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行政诉讼目的是国家基于对行政诉讼固有属性的认识预先设计的关于行政诉讼结果的理想模式。目前, 学界的基本观点可概括为三种: 权益保护、权力监督, 保护与监督双重目的。我国行政诉讼目的的实然状况是保护与监督双重目的。我国行政诉讼目的导向存在缺陷, 应当把权益保护作为行政诉讼最为根本的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨COI基因作为标准DNA条形码技术鉴定外形差异较小的地方鸡品种的可行性。【方法】以华南地区9种优质地方鸡(怀乡鸡、清远麻鸡、惠阳胡须鸡、中山沙栏鸡、阳山鸡、杏花鸡、五华三黄鸡、文昌鸡和广西三黄鸡)和国外引进品种隐性白羽鸡为试验材料,测定标准的DNA条形码技术的线粒体细胞色素C 氧化酶亚基I (cytochrome C oxidase subunit I,COI),同时下载已发表的31条家鸡和原鸡及绿头鸭的COI基因序列,分析品种遗传多样性与遗传距离,构建单倍型中介网络图和系统发生邻接树,界定区分品种特异的单倍型。【结果】除去PCR引物序列,获得了695 bp COI基因片段。根据标准的DNA条形码序列,截取648 bp 线粒体COI基因序列进行分析。10个鸡品种203个个体共检测到110个变异位点,占分析位点的16.98%,其中90个单一位点突变,20个简约信息位点。平均核苷酸多样性为0.00394(0.00349-0.00560),平均单倍型多样性为0.832(0.763-0.905),其中五华三黄鸡最高,中山沙栏鸡次之,文昌鸡最低。定义了84种单倍型,单倍型1为9个地方鸡种所共享,出现频率为64次;单倍型9和5为家鸡和隐性白羽鸡共享,出现频率分别为29次和19次;每个鸡品种均有品种特异的单倍型。广西三黄鸡、五华三黄鸡与中山沙栏鸡的单倍型数最多,为13个,隐性白羽鸡与清远麻鸡的最少,为8个。不同品种的单倍型分布差异较大,如杏花鸡的单倍型主要分布在1,清远麻鸡主要分布在1和9,惠阳胡须鸡主要分布在1、5和9,隐性白羽鸡主要分布在9和79。10个鸡种品种间遗传距离范围为0.003-0.006,净遗传距离为0-0.003;鸡品种间的遗传距离一般大于鸡品种内的遗传距离;绿头鸭与鸡品种间的遗传距离大于0.2。中介网络图将84个单倍型分为3条进化枝,呈现出一定的品种特异性,如以单倍型9为起点的进化枝没有广西三黄鸡和文昌鸡分布,但另外两枝未表现出此特征;1为祖先单倍型,由此逐渐衍生出其他单倍型。邻接树显示中国家鸡与红原鸡聚为一簇,与黑尾原鸡、灰原鸡和绿原鸡分开;中国地方鸡聚为同一簇,且存在明显的交叉现象,无显著的品种特异性。【结论】COI基因可作为研究鸡品种遗传多样性的候选分子标记。仅依靠标准的DNA条形码技术无法有效区分差异外形较小的地方鸡种,需要联合多种分子标记如COI基因、细胞色素b、 AFLP指纹技术、微卫星位点LEI0258、基因组SNP和品种特异的外貌特征。  相似文献   

在引入折现率的条件下研究离散时间风险模型,运用递推方法和全概率公式,得到了破产前盈余,破产后赤字以及它们的联合分布所满足的微分积分方程,作为推论得到了破产概率所满足的微积分方程并得出结论.  相似文献   

近地层臭氧对农作物产量影响的风险评估模型研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近地层臭氧污染及其对农作物产量和粮食安全的负面效应已成为国内外广泛关注的焦点之一,建立适宜且更为精确的模型开展臭氧影响下的农作物产量损失评估对于粮食安全保障及臭氧污染控制具有重要的意义。综述了浓度响应、剂量响应和通量响应等统计模型的发展及其在产量损失评估中的应用,评述了其优缺点和通量响应模型的不确定性,同时,通过臭氧干沉降模型的研究进展及其与通量响应模型的优势比较,提出了基于观测和臭氧干沉降模型开展臭氧影响下的自然农田作物产量损失评估技术新的研究方向。  相似文献   

The elusive protonated ozone ion (O(3)H(+)) has been long postulated as a reactive intermediate but never experimentally observed. This ion has been detected here in mass spectrometric experiments with the use of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance. In these experiments, ozone (O(3)) was protonated by strong acids-for example, H(3)(+), KrH(+), XeH(+), and CH(5)(+). The hitherto experimentally unknown proton affinity of O(3) was evaluated by a "bracketing" technique and determined to be 148 -/+ 3 kilocalories mole(-1) at 298 kelvin, in excellent agreement with a value determined in a recent theoretical study of the O(3)/O(3)H(+) system, which was 148 kilocalories mole(-1) at zero temperature ( approximately 149.5 kilocalories mole(-1) at 298 kelvin).  相似文献   

董金怡  徐高 《现代农业科技》2010,(12):221-221,223
研究温室病害臭氧防治机在黄瓜、西红柿上的应用效果,结果表明:温室病害臭氧机对蔬菜的病害有较好的控制作用,可减少60%左右的杀菌剂量,对作物安全,可在蔬菜生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

"对口支援西部地区高等学校计划"是促进教育区域协调发展的重要措施,是具有中国特色的促进欠发达地区教育发展的模式之一。通过对口支援,新疆农业大学在教学、科研、师资队伍建设等方面均取得了长足发展。新疆农业大学和支援高校间的援助实践表明,推动对口支援工作深入开展,需要提高思想认识,健全考核评价机制,形成支、受援高校双赢的长效机制,设立对口支援专项资金,发挥受援学校所在地行政部门的作用。  相似文献   

泡桐优良无性系—陕桐3号,4号选育报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经11年研究,从毛泡桐(陕西周至)×白花泡桐(湖北黄岗)杂交组合的F1中,选育出了陕桐3号和陕桐4号两个优良无性系。其主要特点是速生、材质好、抗性强。7年生对比林中陕桐3号材积比对照豫杂1号大47.6%,陕桐4号比豫杂1号大63.7%。陕桐3号木材力学性质显著优于豫杂1号,抗旱性中等,感病性与豫杂1号接近;陕桐4号抗旱性显著优于豫杂1号,木材材性与豫杂1号接近。  相似文献   

The feasibility of using negative ion chemistry to mitigate stratospheric ozone depletion by chlorine-containing radicals, as proposed recently, is addressed here. Previous in situ measurements of the negative ion composition of the stratosphere show that chlorine-containing ions represent only a small fraction of total ions. New measurements of the negative ion temporal evolution in the stratosphere show that the fractional abundance of chlorine-containing ions is never greater than 1 percent at any time in the ion evolution. On the basis of these and other arguments, using negative ion chemistry to mitigate ozone depletion by chlorine-containing compounds is not feasible.  相似文献   

胡麻抗病丰产新品种陇亚7号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡麻陇亚7号原名7544-4-2,由加拿大杭枯姜病的杭源亲本红木65(母本)与自育亲本陇西5号杂文,通过定向选择单系,杭病性鉴定,产女试验及多点鉴定育成.  相似文献   

Refraction of sunlight at the angle of minimum deviation between octahedral faces of crystals of ice Ic in the upper atmosphere could produce a halo around the sun or the moon at 27.46 degrees . Crystals of hexagonal ice having low-index faces cannot produce a halo of this radius. It is therefore suggested that Scheiner's halo, which has been reported at least four times since 1629 at 28 degrees from the sun, is due to ice Ic. If this is correct, it is apparently the first evidence that ice Ic occurs naturally and that liquid water can freeze to ice Ic.  相似文献   

In general, the analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing data by means of pattern recognition and/or classification is known to be data dependent. Thus, conventional methods for classifications may not be applicable due to the large amount of data collection used to characterize hyperspectral data in terms of optimality and computational time. In this paper, efficient classification methods of hyperspectral data are presented. Hyperspectral signatures are then extracted for eight different sample types (bare soil, soybean, mixed weeds, combination of soybean and weeds, sicklepod, entireleaf morning glory, pitted morning glory, and common cocklebur) and used for observing their spectral properties for detection and/or classification. The hyperspectral data that are analyzed in this paper are point source data collected from handheld spectrometers. The resulting data classification is reported accordingly and a comparative study among the various methods is made to ascertain their applicability to discriminate between the various sample types.  相似文献   

2008年中国农产品进出口贸易继续保持双增长,农产品出口额和进口额连续第九年增长,但进口增幅远大于出口增幅,农产品贸易逆差已成为常态.本文分别对2008年中国农产品贸易的顺差、逆差及其形成原因进行了描述与分析.并对2009年中国的贸易形势进行了展望.  相似文献   

1994年以来,我国国际收支持续顺差、外汇储备保持快速增长,央行被动大量收购外汇并以外汇占款方式投放大量基础货币.为此,央行运用了调控再贷款规模、公开市场操作、发行央行票据、存款准备金比率等措施来消除外汇储备持续快速增长对国内货币供给量的影响.运用VAR模型实证研究2002年9月~2007年8月期间央行货币冲销措施的操作和冲销效果,发现提高准备金和再贷款控制的中长期冲销效果优于央行票据.  相似文献   

[目的]研究臭氧水在种鸡舍的消毒效果及使用方法。[方法]对空舍期鸡舍使用20 mg/L的臭氧水分别消毒15、30、60 min,检测消毒前后菌落数的变化情况;使用臭氧水浸泡水线消毒30 min,观察臭氧水对水线内细菌的杀灭率;每天使用10 mg/L的臭氧水带鸡消毒30 min,连续处理7 d,检测处理前、后鸡舍内菌落总数、氨气、硫化氢含量及种鸡生产性能。[结果]空舍期鸡舍使用20 mg/L的臭氧消毒30和60 min,细菌杀灭率在98%以上,与消毒15 min和甲醛消毒法差异显著(P<0.05);臭氧水对水线消毒30 min,总细菌杀灭率达99.04%,大肠杆菌未检出;臭氧水带鸡消毒对种鸡的生产性能无不良影响(P>0.05),能明显减少舍内的菌落总数,降低空气中氨和硫化氢的含量(P>0.05)。[结论]空舍期种鸡舍和水线使用20 mg/L的臭氧水消毒30 min可以有效杀灭微生物,使用10 mg/L臭氧水每天带鸡喷雾消毒30 min可以有效减少鸡舍内菌落总数和有害气体的产生。  相似文献   

The shift of the Yukon River, during the Holocene sea-level transgression, from south of Nunivak Island during the Wisconsin maximum to its present location (a distance greater than 300 kilometers) is indicated by remanent channels, distinct subbottom structures, deltaic sediments, and anomalous rates of sediment accumulation on the continental shelf of the east-central Bering Sea. These features were produced as the ancestral river migrated northward across the easternmost part of this area before 11,000 years ago.  相似文献   

The gap between data analysis and site-specific recommendations has been identified as one of the key constraints on widespread adoption of precision agriculture technology. This disparity is in part due to the fact that analytical techniques available to understand crop GIS layers have lagged behind development of data gathering and storage technologies. Yield monitor, sensor and other spatially dense agronomic data is often autocorrelated, and this dependence among neighboring observations violates the assumptions of classical statistical analysis. Consequently, reliability of estimates may be compromised. Spatial regression analysis is one way to more fully exploit the information contained in spatially dense data. Spatial regression techniques can also adjust for bias and inefficiency caused by spatial autocorrelation. The objective of this paper is to compare four spatial regression methods that explicitly incorporate spatial correlation in the economic analysis of variable rate technology: (1) a regression approach adopted from the spatial econometric literature; (2) a polynomial trend regression approach; (3) a classical nearest neighbor analysis; and (4) a geostatistical approach. The data used in the analysis is from a variable rate nitrogen trial in the Córdoba Province, Argentina, 1999. The spatial regression approaches offered stronger statistical evidence of spatial heterogeneity of corn yield response to nitrogen than ordinary least squares. The spatial econometric analysis can be implemented on relatively small data sets that do not have enough observations for estimation of the semivariogram required by geostatistics. The nearest neighbor and polynomial trend analyses can be implemented with ordinary least squares routines that are available in GIS software. The main result of this study is that conclusions drawn from marginal analyses of this variable rate nitrogen trial were similar for each of the spatial regression models, although the assumptions about spatial process in each model are quite different.  相似文献   

运用文献计量学的方法,对1986—2016年科学引文索引扩展版(SCI-E)中收录的有关"臭氧和乙烯叉二脲(EDU)"的文章进行文献类型、研究学科方向、年度发文量、作者、国家或地区、研究机构、来源出版物名称、基金资助机构分析,并对研究重点、研究中采用的臭氧浓度、臭氧处理方式、EDU施用浓度、EDU施用部位、所选用的植物材料等进行了统计。结果表明,学科方向以生态环境科学为主;文献数量在年际间呈波动状态,2015年发表文献数量最多;Manning W J在此方向发表论文数量居于首位;美国、印度、意大利等国对该领域比较重视;《环境污染》期刊上发表的相关研究论文数量最多;目前,EDU对臭氧胁迫下农作物产量、植物可见伤害及植物光合作用变化情况较受关注。今后应加大EDU缓解臭氧伤害的分子机理及植物施用EDU后毒物学方面的研究。  相似文献   

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