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In many second-rotation Pinus radiata forest planta-tions, there has been a steady trend towards wider tree spacing and an increased rate of application of P fertiliser. Under these regimes, the potential for understory growth is expected to in-crease through increased light and greater nutrient resources. Therefore, understory vegetation could become a more signifi-cant component of P cycling in P. radiata forests than under closely-spaced stands. Studies have shown that growth rates and survival of trees is reduced in the presence of understory vegeta-tion due to the competition of understory vegetation with trees. Other studies have suggested that understory vegetation might have beneficial effects on nutrient cycling and conservation within forest stands. This review discusses the significance of understory vegetation in radiata pine forest stands, especially their role in enhancing or reducing P availability to forest trees.  相似文献   

In 1996 and 1997 we examined the effects of typhoon disturbance on the understory light environment and sapling dynamics of the Fu-shan Experimental Forest, a subtropical rain forest in northeastern Taiwan. Mean understory light levels were approximately 30% of those in the open immediately following the two 1996 typhoons which affected the forest, yet in 1997, following two more typhoons, mean understory light levels were 10%–20% of those in the open. The decline of understory light levels to those present prior to the typhoons was more rapid in 1996 than in 1997, even though the two typhoons in 1996 were more intense than those in 1997. This difference might be the result of the timing of the typhoons. In 1996 the typhoons occurred earlier in the growing season, before August 1 rather than the middle and end of August in 1997. The regular defoliation caused by the frequent typhoons that impact Fu-shan (average of 1.4 per year) and the low stature of the forest (mean canopy height of 10.6m), results in much higher light levels beneath the canopy (9%–30% of levels in the open) than those found in most tropical and temperate forests. As a result, understory light levels are not limiting the distribution of canopy tree saplings within the forest and there is no evidence that canopy gaps play an important role in canopy tree regeneration within the Fu-shan Experiment Forest. This is in contrast with the pattern reported for some tropical forests. With frequent typhoons impacting northeastern Taiwan, the forests of this region are perpetually recovering from wind disturbances.  相似文献   

We assessed the species richness and aboveground productivity of understory plants in nine types of forest stand (116 plots in total) that had different disturbance histories that were combinations of the frequency of plantation (clear-cutting, site preparation, planting), typhoon damage, and selective cutting. We established two 1 m × 1 m quadrats to measure species richness and productivity and one 1 m × 30 m belt to measure species richness in each plot. Canopy leaf area index (LAI), soil NH4+, soil C/N ratio, slope angle, and slope aspect were measured as current environmental factors affecting each plot. The variance in species richness was better explained by disturbance history (69% in quadrats; 86% in the belt) than by current environmental factors. Species richness and the Simpson index decreased as the frequency of plantation increased. In contrast, the variance in productivity was better explained by current environmental factors (82%), especially canopy LAI (45%), than by disturbance history. The relations of species presence and productivity to the explanatory variables differed among species, although there were some common responses within life forms. The effects of disturbance on species diversity remained for 20–80 years. Forest management should therefore take into account the long-term effects of disturbance history to maintain understory plant diversity.  相似文献   

Plant invasions of natural communities are commonly associated with reduced species diversity and altered ecosystem structure and function. This study investigated the effects of invasion and management of the woody shrub Lantana camara (lantana) in wet sclerophyll forest on the south-east coast of Australia. The effects of L. camara invasion and management on resident vegetation diversity and recruitment were determined as well as if invader management initiated community recovery. Vascular plant species richness, abundance and composition were surveyed and compared across L. camara invaded, non-invaded and managed sites following L. camara removal during a previous control event by land managers. Native tree juvenile and adult densities were compared between sites to investigate the potential effects of L. camara on species recruitment. Invasion of L. camara led to a reduction in species richness and compositions that diverged from non-invaded vegetation. Species richness was lower for fern, herb, tree and vine species, highlighting the pervasive threat of L. camara. For many common tree species, juvenile densities were lower within invaded sites than non-invaded sites, yet adult densities were similar across all invasion categories. This indicates that reduced species diversity is driven in part by recruitment limitation mechanisms, which may include allelopathy and resource competition, rather than displacement of adult vegetation. Management of L. camara initiated community recovery by increasing species richness, abundance and recruitment. While community composition following L. camara management diverged from non-invaded vegetation, vigorous tree and shrub recruitment signals that long-term community reinstatement will occur. However, secondary weed invasion occurred following L. camara control. Follow-up weed control may be necessary to prevent secondary plant invasion following invader management and facilitate long-term community recovery.  相似文献   

Browsing by mammals can have a substantial impact on the survival, growth and form of regenerating forest trees. This study investigated the severity and distribution of mammalian browsing damage, and the degree to which eucalypt seedlings (Eucalyptus spp.) were selected for browsing on three regenerating native forest coupes in southeastern Australia. Damage was greatest 6 months after eucalypt germination and at this time, both messmate (Eucalyptus obliqua) and blue gum (E. globulus) seedlings were browsed at similar intensity. Nine and 12 months after germination, messmate was browsed more heavily than blue gum. Consistent relationships between browsing damage and both distance from the forest edge and wallaby density were not observed. Analysis of use and availability data for messmate, blue gum and manna gum (E. viminalis) seedlings showed that messmate was selected for browsing more than expected by chance while manna gum was browsed less than expected. Mammalian browsing affects a substantial portion of Victorias native forest estate, and could alter the species composition of future forests. Research into the ecology of browsing species and the development of non-lethal browsing reduction strategies is seen as a priority for the management of mammalian browsing in Victoria.  相似文献   

The conversion of anthropogenic into more natural, self-regenerating forests is one of the major objectives of forestry throughout Europe. In this study, we present investigations on permanent plots with different silvicultural treatment in NE German pine stands. Management of old-growth pine stands on acidic and nutrient-poor sandy sites differs in fencing, thinning, and planting of certain tree species. The investigations were carried out on the community, population, and individual level of the pine forest ecosystems. Thus, vegetation changes, size and height of tree populations, and height increment of tree individuals were observed over a time span of 6 years. Special attention was paid to short-lived tree species such as, e.g., Frangula alnus and Sorbus aucuparia, as well as to Fagus sylvatica as one of the most typical forest tree species of Central Europe. Vegetation changes are interpreted as a consequence of natural regeneration of formerly degraded forest sites, involving an increase in nutrient availability. High browsing pressure can be considered as a key factor for the inhibition of tree seedlings and growth of saplings. Some Sorbus aucuparia individuals, however, succeeded in growing out of the browsing height also in unfenced stands. Few found specimens of Fagus sylvatica proved that this species is able to establish spontaneously on these relatively dry, acidic sites under continental climate influence. Such natural regeneration processes, also including spontaneous rejuvenation of trees, can be integrated into silviculture as passive forest conversion management. An active management like thinning of stands, planting of trees, and fencing can accelerate forest conversion with regard to height growth and species number of trees.  相似文献   

This study describes the level of genetic variation and gene flow within and among populations of Prunus cerasoides in rehabilitated sites and adjacent intact forest. The seven microsatellite loci employed detected a total of 75 alleles (n = 401). Polymorphic information content (PIC) varied from 0.34 to 0.83. Between the adult populations there was moderate genetic differentiation with an F ST value of 0.0575, which suggests that the restoration plots had a similar genetic composition to that of the natural population. The gene flow assessment provides some interesting insights into the genetic diversity of P. cerasoides. In the 16 naturally occurring trees over 83% of the genotyped seed were fathered by unidentified trees whereas in restoration plot A only about 32% of the pollen came from an unidentified father. This proportion was even less in Plot C where 25% of the pollen parents were unidentified. The naturally occurring trees within Doi Suthep were surrounded by planted trees, which were contributing to the paternity of the seed crop. This result demonstrates that ‘‘fill in’’ planting should consist of locally sourced material if it is considered important to conserve the genetic integrity of the local populations.  相似文献   

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