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①ContiRoll连续压机。辛北尔康普公司将在2006年3月7—10日的“北京木工展”上展示国际市场上用于人造板生产最成功的连续压机——ContiRoll连续压机。在过去的20年里,ContiRoll连续压机复杂的设计日益精湛,如今它已能满足最复杂的生产要求。  相似文献   

The amount of heartwood and sapwood in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. wood was determined in commercial pulpwood plantations at harvest age (12 to 15 years) in four ites in central portugal. twelve trees were sampled in each site at nine stem height levels. Heartwood was present in all the trees up to 82%–87% of the total tree height and amounted to 38%–41% of the total tree volume. The heartwood proportion in the stem cross-section decreased from the base upwards, representing 53.3% and 26.1% of the total area respectively at the base and 55% height level. The sapwood width remained relatively constant along the stem at a mean 38 mm up to the 55% height level. The trees within the site, the height level and their interaction were highly significant sources of variation for heartwood proportion and sapwood width. The heartwood diameter and sapwood width were positively correlated with radial tree growth.  相似文献   

亓?279,泌乳素:269,激素水平:259,降糖机理:248,肢端肥大症:246参考医疗单位制剂规程 ( 1 984 )我院所用硫酸链霉素皮试液浓度较低 ,规定效价为含链霉素 50 0~ 1 0 0 0u/ml。效价的测定按中国药典可采用微生物法 ,其测定条件要求较高 ,不易达到。按制剂规程可采用标准品作  相似文献   

As demand for energy increases in the United States, alternative energy sources are being sought both domestically and abroad. Biofuels have been promoted as a major source of alternative energy, but sustainable supply of biomass still remains a major challenge. Agroforestry offers a potential way to integrate perennial woody bioenergy crops with traditional agricultural crops to satisfy energy demands without sacrificing food production in the North Central Region of the United States. We suggest shelterbelts, alley cropping and working riparian buffer strips as ideal candidates for biomass production in agroforestry settings in this region. In addition to satisfying domestic energy demands, these systems could also potentially increase water quality, sequester carbon, improve aesthetics, and provide critical wildlife habitat. However, obstacles to implementing agroforestry systems for biomass production, such as a competitive price structure and stable markets, must be overcome before large-scale adoption by landowners.  相似文献   

近年来,生物质能源在林业行业渐渐成了热门话题。为报道此方面的发展现状,本刊记者专门采访了国家林业局副局长、局林木生物质能源领导小组组长祝列克。林业生物质能源具有许多优势,开发潜力巨大在能源频频告急的今天,它是一种必然的选择《绿色中国》:祝副局长,在林业系统,生物质能源的发展近来备受关注。从各级政府到一些高等院校、科研机关再到企业集团,都非常重视林业生物质能源的开发利用。请您讲讲这种现象的背景是什么?祝副局长:生物质能源是未来最有希望的替代能源之一,林业生物质能源是生物质能源重要组成部分。长期以来,林木一直是…  相似文献   

Campinhos  Edgard 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):129-143
The importance of planted forests for human communities is evident today because of the increase in world population year after year. In order to supply the constantly increasing requirements for wood for fiber, energy, civil construction, resin, latex, and other needs, new forests have been established by adopting new concepts of technology. These forests, especially those with fast-growing and short-rotation species, incorporate the objectives of quality, productivity, and environmental protection.The Eucalyptus plantations established by Aracruz Celulose S. A. to produce pulpwood have strongly contributed to the evolution of forest science, especially in the fields of silviculture, propagation, improvement, genetics, biotechnology, nutrition, environment, and disease control related to eucalypt species. Significant investments in research and development were required, as well as technological adaptation to the local conditions. Results of these investments in productivity and quality defined the technical feasibility to build a pulp industry and its expansion to reach 1,025,000 t/yr of bleached pulp.As a result of these advances, the mean increment of pulp productivity has been improved significantly -- from 5.9 air-dried t/ha/yr to 10.9 t/ha/yr (Fenton and Romero 1995; Bertolucci et al. 1995). This became possible by selecting trees more adapted to each site, with high yields of high quality fiber, and with eucalypt clonal plantations with an average rotation age of 7 years. Additional studies of Aracruz have promoted advances in industrial processes, as well as definition of fiber characteristics of mother trees to be in attendance with requirements of markets, thus providing an important competitive advantage (Campinhos and Cláudio-da-Silva 1990).The care for the environment -- both forest and industrial -- has been always present and has been the key point for the good performance of the project. This fact has created a world emulation that strongly contributes to decreasing the pressures on native forests, as a result of the consequent utilization of smaller land areas to produce a desired wood volume. This total project is an example of domestication (Eldridge et al. 1994) of the forest genus Eucalyptus with exceptional qualities and represented by more than 500 species and hybrids (Campinhos et al. 1992).  相似文献   

文中以南京龙袍滨江新城生态格局规划为例,结合上位规划确保城市生态通风廊道,并根据现状用地、生态资源等来划定区域生态格局建设的控制标准,以期对相关研究提供一定的数据参考。    相似文献   

 The occurrence of grafting between WF and MTIR through esterification, the processing conditions for production of the composites, and the effect of MAH concentration on some physical and mechanical properties as well as the biodegradability of the composites have been studied. The FTIR measurement demonstrated that grafting through esterification had been attained between OH-groups of WF and acid anhydride groups of MTIR during kneading. The optimum kneading conditions for preparing the composites were 120 °C, 30 ∼ 90 rpm for 10 min. The tensile properties of the composites with WF based filler are greater than those with CS (corn starch) based filler. Addition of 10% of MTIR•10 and 8% MAH prepared using the two-step and one-step process, respectively to the TIR-WF composites gave the best result of tensile properties. The presence of MAH in the TIR-WF composites also improved the dimensional stabilization of the resulting composites. The tensile strengh of the composites prepared using the one-step process was about 90% of the composite prepared using the two-step process. The composites of TIR-WF with MTIR compatibilizer had slightly less resistance against subterranean termite (C. formasanus), brown-rot fungus (T. palustris), and white-rot fungus (C. versicolor) and slightly more resistance against bacteria (Bacillus sp.), within the experimental conditioned adopted. Received 8 February 1999  相似文献   

Despite expanding interest in ecosystem service research over the past three decades, in-depth understanding of the contribution of forests and trees to food production and livelihoods remains limited. This review synthesizes the current evidence base examining the contribution of forest and trees to agricultural production and livelihoods in the tropics, where production often occurs within complex land use mosaics that are increasingly subjected to concomitant climatic and anthropogenic pressures. Using systematic review methodology we found 74 studies investigating the effect of forest or tree-based ecosystem service provision on a range of outcomes such as crop yield, biomass, soil fertility, and income. Our findings suggest that when incorporating forests and trees within an appropriate and contextualized natural resource management strategy, there is potential to maintain, and in some cases, enhance yields comparable to solely monoculture systems. Furthermore, this review has illustrated the potential of achieving net livelihood gains through integrating trees on farms, providing rural farmers with additional income sources, and greater resilience strategies to adapt to market or climatic shocks. However, we also identify significant gaps in the current knowledge that demonstrate a need for larger-scale, longer term research to better understand the contribution of forest and trees within the broader landscape and their associated impacts on livelihoods and food production systems.  相似文献   

In temperate Europe alley cropping systems which integrate strips of short rotation coppices into conventional agricultural fields (ACS) are receiving increasing attention. These systems can be used for crops and woody biomass production at the same time, enabling farmers to diversify the provision of market goods. Adding trees into the agricultural land creates various additional benefits for the farmer and society, also known as ecosystem services. However, tree-crop interactions in the temperate region have not been adequately substantiated which is identified as a drawback to the practical implementation of such systems. In order to bridge this gap, the current paper aims to present a comprehensive overview of selected ecosystem services provided by agroforestry with focus on ACS in the temperate region. The literature indicates that compared with conventional agriculture ACS have the potential to increase carbon sequestration, improve soil fertility and generally optimize the utilization of resources. Furthermore, due to their structural flexibility, ACS may help to regulate water quality, enhance biodiversity, and increase the overall productivity. ACS are shown as suitable land use systems especially for marginal sites. Based on the available data collected, we conclude that ACS are advantageous compared to conventional agriculture in many aspects, and therefore suggest that they should be implemented at a larger scale in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Conifer dominated plantations in central and northern Europe are associated with relatively low ecological values, and in some cases, may be vulnerable to disturbances caused by anthropogenic climate change. This has prompted the consideration of alternative tree species compositions for use in production forestry in this region. Here we evaluate the likely biodiversity costs and benefits of supplanting Norway spruce (Picea abies) monocultures with polycultures of spruce and birch (Betula spp.) in southern Sweden. This polyculture alternative has previously been evaluated in terms of economic, recreational, and silvicultural benefits. By also assessing the ecological implications we fill a gap in our understanding of the range of socio-ecological benefits that can be achieved from a single polyculture alternative. We project likely broad scale changes to species richness and abundance within production stands for five taxonomic groups including ground vegetation, tree-living bryophytes, lichens, saproxylic beetles, and birds. Our research leads us to three key findings. First, the replacement of spruce monocultures with spruce–birch polycultures in the managed forest landscapes of southern Sweden can be expected to result in an increase in biological diversity for most but not all taxa assessed, but it is unlikely to improve conditions for many red-listed forest species. Second, modification of other aspects of forest management (i.e. rotation length, dead wood and green tree retention, thinning regimes) is likely to contribute to further biodiversity gains using spruce–birch polycultures than spruce monocultures. Third, the paucity of empirical research which directly compares the biodiversity of different types of managed production stands, limits the extent to which policy relevant conclusions can be extracted from the scientific literature. We discuss the wider implications of our findings, which indicate that some climate change adaptation strategies, such as risk-spreading, can be readily integrated with the economic, environmental and social goals of multi-use forestry.  相似文献   

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