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AIM: To investigate the awareness of and interest in the use of animals for research, testing and teaching (RTT) purposes, the levels of support and attitudes towards this use of animals, and the awareness of and opinions on regulations governing it within the public in New Zealand. METHODS: An independent telephone survey was used to collect information including demographics, awareness and interest in the use of animals for RTT, attitudes towards the use of animals for RTT, and awareness of the regulation of the use of animals in RTT and the degree of confidence held in such regulation. RESULTS: Data were obtained from 750 respondents throughout New Zealand. The rim-weighting efficiency figure was 90%, indicating that the sample collected closely matched the population demographics for New Zealand. Overall, 33% of respondents expressed an interest in the issue generally, 39% were interested in the area of animals used for research and testing purposes, and 21% for teaching purposes. A majority of respondents agreed that the use of animals for teaching (72%) and research and testing (68%) purposes was acceptable as long as there was no unnecessary suffering by the animals. Respondents felt animal research was most justified for research into life-threatening and debilitating diseases, and least justified for safety-testing of cosmetics and household chemicals. Only 8% of respondents knew a fair amount (or more) about the legislation pertaining to the use of animals in RTT. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of New Zealanders were neither interested nor concerned about the use of animals in RTT. The largest proportion of respondents fell into a category of accepting this use of animals with conditions such as where there is no unnecessary suffering by the animals or where the research is for a serious disease. However, the responses also indicated that attitudes towards the use of animals in RTT as a general issue may change when that use is given a specific context. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The understanding of public opinion with regard to the use of animals in RTT is an important tool for New Zealand Veterinary Association nominees on animal ethics committees (AECs), for these veterinarians, as well as acting as assessors of the welfare of the animals involved, are also independent of the institutions using animals, so that, along with the other 'external' members, they provide a societal perspective to the deliberations of AECs.  相似文献   

It is probable that bovine brucellosis will be eradicated from New Zealand by 1990. However, continued surveillance for the disease will have to be maintained for a number of years. This paper examines alternative methods of surveillance in beef herds with a view to ensuring that the most cost effective method is used. The three surveillance methods examined are the present automated complement fixation test, abattoir surveillance, and a system based on a delayed hypersensitivity skin test using a purified Brucella protein antigen. It is concluded that despite the relatively low sensitivity of the skin test the probability of its identifying herds as infected is likely to be greater in practice than abattoir surveillance. The skin test is cheaper than the present complement fixation test.  相似文献   

It is probable that bovine brucellosis will be eradicated from New Zealand by 1990. However, continued surveillance for the disease will have to be maintained for a number of years. This paper examines alternative methods of surveillance in beef herds with a view to ensuring that the most cost effective method is used. The three surveillance methods examined are the present automated complement fixation test, abattoir surveillance, and a system based on a delayed hypersensitivity skin test using a purified Brucella protein antigen. It is concluded that despite the relatively low sensitivity of the skin test the probability of its identifying herds as infected is likely to be greater in practice than abattoir surveil- lance. The skin test is cheaper than the present complement fixation test.  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare the efficiency of different surveillance strategies for detecting scrapie-infected sheep flocks in the Norwegian population using simulation modelling.The dynamic Monte Carlo simulation model has the flock as the unit. The input parameters include properties of the sheep population (number of flocks, flock size, age distribution, reasons for culling, breeds, prion protein-allele distribution); properties of scrapie (genotype-dependent infection rate and incubation periods, and age- and genotype-dependent prevalence of scrapie); properties of the surveillance strategy (selection of sheep for examination, period in which infected sheep are detectable, and properties of the diagnostic tests). For simplification, the prion protein-alleles were grouped into three allele groups: VRQ, ARR, and ARQ' (ARQ' represents ARQ, ARH and AHQ).Through either abattoir surveillance or surveillance of fallen stock, 70% of the detected sheep (compared to 33% in the underlying population). The model output was sensitive to the susceptibility of infection for the genotype ARQ'/ARQ'. The effect was large for abattoir surveillance (increased susceptibility increased the efficiency of abattoir surveillance).  相似文献   

An evaluation of scrapie surveillance in the United States   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Animal health surveillance systems should reflect national disease control priorities and promote the best use of public resources by maximizing effectiveness and efficiency. A surveillance system should be routinely evaluated to assess the degree to which the system accomplishes these goals, fulfills its stated objectives, and meets accepted surveillance standards. In the United States, there are a number of disparate endemic disease surveillance and eradication programs. The National Animal Health Surveillance System is a federal initiative designed to combine animal health surveillance and monitoring activities into a comprehensive and coordinated system. A protocol has been developed to facilitate the evaluation of animal health surveillance systems and investigate opportunities for coordination between the different surveillance and eradication programs. The evaluation protocol was based largely on protocols developed for public health but adapted for the specific needs and goals of animal health surveillance. The evaluation process was designed to identify program strengths and areas for improvement and facilitate the system's adaptability to changing situations. The evaluation protocol was applied to the scrapie surveillance system in the United States; scrapie surveillance was found to be an important part of surveillance for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Results from the evaluation of sensitivity, sampling methods and representativeness are presented.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate public attitudes towards barking dogs in New Zealand in order to quantify the extent to which people perceive barking dogs to be a problem, to compare tolerance of barking with that of other common suburban noises, to assess the level of public understanding about the function of barking, to determine risk factors for intolerance of barking and to assess knowledge of possible strategies for the investigation and management of problem barking.

METHODS: A 12-page questionnaire was sent to 2,000 people throughout New Zealand randomly selected from the electoral roll. Risk factors for being bothered by barking were examined using logistic regression analysis.

RESULTS: A total of 1,750 questionnaires were successfully delivered; of these, 727 (42%) were returned. Among respondents, 356/727 (49.0%) indicated that frequent barking during the day would bother them while 545/727 (75.0%) would be bothered by barking at night. Barking and howling were ranked above other suburban noises as a cause of annoyance. Risk factors for being bothered by daytime barking were not being home during the day, not owning a dog, and considering a dog bite to be a serious health risk. Risk factors for being bothered by night-time barking were not being home during the day, marital status, considering dog bites to pose a serious health risk, and having been frightened by a dog. Overall, 510/699 (73%) respondents understood that barking was a form of communication.

Action likely to be taken by 666 respondents hearing frequent barking included notifying and offering to help the owner (119; 17.8%), complaining to the owner (127; 19.1%) or the authorities (121; 18.2%), or doing nothing (299; 48%). Possible responses by 211 dog owners if they had a barking dog included seeking help from dog trainers (59; 28%) or behaviourists (54; 26%), buying an anti-barking device (33; 15%) or getting rid of the dog (20; 10%).

CONCLUSIONS: Barking was considered to be potentially disturbing by respondents to this survey. Attitudes towards barking were most influenced by age, dog ownership, past experience with dogs and attitude towards dog bites. Public understanding of the possible reasons for barking and appropriate methods of managing the behaviour when it becomes a problem could be improved by better education and the provision of information through veterinary clinics and social media.  相似文献   

Different types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) affect sheep and goats. In addition to the classical form of scrapie, both species are susceptible to experimental infections with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent, and in recent years atypical scrapie cases have been reported in sheep from different European countries. Atypical scrapie in sheep is characterized by distinct histopathologic lesions and molecular characteristics of the abnormal scrapie prion protein (PrP(sc)). Characteristics of atypical scrapie have not yet been described in detail in goats. A goat presenting features of atypical scrapie was identified in Switzerland. Although there was no difference between the molecular characteristics of PrP(sc) in this animal and those of atypical scrapie in sheep, differences in the distribution of histopathologic lesions and PrP(sc) deposition were observed. In particular the cerebellar cortex, a major site of PrP(sc) deposition in atypical scrapie in sheep, was found to be virtually unaffected in this goat. In contrast, severe lesions and PrP(sc) deposition were detected in more rostral brain structures, such as thalamus and midbrain. Two TSE screening tests and PrP(sc) immunohistochemistry were either negative or barely positive when applied to cerebellum and obex tissues, the target samples for TSE surveillance in sheep and goats. These findings suggest that such cases may have been missed in the past and could be overlooked in the future if sampling and testing procedures are not adapted. The epidemiological and veterinary public health implications of these atypical cases, however, are not yet known.  相似文献   

Capture-recapture (CR) methods are used to study populations that are monitored with imperfect observation processes. They have recently been applied to the monitoring of animal diseases to evaluate the number of infected units that remain undetected by the surveillance system. This paper proposes three bayesian models to estimate the total number of scrapie-infected holdings in France from CR count data obtained from the French classical scrapie surveillance programme. We fitted two zero-truncated Poisson (ZTP) models (with and without holding size as a covariate) and a zero-truncated negative binomial (ZTNB) model to the 2006 national surveillance count dataset. We detected a large amount of heterogeneity in the count data, making the use of the simple ZTP model inappropriate. However, including holding size as a covariate did not bring any significant improvement over the simple ZTP model. The ZTNB model proved to be the best model, giving an estimation of 535 (CI(95%) 401-796) infected and detectable sheep holdings in 2006, although only 141 were effectively detected, resulting in a holding-level prevalence of 4.4‰ (CI(95%) 3.2-6.3) and a sensitivity of holding-level surveillance of 26% (CI(95%) 18-35). The main limitation of the present study was the small amount of data collected during the surveillance programme. It was therefore not possible to build complex models that would allow depicting more accurately the epidemiological and detection processes that generate the surveillance data. We discuss the perspectives of capture-recapture count models in the context of animal disease surveillance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we apply one-list capture-recapture models to estimate the number of scrapie-affected holdings in Great Britain. We applied this technique to the Compulsory Scrapie Flocks Scheme dataset where cases from all the surveillance sources monitoring the presence of scrapie in Great Britain, the abattoir survey, the fallen stock survey and the statutory reporting of clinical cases, are gathered. Consequently, the estimates of prevalence obtained from this scheme should be comprehensive and cover all the different presentations of the disease captured individually by the surveillance sources. Two estimators were applied under the one-list approach: the Zelterman estimator and Chao's lower bound estimator. Our results could only inform with confidence the scrapie-affected holding population with clinical disease; this moved around the figure of 350 holdings in Great Britain for the period under study, April 2005-April 2006. Our models allowed the stratification by surveillance source and the input of covariate information, holding size and country of origin. None of the covariates appear to inform the model significantly.  相似文献   

The abattoir and the fallen stock surveys constitute the active surveillance component aimed at improving the detection of scrapie across the European Union. Previous studies have suggested the occurrence of significant differences in the operation of the surveys across the EU. In the present study we assessed the standardisation of the surveys throughout time across the EU and identified clusters of countries with similar underlying characteristics allowing comparisons between them. In the absence of sufficient covariate information to explain the observed variability across countries, we modelled the unobserved heterogeneity by means of non-parametric distributions on the risk ratios of the fallen stock over the abattoir survey. More specifically, we used the profile likelihood method on 2003, 2004 and 2005 active surveillance data for 18 European countries on classical scrapie, and on 2004 and 2005 data for atypical scrapie separately. We extended our analyses to include the limited covariate information available, more specifically, the proportion of the adult sheep population sampled by the fallen stock survey every year. Our results show that the between-country heterogeneity dropped in 2004 and 2005 relative to that of 2003 for classical scrapie. As a consequence, the number of clusters in the last two years was also reduced indicating the gradual standardisation of the surveillance efforts across the EU. The crude analyses of the atypical data grouped all the countries in one cluster and showed non-significant gain in the detection of this type of scrapie by any of the two sources. The proportion of the population sampled by the fallen stock appeared significantly associated with our risk ratio for both types of scrapie, although in opposite directions: negative for classical and positive for atypical. The initial justification for the fallen stock, targeting a high-risk population to increase the likelihood of case finding, appears compromised for both types of scrapie in some countries.  相似文献   

Regulatory authorities are facing increasing challenges with respect to the newly-recognised public health risks associated with meat products. Meat inspection resources should be allocated according to their maximum ability to reduce food-borne hazards, rather than according to the classical rules of meat inspection. Scientific evaluation of routine post-mortem inspection procedures for each class of livestock, introduction of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point approach to process control, on-line testing for microbiological hazards and residues, and effective management of production, processing and inspection data are central to this process. The meat inspection system that has evolved in New Zealand reflects a response to non-scientific forces such as market requirements and industrial practices rather than scientific discipline. In the future, the daily routine of meat inspectors will be extended well beyond their current slaughterfloor responsibilities, and veterinarians will require specialist skills. Science should be the basis for international food regulation and policy concepts such as equivalence or mutual acceptance are achievable on this basis.  相似文献   

We applied capture–recapture methodology (CRC) to data from three surveillance sources (statutory notification, abattoir survey (AS) and fallen stock (FS) survey) to estimate the number of holdings infected with scrapie in Great Britain and to assess the sensitivity of the surveillance network. Between January 1, 2002 and March 31, 2003, 144 holdings were identified by the three sources. Using CRC modelling techniques, we estimated a minimum lower bound for the total number of holdings infected as 642. A biologically plausible positive dependence between the statutory reporting and the fallen stock survey was found statistically significant. The sensitivity of the three sources combined was very low. The integration of the three overlapping sources provided a better understanding of the interactions within the surveillance network. However, the scarcity of the data and reduced overlapping among sources only allowed for very cautious inferences to be drawn about the true proportion of scrapie affected holdings in the national population. Future surveys and surveillance activities should be planned such that the resulting data can be used more effectively as part of CRC modelling approaches.  相似文献   

Intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica in New Zealand are the native species Lymnaea tomentosa, and introduced species, L. columella and L. truncatula. The latter is of little significance in New Zealand. Fascioliasis has become more widespread since 1950 following colonisation of much of the North Island by L. columella. L. tomentosa can produce eggs at 5°C and L. columella at 2°C. L. columella produces about the three times as many eggs as L. tomentosa and the eggs of the former develop more rapidly and over a wider range of temperatures. Both species inhabit ponds and marshes, although L. columella is better suited to pond habitats. Neither species will survive in marsh habitats that dry out in summer. Both species tolerate wide ranges of Ca and Mg concentrations and pH. Marsh habitats of the two species are indistinguishable though there is evidence of subtle differences in habitat preferences. Snail populations are minimal in winter and fluctuate irregularly throughout the rest of the year. In general, L. tomentosa populations contain proportionally more mature snails than those of L. columella. The epidemiology of fascioliasis in New Zealand is discussed. The absence of outbreaks of acute disease, the multiplicity of snail hosts and variations in climate pose problems for investigators. Overwintering infections of snails have been observed in L. tomentosa, but not in L. columella. With the latter host, transmission of Fasciola occurred over 6–7 months from mid-summer to mid-winter.The rate of infection of tracer sheep over 5 years varied but was not related to temperature or increased summer rainfall. Infection rates tended to increase when summers were dry and animals forced to graze the snails habitats. Rates in infection were not related to snail densities but to the numbers of mature snails on habitats. The infection rate of L. columella was extremely low (1790 snails examined). Sheep appear to be more important than cattle in maintaining Fasciolainfections from year to year. The control of fascioliasis is discussed briefly. It is argued that prevention of infection is preferable to removing infections already acquired, and low this might be achieved by a strategic anthelmintic treatment when L. columella is involved is described. Further studies on the prevalence and epidemiology of fascioliasis in New Zealand are required.  相似文献   

Cysts found in the liver of a horse which had never been out of New Zealand were used to infect two dogs which were slaughtered 35 days after infection. Large numbers of Echinococcus granulosus were recovered. These cestodes were compared with mature dog-sheep cestodes, using light and scanning electron microscopy and identified as the dog-horse strain of E.granulosus.  相似文献   

Schoolyards and suburban parks are two environments where active tick surveillance may inform local management approaches. Even in a state such as New York with a robust active tick surveillance programme operated by the state Department of Health, these settings are not routinely covered. The goal of this study was to highlight the importance of active surveillance for tick‐borne pathogens by describing their prevalence in ticks collected from schoolyards and suburban parks and to guide the use of integrated pest management in these settings. Tick dragging was performed in three regions of New York State: Long Island, the Lower Hudson Valley and the Capital Region. A total of 19 schoolyards and 32 parks were sampled. The location, habitat and weather at the time of tick collection were recorded. Ticks were speciated and tested for the presence of 17 pathogens with a novel application of nanoscale real‐time PCR. The causative agents of Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and Powassan virus disease were all detected from Ixodes scapularis in various sites throughout the capital region and south‐eastern counties of New York state. The most common agent detected was Borrelia burgdorferi, and coinfection rates were as high as 36%. This surveillance study also captured the first of the invasive Asian longhorned tick species, Haemaphysalis longicornis, in New York state (collected 2 June 2017). Results from this study highlight the importance of collaborative efforts and data sharing for improvement of surveillance for tick‐borne disease agents.  相似文献   


Sir,—During the survey on the cestode problems of food animals and dogs in New Zealand, Multiceps multi-cops (Leske, 1780) and its metacestode Coenurus cerebralis have been observed in the dog and sheep respectively in mid-Canterbury. An unconfirmed case has also been reported recently in a lamb's brain exported to Australia.  相似文献   

Since January 2, 2001 a large-scale active surveillance programme for BSE started in the Netherlands in addition to the passive surveillance programme of cattle with clinical symptoms compatible with BSE. Based on decisions of the Council of European Ministers of Agriculture, the European Union launched an active surveillance system for BSE in cattle of 30 months and older. Until April 1, more than 100,000 head of cattle were tested in this scheme, including all cattle slaughtered and a large part of the cattle that died on the farm. Four animals were found positive in the active surveillance system and one cow from the passive surveillance tested positive for BSE during the first three months.  相似文献   

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