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The aim of the current study was to verify that stallion spermatozoa could be cooled for 24 hours and then frozen. In experiment I, one ejaculate from each of 13 stallions was used. Semen was collected and split into two parts; one part immediately frozen using standard cryopreservation techniques and the other diluted, stored in an Equitainer for 24 hours, and then frozen. In experiment II, one ejaculate from each of 12 stallions was collected, diluted with Botu-Semen, and split into two parts: one cooled in an Equitainer and the other in Max-Semen Express without prior centrifugation. After 24 hours of cooling, the samples were centrifuged to remove seminal plasma and concentrate the sperm, and resuspended in Botu-Crio® extender containing one of three cryoprotectant treatments (1% glycerol + 4% dimethylformamide, 1% glycerol + 4% dimethylacetamide and 1% glycerol + 4% methylformamide), maintained at 5°C for 20 minutes, then frozen in nitrogen vapor. No difference was observed between the two cooling systems. The association of 1% glycerol and 4% methylformamide provided the best post-thaw progressive motility. For experiment III, two stallions were used for a fertility trial. Forty-three inseminations were performed using 22 mares. No differences were seen in semen parameters and pregnancy rates when comparing the two freezing protocols (conventional and cooled/frozen). Pregnancy rates for conventional and cooled/frozen semen were, respectively, 72.7% and 82.3% (stallion A), and 40.0% and 50.0% (stallion B). We concluded that cooling equine semen for 24 hours before freezing, while maintaining sperm viability and fertility, is possible.  相似文献   

The Use of Cefquinome in Equine Semen Extender   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Antibiotics are commonly used in equine semen extender for conservation, if semen has to be stored cooled for a maximum of 48 hours or frozen, to eliminate pathogenic or potentially pathogenic bacteria from semen and reduce the risk of postmating endometritis. Little is known about the effect of antibiotics on spermatozoa when semen is stored over a longer period. Cefquinome, a broad spectrum antibiotic and fourth-generation cephalosporin, has been proven to be a powerful drug for the treatment of endometritis and mastitis in different species. Recently in equine studies, it was found to localize in high concentrations in the endometrium. Therefore, cefquinome was used as the antibiotic in semen extender and compared with a commercial semen extender containing gentamicin for effects on motility and membrane integrity of spermatozoa. During the breeding season, ejaculates from nine light horse stallions were collected and half of each ejaculate was stored for 48 hours in modified Kenney type semen extender containing either cefquinome or gentamicin. At 0, 24, and 48 hours, aliquots (20 μL) of the stored semen were evaluated for (progressive) motility and membrane integrity, as well as for various motility parameters by computer assisted sperm analysis. No differences (P > .05) were found in total motility or progressive motility between extenders at any time point. However, there were differences (P < .05) in velocity parameters, although the effect of velocity parameters on fertility is not clear. In general, semen parameters after storage in non-fat dried skim milk semen extender containing cefquinome are comparable with those after storage in semen extender containing gentamicin. The wider spectrum of bactericidal activity possessed by cefquinome may prove to be beneficial in some cases.  相似文献   

Addition of Glutathione to an Extender for Frozen Equine Semen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The manipulation of equine semen during cryopreservation reduces sperm viability and fertility because of, among other factors, membrane lipid peroxidation that makes cells highly susceptible to free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The oxidative effect caused by the generation of ROS can be reduced by the addition of antioxidants to the seminal plasma or to the extenders used for freezing. The current study was performed to test the in vitro effect of exogenous glutathione added in five different concentrations (control, 2.5 mM, 5.0 mM, 7.5 mM, and 10 mM [treatments 1-5, respectively]) to the extender for 12 stallions. Analyzed parameters were sperm motility, viability, and acrosome and plasmatic membrane integrity. Total motility was higher in treatments 1 and 2 (P < .05); viability, progressive motility, and plasmatic membrane integrity were higher in treatment 2 (P < .001). As for acrosome membrane integrity, treatment 3 showed the best results (P < .05). The addition of 2.5 mM glutathione to the freezing extender preserves total motility and increases sperm viability, progressive motility, and plasmatic membrane integrity. Concentrations above 2.5 mM were deleterious to spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the damage caused by the sperm preservation process is crucial to improving fertilization rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of refrigeration temperature (5°C and 15°C) and storage time (0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours) on apoptotic markers in equine semen. Membrane phosphatidylserine translocation index, caspase activation index, and DNA fragmentation index were analyzed using epifluorescence microscopy. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis, and Tukey test was used to compare means. The significance level was set at P < .05. The results demonstrated that for transport duration shorter than 24 hours, semen quality was maintained when stored at either 5°C or 15°C. A storage temperature of 5°C should be used when it is necessary to transport semen for longer than 24 hours. There was a significant decrease in semen quality after 48 hours of refrigeration.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a pro-oxidant enzyme contained in and released by neutrophils during degranulation or after lysis. Post-thaw semen contains MPO, and concentration of this enzyme is associated with decreased motility. The aim of this study was to determine kinetics of MPO concentration during freezing, its origin, and its impact on frozen-thawed semen. Forty ejaculates were used. Semen was frozen using the classical freezing procedure. MPO concentrations were assayed in fresh semen, after centrifugation, and after cooling down to 4°C. Post-thaw MPO assay results and spermogram characteristics were determined. MPO immunocytochemistry was performed on 4 different ejaculates at each step of freezing procedure. MPO concentration increased after cooling down to 4°C and thawing compared with fresh semen. As temperature decreased, MPO was higher or tended to be higher in post-thaw poor quality samples. Nonsperm cells showed various degrees of MPO immunostaining and were observed as epithelial cells with nuclear pyknosis and keratinization. MPO immunostaining increased in medium and decreased in nonsperm cells during freezing. Our study shows that MPO concentration in equine semen increases when temperature decreases. We hypothesize that nonsperm cells present in fresh semen could release MPO.  相似文献   

Breeding mares with cryopreserved semen requires specialized equipment for storage and thawing and more intensive mare management. The objectives of this study were (1) evaluate the longevity of frozen stallion semen once it had been thawed, extended, and maintained at 5°C for 48 hours in a passive cooling container, and (2) determine fertility potential of frozen semen that had been thawed, extended, and used to inseminate mares after 24 hours of cooled storage. Eight ejaculates were collected and aliquots were cooled in either INRA96 and CryoMax LE minus cryoprotectant at a concentration of 50 million total sperm/mL. The remainder of the ejaculate was frozen in CryoMax LE extender at a concentration of 200 million total sperm/mL. Semen was thawed using 1 of 3 thawing protocols, and diluted to a concentration of 50 million total sperm/mL in either INRA96 or CryoMax LE minus cryoprotectant and cooled to 5°C. Sperm motility was evaluated at 24 and 48 hours. Eight mares were inseminated over two estrous cycles using frozen semen that had been thawed, extended in INRA96, and cooled for 24 hours. There was no difference in progressive motility at 24 or 48 hours of cooled-storage post-thaw between the 3 thawing protocols. An overall per cycle pregnancy rate of 56% (9/16 cycles) was achieved using frozen-thawed semen that had been extended and cooled for 24 hours. In summary, frozen stallion sperm was thawed, extended, and cooled to 5°C for 24 hours and still maintained adequate (>30%) sperm motility and fertility.  相似文献   

环境温度对精子活力、密度等对有较大程度的影响。本文比较了南阳地区四季气温变化对皮埃蒙特牛精液量、精液色泽、活力,密度等的影响,指出了为保证精液质量在控制环境温度方面应做的工作。  相似文献   

能否采到高品质的精液是人工授精成败的关键因素,本研究在黑猩猩上做了大胆的探索.采用电刺激采精,多次采集到高活力的黑猩猩精液,找到了合适的稀释液,并对精液品质进行了测定.  相似文献   

This study evaluated measures of sperm quality in relation to fertility achieved with fresh semen or semen cooled and stored. Semen from 1 stallion was collected and processed to provide 3 treatments: group 1 received fresh semen; group 2 received cooled semen containing 50% seminal plasma (SP) stored for 4 days; and group 3 received cooled semen containing 50% SP stored for 1 day, then centrifuged and resuspended in fresh extender containing 10% SP on days 1 to 3. Inseminates were evaluated for sperm motion characteristics and the percentage of sperm with intact membranes (SMI). Mares (n = 34) in estrus were treated with an ovulation-inducing drug and inseminated with 100 million membrane-intact sperm on the following day. Pregnancy status was determined via transrectal ultrasonography 2 weeks after ovulation. The mean percentage of SMI was higher in group 1 (81%, initial) than in group 2 (74%, day 4) or group 3 (74%, day 4) (P < .05). The median percentages of total sperm motility differed among the groups (77%, 5%, 59% for groups 1, 2, and 3 respectively; P < .05). Median values for the percentages of progressively motile sperm and curvilinear velocity for group 1 (55%, 216 μm/s) and 3 (37%, 186 μm/s) were higher than for group 2 (1%, 73 μm/s) (P < .05). Pregnancy rates did not differ among groups (5 of 11, 45% in group 1; 5 of 11, 45% in group 2; and 7 of 12, 58%, in group 3; P = .77). These data suggest that, at least for this stallion, sperm membrane integrity may be a more valuable means of assessing potential fertility of cooled-stored semen than sperm motion characteristics.  相似文献   

Many years of poor results of equine embryo cryopreservation has produced a lack of confidence in this technique. Embryo cryopreservation has been successfully used for more than 20 years in other species like bovine and human. The large size of the embryos and the presence of a capsule impermeable to cryoprotectants have been the two main reasons for the failure. In the last few years, a mayor breakthrough for this technique was obtained when large equine embryos could be successfully cryopreserved after breaching the capsule and collapsing the blastocoel cavity. In the present study, we compared the pregnancy rates obtained by vitrification or cryopreservation by slow freezing of embryos smaller than 300 μm. No difference was found between vitrification and slow freezing of embryos <180 μm (pregnancy rate on day 16: 34/61, 55.7%; 6/8, 75%) but produced very low results for embryos between 180 and 300 μm in diameter (0/11, 0%; 1/7, 14.3%). Embryos larger than 300 μm were collapsed before cryopreservation, and two different types of carriers, hemi-straw or Stripper-Tip, were used for vitrification. High pregnancy rates were obtained when the hemi-straw was used as a carrier (7/10, 70% vs. 0/5, 0%), demonstrating that a minimum vitrification volume was essential to preserve the embryo viability. These findings establish that, due to the large range in diameter, equine embryos need to be cryopreserved using different protocols depending on their size.  相似文献   

本研究从10峰公驼采精158次,研究了双峰驼精液的基本特征及主要化学成分。结果表明,双峰驼的射精量为4.35±1.86毫升,采精后精子活力为0.78±0.19,精子浓度为5.59±1.20亿/毫升,精液的pH为7.37±0.06。此外还对精清中的葡萄糖、乳酸、磷、钙、钾、钠、氯、镁及总氮含量进行了测定。  相似文献   

家养动物遗传背景与环境因素间的互作效应是影响性状表现的一个重要因素,因此研究环境因素对不同品种生产性能的影响差异具有重要意义。以天府黑兔与齐卡兔为试验材料,研究在热应激条件下精液质量的变化情况,探讨热应激对不同品种家兔精液质量的影响程度是否存在显著差异。结果显示:随着环境温度的改变,两种家兔精液的精子密度、活精子率、精子畸形率和MDA值4个指标均存在显著差异(P<0.05),高温热应激环境下精液的精子密度和活精子率较低,而精子畸形率和MDA值较高。在相同程度的热应激环境下,天府黑兔精液品质的各项常规指标和MDA值均优于齐卡兔。  相似文献   

The objective of this case study was to investigate whether semen centrifugation and low-dose insemination techniques would improve fertility of an aged subfertile Quarter Horse stallion with low sperm concentration, motility, and morphology in ejaculates. Forty-five mares were bred by one of five treatments (n = 9 per group) using the entire ejaculate as follows: (1) Group Body: body insemination with ejaculate diluted 1:1 in TAMU extender; (2) Group Body-Cent: body insemination after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 1 mL in TAMU extender; (3) Group Horn-Cent: deep horn insemination after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 1 mL in TAMU extender; (4) Group Cent-Hys: hysteroscopic insemination onto the uterotubal papilla after centrifugation and re-suspension of sperm pellet to 200 μL in Kenney-Modified Tyrode’s extender; and (5) Group Dens-Hys: hysteroscopic insemination onto the uterotubal papilla after discontinuous density gradient centrifugation and re-suspension of the sperm pellet in 200-μL Kenney-Modified Tyrode’s extender. Pregnancy rates did not differ among treatment groups (P = .77). Semen centrifugation for low dose insemination did not appear to improve fertility of this subfertile stallion, despite use of entire ejaculates for each individual insemination dose.  相似文献   

The first successful equine embryo transfer was reported in 1972, 21 years after the first reported embryo transfer in cattle. Adaptations of embryo transfer and the various related technologies have generally been more rapid in the equine than in cattle, with the exceptions of superovulation, in vitro fertilization and cryopreservation. Recent progress has been achieved in all three of these areas. This paper presents a time line of various events in the history of equine embryo transfer and related technologies. Approximately 25,000 equine embryo transfers are being conducted per year, worldwide.  相似文献   

Early embryonic loss (EEL) negatively affects the reproductive efficiency of equine reproduction. A sign of future EEL is when the embryo proper (EP) fails to develop within the embryonic vesicle after 30 days of gestation. The earlier the identification of impending EEL, the earlier the mare can be rebred to allow a second chance of pregnancy. The objectives of this study were to determine the percentage of embryonic vesicles with a visible EP at 18-28 days of gestation and to study the association between the presence/absence of the EP at different days of gestation and the future viability of the pregnancy. A total of 1,256 pregnancies were identified and followed by transrectal B-mode ultrasonography 12-45 days post ovulation in mares of the same Thoroughbred farm. The identification of the EP was attempted once during days 18-28. Pregnancy reconfirmation was performed on days 35-45. The percentage of vesicles with an EP increased gradually from days 18 (2.8%) to 21 (86.9%) (P < .05). From day 20 onward, the EEL rate of mares with vesicles without an EP was significantly higher (P < .05) than that of vesicles with a positive identification of an EP. In conclusion, the EP of the equine vesicle can be identified reliably with B-mode ultrasonography in the majority of mares (>71%) on day 20 of gestation. The lack of a positive identification of an EP from day 20 onward is associated with a higher EEL rate.  相似文献   

将Jcl-lcr系18日龄雌性小白鼠28只分为4组,从20日龄时摘除卵巢,28日龄开始,第1组连续给穿山甲、王不留行煎液,每天口服0.2ml(相当于生药0.1g);第2组、第3组、第4组(对照组)以相同方法分别给红花、淫羊藿、益母草煎液和麦芽、莱菔子等煎液及蒸馏水。第45日龄取材检查,结果显示第1组的乳腺分枝数与对照组乳腺分枝相比,差异不显著。同样第1组的乳腺腺泡数与对照组乳腺腺泡数相比,差异也不显著。结论穿山甲、王不留行对摘除卵巢未性成熟小白鼠乳腺发育无作用;穿山甲、王不留行对未性成熟小白鼠乳腺实质发育的促进作用是通过卵巢所致。  相似文献   

本文利用计算机精子辅助分析仪和姬姆萨染色方法评价无卵黄稀释液OPTIXcell和有卵黄稀释液Optidyl冷冻保存湖羊、白头杜泊、黑头杜泊和澳洲白绵羊精液的效果。选用湖羊、白头杜泊、黑头杜泊和澳洲白绵羊的种公羊各5只,通过假阴道方法采集精液,合格精液分别用OPTIXcell和Optidyl稀释液稀释并冷冻。结果表明:Optidyl冷冻保存白头杜泊羊和澳洲白绵羊精液的精子在活精子比例(MR)、直线速度(VSL)、平均路径速度(VAP)、曲线轨迹的直线性(LIN)、空间平均路径的直线性(STR)和尾部鞭打频率(BCF)上优于OPTIXcell,同样的,湖羊在MR、曲线速度(VCL)、精子头侧摆幅度(ALH)、VSL和VAP上高于OPTIXcell无卵黄稀释液,而黑头杜泊羊使用OPTIXcell在MR、VSL、VCL、ALH和BCF的平均值上效果更好。无论哪个品种使用Optidyl有卵黄稀释液,其绵羊精子畸形率的比例都低于使用OPTIXcell无卵黄稀释液。综上,冷冻保存湖羊、白头杜泊羊、澳洲白绵羊精液适合采用Optidyl,而黑头杜泊羊精液适合采用OPTIXcell。  相似文献   

选择在广州地区亚热带气候条件下2岁~6岁的娟姗公牛5头,观察其精液品质(采精量、原精密度、原精活力以及细管精液产量)在全年不同月份的变化情况.结果表明:娟姗公牛的每次采精量和细管精液产量在气温较高的7~9月份会因为采精频率的减少而增加,10月份会因为周采精频率增加而使每次采精量和细管精液产量有明显减少;娟姗公牛的原精密度在气温适宜的2月份和采精频率较低的8月份会出现两个高峰值;娟姗公牛的原精活力在气温较高的月份会出现明显的下降趋势,2月份气温适宜时原精活力最好.  相似文献   

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