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We quantified microhabitat selection of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at 2 flows (low= 1.13 m3. s?1 and high =4.95 m3. s?1) in the Pit River, California. Flows were controlled by an upstream dam and habitat availability was similar during 4 sampling periods at low flow and 2 periods at high flow. A principal components analysis reduced 6 microhabitat variables to 3 new variables that explained 80% of the observed variance. The 3 components loaded heavily on velocity variables, depth variables and substrate. Microhabitat selection generally differed among macrohabitats (i. e., pools, runs, and riffles). Rainbow trout selected different microhabitats at high flow relative to low flow in response to the availability of deeper, faster water. At low flow, depth and velocity selection were positively correlated with seasonal temperature change for adults but not juveniles. Rainbow trout apparently sought shelter in interstitial spaces in the substrate of runs and riffles during the day in early winter. Generally, large rainbow trout were observed in pools, intermediate-sized fish in runs, and small trout in riffles. The largest fish occurred in slow, deep areas of pools, where they moved slowly without orientation to flow and were not observed feeding, whereas small fish generally faced upstream and fed in all habitat types. Foraging forays were directed up in the water column at velocities similar to the mean water column velocities at holding positions. Rainbow trout were the most abundant species in 76% of the population survey stations. Other species that might have influenced microhabitat selection by rainbow trout were uncommon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Habitat selection of the pike gudgeon Pseudogobio esocinus esocinus (Cyprinidae) was examined in the Nakagawa River in northern Kyushu, Japan. The study area was 80 m long with two meanders comprising three riffles and two pools, located 20 km upstream from the river mouth. The pike gudgeon were visually counted underwater. Larvae and juveniles were observed in the shallow and slow-flowing water near the shores. Simultaneously, young and adult individuals were observed to inhabit the river bed. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to estimate the microhabitat selections of the larvae, juveniles and other individuals by using four variables (water depth, current velocity, particle size of substrate and amount of organic matter). The larvae and juveniles inhabited the shallow (<30 cm) and slow-flowing waters (<6.5 cm/s) near the shore; habitat selection was independent of particle size of the substrate and the amount of organic matter present. Young and adult individuals inhabited the river bed independent of the four variables.  相似文献   

We incorporated explanatory factors including stream habitat type and fish density into individual‐based models with dynamic connections among adjacent habitat units to infer dispersal behaviour of juvenile steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in a Great Lakes watershed. We used mark–recapture data and an inverse modelling approach to estimate daily probability of steelhead moving out of a habitat unit, P(move), according to four competing models. The models used included (i) a null model where all fish had equal movement probability; (ii) a habitat‐dependent model where P(move) depended on the habitat type; (iii) a density‐dependent model of P(move); and (iv) a model where P(move) depended on both density and habitat type. The habitat‐dependent model provided the most parsimonious fit to the observed data according to Akaike's information criteria (AICc). In the null model, P(move) averaged 0.70, whereas P(move) averaged 0.75 in pools, 0.68 in riffles and 0.73 in runs in the habitat‐dependent model.  相似文献   

Species conservation requires understanding the mechanistic processes of habitat selection and their effects on fitness. Nonetheless, there are few fitness‐based habitat selection models for aquatic organisms. We examined multiple aspects of foraging behaviour of nonanadromous Dolly Varden Charr (Salvelinus malma) in Panguingue Creek, Alaska, USA and applied these data to test a fitness‐based microhabitat selection model. Velocity negatively affected prey capture success, positively affected holding velocity, and had no effect on reactive distance. Dominance was a better predictor of prey capture success than length difference between competitors, but there was no relationship between these variables and holding velocity or reactive distance. We used the velocity–prey capture success relationship to parameterise the microhabitat habitat selection model and compared the predicted optimal holding velocity to the 95% confidence interval (24.9–29.3 cm/s) of holding velocities occupied by Dolly Varden (N = 29) in Panguingue Creek. The prediction of 24.0 cm/s fell just slightly (0.9 cm/s) outside the lower limit of the confidence interval; the model barely failed to predict holding velocity for this species in Panguingue Creek. Although this discrepancy fell within measurement error, model failure also may have been due to influence of high turbulence on fish holding velocities in the creek, low sample sizes imposed by permitting limitations, or field logistical issues. The relationship between velocity and prey capture success is an important aspect of drift feeder habitat selection. Our optimal holding velocity prediction for Dolly Varden should aid in the management and conservation of this species.  相似文献   

American lobster (Homarus americanus) supports one of the most valuable regional fisheries in the United States, with its abundance and distribution profoundly influenced by environmental conditions. To explain how lobster distribution has changed over time and assess the role of environmental variables on these changes, we used random forest classification and regression tree models to estimate occupancy and biomass in two seasonal periods. The occupancy models were fit to static and dynamic variables, which yielded model fits with AUC scores of 0.80 and 0.78 for spring and fall, respectively. Biomass models were fit with the same data and resulted in models explaining 61% and 63% of the spring and fall biomass variance, respectively. Significant variables scored in the formation of the regression trees were secondary productivity (i.e., zooplankton), bathymetry characteristics, and temperature. American lobster suitable habitat has changed regionally; habitat has increased in the Gulf of Maine and declined in Southern New England. There is also evidence of declining habitat along the inshore margin of the Gulf of Maine, which has been accompanied by a shift in occupancy probability offshore. Habitat suitability results from the random forest models provide insights on the structure and function of lobster habitat and context to understand recent population trends.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal habitat use by over-yearling and under-yearling brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), was examined in a second-order stream in north-central Pennsylvania, USA. The habitat occupied by brook trout and available habitat were determined in a 0.5-km stream reach during the spring, summer and autumn of 1989 and the spring and summer of 1990. Cover, depth, substrate and velocity were quantified from over 2000 observations of individual brook trout. Habitat used by under-yearling brook trout was more uniform between seasons and years than that used by over-yearling brook trout. Over-yearling brook trout occupied areas with more cover and greater depth than did under-yearling brook trout, suggesting ontogenetic shifts in these variables. Differences for velocity and substrate were not as great as those for cover and depth. The selection of areas with low water velocities governed trout habitat use in spring, whereas cover and depth were the most important habitat variables in summer and autumn. Principal component analysis showed that available habitat and trout habitat centroids diverged most in spring, indicating that habitat selection by brook trout may be greatest at this time.  相似文献   

Lapointe NWR, Thorson JT, Angermeier PL. Seasonal meso‐ and microhabitat selection by the northern snakehead (Channa argus) in the Potomac river system.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 566–577. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – The northern snakehead (Channa argus) is a large piscivorous fish that is invasive in eastern Europe and has recently been introduced in North America. We examined the seasonal habitat selection at meso‐ and microhabitat scales using radio‐telemetry to increase understanding of the ecology of this species, which will help to inform management decisions. After the spawning season (postspawn season, September–November), northern snakeheads preferred offshore Eurasian water‐milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) beds with shallow water (~115 cm) and soft substrate. In the winter (November–April), these fish moved to deeper water (~135 cm) with warmer temperatures, but habitat selection was weak at both scales. Northern snakeheads returned to shallower water (~95 cm) in the prespawn season (April–June) and used milfoil and other cover. Habitat selection was the strongest at both meso‐ and microhabitat scales during the spawning season (June–September), when fish preferred macrophytes and cover in shallow water (~88 cm). Our results help to identify habitats at the risk of invasion by northern snakeheads. We suggest that control efforts and future research focus on shallow waters, and take into consideration the seasonal habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Abstract – We studied diel microhabitat use at the focal point of age‐0 bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, in Indian Creek, Washington during mid‐summer and fall of 1997. Microhabitat variables included water depth and velocity, distance from the stream bottom, habitat and refuge use, substrate type, and substrate embeddedness. Age‐0 fish were located over fines and gravel substrates in shallow, low‐velocity water near stream margins, but were located in shallower water at night. Bull trout were highly associated with loose substrate, and used the substrate interstices for refuge cover. Diurnal bull trout counts decreased and no age‐0 fish were observed after 15 September at water temperatures below 6.1 °C. Nocturnal counts remained relatively constant throughout the study. Our results suggest that age‐0 bull trout surveys be conducted at night when summer water temperatures begin to decline.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,83(1-3):140-149
Habitat suitability index (HSI) models were used to map habitat quality for the sympatric soles Solea solea and Solea senegalensis in the Tagus estuary, Portugal. The selection of input variables to be used in these models is crucial since the recollection of such data involves important human and time resources. Various combinations of variables were developed and compared. Habitat maps were constructed for the months of peak abundance of S. solea and S. senegalensis consisting of grid maps for depth, temperature, salinity, substrate type, presence of intertidal mudflats, density of amphipods, density of polychaetes and density of bivalves. The HSI models were run in a Geographic Information System by reclassifying the habitat maps to a 0–1 suitability index scale. Following reclassification, the geometric mean of the suitability index values for each variable was calculated by grid cell, using different combinations of variables, and the results were mapped. Models performance was evaluated by comparing model outputs to data on species’ densities in the field surveys at the time. Further model testing was performed using independent data. Results show that there are two areas that provide the highest habitat quality. The model that combined density of amphipods and the abiotic variables had the highest correlation with the distribution of S. solea while the combination of density of polychaetes and the abiotic variables had the highest correlation with S. senegalensis distribution. These variables should be taken into account in future management plans, since they indicate the main nursery grounds for these species.  相似文献   

  1. The freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis is an endangered fish species with populations that are in rapid decline, largely owing to habitat degradation caused by human activity. This situation highlights the urgent need to develop measures for the conservation and recovery of the species based on a deep understanding of its specific habitat requirements.
  2. In this study, spatial distribution and habitat selection patterns were investigated to determine the limiting factors for the species at different times of the year and at different spatial scales, from macro to microhabitats.
  3. The presence of the freshwater blenny was assessed at 127 sites in the Ebro River basin, Spain, between 2002 and 2012. It was only detected at 25 sites, corresponding to the intermediate and lower reaches of medium-sized tributaries and in the main river, in accordance with the ecology of the species. Whether the species was present depended on the physicochemical, habitat and biological conditions of the study sites. Freshwater blenny was very sensitive to organic pollution and eutrophication, the deterioration of substrate composition and channel structure, and the degradation of aquatic and riparian vegetation.
  4. Freshwater blenny showed a selective use of microhabitat locations with high current velocity, linked to gravel or cobble substrate. It was also observed that the species is capable of adapting its selection behaviour to the flow-mediated seasonal changes in its physical environment.
  5. Although the results presented indicate that the species is not a microhabitat specialist, individual survival is likely to be dependent on the availability of key microhabitats, which must be protected against detrimental human activity.

Abstract –  The consequences of individual behaviour to dynamics of populations has been a critical question in fish ecology, but linking the two has proven difficult. A modification of Sale's habitat selection model provides a conceptual linkage for relating resource availability and individual habitat selection to exploratory behaviour, emigration and population-level responses. Whole-population experiments with pupfish Cyprinodon macularius that linked all factors along this resource to population continuum lend support to this conceptual model, and illustrate that emigration may be much more common in fish populations than considered in most individual- or population-based models. Accommodating emigration can enhance the ecological appropriateness of behavioural experiments and increase confidence in extrapolation of experimental observations to population-level effects. New experimental designs and advancing technologies offer avenues for assessing population consequences of habitat selection and emigration by individual fish. Emigration often is the key linkage between individual behaviour and population responses, and greater understanding of the underlying factors affecting this often-overlooked demographic parameter could offer new approaches for management and conservation of fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The ability to recall the location of a predator and later avoid it was tested in nine populations of rainbowfish ( Melanotaenia spp.), representing three species from a variety of environments. Following the introduction of a model predator into a particular microhabitat, the model was removed, the arena rotated and the distribution of the fish recorded again. In this manner it could be determined what cues the fish relied on in order to recall the previous location of the predator model. Fish from all populations but one (Dirran Creek) were capable of avoiding the predator by remembering either the location and/or the microhabitat in which the predator was recently observed. Reliance on different types of visual cues appears to vary between populations but the reason for this variation remains elusive. Of the ecological variables tested (flow variability, predator density and habitat complexity), only the level of predation appeared to be correlated with the orientation technique employed by each population. There was no effect of species identity, which suggests that the habitat that each population occupies plays a strong role in the development of both predator avoidance responses and the cues used to track predators in the wild.  相似文献   

Dibble ED, Pelicice FM. Influence of aquatic plant‐specific habitat on an assemblage of small neotropical floodplain fishes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 381–389. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – This study investigated the effects of plant‐specific habitat on the distribution of young and small adult fishes in lagoons of the Upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil. We compared fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) and species richness and used an indirect gradient analysis to investigate fish‐plant relationships within three aquatic macrophytes beds (Cabomba furcata, Eichhornia azurea, Nymphaea amazonum), and explored microhabitat influence (indexed by eight variables related to physical structure and water quality) on the structure of fish assemblages. Rarefaction analysis was used to compare fish species richness among the vegetated habitats. We captured a total of 1599 fish constituting 23 species, 7 families and 3 orders. Fish CPUE and species richness increased relative to microhabitat structure innate to the macrophytes; higher CPUE and richness were observed in C. furcata beds, a submerged aquatic macrophyte with finely dissected leaves. On the contrary, N. amazonum, a species that provides low microhabitat complexity, harbored fewer individual fish and number of species. Reproduction dynamics, hydrology and the amount of available plant‐generated habitat structure (surface effect) contributed to the disproportionally high number of individuals captured during the dry season. Our data suggest that the microhabitat physical structure (e.g., edge distance, stem density and patch size) provided by macrophyte beds in the lagoons of the Upper Paraná River may play a more important role than physicochemistry (e.g., oxygen, temperature and pH) at mediating distribution patterns of small‐sized fishes.  相似文献   

总结了河流的微生境因子及改善技术,为生态治理提供理论参考和技术借鉴。生物的空间分布格局是不同尺度上各种生物因子和非生物因子长期综合作用的结果,河流中水生生物的生存状况与其所处微生境条件息息相关。微生境改善作为一种重要的水生态修复措施,对于提高水生生物多样性、构建完整河流生态系统结构、恢复河流健康具有重要意义。在分析河道微生境主要因素的基础上,重点介绍了丁坝、深槽-浅滩和堰/砾石群3种微生境改善技术,并对当前技术应用存在的问题进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

1. Methods to assess the physical habitat available to aquatic organisms provide important tools for many aspects of river management, including river health monitoring, determination of river restoration/rehabilitation strategies, setting and evaluating environmental flows and as surrogates for biodiversity assessment. 2. Procedures used to assess physical habitat need to be ecologically and geomorphologically meaningful, as well as practicable. A conceptual methodological procedure is presented that evaluates and links instream habitat and geomorphology. 3. The heterogeneity of habitat potential is determined within geomorphic units (such as pools, runs, riffles) by assessing flow hydraulics and substrate character. These two variables are integrated as hydraulic units — patches of uniform flow and substrate. 4. This methodology forms a logical extension of the River Styles framework that characterizes river form and behaviour at four inter‐related scales: catchments, landscape units, River Styles (reaches) and geomorphic units. As geomorphic units constitute the basis to assess aquatic habitat availability, and they form the building blocks of river and floodplain systems, intact reaches of a particular River Style should have similar assemblages of instream and floodplain habitat. 5. An application of the hydraulic unit procedure is demonstrated in gorge, partly‐confined and alluvial River Styles from the Manning catchment in northern New South Wales, Australia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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