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利用AKTA purifier 100纯化系统纯化盐析法制备的粗制鼠疫荚膜抗原,并将纯化洗脱的蛋白进行透析、浓缩后采用UltrospecTM8000紫外光/可见光分光光度计测定其纯度、蛋白浓度和RIHA试验和胶体金纸色谱法对其主要成份的鉴定。结果发现,粗制鼠疫荚膜抗原经过蛋白纯化仪SuperdexTM凝胶层析柱获得主要组份是种小分子蛋白,其纯度为88.5%,蛋白浓度为1.594 mg/mL,而且RIHA试验证实此蛋白是鼠疫菌F1抗原。  相似文献   

鼠疫疫苗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鼠疫具有高度传染性和致病性,早期的预防很重要.免疫接种是预防鼠疫的重要措施之一.传统的鼠疫疫苗包括灭活疫苗、减毒活疫苗.随着生物技术的发展,使得亚单位疫苗和核酸疫苗应运而生,并成为研究的热点.论文综述了当前鼠疫疫苗的应用现状和新型疫苗的开发研究概况.  相似文献   

减毒鼠伤寒沙门菌活疫苗载体研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
活载体疫苗技术的发展促使产生了更多的疫苗设计新思路.沙门菌是一种肠道细菌,目前已通过基因突变的方法构建了许多种减毒株,如GID101、GID105、X4064、ZJⅢ、Ty800、X4632、X4550、X4072和X3730等,这些减毒株被突变掉了两个或两个以上的基因,然而其基因型和血清型仍很稳定,所以人们常将其用作基因疫苗的表达载体或运送载体.现在已有许多种细菌、病毒和寄生虫的减毒沙门菌活载体疫苗被研制成功.文章对沙门菌的减毒方法,减毒沙门菌的免疫机理以及其用途和作为疫苗载体的优缺点做了简述.  相似文献   

沙门菌(Salmonella)是重要的人畜共患病病原,能引起人类和动物的胃肠道疾病.污染沙门菌的家禽产品是人类感染沙门菌的主要来源之一.家禽的沙门菌疫苗接种是近年来用于降低家禽感染沙门菌概率及种群净化的重要策略,有助于降低人类感染沙门菌的风险.文章综述了多种沙门菌疫苗的优势、存在问题以及应用情况,为禽沙门菌疫苗的开发应...  相似文献   

2004年8月29日,《中国畜牧兽医学会养羊生产与学术研讨会暨中国北方种羊商品交易会》在辽宁省朝阳市隆重召开。国家级的专家和辽宁省相关领导以及来自全国23个省、市、自治区的大专院校、科研部门、龙头企业等羊界各路精英共话我国羊业发展。  本次大会由中国畜牧兽医学会养羊学分会理事长赵有璋主持,并针对我国当前的养羊市场发表重要讲话,中国畜牧兽医学会养羊学分会副理事长兼秘书长闫汉平就养羊学分会的性质、作用、寄予的希望等方面作了精彩的报告。刘守仁院士以及近12位专家、企业议。  通过这次大会总结了近年羊业的研究成果…  相似文献   

基因疫苗具有众多的优点,被誉为疫苗研究的第3次革命,但是在畜牧生产的使用中存在系列亟待解决的问题。其中关键的问题就是如何将基因疫苗表达质粒导入到动物机体免疫细胞,减毒胞内寄生菌的应用很好的解决这一问题。目前我国仔猪副伤寒弱毒活疫苗使用的基本都是C500株,以其作为猪群重要传染病基因疫苗运载体的应用研究具有重要临床应用价值,对猪霍乱沙门菌疫苗株C500作为基因疫苗运载体的研究现状予以概述。  相似文献   

基因疫苗具有众多的优点,被誉为疫苗研究的第3次革命,但是在畜牧生产的使用中存在系列亟待解决的问题,其中关键的问题就是如何将基因疫苗表达质粒导入到动物机体免疫细胞,减毒胞内寄生菌的应用很好的解决这一问题.目前我国仔猪副伤寒弱毒活疫苗使用的基本都是C500株,以其作为猪群重要传染病基因疫苗运载体的应用研究具有重要临床应用价值,对猪霍乱沙门菌疫苗株C500作为基因疫苗运载体的研究现状予以概述.  相似文献   

减毒沙门菌在禽用疫苗应用中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减毒沙门菌感染宿主细胞后,可诱导机体产生强烈的体液免疫、细胞免疫和黏膜免疫反应,不仅可以用作疫苗,而且也是理想的疫苗载体.文章对禽用疫苗中的减毒沙门菌活疫苗、减毒沙门菌携带的重组疫苗和DNA疫苗的研究进行了综述,以期为新型禽用疫苗的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

疫苗主要通过激发机体的免疫系统来达到防治疾病的目的。目前,疫苗主要有灭活疫苗、减毒疫苗及基因工程疫苗等。基因工程疫苗包括基因缺失苗、基因重组苗等。活载体疫苗是将胞内感染性的细菌直接用来运载目的基因进入体内,而产生相应的免疫应答反应。目前沙门菌的预防与治疗通常使用药物,但沙门疫苗研究正迅速发展,如减毒沙门菌活载体疫苗则是将减毒后的沙门菌作为载体,  相似文献   

沙门菌病(salmonellosis)是由沙门菌属(Salmonella)细菌感染引起的人畜共患病。接种疫苗是预防和控制畜禽沙门菌病的有效途径。由于当前使用的沙门菌减毒疫苗成本较高,免疫效果不稳定,免疫程序复杂,导致使用率不高。口服植物型沙门菌疫苗具有产量高、生产时间短、成本低、安全性高等特点。对口服植物型沙门菌疫苗的研究前景和研究方向进行综述,以期为该类疫苗的进一步研究开发和广泛利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Current methods for vector‐borne disease surveillance are limited by time and cost. To avoid human infections from emerging zoonotic diseases, it is important that the United States develop cost‐effective surveillance systems for these diseases. This study examines the methodology used in the surveillance of a plague epizootic involving tree squirrels (Sciurus niger) in Denver Colorado, during the summer of 2007. A call‐in centre for the public to report dead squirrels was used to direct animal carcass sampling. Staff used these reports to collect squirrel carcasses for the analysis of Yersinia pestis infection. This sampling protocol was analysed at the census tract level using Poisson regression to determine the relationship between higher call volumes in a census tract and the risk of a carcass in that tract testing positive for plague. Over‐sampling owing to call volume‐directed collection was accounted for by including the number of animals collected as the denominator in the model. The risk of finding an additional plague‐positive animal increased as the call volume per census tract increased. The risk in the census tracts with >3 calls a month was significantly higher than that with three or less calls in a month. For tracts with 4–5 calls, the relative risk (RR) of an additional plague‐positive carcass was 10.08 (95% CI 5.46–18.61); for tracts with 6–8 calls, the RR = 5.20 (2.93–9.20); for tracts with 9–11 calls, the RR = 12.80 (5.85–28.03) and tracts with >11 calls had RR = 35.41 (18.60–67.40). Overall, the call‐in centre directed sampling increased the probability of locating plague‐infected carcasses in the known Denver epizootic. Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of this methodology at monitoring large‐scale zoonotic disease occurrence in the absence of a recognized epizootic.  相似文献   

分析青海省格尔木市境内鼠疫流行特征,探讨鼠疫流行态势,为今后鼠疫防治工作提供科学依据。格尔木市作为青藏铁路沿线的国家级监测点按照《青藏铁路鼠疫防治技术方案》、《青藏铁路防治工作方案》和《全国鼠疫监测方案》实施监测工作,汇总2007—2012年格尔木市境内的鼠疫监测报告,应用描述流行病学方法进行分析。格尔木市2007—2012年动物间鼠疫时有发生,共分离鼠疫菌1株;检出鼠疫F1抗体阳性血清1份。格尔木市动物间鼠疫流行仍旧活跃,鼠疫防治态势依然严峻。。  相似文献   

探讨了以减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏茵为栽体传递新城疫病毒DNA疫苗的安全性、免疫原性和可行性。将含新城疫病毒(NDV)F48E9株融合蛋白(F)基因的真核表达质粒pcDNA3-F的重组减毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌ZJ111株(ZJ111/pcD-NA3一F菌株),以10^8CFU进行首免,2周后二免,三免后4周攻击强毒株F48E9,观察其安全性和免疫原性,同时设只含空载体pcDNA3的ZJ111/pcDNA3菌株对照及口服PBS对照。结果表明:重组ZJ111/pcDNA3-F菌株具有良好的安全性。对强毒株攻击的保护率达64.7%。重组ZJ111/pcDNA3-F菌株不仅能诱导雏鸡产生NDVELISA抗体,而且诱导产生的法氏囊B淋巴细胞和胸腺T淋巴细胞增殖反应显著高于ZJ111/pcDNA3时照组。这些结果提示,减毒沙门氏菌为载体不仅可直接将NDVF基因呈递给鸡体细胞进行表达,产生抗NDV的体液免疫,而且还可诱导细胞免疫应答。  相似文献   

鼠疫是鼠疫耶尔森菌借鼠蚤传播为主的甲类传染病,系广泛流行于野生啮齿类动物间的一种自然疫源性疾病,易感动物主要为啮齿动物,人类一旦感染对其生命健康存在极大的危害。榆林地区虽然目前未发生动物间鼠疫疫情流行,但与榆林地区接壤的内蒙、宁夏等地近年来相继报道出现动物间鼠疫疫情传播情况。本文通过对鼠疫的流行特点和传播途径进行论述,对榆林地区目前面临的形势及风险进行研判,并进一步对本地人间鼠疫防控工作进行深入调查研究,为逐步建立系统性的动物间鼠疫监测工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Plague is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis Lehmann and Neumann, 1896. Although it is essentially a disease of rodents, plague can also be transmitted to people. Historically, plague has caused massive morbidity and mortality events in human populations, and has recently been classified as a reemerging disease in many parts of the world. This public health threat has led many countries to set up wild and domestic animal surveillance programs in an attempt to monitor plague activity that could potentially spill over into human populations. Both China and the USA have plague surveillance programs in place, but the disease dynamics differ in each country. We present data on plague seroprevalence in wildlife and review different approaches for plague surveillance in the 2 countries. The need to better comprehend plague dynamics, combined with the fact that there are still several thousand human plague cases per year, make well-designed wildlife surveillance programs a critical part of both understanding plague risks to humans and preventing disease outbreaks in the future.  相似文献   

BackgroundAttenuated Salmonella strain can be used as a vector to transport immunogens to the host antigen-binding sites.ObjectivesThe study aimed to determine the protective efficacy of attenuated Salmonella strain expressing highly conserved Brucella immunogens in goats.MethodsGoats were vaccinated with Salmonella vector expressing individually lipoprotein outer-membrane protein 19 (Omp19), Brucella lumazine synthase (BLS), proline racemase subunit A (PrpA), Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) at 5 × 109 CFU/mL and challenge of all groups was done at 6 weeks after vaccination.ResultsAmong these vaccines inoculated at 5 × 109 CFU/mL in 1 mL, Omp19 or SOD showed significantly higher serum immunoglobulin G titers at (2, 4, and 6) weeks post-vaccination, compared to the vector control. Interferon-γ production in response to individual antigens was significantly higher in SOD, Omp19, PrpA, and BLS individual groups, compared to that in the vector control (all p < 0.05). Brucella colonization rate at 8 weeks post-challenge showed that most vaccine-treated groups exhibited significantly increased protection by demonstrating reduced numbers of Brucella in tissues collected from vaccinated groups. Real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed that Brucella antigen expression levels were reduced in the spleen, kidney, and parotid lymph node of vaccinated goats, compared to the non-vaccinated goats. Besides, treatment with vaccine expressing individual antigens ameliorated brucellosis-related histopathological lesions.ConclusionsThese results delineated that BLS, Omp19, PrpA, and SOD proteins achieved a definite level of protection, indicating that Salmonella Typhimurium successfully delivered Brucella antigens, and that individual vaccines could differentially elicit an antigen-specific immune response.  相似文献   

分析2012年青海省4个国家级鼠疫监测点的监测结果,为进一步制定鼠疫预防控制措施提供科学依据.按《全国鼠疫监测工作方案》和《青海省鼠疫监测方案》的要求,对监测点主要宿主动物和媒介昆虫进行病原学和血清学监测;采用路线法调查旱獭密度、五米夹线法调查小型啮齿动物种类和数量分布;对检获的宿主动物体的媒介昆虫进行分类鉴定和计数.结果表明4个监测点的平均旱獭密度为0.039只/hm2,早獭平均蚤指数为0.021,染蚤率 2.13%,共检测各类动物材料938份,检出鼠疫菌2株,检测动物血清536份,IHA阳性2份.  相似文献   

鸭瘟病毒北京株UL6和UL7基因的克隆及序列测定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
依据文献报道的鸭瘟病毒(DPV)的核苷酸序列,设计和合成了二对引物,分别为SP1和SP2,LP1和LP2。北京株鸭瘟病毒于鸭胚中增殖,差速离心和蔗糖密度梯度离心纯化,按酚-氯仿法抽提DNA。然后以DPV DNA为模板进行PCR,分别扩散增出与理论相符的421bp和1209bp的二个DNA片段,并将它们克隆于质粒pGEM-T Easy中。经酶切和质粒PCR,筛选含有目的基因的重组质粒。重组质粒以步移法从双方向测序,获1586bp的核苷酸序列。研究发现这1586bp的核苷酸序列与文献报道的UL6和UL7基因序列的同源性为99%,仅有一个碱基的差异。进一步作氨基酸分析,发现这个碱基所引起的变异为无意义突变(CCT→CCC)。结果表明,鸭瘟病毒的UL6和UL7基因在不同的毒株中高度保守。  相似文献   

Plague, a devastating infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis, has killed millions of people in the past and is still active in the natural foci of the world today. Understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of plague outbreaks in history is critically important, as it may help to facilitate prevention and control of potential future outbreaks. In this study, we explored spatiotemporal clusters of human plague occurrences in China using a machine‐learning clustering method and reconstructed the potential transmission pattern during the Third Pandemic (1772–1964). We succeeded in identifying 6 clusters in the space domain (2D) and 13 clusters in the spatiotemporal domain (3D). Our results suggest that there were several temporal outbreaks and transmissions of plague in different spatial clusters. Together with the spatiotemporal nearest neighbor approach (ST‐NNA), this method could allow us to have a clearer look at the spatiotemporal patterns of plague.  相似文献   

沙门氏菌不仅可以用作疫苗,也是理想的疫苗载体,已受到医学与兽医学的广泛重视。其主要优点包括:沙门氏菌可以经黏膜途径免疫(口服或鼻内),操作方便,对接种对象刺激小。此外,沙门氏菌为胞内侵袭细菌,能有效递呈抗原,激发抗沙门氏菌和诱导外源蛋白的特异性体液免疫反应与细胞免疫反应,并能同时诱导黏膜免疫与全身免疫。作者对沙门氏菌的入侵机制、免疫机理及其在疫苗中的应用状况进行了综述,为新型疫苗的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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