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The PrP genotypes associated with natural scrapie in Ireland were determined and a comparison was made between genotypes found in scrapie-infected sheep and those found in healthy animals from scrapie-infected flocks. Seven PrP genotypes were identified in scrapie-infected animals: VV(136)RR(154)QQ(171),VA(136)RR(154)QQ(171),VA(136)RR(154)QR(171),VA(136)RR(154)QH(171),AA(136)RR(154)QQ(171),AA(136)RR(154)QH(171) and AA(136)RR(154)HH(171). Of 11 scrapie-infected flocks, 15 genotypes were identified in the healthy flock-mates. The genotypes identified in scrapie-affected animals were also all identified in healthy flock-mates. In 9 of the 11 flocks studied, the genotype frequencies among scrapie-infected animals were significantly different from those among healthy flock-mates. The results show that there is a significant risk of developing the clinical signs of scrapie associated with particular PrP genotypes in the Irish sheep population. The association between the V(136)R(154)Q(171) allele and scrapie was evident, as was the association between A(136)R(154)R(171) and resistance to developing the clinical signs of scrapie. The presence of the A(136)H(154)Q(171) allele in the flocks examined resulted in a decreased risk of developing scrapie compared to the presence of the A(136)R(154)Q(171).  相似文献   

Polymorphisms at the prion protein locus were studied in 965 animals, representative of 13 native and 3 exotic sheep breeds in Portugal. In general, ARQ was the predominant allele in most breeds, but the desirable ARR allele was present in all breeds studied. A different pattern was found in Ile de France, where ARR was predominant and VRQ had the highest frequency among the breeds analysed. In most of the breeds, especially in those of the coarse-wool type, the major hurdle in selecting for genetic resistance to clinical scrapie was the elimination of ARQ rather than VRQ alleles. Breeding schemes aiming at the creation of ARR-homozygous selection nuclei were simulated for representative breeds, and results indicate that, with intense selection, it would take between 4 years in Ile de France and 11 years in Mondegueira to obtain homozygosity in the nucleus, and the length of time needed for fixation was not affected by the type of mating (random or assortative) used. Nevertheless, intense selection for the PrP genotype alone would have undesirable consequences in terms of inbreeding, and correlated responses in production and adaptation traits should be evaluated before such a scheme is adopted.  相似文献   

A total of 162 individuals, belonging to three Burkinabé and one Niger sheep populations, were analysed for prion protein (PrP) gene polymorphism at codons 136, 154 and 171. The ARQ allele was the most frequent in both the Burkinabé (86.7%) and the Niger (67.5%) sheep populations. The highly sensitive allele VRQ was not found in the sampled individuals. The highly resistant ARR allele was in very low frequency in the Burkina-Sahel (4.4%) and Mossi (3.2%) populations and was not present in the Djallonké and Touareg populations. Only 4 out of 15 possible PrP genotypes were identified in the sampled individuals. No favourable ARR/ARR genotypes were found in either of the breeds. Sequencing a subgroup of the samples allowed the identification of other five polymorphisms on the PrP gene sequence at codons 116, 138, 151, 237 and 240. The very low frequency of the ARR allele in the West African sheep should dissuade the implementation of a preventive selection programme aimed to increase resistance to scrapie, to avoid an extreme erosion of the genetic stock.  相似文献   

The misfolded form of cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) is the main component of the infectious agent of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies and the validated biomarker for these diseases. The expression of PrP(C) is highest in the central nervous system and has been found in peripheral tissues. Soluble PrP(C) has been detected in cerebrospinal fluid, urine, serum, milk, and seminal plasma. In this study, attempts were made to characterize prion protein in urine samples from normal and scrapie-infected sheep. Urine samples from scrapie-infected sheep and age-matched healthy sheep were collected and analyzed by Western blot following concentration. A protease K-sensitive protein band with a molecular weight of approximately 27-30 kDa was visualized after immunoblotting with anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies to a C-terminal part of PrP(C), but not after immunoblotting with monoclonal antibodies to an N-terminal epitope of PrP(C) or with secondary antibodies only. The amount of PrP(C) in the urine of 49 animals (control group: n = 16; naturally scrapie-infected group: n = 33) was estimated by comparison with known amounts of ovine recombinant PrP in the immunoblot. Background concentration of PrP(C) in urine was found to be 0-0.16 ng/ml (adjusted to the initial nonconcentrated volume of the urine samples). Seven out of 33 naturally scrapie-infected animals had an elevated level (0.3-4.7 ng/ml) of PrP(C) in urine. The origin of PrP(C) in urine and the reason for the increased level of PrP(C) in scrapie-infected sheep urine has yet to be explored.  相似文献   

A total of 167 sheep belonging to the Estonian whiteheaded mutton, Estonian blackheaded mutton, Lithuanian coarsewool native, Lithuanian blackface and Latvian darkheaded mutton breeds, and a population of sheep kept isolated on the Estonian island of Ruhnu, were sequence-analysed for polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP) gene, to determine their genotype and the allele frequencies of polymorphisms in PrP known to confer resistance to scrapie. A 939 base pair fragment of exon 3 from the PrP gene was amplified by pcr and analysed by direct sequencing. For animals showing polymorphism at two nucleotide positions, both haplotypes of these double-heterozygous genotypes were further verified by pcr cloning and sequence analysis. Known polymorphisms were observed at codons 136, 154 and 171, and six different haplotypes (arr, ahq, arh, ahr, arq and vrq) were determined. On the basis of these polymorphisms, the six populations of sheep possessed the resistant arr haplotype at different frequencies. The high-risk arq haplotype occurred in high frequencies in all six populations, but vrq, the haplotype carrying the highest risk, occurred at low frequencies and in only three of the populations.  相似文献   

PrP polymorphisms influence the scrapie susceptiblility of sheep. The objective of this study was to analyse the association between performance traits and the PrP genotype in the sheep breeds German black-headed and German white-headed mutton, Bleu du Maine, German mutton merino, Leine, Texel and Suffolk from Lower Saxony and Westphalia. We analysed performance traits such as scores for muscle mass, type and wool quality and the calculated daily weight gain using linear animal models. In all seven breeds no statistically significant associations were found between performance traits and the occurrence of ARR alleles, and the ARR/ARR genotypes, respectively. All genotyped sheep of all breeds investigated showed significantly superior performance traits in comparison to the non-genotyped animals.  相似文献   

Natural scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in the prion protein (PrP) gene. In Suffolks, codon 171 is the codon at which most variation is found; RR171 is thought to be associated with resistance to developing the clinical signs of the disease and QQ171 is associated with susceptibility to the disease. The objectives of this study were first to determine the PrP genotypes of Suffolk stock rams in Ireland, and secondly to compare the genotype profiles of ram lambs from flocks where a breeding programme based on the genotype AA136RR154RR171 had been initiated and from flocks where there was no breeding programme based on PrP genotype. Approximately 13 per cent of the stock rams genotyped in the Irish population were genetically susceptible to showing the clinical signs of the disease. However, lambs from farms that had initiated a selective breeding strategy for RR171 over the past year had a larger proportion of RR171 and a smaller proportion of QQ171 than the stock rams or ram lambs from farms not applying a breeding strategy.  相似文献   

Amino acid polymorphisms of PrP gene in Mongolian sheep   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
To characterize amino acid polymorphisms in sheep prion protein (PrP), we analyzed the PrP genes from 271 sheep of 4 breeds (Khalkh, Yeroo, Orkhon and Khangai) raised in central Mongolia (Tuv, Uvurkhangai and Selenge prefectures). A total of 16 genotypes and 8 allelic variants of the PrP gene at codons 112, 136, 154 and 171 were found. At codon 171, 1.8% of the sheep had arginine/arginine (R/R) (resistant to scrapie) and 66.8% had glutamine/glutamine (Q/Q) (susceptible to scrapie). Several Yeroo and Orkhon sheep raised in Selenge prefecture had valine at codon 136 (136V) (highly susceptible to scrapie). Several Yeroo, Orkhon and Khangai sheep raised in Selenge prefecture had histidine at codon 154 (154H). Novel polymorphisms of valine (V) and serine (S) at codon 127, lysine (K) at codon 171, and leucine (L) and arginine (R) at codon 189 were also found in Khalkh, Yeroo and Orkhon sheep. It is not known whether these novel polymorphisms affect scrapie susceptibility.  相似文献   

The development of clinical signs of TSE/scrapie in sheep has been linked to polymorphisms in the prion protein (PRNP) gene. The most important polymorphisms appear to be at codons 136, 154, and 171. The objective of this study was to investigate the polymorphisms at these codons in the Belgian sheep population, including clinical healthy animals, healthy animals at the slaughterhouse and animals in TSE/scrapie positive farms (including a Nor98 farm).  相似文献   

This study presents preliminary data on the polymorphism in the prion protein gene of Swiniarka sheep using temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE). Available data indicate that sensitivity to scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in three codons of prion protein gene: 136,154, and 171. The TGGE method was used to detect point mutations in these codons responsible for sensitivity or resistance to scrapie. This study revealed presence of an allele encoding valine (V) in codon 136, which is associated with high sensitivity to scrapie and occurred in the form of heterozygous allele together with alanine (AV). The highest variability was observed in codon 171, with presence of arginine (R) and glutamine (Q) in the homozygous (RR or QQ) as well as the heterozygous form (RQ). The results of examination of fifty sheep DNA samples with mutations in codons 136, 154, and 171 demonstrated that TGGE can be used as a simple and rapid method to detect mutations in the PrP gene of sheep. Several samples can be run at the same time, making TGGE ideal for the screening of large numbers of samples.  相似文献   

Amino acid polymorphisms of the prion protein (PrP) greatly influence the susceptibility of sheep to scrapie. Selective breeding to increase the prevalence of PrP gene alleles associated with scrapie resistance is a flock management practice that is important for scrapie control programs. Determination of sheep PrP alleles typically has required extraction of DNA from host tissues that are freshly derived or stored frozen. We describe application of a DNA extraction procedure for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues (PET) for the purpose of PCR amplification and nucleotide sequencing of relevant codons (136-171) of the sheep PrP gene. Tissues derived from 96 sheep were studied. The DNA sequence identity was confirmed in 87 of 94 matched samples of PET and frozen tissue specimens. DNA from brainstem PET of 2 sheep, from which fresh tissue was not available, was amplified and sequenced after formalin fixation for 7-70 days. This method will allow retrospective analysis of PrP genetics of sheep subsequent to postmortem diagnosis of scrapie when nonfixed tissue is unavailable for DNA extraction; however, it is not recommended that submission of fixed tissue supplant collection of fresh tissues for the purpose of determining PrP gene polymorphisms.  相似文献   

草地藏系绵羊乳的组成及乳蛋白多态性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了63只草地藏系绵羊乳常规营养成分的含量,并用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析了乳蛋白组分及乳蛋白多态性。结果表明:草地藏系绵羊脱脂乳中蛋白含量为(48.45±1.66)g/L,乳糖含量为(41.93±0.64)g/L,乳脂肪含量为(69.43±1.44)g/L;脱脂乳蛋白主要包括α-乳清蛋白、β-乳球蛋白、酪蛋白、免疫球蛋白等组分,酪蛋白的相对含量约为52%。乳中酪蛋白、β-乳球蛋白均未检测到多态性。试验检测到4种分子量类型的乳上皮粘蛋白(MUC1),分子量分别为214、209、207和205 ku。试验结果提示,草地藏系绵羊乳蛋白多态性较为贫乏。  相似文献   

运用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术对首次引入我国的肉用品种绵羊波德代及其杂种一、二、三代和当地蒙古羊的血液蛋白(酶)多态性进行了检测分析。结果表明:波德代羊及其杂种和蒙古羊在Hb、Tf、Es三个基因座上存在多态性。其中Hb和Es的基因座均由两个等位基因控制,而Tf的基因座则由三个等位基因控制。从三个基因座的Nei氏平均基因杂合度估计绵羊品种内遗传变异,发现以蒙古羊为最低,其杂合度为0.3903。品种聚类分析也符合群体遗传学原理。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: DNA extracted from animals originating from three large half-sib sheep families derived from a single, highly resistant ram were probed with ovine T-cell receptor α and β chain and immunoglobulin lambda light chain variable and constant region cDNA probes. When genomic DNA was digested with TaqI, 19 polymorphic bands were detected with the lambda light chain immunoglobulin variable region probe and 6,4 and 5 polymorphic bands were detected with the T-cell receptor α and β probes and the lambda immunoglobulin constant region probes, respectively. All animals had been phenotypically assessed for Haemonchus contortus resistance by faecal egg counts and using best linear unbiased statistical methods, no statistically significant associations were found between RFLP banding patterns detected at these loci and faecal egg counts. The results show that germline polymorphism at these loci does not account for a significant proportion of the variation in resistance to Haemonchus contortus in this flock. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: T-Zellrezeptor und Immunoglobulin-Genpolymorphismus und Resistenz von Schafen gegen Haemonchus contortus DNS aus Tieren von drei gro?en Halbgeschwister-Schaffamilien aus einem einzelnen hochgradig resistenten Schafbock wurden mit cDNS-Sonden aus ovinen T-Zellrezeptor α- und β-Ketten und Immunoglobulin λ leichten variablen Ketten und konstanten Regionen untersucht. Nach Verdau der genomischen DNS mit TaqI 19 wurden polymorphe Banden mit der λ leichte Ketten Immunoglobulin variablen Region-Sonde entdeckt, 6, 4 und 5 polymorphe Bande wurden mit T-Zellrezeptor α- und β-Sonden und mit der Sonde der λ Immunoglobulin konstanten Region gefunden. Alle Tiere wurden ph?notypisch in Hinblick auf Haemonchus contortus-Resistenz mittels f?kaler Eiproben untersucht. Statistische Analyse mittels linearer unverzerrter Pr?diktion ergab keine statistisch signifikanten Zusammenh?nge zwischen RFLP Bandmustern und f?kalen Eizahlen. Genetischer Polymorphismus an diesen Loci scheint nicht für einen signifikanten Teil der Variabilit?t in der Resistenz gegen Haemonchus contortus verantwortlich zu sein.  相似文献   

This report describes the genetics of the prion protein gene (PRNP) at codons 136, 154, and 171 for sheep diagnosed with naturally acquired classical scrapie in Canada between 1998 and 2008. Genotyping analysis was performed on 249 sheep with confirmed classical scrapie infection representing 98 flocks from 6 provinces. A further case-control analysis of 3 of these flocks compared the genotypes between infected sheep (n = 72) and those of their healthy flockmates (n = 1990). The incidence of classical scrapie in the Canadian sheep population was highly associated with the ARQ haplotype (91.8%) and the ARQ/ARQ genotype (91.6%). In addition, the ARQ haplotype was found at significantly higher frequency in scrapie-infected sheep when compared with their healthy flockmates. Comparison with other published data suggests that the scrapie risk of PRNP genotypes differs between Canada and countries where the VRQ allele is associated with the highest susceptibility to infection.  相似文献   

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