指标进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国集体林区林业规模经营的现实分析与实现路径   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
林业规模经营是我国实现林业现代化发展的一个必要过程。新一轮集体林权制度改革既为发展林业规模经营带来了挑战,但同时也为其创造了必要的条件。文中通过对规模经营相关理论的分析,对我国集体林区发展林业规模经营的现实必要性以及阻碍其发展的制约因素进行探讨,并就其实现路径提出如下建议:创新林地流转机制、培育新型林业规模经营主体、逐步建立健全林业社会化服务体系、把握好林业规模经营的"度",以期为我国林业向规模化、集约化和现代化方向发展提供参考。  相似文献   

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