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紫丁香表型多样性研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
以紫丁香天然林分布区抽取的4个天然群体和1个栽培群体为拟似群体,进行了其表型多样性分析.结果表明: 紫丁香表型性状存在着丰富的群体间、群体内变异,5个群体的果、种子、叶以及子代幼苗等14个表型性状差异显著,变异系数为14.25%~29.13%,表型性状分化系数为1.85%~86.67%,平均值为43.93%;群体间和群体内的差异均极显著,群体内的方差分量为56.06%,其中有10个种实性状与生态梯度值呈显著或极显著的相关,采用Dist平均分类距离系数的聚类分析得到的群体间的遗传距离关系基本上与群体采种点的生态地理位置关系一致,其中山西五老峰群体独立为一组,北部三个群体聚为一组,栽培群体聚入了北部群体组,并且与辽宁北票群体较近.依据研究结果,紫丁香种质资源收集、保护策略应当是:基于表型分化系数群体间平均值达到较高水平,而群体内保留了种质的大部分变异,所以在分布区内应首先保护天然群体的存在,即尽可能多的群体数量,同时,要很好保护天然群体的完整性.育种亲本的选择策略应当是:在群体内收集、选择特异变异的同时,加强多群体的收集和选择.  相似文献   

为了探究紫丁香的耐盐性,用不同浓度盐溶液(浓度分别为0、50、100、150mmol/L的NaCl溶液和Na2SO4溶液)处理紫丁香种子,研究盐胁迫条件对紫丁香种子萌发的影响。结果表明:低浓度的NaCl溶液对紫丁香种子的萌发没有明显的促进作用,高浓度则有抑制作用;而Na2SO4溶液只具有抑制作用,并且同一浓度Na2SO4溶液的抑制作用比NaCl溶液更强。解除盐胁迫(150mmol/L的NaCl溶液和150、250mmol/LNa2SO4溶液)后的第1天就有种子萌发,且低浓度盐处理后的复萌效果要比高浓度的效果好,同一浓度下NaCl溶液的复萌效果比Na2SO4溶液好。  相似文献   

通过研究不同营养元素对紫丁香叶片内生理活性物质含量的影响规律,为园林养护中科学追肥提供理论依据。试验在田间条件下,设置对照(Y1)、氮(Y2)、氮磷(Y3)、氮磷钾(Y4)、氮磷钾铁锰(Y5)5个处理,3次重复。结果表明:8-9月Y5叶绿素含量比对照提高了53.45%、95.45%,Y4与Y5之间无显著差异;7-8月Y5类胡萝卜素含量分别高于对照0.33mg/g、0.30mg/g,Y4显著低于Y5;5-9月Y5MDA含量分别比对照降低了2.02umol/g、1.05umol/g、1.92umol/g、3.58umol/g、2.18umol/g,Y3、Y4显著高于Y5;5月所有营养元素不会对ABA含量产生显著影响,6-9月Y5分别低于对照1.33ng/g、0.26ng/g、6.52ng/g、9.00ng/g。综合分析认为,Y5对改善紫丁香营养状况和协调生理活性物质含量效果最佳。  相似文献   

夜间照明对紫丁香光合作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用CI-320便携式光合测定仪于白天10:30~12:00、夜间20:30~21:50测定试验组(16 h光照)和对照组(12 h光照)叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳浓度,并用图像扫描法测定叶面积,结果表明:在夜间灯光照射下,紫丁香夜间光合速率平均值为2.835 6 umol.m-2.s-1,胞间CO2浓度显著减少。同时,在白天,实验组叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度显著高于对照组,胞间CO2浓度与对照组无显著差异。夜间照明并未引起叶面积产生显著变化。  相似文献   

利用超临界CO2萃取紫丁香干花,提取物在分离釜Ⅰ(8 MPa,45℃)中进行第一级分离,再在分离釜Ⅱ(5 MPa、35℃)中进行第二级分离。通过GC-MS分析了两个分离釜中萃取物的化学成分并进行比较。从分离釜Ⅰ中所得萃取物中鉴定出21种成分,以长链烷烃为主(占57.14%),主要成分为二十九烷和2,6,10,14-四甲基十六烷;从分离釜Ⅱ所得萃取物中鉴定出40种成分,以含氧化合物为主,醇、酮、醛、酸、酯占67.5%,主要成分为十六烷酸和(Z,Z)-9,12-十八碳二烯酸。二级分离可使紫丁香干花超临界CO2萃取物得到一定程度分离,温度和压力是制约分离结果的关键因素。  相似文献   

研究了营养元素(氮、磷、钾及微量元素铁、锰)单一与不同组合及配比根外追肥对紫丁香几种渗透调节物质含量的影响,以期为紫丁香根外追肥选择合理施肥方案提供理论依据。试验在田间条件下,设置清水对照(D1)、0.46%氮(D2)、0.46%氮+0.20%磷(D3)、0.46%氮+0.20%磷+0.10%钾(D4)、0.46%氮+0.20%磷+0.10%钾+微量元素(0.70mg/kg铁+0.10mg/kg锰)(D5)5个处理,3次重复。分别于5月1日、5月27日、7月7日、8月7日、8月27和9月4日进行根外追肥,分别于5,6,7,8,9月每个月的15日取样进行各渗透物质指标的测定。结果表明:叶片可溶性蛋白含量,D5处理比D4处理,在5,7,9月分别提高了16.58%,18.01%,16.08%;D4处理比对照,在5,7,9月分别提高了108.70%,43.41%,36.32%。叶片游离脯氨酸含量,6—9月D5处理分别比D4处理提高了11.41%,15.26%,14.17%,16.40%,D4处理分别比D2处理提高了16.11%,14.53%,18.66%,13.20%。叶片可溶性糖含量,5月D5处理比其他4个处理分别提高了87.74%,53.08%,37.24%,15.70%。叶片甜菜碱含量,8-9月D5处理分别比D4处理提高了4.50%,9.43%,D4处理比D3处理提高了2.87%,9.44%。综合分析认为,D5处理对提高紫丁香渗透物质含量效果显著优于其他根外追肥处理。  相似文献   

Both the stoichiometric characteristics and leaf functional traits can reflect the adaptability of plants to changes in the external living environment. In particular, for varying aged forest plants, the study of stoichiometric characteristics and leaf functional traits can reflect the plant’s life history strategy and its resource investment and allocation methods. In this paper, the 1.5-year-old, 5-year-old, 15-year-old and 20-year-old Casta -nopsis hystrix were selected as the research objects to investigate the trends of stoichiometry and leaf functional traits, and their synergistic changes were verified. The results showed that with the increase of age, the stability of C. hystrix stoichiometry gradually increased, and the functional traits also tended to invest in security. However, there was no synergistic change between the two, which might be attributed to the different sensitivity of the C. hystrix leaf to the environment at the life history level of 1.5-year-old to 20-year-old.  相似文献   

IntroductionAmourIinden(THisamurensiS),animportantcom-ponentofnaturaIIymixedbroad-Ieaved--KoreanpinecommunityineasternmountainareaofNortheastregionofChina,isoneofmainspeciesusedashighqualjtyveneerandcabinetworkingtimber.ButtheamountofnaturallindenresourceswithhighquafitywassharplydecreasedwithIonghistoricaIexpIoita-tionwithoutpIantingsothatlittleIindentimberhavebeenslJppliedintimbermarket.BeIongingtoassociatingspeciesinclimaxcom-munityintheregion,thespecieshasabigfacuIty.Butthegerminat…  相似文献   

【目的】给油茶林进行营养诊断,为高效经营生产提供理论依据与实践指导。【方法】选取7年生小果油茶中的‘龙眼茶’和普通油茶中的‘长林166’‘长林18’‘长林4’,测定果实成熟期不同类型枝上叶片养分和部分叶片形态指标等特性分析差异,并探讨其与产量的关系。【结果】1)4种油茶不同类型枝上叶片养分含量均为营养枝叶>结果枝叶;2)同一类型枝上叶片相同养分含量中‘长林166’和‘长林18’养分含量整体比其他两种油茶高,不同养分含量结果枝叶全氮>全磷>全钾,营养枝叶全氮>全钾>全磷;3)4种油茶中不同类型枝上结果枝叶的面积和比叶重比营养枝叶小;4)同一类型枝上的叶面积属‘长林18’的最大,而叶形指数最小;5)‘龙眼茶’不同类型枝上叶片特性与其他3种油茶相比均较低;6)果实产量和不同类型枝上叶片特性具有一定的相关性,包括不同类型枝上叶片全氮和全钾、叶面积和比叶重等,且叶片全氮、叶面积和比叶重都与产量存在极显著的正相关关系。【结论】营养枝叶、结果枝叶与果实间的养分存在积累与转移,可以从不同类型枝上叶片养分含量和形态特征上判断油茶生长的好坏与产量的高低,根据不同树种调整营养枝与结果枝的比例,促进叶片养分高效利用,实现油茶优质丰产。因此研究不同类型枝上叶片特性进一步为提高油茶经济效益奠定基础。  相似文献   

Microsite influences development and resource allocation of Dactylis glomerata L. (orchardgrass), a traditional pasture species with potential as an understory crop in silvopasture of humid temperate regions. An experiment using container-grown orchardgrass was conducted under field conditions to determine how open (O), shaded woodland (W) and open-to-shaded woodland transition zone (E O, E W) microsites influenced leaf DM production. Plants established in spring (SP) and late summer (LS) were clipped each time mean canopy height reached 20 cm. Dry matter production and allocation among structures differed, as a function of light attenuation. Specific leaf area (SLA) and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) were associated with leaf DM production, whereas leaf N, net assimilation rate and shoot total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC), were not. Specific leaf area was related to leaf DM of LS plants, whereas PNUE influenced leaf DM of SP plants. Stembase TNC was inversely related to relative regrowth rate (RGRR) with RGRR greatest and TNC the least at W. The relationship for RGRR and TNC for SP plants growing at O and LS plants growing at W was similar. Regardless of how indices of growth are related, SP and LS plantings responded as separate populations (representing young and established plants respectively) that have different leaf DM production efficiencies. Orchardgrass was able to sustain leaf production when subjected to simultaneous stresses of shade and repeated defoliation. The LS plants growing at W respond in a manner similar to SP plants and may require management practices attuned to establishing or immature plants. The US Government’s right to retain a royalty-free, non-exclusive copyright is achnowledged.  相似文献   

Standardisation of cultural practises is one of the primary objectives to make the system ecologically sustainable and economically viable. In this context, the present study was conducted to optimise the time of sowing in relation to newly released wheat varieties under 4–6 year old poplar block plantation. Six widely grown wheat varieties (PBW 502, PBW 343, WH 542, PDW 274, PBW 509 and PBW 373) were intercultivated during three consecutive crop growth seasons at three times of sowing (mid November, late November and mid December) under block plantation of poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr.) clone G-48. The grain yield and nutrient uptake of wheat varieties was higher in open conditions than under the trees. The wheat variety PBW 502 out yielded the rest of wheat varieties over different sowing times. The highest grain yield was recorded when crop was sown during mid November over the 3 years. Thus adoption of PBW 502 under poplar plantation would substantially improve the overall productivity of the system without any additional input cost. All the varieties performed better when sown early compared to one-month delay. The various growth parameters like tiller height and number, spike length and 100 grain weight contributed significantly towards higher grain yield in early sown conditions (mid November) under poplar irrespective of its age of plantation. The nutrient uptake (N, P and K) by wheat straw and grain was higher in early sown crop with longer growth span than the late sown crop. The higher quantity of N, P and K was removed from soil by PBW 509, PBW 373 and PBW 343, respectively.  相似文献   

Biomass allocation and assimilation efficiency of natural Amour linden (Tilia amurensis) samplings in different light regimes were analyzed in the paper. The results showed that shoot increment of samplings in gap was the highest and that of samplings under canopy was the least. Samplings in gap expressed apical dominance strongly but samplings in full sun and under canopy behaved intensive branching. Lateral competition or moderate shading was favored to bole construction. The patters of biomass allocation of samplings in different light environment were rather similar. The biomass translocated to stem was more than that to other organs, and about one half of photosynthate was used to support leaf turn over. On the contrary, photosynthates of samplings in full sun were mostly consumed in leaves bearing and energy balancing. The carbon assimilation for leaves of samplings in gap was the most efficient, and more carbons were fixed and translocated to non-photosynthetic organs, especially to stemwood. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) has great ecological importance, but the biogeographic pattern across forest biomes in China has only recently been explored. Here we conducted a systematic census of leaf C and N following the same protocol to explore the variations of leaf traits, and their possible responses to plant functional types (PFTs) and environmental factors. Results showed that leaf traits varied substantially across biomes, and the relationships of PFTs to climatic factors were stronger than those of PFTs versus soil nutrient proxies, indicating that plant species composition might be a better predictor of plant species distribution with climate than leaf traits. Soil nutrient proxies explained more variation of leaf traits than climate, which demonstrates that leaf traits reflect important aspects of plant responses to soil nutrients. Importantly, partial general linear models analyses found that PFTs showed the greatest direct influence for leaf traits, and climate and soil affected leaf traits mainly through the change in plant species composition rather than having direct impacts. Hence, we concluded that leaf traits were largely controlled by PFTs rather than climate or soil at the biome scale. The results favored the species composition hypothesis, indicating that leaf nutrient concentration is mainly determined by PFTs.  相似文献   

根据环境功能分区的原则及内容,将北京市划分为7个不同的环境功能区,依据不同的环境功能区特点以及树种配置原则,把树种选择与生态效应相结合,并针对性的提出可供选择树种与配置的建议,以期为北京的绿地规划建设提供可借鉴的理论依据。  相似文献   

以乌鲁木齐工业区、交通区、居民区和公园区的林带作为试验采样区,分别从各功能区林带土壤中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量、组成、污染情况、来源4个方面,分析了土壤中16种PAHs污染特征。结果表明:乌鲁木齐不同功能区林下土壤平均PAHs的含量为(375.76±32.96)ng·g^-1,其中交通区>工业区>居民区>公园区。低环和高环PAHs含量分别占32.02%和67.98%。工业区林带和交通区林带土壤以4环和3环为主,居民区和公园区以5环为主。工业区和交通区林带土壤以轻度污染为主(42.90%和37.50%);而公园区和居民区以轻度污染(60.00%和66.67%)和未污染(40.00%和33.33%)为主。工业区林带土壤组分中占比最高和最低的分别是茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘(IcdP)占16.01%和?(Chr)占0.98%,交通区林带占比最高和最低的分别是荧蒽(Fla)占16.01%和苊(Ace)占0.49%,居民区林带分别是荧蒽(Fla)占15.66%和?(Chr)占0.21%,公园区林带分别是茚并(1,2,3-cd)芘(IcdP)占19.48%和?(Chr)占0.84%。以煤、木、草等生物质燃烧为污染源的样地最多的是公园区;以汽车尾气、石油燃烧为污染源的样地最多的是交通区。各功能区PAHs的来源主要为煤、生物质等的不完全燃烧。  相似文献   

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