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Infectious bronchitis (IB) is one of the important viral diseases of chickens, and in spite of regular vaccination, IB is a continuous problem in Canadian poultry operations. In an earlier study using sentinel chickens we determined the incidence of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in Ontario commercial layer flocks. The objective of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of 5 nonvaccine-related IBV isolates recovered from the sentinel birds. The clinical signs, gross, and histological lesions in specific pathogen-free chickens indicated that all 5 isolates caused mild lesions in the respiratory tract. An important finding of this study was the significantly lower average daily weight gain among virus-inoculated groups of chickens during the acute phase of infection. Based on sequences of part of the S1 gene IBV-ON2, IBV-ON3, and IBV-ON5 formed a cluster and they were closely related to strain CU-82792. IBV-ON4 had 98.7% identity with the strain PA/1220/9, a nephropathogenic variant.  相似文献   

Twenty infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) field isolates obtained from commercial layer and broiler chickens in 1987 and 1988 were serotyped using the virus-neutralization (VN) test. Six different previously unrecognized variant serotypes were identified from a total of seven isolates from layer chickens. Only two isolates, both from Maine, were the same variant serotype. Variant serotypes also were recovered from layer flocks in Illinois and Washington and the province of Ontario, Canada. Two different variants were isolated from the same multi-age layer complex in Connecticut. Only one of 13 broiler chicken isolates was found to be a new variant serotype, that being from birds reared in Delaware. Cross-protection studies in specific-pathogen-free chickens indicated that vaccines containing the Holland, L-1, or Connaught strains of Massachusetts (Mass) combined with Arkansas produced a broader spectrum of immunity against challenge with the layer variants than Mass (Holland) alone or Mass (L-1) + Connecticut. All vaccines tested produced solid immunity (greater than or equal to 80% protection) against the broiler variant virus.  相似文献   

M S Hofstad 《Avian diseases》1981,25(3):650-654
Groups of 75 chickens were each infected with one of 7 isolates of infectious bronchitis virus (Mass 41, Holland 52, SE 17, Ark 99, Clark 333, JMK, and Florida). Following recovery, they were challenged along with susceptible controls to the homologous and 6 heterologous isolates. Cross-immunity was determined by virus recovery 4 or 5 days post-challenge. Challenge with the homologous isolate resulted in 90-100% protection. Challenge with heterologous isolates gave variable results and an overall average resistance of 38%. The SE-17-recovered chickens had a 50% protection, whereas the Holland-52-recovered chickens ahd a 13.3% protection.  相似文献   

L Yu  Y Jiang  S Low  Z Wang  S J Nam  W Liu  J Kwangac 《Avian diseases》2001,45(2):416-424
Outbreaks of an avian disease in infectious bronchitis-vaccinated chickens in China have led to the characterization of coronaviral isolates Q1, J2, and T3, which were isolated from proventricular tissues of the affected young layer flocks. Serologic analysis revealed that they could induce high titers of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) antibodies in inoculated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens in indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay but were not neutralized by antisera specific to the IBV serotype M41 and the Australian T strain. In a pathogenicity experiment, the clinical signs and related gross lesions resembling those of field outbreaks were reproduced in SPF chickens, and viruses were reisolated from the damaged tissues, including trachea, proventriculus, duodenum, and cecal tonsil. Sequence data demonstrated the complete S1 amino acid sequences of these isolates were almost identical despite recovery from geographically different areas in China and had 47.3%-82.3% similarity in comparison with the 47 published S1 sequences. On the basis of genotyping and limited serology, the three isolates, which were responsible for field outbreaks of the disease, might be a new IBV variant.  相似文献   

The cross-immunity of vaccinated chickens after challenge with some Australian infectious bronchitis viruses was assessed by humoral antibody responses and by ciliary activity in tracheal rings of vaccinated chickens following challenge. Four viruses were used for vaccination: Vac 3, Vac 4, both current infectious bronchitis vaccine viruses, and Q1/76 and N2/62. IBV N1/62 (synonym T0 and infectious bronchitis virus N9/74 (synonym Appin) were used to challenge the vaccinated chickens. Results showed a lack of correlation between humoral antibody levels and protection. Cross-immunity was found after vaccination with each subtype, but was lower for Vac 3 and Vac 4 than for Q1/76 and N2/62.  相似文献   

Three coronaviruses isolated from the intestines of laying chickens were partially characterized. Serological and molecular assays indicated that the enteric coronaviruses are infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates. Although the three isolates were recovered from three unrelated chicken flocks, their RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotide fingerprints were almost identical. The three isolates were not neutralized by antisera specific to IBV serotype Connecticut, but their RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotide fingerprints closely matched the fingerprints of strain Conn-46, a Connecticut serotype. This and the co-fingerprinting data suggested that the three field isolates may have emerged from the Connecticut virus through mutation(s). The mutation(s) apparently involved the S1 protein gene that determines the virus serotype.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinating (HA) activity of 14 strains of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was investigated. The optimal conditions for IBV antigen preparation include inoculation of 10- or 11-day-old specific pathogen-free embryonated eggs and incubation for 30 hours at 37 C. Embryos were inoculated via the allantoic cavity with 0.1 ml of a low embryonic passage of the virus (10(7) to 10(8) EID50/ml). Allantoic fluid was harvested and pooled, and a 100-fold concentration of virus particles was achieved by centrifugation for 3 hours at 30,000 x g. Virus pellets were resuspended in Tris-hydrochloride buffer containing 3 units of phospholipase-C (type-1) enzyme/ml and incubated for 2 hours at 37 C. All IBV strains tested demonstrated positive HA activity with chicken red blood cells. The antigen was stored in liquid state or lyophilized at 4 C.  相似文献   

In this study, we characterized three variant infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strains isolated in 2003 and 2004 from broiler chickens in California and compared them to previously isolated California variant viruses and to common vaccine serotypes used in the United States. We conducted genetic, serologic, and pathogenicity studies on all three isolates, then tested different vaccines against one of the viruses. Genetically the three variant IBV strains, designated CA557/03, CA706/03, and CA1737/04, were not related to each other. GenBank BLAST database search and phylogenetic analysis of the hypervariable region of the S1 subunit of the spike gene to determine the most closely related viruses to the three variants showed the CA557/03 variant to be 81.8% similar to the CAV/CA56b/91 whereas the CA706/03 and CA1737/04 variant viruses were only distantly related to Dutch/D1466/81 (72.2%), a vaccine strain used in Europe, and Korea/K142/02 (72.7%), a Korean field isolate, respectively. Cross virus-neutralization testing showed that none of the 2003-04 California IBV variant viruses were serologically related to each other or to Ark, Conn, or Mass vaccine strains. In addition the CA1737/04 isolate was also tested against DE072 and found not to be serologically related. All three variant viruses were pathogenic in 1-wk-old broilers and vaccination with Mass/Conn followed by Holland/Conn provided 80% protection against the CA1737/04 virus. The 2003-04 California variant viruses were not compared with variants isolated in California during 1970s and 1980s because, to our knowledge, no genetic information is available and those viruses are no longer obtainable. This study shows that the CA557/03 virus was distantly related to the CAV-type viruses isolated in California in the early 1990s, but that none of the 2003-04 viruses were similar genetically or serologically to the CAL99-type viruses, indicating that new IBV variants continue to emerge and cause disease in commercial chickens in California.  相似文献   

Virus was recovered from the faeces of chickens infected at three or four weeks of age for more than 20 weeks after infection with commercial vaccines or with the T strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). Virus was not recovered from the trachea, liver, spleen, bursa or kidneys of T strain infected birds longer than 29 days after infection at which point IBV was recovered from the bursa of a single infected bird. In a subsequent experiment IBV was recovered from the caecal lymph nodes and faeces of one of five birds 14 weeks after infection with a commercial vaccine but no virus was isolated from the trachea, kidneys, duodenum, bursa, ovaries or testes of any of the five birds at this time.  相似文献   

应用病毒感染的鸡胚材料免疫新西兰兔的方法制备抗鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)单因子血清,然后在鸡胚气管环培养(Tracheal organ cultures,TOC)上对广西分离的7个IBV代表性毒株和3个常用疫苗株进行交叉病毒中和试验。结果显示,10个毒株被分为6个血清型。根据试验所得的R值,应用聚类分析法分析了各血清型毒株之间的亲缘关系,显示目前在广西流行的IBV野毒株之间以及其与疫苗株间的抗原性存在很大程度的差异,分属不同的血清型。同时还对IBV基因分型和血清分型之间的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Yu L  Wang Z  Jiang Y  Low S  Kwang J 《Avian diseases》2001,45(1):201-209
In order to trace the origin and evolution of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) isolates in China and Southeast Asia, genomic sequencing was used for molecular characterization of 24 IBV isolates and two reference strains in comparison with the published sequences. The 5' region of the S1 genes, containing hypervariable regions I and II, and 3' region of the nucleocapsid genes, containing cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes, were used to construct phylogenetic trees for analysis. The results showed that the 24 isolates could be divided into three distinct groups, that is, American, Asian, and European. Some isolates formed a distinct Asian phylogenetic group, suggesting that IBV has existed for some time in Asia. Our results also showed that in vivo recombination of IBV may have occurred at a rather high frequency, contributing to the diversity of these IBV isolates. Importantly, recombination events have probably occurred between vaccine strains and field strains in the natural condition.  相似文献   

One IBV isolate, SC021202, was isolated from the kidneys of the infected young chickens by inoculating embryonated eggs, and its morphology, physiochemical and haemagglutonating properties were detected. Virulence of the isolate SC021202 was determined with specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicken inoculation. Nucleotide acid sequence of S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 was further sequenced and analysed. The physiochemical and morphological properties of the isolate SC021202 were in accordance to that of typical infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). In a pathogenicity experiment, the clinical signs and related gross lesions resembling those of field outbreak were reproduced and the virus isolate SC021202 was re-isolated from the kidneys of the infected chicken. Sequence data demonstrated that the full length of the amplified S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 was composed of 1931 nucleotides, coding a polypeptide of 543 amino acid residues. Compared with IBV strains from GenBank, the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of S1 gene of the isolate SC021202 shared 60.0-91.4% and 49.1-88.9% identities, respectively. A nucleotide fragment of 'CTTTTTAATTATACTAACGGA' was inserted at nucleotide site 208 in the S1 gene of the isolate. These results indicated that IBV isolate SC021202 was a new variant IBV isolate and responsible for field outbreak of nephritis.  相似文献   

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