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This article presents the results of one of numerous and coordinated qualitative studies carried out at land-grant universities across the United States, to improve our understanding of agricultural research practices and identify new avenues for library services to meet the changing needs of agricultural faculty and research staff. We interviewed agricultural researchers across several departments at Cornell University about their research practices including research dissemination methods, data sharing, their use of primary and secondary resources, and current challenges in conducting agricultural research. Emerging themes included stakeholder engagement, collaboration and interdisciplinarity, the impact of technology, and research inputs and outputs.  相似文献   


The University of Florida (UF) George A. Smathers Libraries is one of 19 institutions that participated in an Ithaka S+R Research Support Services investigation of agricultural sciences. The authors conducted a qualitative analysis of research support services based on one-on-one semistructured interviews with 15 faculty of the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in 2016. A number of core themes emerged from the analysis of research practices in the local study at UF. Core themes included finding appropriate literature, data management issues and tools, repositories for sharing research products, and research dissemination. This report summarizes a subset of these results, focusing on themes related to academic library services that support agricultural scholars research needs.  相似文献   

介绍了丽水市农业信息化的现状,分析了当前农业信息发展中所面临的主要问题,提出了推进农业信息化进程要从实施农民信箱工程、加大农村信息化投入及强化人员队伍建设等对策与建议。  相似文献   


The Ohio State University Libraries was one of 19 institutions collaborating in the Ithaka S+R Research Support Services for the Field of Agriculture study. Based on a series of individual, semistructured interviews with faculty researchers affiliated with the agricultural sciences at the Ohio State University, the study gathered information about current research practices. The study highlighted challenges of the agricultural research process and identified opportunities for improving research support services for agricultural scientists.  相似文献   

对比了发达国家和我国农业的差异,指出为了完成我国农业发展新阶段的战略性任务:“对农业和农村经济结构进行调整,使其真正转到以质量和效益为中心的轨道上来,努力增加农民收入”,就必须大力发展农业工程。列举事实阐述了农业工程对以下7个方面的巨大作用:提高农产品质量,提高种植业效率和效益,加快畜牧业发展,发展农产品加工业,优化农业区域布局,调整农村劳动力就业结构,大力发展乡镇企业和小城镇,实现农业产业化经营,参与国际竞争  相似文献   

三峡库区生态农业产业化的模式与构建途径   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
生态农业产业化是现代农业发展的必由之路,是农业生产经营形式的突破。立足于三峡库区这一特定区域,分析了库区农业产业化发展的背景和现状,说明发展生态农业产业化是与库区生态环境与经济发展相适应的必然,在此基础上试图构建库区生态农业产业化模式,并提出保证该模式稳定高效运转的一系列措施,以协调库区人地关系,使山地生态农业系统得以可持续发展,农业产业化进程顺利进行。  相似文献   

In fall 2012, the agriculture librarian at Louisiana State University Libraries began to embed library instruction, resources, and services within the University's Agricultural Residential College. The purpose of the collaboration was to incorporate information literacy into the agriculture curriculum and to introduce 1st-year students to library services and resources. The collaboration resulted in a number of benefits for the agriculture librarian and the agriculture college. Sustaining the collaboration is a challenge with changes in leadership and program focus. This article will describe the agriculture librarian's embedding efforts, identify issues in sustaining such a high level of embedding, and discuss strategies for moving the collaboration forward.  相似文献   

以湖南农业大学图书馆为例,论述了高等农业院校图书馆为新农村建设服务的意义及优势,并具体介绍了一些服务措施。  相似文献   

This study identified and prioritized the in-service training needs of Egyptian extension specialists in organic farming. The Krejcie and Morgan sampling table was used to sample 77 agricultural extension specialists (SMSs). Based on the Borich needs assessment model, 16 competencies were used to assess the training needs of SMSs in organic farming using the perceived levels of importance. The training needs were analyzed and ranked using mean weighted discrepancy scores (MWDS). “Appropriate amounts of bio-fertilizers” (MWDS = 39.59) and “Steps of utilizing bio-fertilizers” (MWDS = 32.97) were the top two competencies. The Ministry of Agriculture can use these findings as the basis of training programs for SMSs.  相似文献   

本文根据商丘试区多年研究成果与实践,结合我国水资源短缺的现状和黄淮海平原旱涝盐碱灾害形成的特点,提出节水农业持续发展的基础是改善农业生产条件,它通过治水、改土、调整农业生产结构和良种良法,以实现高产、优质、高效农业。农业持续发展的重要限制因素是水,重点研究了节水农业技术体系,即提高水的利用率和水的利用效率以及实现节水农业生产分区的途径及效益。  相似文献   

以绿色农业理念为基础,针对河西走廊绿洲灌区环境资源特点、产业优势及生产中存在的问题,通过对当地玉米、小麦两大主栽作物秸秆饲料化利用、肉牛健康养殖、废弃物综合利用、农畜产品生产全程质量监控等技术的组装配套,研究总结形成种养结合、资源循环利用、清洁生产的绿色农业发展模式,即种养结合型模式"玉米-牛-沼-肥"、大田设施配套型模式"小麦-菇-肥-果(葡萄)"、小型养殖场型模式"牛-沼/蚯蚓-肥/饲料",并对模式的原理、特点、技术集成要点及效益进行阐述分析。对该3种模式在武威市凉州区谢河镇示范验证,农田节水30%,秸秆养殖利用率达到60%,牛羊良种化率提高30%,奶牛母犊牛生产率达88%,减少化肥施用量20%,减少生活能源支出55%,减少农业废弃物排放75%,提高农业综合效益36%。  相似文献   

Although most of the research on phosphorus (P) in developed countries focuses on the environmental implications of excess P fertilizer use, the opposite occurs in developing countries. The northern Africa–western Asia region has low-input agriculture with limited P fertilizer use, and cropping is constrained by low rainfall. The evolution of P research in Syria is similar to that other countries of the region, but the approach adopted by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas is unique, with the research conducted being relevant to the whole region. This review identifies the various phases in P research in Syria, that is, initial diagnosis of the extent of P deficiency, fertilizer trials on station and in farmers’ fields, influence of rainfall and soil moisture on P behavior, soil studies elucidating the responses of applied P in soils, and laboratory standardization.  相似文献   

武亚云 《计算机与农业》2011,(8):114-115,149
加强农业信息化建设是发展现代农业的重要内容,农业信息化是现代农业的重要标志。云南省农业信息化工作在十一五期间取得了一定成绩,但还存在一些问题,在十二五时期,要完成既定目标必须采取相应的对策。  相似文献   


During the spring and summer of 2016, the University of Minnesota Libraries joined 18 other institutions to participate in Ithaka S+R's Research Support Services Program to explore agricultural scholars' research focus, research methods, and publishing practices. This report summarizes our local findings, resulting from 16 interviews with University of Minnesota faculty from the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences on the Twin Cities campus. It also offers suggestions for agriculture libraries and librarians based on the data we have gathered.  相似文献   

李洪双 《计算机与农业》2014,(1):113-114,123
在Photoshop教学中应用案例教学法,不仅可以提高学生的学习兴趣,还能注重培养学生的自主学习能力和创新能力。结合多年的Photoshop图像处理课程的教学经验,针对Photoshop课程采用案例教学法中的案例设计原则及案例实施过程展开了一系列的探讨。  相似文献   


University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Libraries was one of 19 participants in a national study of the research practices and needs of agricultural researchers. Two UNL Libraries faculty members interviewed 11 UNL scholars during the summer of 2016. The ethnographic research approach revealed four core themes: interdisciplinarity and collaborations, scientific communication practices, scientific research data issues and practices, and challenges and opportunities. Illustrated by the sample of faculty comments presented here, the themes have direct implications for the UNL Libraries, while in other cases these point to concerns and opportunities for the university, the academy, and the nation.  相似文献   

1989-1992年以河北南皮试区为基点,研究了冀中缺水盐渍区节水型农业模式。此模式主要概括为:建立一个节水型农业种植结构,建设一套完整的深浅井结合、咸淡水混用的节水工程,完善以种、肥、栽培、耕作为主的农艺节水高产配套技术,建立有限水分亏缺条件下的节水增产灌溉制度。经4年的试验、示范、推广研究,已取得了显著的经济、社会、生态效益,深受农户欢迎。此研究不仅是缺水区进行农业生态建设行之有效的战略措施,而且具有广阔的实用价值和推广前景。  相似文献   

吸水剂的研发及在农林业中的应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吸水剂(保水剂)是一类具有高吸水特性的功能性高分子交联物,由于其具有高吸水性、水不溶性和绿色环保性等显著特点,在多个领域得到广泛应用。着重介绍20世纪60年代以来世界吸水剂的研发成果以及在农林业和生态环境建设中的作用,同时对应用前景进行展望。  相似文献   

农药的施用关系到农产品质量安全问题。本文以浙江省某村农药管理与施用为例,通过对政府部门、镇农技站、农资销售点和农民等相关方的访谈,从农业发展战略高度系统思考农产品安全问题的成因与对策。指出农药施用过程监管的缺失和结果监管的缺位仅是表象,其根本原因在于农民的组织化程度低导致监管成本高、农技服务不到位。提出多功能农业发展定位的确立、制度创新基础上农业生产服务体系的优化以及村委会角色责任的调整是应对之策。  相似文献   

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